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Posts posted by beany0811

  1. Kitchen


    The area is kind of small. We remove the standard HDB issue laundry pole hanger.

    Do you think i have enough space to install a pull down push out laundry system? I am afraid the light fittings might get in the way.

    hey adidas, we had the same problem as you - narrow and long kitchen, and the light was in the way of the pole holder we got.

    did consider the retractable laundry thingy, but cos our washer is also @ that area, plus some box-ups to cover the pipings, couldn't do that, as it would be far too short and crampy.

    so we had no choice but to install the normal holders and sacrifice one space - so instead of 6 pole spaces, we only have 5.

  2. As in your signature tagline - You actually managed to create a resort feel, beany! Congrats!

    Like the way you posted the pics - before and after. Pictures speak thousand words and, indeed, looking at all your pics, they give a great sense of accomplishment.

    Hehe, Happy Stay in your resort :yamseng:

    thanks reiki ;) hopefully we'll be able to maintain it. past 2 weekends have been happily and faithfully doing the cleaning... hope the enthusiasm lasts! the real test starts now!

  3. may i check wat is the dimension of ur display cabinet in your study and how much was it?

    my hubby needs something like tt also for his collections.. tq :D

    hey butterfingerzz, the display cabinet is 6.5ft (length) by 3ft (height). the initial plan was to have the whole thing with glass panels, but we decided on storage so that the boxes fm the toys could be kept - apparently so they dun lose their value... and also cos of safety concerns - the glass panels could only go up to a certain width for it to be stable.

    so ur hubby is also a toy collector... haha, guys and their quirks

    Congrat! beany! :P

    I am looking forward to your hubby's display cabinet... heehee.. Must show me a pic if convience....when it is filled up with his toys. :P

    I like your entrance and foyer area very much...esp the entrance...Are u going to hang something on it?

    hey red devil, no prob. they r slowly being brought over from the hubby's place, where they have spent the last 10/20 years... for now, its still as empty! the hubby will be more than happy to take many pictures and show off his precious collection

  4. Hi Beany,

    may i ask where did you purchase the runners for the dining table?

    your place really looks gd!

    hi heartya, the runner was bought from thomson plaza - but i think many other places sell similar designs; saw it in sembawang shopping centre n amk central too - our primary concern when looking for the runner was the length, cos our dining table is 2m, so we needed one which was @ least 2.5m, heng could find it.

  5. wow beany, ur place looks great!

    when invite me go sit sit? :notti:

    The makeover is Beautiful. I love the entrance. Nice and spacious place you have.

    nice cosy zen place you've got! :D

    Wah by looking at the entrance, it feels so nice and homely le

    How you wish you can go home immediately after work everyday hor hehehehe :D

    thanks new, dyleen, giraffe and kopi! :sport-smiley-018:

    we wish we din have to go to work, but just laze around all day :P but that's cos we're lazy people!

    new, u r welcome any time! come and visit all the bishanites in one sitting! AJ has also just moved in... we're also waiting for invitation to his house, heheh

  6. your place looks nice and posh! nice transformation u have there.... looks prefect fm the surface; if u didn't highlight those problems u had @ the beg of ur blog, wouldn't have ever realised anything amiss.

    is ur dog @ the corner of the dining room pic? he looks like a carpet :P

  7. just some proof we have moved in ;)

    shoe cabinet

    can foresee space constraint, but everyone says shoes cannot go above our heads, oops. the wife's shoes have eaten into the hubby's portion. no prizes for guessing which column belongs to who


    the newest addition to our home - our tiny tiny guanyin bambo in the mbr toilet


  8. hello lovely people, we have moved in for about 2 weeks, and living ourselves is no joke - housework, travelling back to oldies' places is already enough to wear us out... and we still have to live with all the imperfections and problems left by the renovations, with our ID MIA. oh well, despite all the headaches and troubles he has caused us, life still goes on :) a few black sheep in our lives serve to help us learn what to look out for in future... will post a review some time later; let's focus on the happier stuff first.

    some b4 and in progress/after pics...

    we'll post more as we get the house tidied :P

    entrance before


    entrance after


    foyer before


    foyer after


  9. Oh dear....feel sorry for u. R they under warranty?

    hey jaskel, nope... dun think so... problem is, we think it was caused by the chemical washing; but cos we have already moved in, and didn't check the stuff closely b4 that, it will be hard to get compensation fm the ID even if we approach him about it. anyway he is a major source of anger and disappointment to us

