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Posts posted by forgotten

  1. wahahahaha..... Uncle Soon 'qing xing' le!

    hehe, due to my work, my temper is well trained.. can endure n endure

    ppl who can make me flare up also consider power liao..

    but if ah soon case.. I think i will show him AH LONG power...

    I follow him like a GHOST!

    Is this really considered 'qing xing'? When Ah Soon pulls his workers over to jess's unit, it also means that some other owner out there will have no workers doing the work for him/her for weeks. As long as he doesn't employ enough manpower for all units at hand, some owners will suffer and have to wait :(

    I really feel sorry for all of u...

  2. Same situation here. For my case. My tenant sometimes can come home quite late....then slept till quite late too. My air con is non-invertor type. Hence for eg me and hubby slept at 11pm - 630am daily. but my tenant on air con from 12am till 12pm or even later i would not know as i already gone to work. So just imagine the usuage....basically is almost daily 12hrs minimum air con usage!! Somemore she had lab top, reading lamp & a 24hrs power on "radio"alarm clock in her room.

    She use my 8.5kgs washer once a week and i use 2 times a week. I used to give her 2 days a week too..but i realise she use my washer olso when she just have 5-6pcs of clothings!! So eventually i feel that a day is sufficient for her.

    Although my tenant seldom at home...but i realise my utilities bills had raise our usual 80 (before our tenant) to 170 for the past few months and now whopping $230 this month!!! Its only 3 person in the house including my tenant!!! I get a real SHOCK!!!

    I do not know if it is because of the recent 10% hike in the bills or mis-used of electricity somewhere?i do not intend to raise her rental yet..i wanna monitor first..but tot of sharing with her the hike of my bills and if she can help us by exercise more saving in some ways too? Is it nice to do it this way??In dilema!!

    $230-88 (10% utility fee increase) =$142

    How much rent are u charging her?

    Hmm...If you are charging $500 rental, you still earn $358 monthly after deducting the utility fee incurred by her.

    U are the landlord, of course u have the right to decide the rental fee of your room. But take note that there are many rooms available for rent outside. If u increase the rent too much, she may decide to move out lor.

  3. how to prevent ex owner using old address? it's 2 month and still receive ex owner letters. Shall I be mean to throw away their letters.

    I write "No such person" in all letters, then postman post it back to letterbox again.

    Where to change letterbox lock?

    It doesn't seem so nice to discard people's letters right? ;) How about contacting the prev owner to collect his mails?

  4. wa...so serious.....for me, i was thinking whether to clean up the house before handover to the buyer... :P

    BTW, when is hdb sending out the 2nd app letter, mine is on the 24 nov, but till todate, no letter from hdb yet... :(

    Well being kind to the buyer will ensure that all important letters sent to your old address will not land into the dustbin next time LOL~

  5. anyone come about the normal price of repainting whole flat?

    *using Nippon & ICI paint and Warranty provided to avoid paint pealing with FREE metal door grille repainting provided*

    1bedroom - $280 2colour selection double coat of sealer/base n final coat

    3rm flat - $700 3colour selection double coat of sealer/base n final coat

    4rm flat - $900

    5rm flat - $1.1k

    Jumbo flat / Maisonatte - $1.3k - $1.5k

    QNS 1 normally u are the customer will look into price, quality n?

    QNS 2 duration of complete?

    please voice ur comments

    As a customer, I'm concerned about price and quality. Duration isn't a concern to me. As long the painting is completed less than 3 weeks, it's fine with me haha. I understand that quality work needs time.

  6. Appreciate yr comments/advises. Confirmed today that HDB lawyer will act on the divorcees' behave to get TD done. Completion date confirmed entended to 30/12/09. I'm a long standing customer of UOB with various accounts, and I believed in loyalty & simplicity, so use back UOB.

    Next, my agent is trying to arrange, privately so called, with HSR agent to get keys exchanged among 3 perties on 9/12/09. And the sellers to me has agreed applying reno permit under his name. Officially, money will be exchanged hands on 30/12/09. Some complications for this arrangement:

    1. Will divorcees agree to let old couple occupying unit on 9/12/09 and apply reno permit in their name? As understand, will take a wk for the couple's reno.

    2. Spoken to HDB on this, was told either legalise or illegise. But if anything goes wrong during the reno period, the applicant is hold responsible. I think should not be an issue.

    Will write to the press's forum to challenge HDB's inflexibility of processing the transactions, since HDB holds record of divorcees' property status, whether in soft or hard.

    Will find out more info on this Richard of HSR and send HSR a letter with docs, questioning the creditibilty & reputation. Might write to press on this.

    Hope everything can be settled nicely without the old couple having no place to sleep. Keep us updated :)

  7. Personally, I will talk to the bank first. Because among the 3 parties involved, the bank seems to be the most rational one to handle now. You have the HDB letter to prove that the 1st appt date is postponed with no fault on your side. I also think that the bank must have encourtered special client cases like yours before.

    What is the name of your bank?

  8. 10 yrs back, when I 1st bought my 1st furniture bedroom set from JB.

