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Posts posted by beany0811

  1. ripples, i went to your blog on blogspot to see all the completed pictures... kudos to a good job done by your ID and you.

    we did approach 3d conceptwerkes too for our reno, cos a fren's place was did up by them - think its one of those houses featured on their website - and we really liked it.

    but as fate would have it, didn't end up signing with them.

    dess was the ID for my fren's place too - he seems to be good @ doing such loft concept designs - you must be really pleased with the end result. :thumbs up:

    PS: i really like ur mbr toilet light; so different fm the usual ones we see around

  2. :) Thanks now I am thinking if I should get a glass top for my coffee table cause want to protect it as long as possible. What do you think? To make glass top - tempered??

    getting glass to protect the table top is a good idea... we should be doing tt for our coffee table and dining table too. protect the wood from scratches and stains.

    but furniture wun be shipping here till sept, so probably start sourcing for glass suppliers after tt.

    have u started sourcing?

  3. TILING UPDATE 2 (Continued)


    Common Bathroom wall and floor done up. Now awaiting placement of the dark brown strip in the marked out area on the left.

    i see ur windows have been cut out for the ventilation fans too... are ur new windows all up already?

    we also got ventilation fan for our common toilet, but seems there is a funny smell fm there... dunno whether its cos no window, or cos its abit dirty now cos the workers r using it.

    hope after the fan is up and running, it will smell like a field of roses instead of now... :unsure:

  4. thanks everyone :) the compliments make us feel much better and happier about the place!

    storeroom, shoe cabinet and mbr door are flushed with the same design, so its supposed to look like a feature panelling all the way fm foyer to mbr door. we like the concept too.

    din manage to take pic of the entire thing, cos there is still stuff everywhere, abit messy.

    Your kitchen also have alot of work top. So nice.... more space to work with. :thumbs up: By the way, your granite top is up already. Going for HO soon?

    hey rasp, scheduled handover is supposedly end august... counting down...hohoho

  5. beany0811, does your kitchen cabinet come with anti-slam? I find that their quotation for the kitchen cabinet on a higher side, so am wondering if it does come with anti-slam, if so, i dont mind paying the price :-)

    hello moomoo, yep, kitchen cabinets does come with anti-slam - quoted italian brand, but blum was installed, heh.

    now waiting for the carpenters to adjust the blum hinges properly.

    do check with ur ID tho, and have it specifically stated in ur quotation, that it should come with anti-slam; else by default, it might not.

  6. ur reno is coming along fast and furious :)

    the tiling seems good, esp for the marble part.

    after its polished, it will look even better

    but go agree that ur store seems a tad tiny, esp fm ur last pic. is ur contractor gonna do shelves for u?

  7. more updates...

    just got back from the unit... we went up there to deposit some locks that ID will be getting the door guy to install for us tmr and fri... apparently its door works day.

    so... below are the updates :D

    gate changed... no more funny looking


    tv feature wall... fan installed


    wall panelling


    tiny kitchen - granite top up, stove installed



  8. hi, here's my update. we've installed LeGrand's Mallia range of 5-seed fan regulator (costs about $19) to work with our Crestar Airwave 56" ceiling fan. looks so much better than the crestar one :P

    Speed 1-3 is rather weak, 4 is ok. But when we turn it up to 5, there is a pretty drastic change in the speed.

    hubby commented that he'll probably use speed 4 or 5 when he's in the living room.

    that's all for my update. hope this helps :)

  9. our place is currently being done up by ideal design studio too... i agree with moomoo88, that there r no perfect IDs, but then, in all fairness, there r no perfect customers too :P

    being 1st time owners, and naturally, 1st time house proud owners, most of us would expect a lot out of the reno, and the ID - we were no exceptions.

    when reno 1st started, we would jump @ every thing that didn't seem to be in accordance to what we wanted.

    in all honesty, i guess we did give our ID a pretty rough time, but then, he did give us some anxiety attacks along the way too, kek

  10. hey AJ, good to see u back in action.

    we also felt our common toilet looked rather bare after the tiles were up... the wife feels its empty... should have added some feature tiles for contrast :(

    too late to change for us. good that u can change urs!

