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Posts posted by forgotten

  1. Hi,

    I have bought a writing table last Jan. Only recently, I discovered underneath the table - full of moulds.

    Any advise how to clear the moulds?

    Heard that thinner can clear the mould? Is it okay to use that?

    Thank you.

    Thinner will remove the coating of your table leh. I use Bleach.

  2. will mothballs help?

    Mothballs only work on cockroaches.

    Try not to put mothballs at home because they give out poisonous gas. I only realised how poisonous they were after googling online.

    There was a period of time (4 months) when I kept getting asthma attacks and medicine didn't seem to control my asthma. Root cause: 20 mothballs in my bedroom. :bangwall: My asthma attacks stopped after the mothballs were removed.

  3. WIW is totally unpractical to the standard singaporean. There are alot of reasons why..

    1) Without door, cloths collects dust easily

    2) Singapore is a humid country so the cloths can become damp due to weather.

    3) Creepy crawlers have a higher chance to hide among the cloths.

    Creepy crawlers = bed bugs, dust mites :unsure:

  4. Hi help help...

    Seller can't sell the house due to HDB regulation.. According to seller agent he did necessary checks but this scenario whether it's divorce n they didn't meet MOP thus HDB reposing the house..

    Now seller agent playing tai chi when asking for the $5k deposit, say he don't want to get involve ..

    Can I sue seller n agent for this?? What is the chances of winning?

    I think that the seller agent never do his due checks and he lacks knowledge about HDB regulations.

    All of my 10 divorcee friends had to wait for 5-years MOP to be met before they were allowed to sell their HDBs in the resale market. If they want to dispose HDBs in less than 5 years, they can only sell their HDBs back to HDB Board at a loss.

  5. 90% of BTO units are reserved for first-timers. Whether your parents sell or don't sell the flat, it will not increase their chance at the BTO ballotings because they are not first-timers.

    If your parents sell their current flat first, where will they be staying during the next 4 years when the BTO flat get built?

  6. The mold are incredible. Inside outside all got. Took pics and email to vhive also but no responses. Me also now need to look for new dresser shoe cabinet and side tables

    Ya lor, the interior areas of my shoe cabinet also kenna moulds. It's really disgusting! I almost also bought wardrobe from VHive last year, luckily I didn't.

    My other furniture in living room have no sight of moulds. Thus I'm pretty sure that Vhive doesn't treat their furniture wood properly, otherwise why their furniture kenna moulds but other furniture from other vendors don't?

  7. Hi benlauhh,

    Happy new year!

    The mavello is holding up. Actually my parents that used the 1st Mavello is still functioning, bought at 2001 after my mom consulted me as the "leading science person in the home", my own Mavello bought in 2005 which helped my wife's gastric problems is holding up as well (now in my in-laws place). My own jupiter system is ok as well ;)

    Delphi is truly an amazing undersink system with a looker at the top. However there is a price to be paid for it S$2888 :unsure: At my current place, where countertop space is a luxury... it might be applicable but.... I blew my budget.... so had to settle for a lesser system till I get enough dough

    Enough said about the Mavello system.... the question we should ask ourselves is what kind of water would you like to have... If its just clean filter water, then there are tonns out there that will not need to bust a GIANT hole in our wallets. If I was looking for a water filter, I would go for the anything that has 0.01M filters. Reason is simple, the smaller the sizing the finer the filtration. Virtually all bacteria and some viruses are not able to get through that kind of filter size. Simple filters need not be 1k and above, in fact prices should be sub $500 of lesser coupled with NSF cert.

    btw I decided on the mirage speakers and onkyo 608 THX certified amp. Its pure joy to hearing it.

    Any clean water filter brand that you will recommend (maybe something that does not run on electricity lol)? I don't need the water to be ionized.

  8. The best treatment for mould on furniture is white vinegar, clean with a 50/50 mixture of vinegar and water and let it dry. That should kill the mould and prevent the mould from coming back.

