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Everything posted by chip&dale

  1. kopi.. haha.. cos my hacking almost done.. ur turn liao.. tiling start coming mon.. yeah!
  2. cos my case is handled by a newbie.. my kitchen wall tiles not enough, also sent to my house.. ended up we decided to use a different white tiles for the wall where the kitchen cabinets will be.. just tat the original tiles is 3D type this newbie.. hai si ren... toliet tiles no stock also never send.. not enough one.. then send.. until Jason discovered that the kitchen tiles delivered not enough.. Actually Jason said will get a few sample tiles for the kitchen for us to select.. so we no need to make a trip down.. but later i think think.. better don't.. go down ourselves and ensure everything is done properly.. lucky~~ then we found out the toliet wall tiles never deliver.. heng ah.. if not i really big head
  3. finally, settled with the kitchen wall tiles, lucky we went down to select the kitchen wall tiles.. and realised that the shop didn't deliver our common toliet wall tiles.. cos no stock.. re-pick again.. should be delivered to my place tml.. hopefully can start tiling on friday.. my hacking took abt 1 week plus.. -.-'' left 7 weeks..
  4. i ordered all from sin lek.. sian lehz.. this week busy.. lucky uncle said will help me to make a trip down and get some samples for me to re-pick..
  5. bu xiang lehz.. ur look like tao ke pattern wor.. hahahaaaa
  6. not very good new.. Just informed by Uncle Jason that I need to re-choose the kitchen wall tiles.. -.-'' not enough stocks... the best part is hor.. the tile shop never inform Uncle abt the low stock.. and delivered the stocks to my house.. -.-'' siao ding dong one.. waste Uncle Jason's manpower to carry up to my place.. now not enough.. waste my time to re-choose... argh.. hopefully i can get better and nice one.. if not.. should i consider to plaster some part of the walls and do only the impt areas?? Advice needed.. help ah..
  7. eh.. don't know wor.. the sales person never mention abt the charges.. so I assume no charge
  8. what is the black melon all abt?? blur liao lah.. only a few days never come one.. kopi, ur blog suddenly added so many pages..
  9. kopi, 26 -29 nov got sitex.. don't buy ur tv 1st wor.. more sales coming up..
  10. eh.. this thurs uncle jason said the tiles will be delivered to my place.. hacking almost done~ just that the approval to hack my common toliet wall is not out yet.. so this week will be doing the plaster of walls.. dismantle the aircon on friday (kopi, if u are plastering ur wall, u got to dismantle ur aircon 1st, then plaster wall, then install new aircon, hence might need to arrange with gain city for 2 days (1 - dismantle, 1 - installation)) tiling will start on sat morning heheehe.. no much pictures to upload since it looks like a warzone.. haha.. will definitely upload more pictures when tiling starts..
  11. wah kopi, u very fast lehz.. very nice sofa, must be expensive stuffs.. rich sia~
  12. newnyew, guys also can wear high heel shoes.. www.walkingtall.com.sg
  13. opps.. hahhaa.. ur blog too much pages liao mah.. haha... sorry ah..
  14. u have ur valuation report pictures mah..
  15. Day 3 - 8 Oct 09 Common Room 1 Living Room Master Bedroom Toliet That's all for today! =)
  16. why no pictures one? i everyday upload my warzone lehz.. at least must show us the before pictures mah..
  17. Once again, thanks Adrian. Saw ur PM. =) eh.. the invisible grilles quite exp wor.. must save more $$ before installing.. Hehehe.. Monday will start to do tiling! Yeah!
  18. yup yup, everyday i will go down to my house to take pictures, hahaha...
  19. gain city should be ok, cos in May I bought a system 3 for my mum, i supervise the whole installation process.. the ppl use the new trucking and piping =) so far so good..
  20. I ask uncle not to remove the aircon and the trucking.. gain city will install for me.. =)
  21. wah.. swee swee liao.. addidas, when u can move in?
  22. mine only 3 days.. next monday lay tiles liao.. =)
  23. 7 Oct 09 Entrance Today hack store room, living room (100%) Left 1 common room, kitchen wall Yeah!
  24. chip&dale now got those internal flame de, wind blow flame won't go off one maybe hers is the old type one bah.. =)
  25. yalor.. hahaa... today off day.. went down my house 3 times in a day.. wahahahaa the glass side table don't want.. left behind by previous owner.. had asked uncle to get the workers to throw away.. I will upload pictures of the work done everyday.. since it's just 5-7 mins walk from my current place.. wahahaha.. yeah!