  10. A little Zen touch:


    A touch of green in the bathroom:


    nice work... love the orchid and the 铁树 (hope i got tt right) in the toilet... we also bot one for the MBR toilet, one which is 20 times smaller than urs :D

  11. s/s will have a coat of rust usually due to the chemical washing done by the workers. My previous house also the same, all rust even the screws also so in the end ask them to replace all for me hehe :D

    and i bought mine at SSC leh

    how did u make them replace? any tips?

    i think if we confront our so-called ID, he will say ours is low-grade s/s, and that its due to our splashing water and stuff... :unsure:

  12. I was looking at AJ's blog...look better leh...sob sob...nvm la..I will live with it till my next reno? heeheee.

    Oh...song cho is it at Orchard?

    I face the same problem as u beany...I got all the bathroom accessories from Ho Kee previously...end up....most of it are rusty now...sob sob. Till today, I hate to drill things in the bathroom...cause I have the feeling it will rust soon.

    i dunno how many song cho branches are there - there is one @ IMM, and one in AMK.

    try www.songcho.com.sg and check?

    then what did you do about those hoe kee stuff? we toyed with the idea of replacing all... but the replacement ones will need holes to be drilled too, and maybe @ different places fm the original, haizzzzz

  13. har...I thought you got special reason.. hahaha.. is more on chio thing har.. heehee.

    I was visualising in the kitchen of a 4 cm.. personally la, look thick to me.. heehee.

    Btw, bro...any idea where to get good and reasonable metal hanger for the kitchen...u know those for hanging knife and other stuffs.

    I went to a shop in Orhard...very the expensive.. hahaha.

    Ho Kee one...donno good a not.

    hey kopi and red devil; we have the 4cm from profile for our granite top; personally, think it looks better, doesn't make the granite top look too thin; one of my frens upgraded to a 3inch thick front profile! but that being said, red_devil is right - there will be a joint line, albeit not so obvious one... at least there is for ours. i was peering @ my fren's one, and hers is not as obvious as ours... prob our carpenter's workmanship leaves much to be desired.

    for s/s accessories, get the song cho (welmi) ones, aka chicken brand. they r more expensive, but def more hardy and rust-resistant. our bathroom stuff fm hoe kee have already rusted abit (dunno if its cos the s/s is of poor grade, or the chemical washing by contractor spoilt it :( the wife had to scrub like a mad woman to remove the stains, and still not completely gone). spending abit for quality stuff and fuss free cleaning is better! trust us on tt, haha.

  14. Heya Gantan,

    Well, most of the stuff's been unpacked, but nope, can't say we're totally settled in as we're actually still unpacking slowly and at the same time, trying to organise the things that've been unpacked. Also, due to the rush, we kinda missed out labelling or taking note of where we put some stuff or which boxes we mixed some smaller stuff with other items, so now we've got a couple of things we're searching for. Ahahahahahaa!

    hey AJ, congrats on the big move :) sorry we weren't able to get u before u moved out of st 13; now we're hoping to get an invitation to ur new place once u have settled in - heh, wanna see the real place! do let us know if we can pop over for a preview of ur new place!

  15. Rasp, normally is 4cm one right?

    hey chip&dale/rsap, jutting in to answer, :P too kaypoh... cos we also had the same qn when we were doing our granite top.

    the std is actually 20mm profile all the way - those which hv a 40mm profile @ the front - it is usally added on; either FOC, or subject to top up by the contractor.

    do confirm with ur contractor whether he is giving u 40mm front profile, or only 20mm.

  16. Morning Rasp!


    We intend to place dry plates above it...as my wife doesn't like the metal dish tray dangling below the cabinet.

    i think its a good choice not to use the s/s ones provided by the carpenter - cos prone to water marks, esp if the dish rack is always closed, and the water cannot dry well. then after sometime, the dish rack starts to rust :(

    have to make a conscious effort to take it out and clean the water marks away, so the dish rack does not tarnish... obviously we r doing tt now... haha

    the nitty gritty details of staying without our parents

  17. agreed... got them to do up my bamboo pole hooks - previous contractor drilled a hole tt was too big :furious: the hooks dropped out in less than a week when we moved in.

    the uncle was really helpful, and made 2 trips up and down to get his ladder, tools, etc. thumbs up for good service, and friendly uncle.