    Thanks. I will spray white vinegar mixture this weekend to my shoe cabinet. I notice some moulds are growing back on it. :(

  9. Cleong, Gimz, Mashmallow,

    My case is sama sama like you. My hubby and I started looking at Jurong area in late 2008, although the six units we viewed were far away from MRT and in very run-down condition, they still asked for 20-30K COV. Then we decided to rent a room and wait for the crisis to adjust the HDB price a bit. But HDB price didn't drop much, and started to increase since May 2009!

    Bobian, we looked at more ulu and cheaper Sembawang area, and OTP one unit in late 2009.

    I still think we are fortunate to own a nest. I have seen many couples staying with inlaws and renting room/unit.

  10. My 8-month-old VHive shoe cabinet (bought at $220) became mouldy on the external and interior surfaces last month.

    I doubt it's due to the humidity in my living room because the other furniture pieces which are 9-years-old are fine and have no mould on them.

    I sprayed bleach on my Vhive shoe cabinet, left it for 30min and wiped it off with cloth. 1 month has passed and no mould has re-grown on it. *keep fingers crossed*

  11. Even if inverter type doesn't save me much on electricity bill, I plan to get inverter one for my next house for the sake of quietness and more peaceful sleep. It seems that non-inverter compressor gets very noisy after a few years. Also, don't you all notice that SP Services loves increasing electricity tariff every quarter? :D

  12. inverter or non-inverter --> turning off power point will spoil the compressor?

    frankly, i have not heard of compressors being spoilt this way as yet, not even in this thread. The air con at my parent's house is always on standby and has almost died by the end of 6 or 7 years. Probably due to normal wear and tear...

    As i am a very infrequent user of air con, i keep the 15A power point switch off at all times at my new house. Maybe i would be able to tell u guys a few years later whether mine is spoilt this way. :P

    speaking of compressor disturbing sleep, my neighbour above uses his noisy air con everyday - rain or shine. Its noisy and it keeps dripping water! Somemore theirs is the new set (renovations carried out around the same time as ours)

    me too. I also switch of the aircon switch. Basically my husband family habit is OFF the switch if the appliance is not in use.

    When go for holiday, all plugs need to be remove.

    simi brand is that.. new aircon still can drip water and noisy.

    My above neighbour aircon also same thing.. drip and noisy. Can even know.. when their aircon on and off.

    The new HDBs that govt are building recently, have the aircon ledges outside the service yard and toilet instead of outside the master bedroom. That's a better design, give everyone less noise issue and better sleep!

  13. Not sure if lizards eat Kimchi , but I personally vouch that they may take fresh green vegetables dropped on the kitchen floor ,out of desperation - why i say that ?

    BCos that is how I know I have house lizards , when I saw one lizard grabbing a green vege stalk and rushed back under my Fridge ...

    I was doing work on my laptop and that lizard tot no one is around... Yah lah , I thought I will pick that up later and throw away when I make time.. you see...

    Then my silly idea came - as I tried to use those leftover cockroach sticky pad ( from NTUC ) to trap that lizard one afternoon and within 2mins , that lizard actually dragged the whole trap beneath my Fridge.. that is meant for cockroach, you see...

    I only used a few grains of overnight white rice.. wow.. so that lizard detected it so fast. Thanks to a long metal ruler ( yikes ) and the sticky pad I dragged that fellow out easily beneath the fridge ... cheers!

    I always thought all lizards are carnivores (eat only only mossies and smaller pests). So your house lizards are vegetarians LOL! :D It seems that vegetarian lizards are smarter leh.

    I hardly see lizards at home, maybe 1 lizard every 2 months. Last week, I discovered one lizard in my fridge! It was alive and moving a bit. :P I left the fridge door open for about 10min for it to get out of fridge leh but it didn't want to. In the end, my hubby just grabbed it with a plastic bag. So I guess my house lizards love 4 degree celsius environment instead of humid warm environment now?