  11. heheh.. u mean u were puzzled over the cring wrap thingy?? lol.. i think they cling wrap it to protect.. but cos the place is still very dusty, i didn't wanna remove it till i really really cleaned up the whole place.. ^^

    The chairs look funny.. hmm.. is it cos it as stacked 2 into 1? wahahhahahah.. there is total of 6pcs mah..

    Tq! :) will take completed pics once everything is swee swee.. :)

    funny not as in the chairs look weird... they look perfectly good and sturdy.

    what i meant was the way they were stacked around the place... looked abit comical, heh

  12. hey hopeless, i finally get what u mean by furniture still in cling wrap, and all over the place :P the chairs look abit funny

    nonetheless, i'm sure you're glad that the reno is complete! its a tiring albeit fun process; congrats on ur new place!

    i like ur doors and the main gate. looking forward to more pics of the completed space u have :)

  13. mine is a new door, but i think can laminate over the exsiting door

    geez.. did u pay alot for it?

    when we heard we would need to pay 1000 plus for a new fire-rated door, we were like :o

    now go for cheaper option... paint over

    haven't seen the end results tho, now its still a patchy and ugly block of wood

  14. Tea-coloured glass panels? Nice and i have it for my storeroom. Yours oso pt block right? Kitchens in pt block generally dark, mine too.

    Your reno progress seems :good: despite u said some unhappiness here & there.

    u have glass panes for your storeroom? sounds interesting...

    hmm, i guess everyone runs into problems during the reno process... esp when we r first time owners... i guess expectations of the work done and the results will be even higher, esp after pouring so much into the place (monetary, emotional and physical efforts!)

    but @ the end of the day, its the end results which matters, and what we are left with for the years to come. so as long as the issues get rectified and everything is done up well @ the end of the day, everyone can smile and pat one another on the backs.

    our ID has assured us that he will do up everything nicely and hand a picture perfect house to us; apart fm some spoilers like pipings gone wrong, he has done a pretty decent job of liasing with his people, and getting certain issues rectified :)

    scheduled hand-over will be in 2 weeks time... we r certainly looking forward to getting a nice place :D

  15. Our furnitures from THE HELPING HAND came yesterday.. we are very very very pleased wif the materials and the handicraft..all swee swee.. and it is all solid teak wood.. there is not a single flimsy board anywhere in the furnitures.. i can safely says that this is one of the best buys for the house.. ^^

    The furnitures delivery pple worked very hard too.. lol.. we ordered a 6 hole bookshelf.. and it cannot fit into the lift.. so they actually carried all the way up to 14th floor.. then after that.. still gotto help us to carry it up to the room upstairs.. lol.. i felt soooo bad that i ran down to buy them 100plus to drink.. wahhaahaha.. to replenish their energy.. lol..

    do take pics of ur teak furniture and post online? am a sucker for wooden furniture... :P

  16. hi, am curious how will the kitchen entrance be closed up with the structure shown in the picture. mind sharing?

    hi alamak, its gonna be a sliding door, with frosted and tea-coloured glass panels - wooden planks are the supporting structures. pics aren't tt clear, cos the panels were all on one side.

    the wife likes this sliding panel actually :P proposed by the ID, and so far the WIP product looks quite good. hopefully when the glass inserts go up, it will look even better.

    the kitchen will be abit dark tho, can't do anything bout tt cos of the limited light going in.

  17. Beany0811> Here are the pics for the 2nd delivery of our furniture.

    CoffeeTable Display Unit and its teak wood. Sorry pixs abit far le. :P


    i really like the earthy and brown tones of wooden furniture... just feel its really nice.

    great choice u have there ;)

  18. Wow, your carpentry progress is fast. How is it now? All done up?

    Hee.. look forward to your completion pics. :sport-smiley-004:

    hi rasp, it isn't completed 100% yet, but i guess it will be done next week - kitchen top will be up, i guess glass will be up too?

    when we went up to the unit this afternoon, saw a guy there cleaning the carpentry... that's a good sign!

    will post pictures when everything is done
