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Posts posted by beany0811

  1. Progress Update - End of Week 5

    # lightings partially installed; remaining will be up after carpentry

    # marble polished; but results not as good as we expected :( scratches still obvious, esp in mbr - our ID will be getting the guy to come down and do it again

    # carpentry has been delivered; installation to commence on tues :D

    # wrought-iron metal gate was installed, BUT wrong one :wacko: definitely has to be replaced

    glaring scratches on the marble...



    ... otherwise, it looks quite shiny


    carpentry has been delivered... much more than expected :o



  2. Gosh... hope your ID able to do something using the sand paper. Maybe she is checking it out for you.

    When's your HO?

    rasp, our scratches also are still there :bangwall:

    super long ones... even worse than sohck's!

    the hairline ones were removed, and floor is rather shiny. but areas where there are huge scratches... are still there :(

    the areas where there were fixtures previously, causing staining to the marble, cannot be removed too. brownish stains still there. arghhh

    ID promised to try and remove it... he better does!

    u can see the pics here: http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?s=...st&p=437637

  3. Hmm we've been to the vet numerous times, did food allergy test - nothing conclusive... been testing out her food / diet... we've basically drilled it down to the environment / weather... pains to see her always scratching...

    i rem my fren's dog had mange - also keep scratching, till her skin was red and raw - apparently some bug inherited fm the mother, but wun spread to humans and other dogs. i think it can only be determined thru a blood test, and treatment is quite a slow and painful process.

    maybe u wanna bring ur girl for a blood test?

  4. could be food allergy... vet will normally have u do food allergy test; try cutting the different types of food she is currently having; when u take away a particular one and she stops scratching, that's the one.

    my experience is based on a jack russell tho :unsure: but i guess all dogs should be about the same.

    doesn't my boy look like a computer genius? :D


  5. Nope, I didn't see it at Hafary though I went there twice for tile selections. :D I cant recall where I saw it. Only remember its without the square joint lines, the effects are like the whole wall is built with that material. hee..

    How's your marble polishing that day? Managed to smooth out those scratches?

    we haven't managed to see the end product of the polishing yet, cos we went up on wed nite, but it wasn't done. the place was cleared tho.

    polishing was only done yesterday; according to the ID, who happened to be @ the unit when i called him, he says its gleaming, hah.

    we'll know tmr when we go up to the unit - will take pics n post

  6. Hi beany0811,

    Nice feature. But I seen another version of this wall, where there are no joint lines if you view from a distance. Hence, its showing a whole wall without the squares squares. I thought yours would look like that one initially.

    we saw a small version of it in hafary... 4 tiles... tt was what made us get it.

    did u see it there too? kek.

    ID told us tt no more patching would be done. if cement added to the joint lines, the tiles will disintegrate :unsure:

  7. Hi Beany,

    Both your feature walls really look nice. The lighting effect does bring out the texture and some interesting shadows too.

    Your home's growing into that very cosy, resort feel.

    Hope to pop by one day to meet you guys when its ready. :)

    sure :D u will definitely be welcome... tho we'll prob ask you over in the evening, when the west sun has gone to sleep.

    looking forward to ur reno progress and updates too

  8. as long as the form is not signed by both buyer and seller, it wun be "legitimate".

    but having said that, suddenly remember that the inventory list which ERA uses is their in-house one. cos we actually questioned it during the final inspection of the house, and the agents told us tt the HDB default one is very simple, so they modify it and use their own in-house ones.

    as far as hdb is concerned, illegal fittings have to be removed b4 the transaction can take place. so to hdb, as long as ur seller removes the aircon, all is fine and good with them.

    if u were planning to re-use the aircon, u should pursue it with the seller's agent; but if u have an agent, get ur agent to go negotiate. it will put u in a better position

  9. Your feature wall is really cool!

    The feature wall very very nice!

    thanks ;) ID actually suggested having feature wall with same tiles @ entrance tiles, but we saw these, and decided to get it. they were super ex tho, @ 12/psf :jawdrop: luckily it's a small piece of wall.

    spotlight was his idea tho... glad tt it creates a nice effect, tho the hubby feels tt the circle of light is abit too round and concentrated

  10. our marble has also been super scratched... the protective layering was oredi torn on the 2nd day it was put up, hah.

    the hubby was quite upset @ first, then think as the days passed, and more and more holes appeared in the paper, see oredi also no feeling.

    guess its inevitable, esp as the workers go around doing their stuff.

    BUT it had better not leave permanent damages on the marble... we'll know soon enuff... marble polishing today!

  11. our sellers also had an compressor installed illegally, and had to remove it.

    we didn't intend to use their aircon, so had them remove the aircon and mend the holes where they had the additional compressor removed. they also paid us a compensation of $900 for the mending of trunking. we had to sign a letter indicating our agreement.

    have to communicate clearly to ur agent, and ensure he gives u the updated info as and when it happened.

    do u have a copy of the original inventory list? maybe u can use that.

    also, if the seller and yourself did not endorse that form, it can be deemed invalid. as far as i know, all documents pertaining to the house and rectifications done have to be signed by both seller and buyer.

    hope u can resolve this soon.

  12. ya i spoke to ah soon olso, he say he quote me one is 2cm de.

    we had the same issue too... didn't realise tt we were quoted the 2cm industrial std until we saw the configuration drawings. apparently, the thickness of granite is typically 2cm... top-ups usually required when increasing front profile to 4cm or more.

    we topped up about $300 to increase the front profile of our granite top to 4cm... think the length is about 19ft.

    i have frens who were not charged more. it was included in their package.

  13. I am using crestar ceiling fan le... we got the regulator also fm crestar but hor the switch is opp direction. Eg 1 is big and 3 is small is like this one and I check with crestar company.

    hi christy, we asked the coy we got the fan from too, and they did say must use the crestar regulator; but ID will help us ask the electrician if can change. (find the crestar one abit ugly)

    for th 1 big speed, 3 small speed - is it the way ur electrician ran the wires? cos we also asked bout tt (read ur blog too), and the shop say should have no problem :unsure: 1 should be small, 3 should be biggest

  14. kitchen:


    hi blurer, happened to see ur blog; saw that u hv suspended kitchen cabinets too. do u remember what is the allowance height fm floor to cabinet?

    ours is 20cm, and while the hubby is happy tt he will be able to sweep and clean the floor under the cabinets, and it does look nicer, we now have problem getting those pull out sauce racks due to height constraint.

    do u have any built-in sauce racks?

    we tried songcho for the chicken brand, but their heights are all taller than what our cabinets will be able to accomodate.

  15. Hi, everybody. Anyone who has installed Crestar ceiling fan with regulator?

    We've just bought a 56" Airwave one. The installation will probably take place within a week.

    Must we use Crestar ceiling fan regulator? Is it possible to use third party ones like LeGrand etc?

    Hubby found the one that came along with Crestar ugly tongue.gif


  16. by the way, we tried out the bidet spray today. the water pressure seemed to be somehow, better than it was previously. common bathroom's shower is only strong when we tune the handspray to the 'concentrated spray mode. haven't managed to test the rain shower as the mixer remained taped up. the hubby can wash the toilet with much ease now :D

    by the way, another question for anyone who has installed Crestar ceiling fan with regulator. Must you use Crestar ceiling fan regulator? Is it possible to use third party ones like LeGrand etc? Hubby found the one that came along with Crestar ugly :P