    1-2 mth later, saw the same design at Court

    The furniture that sold at the Court (queen side bed frame + 3 door wardrobe +1 dressing table) cost more than what I had purchase at JB (queen side bed frame, 4 door wardrobe, 1 dressing table, 2 side table).

    All the above furniture is still working well for me.

    Wah the furniture design never change after 10 years! :o

  9. Hi all, sorry for late reply...the add is 38,jalan gaya 28, taman gaya, ulu tiram JB 81800.Tel: +607 8618989

    The furniture shop I visited got few tier of range, you wan cheap one also have, you wan higher range also have.. you can always ask the sales person to recommend de..if you do not see anything that you like you can tell them which kind of design you want, they will give you catalog so you can choose from there. I got my masterbedroom headboard from catalog..

    Thanks for sharing the address. Appreciate it :)

  10. wa...so serious.....for me, i was thinking whether to clean up the house before handover to the buyer... :P

    BTW, when is hdb sending out the 2nd app letter, mine is on the 24 nov, but till todate, no letter from hdb yet... :(

    It's faster to check the dates online at HDB website. You can use your singpass account to login to your HDB page. :) After you login, click on "Resale" link.

  11. i dont get it, you can offer 20k as cov is very very good already. and if this agent playing games with u, there is really no point to continue to deal with him because u will know that in the future, there will be more problems.

    Haha it doesn't bother me cos there are still many other agents who I can engage. I agree with you that it's no point dealing with him cos he may cause me headaches in future. I posted his name here, as I hope to warn sellers against him due to his way of handling buyers.

    i also understd that u r facing another prblem in another thread, which is ur purchased flat is still on the market for sale.

    Nope, that's not my case. :P

    seriously, only when we can weed out all agents, then we can have a peace of mind. so what we pay good commission $, we get lousy standards n bad services.

    Anyone can be an agent. An ex-murderer out from jail can be an agent too. As long as the agent can clock high sales and earn $$ for company every month, his/her boss won't bother how he/she handles the clients lor.

    I'm quite lucky in the sense that the agent, who is representing me now, is knowledgeable and gives good service so far.

  12. Just to share...

    Please do not engage this agent to sell your house.


    9003 8567


    I was a direct buyer at that time when I called him up to request to view his units listed at Propertyguru.com.sg. He asked me if I got 30K COV to fork out on the phone. After I replied I was willing to fork out 20K COV, he hang the phone. Then I called him back but he refused to answer my phone calls.

    If the unit really catches any buyer's fancy, I bet he/she will probably be willing to pay more than his/her initial budget. He was dropping potential buyers too quickly. I wouldn't want to hire such an agent to sell my unit in future.

    I managed to get another agent to show me the units in the area which I was interested in. Half of the 4-room units in that area actually asked for 20K COV. In the end, I managed to buy a unit at 20K COV.

  13. I've been renting a room for about a year with my hubby now. There's no available room at parent house. Inlaws don't want us to move into their house.

    If the seller die die wants to move out of the house later, what else can we do? We can only push/nag/negotiate with them. The seller and his family also need a shelter before their next house is ready. So I agree to their extension request out of goodwill.

  14. in a nutshell, the hdb inspector inspected the flat earlier because he was happened to be in the vicinity so he go inspects. Dont' ask me why is this allowed, i have no ideas too and i also want to know y.

    the seller and her agent really very comical. on OTP, her agent wrote 30 days for all involved parties to reconsidered their decisions before submission.

    1) her agent actually wanted to backdated the OTP form to 14 days earlier so we option to purchase and exercise to option on same day.

    2) her agent was the one who say she will submitted the forms to resale net after we all signed n paid 5k because she can have an earlier 1st appt date.

    now her agent used this 30days to argue that we didnt give them enough time to make up their mind. also, when the seller sign her name on our appeal letter for early execution for 1st appt, her agent explained to her before she signed. now they go against the agreement and i really dont even think i shld keep my words on giving them free stay for 8wks. Even though i also signed the extension agreement, they go back on their words for early execution, i also can go back on my words for allowing extension. If both appt goes through, i will see that they have rights to even stay another day in my flat. Even in black and white, these people also want to play punk and jeopardize their reputation.

    with all these happenings, my agent have changed. he actually dont listen to the seller's agent anymore! he have become more aggressive.

    i think he had enough crap from the seller's agent. which is good for me.

    seriously, if the worse really happened, hdb will not do anything for me. even though OTP is a legal contract by them, they will not be involved in anything. we will have to seek our own legal advices. may i ask, who am i paying the stamp fees and whatever fees to if the transaction go thru? hdb is alrdy a big bully and now these agents and these sellers also bullies wannabe.

    i paying cov to the seller, she go vacation 1 month in dec/jan and because of that i cannot go for the earliest 1 appt, n she also signed and agreed on early 1st appt if hdb allows. Now, so many excuses just because i want to charge her rent for asking another 4 wks extension.

    if i didn't give her 8wks extension in first place, of course i will consider whether to charge her rent or not. I alrdy have to wait 2 mths before i can go for my 1st appt and the whole procedure will take places over 2 mth and with her extension of 8 wks rent-free. Not as if she give me 50% discount in her COV.

    ppl buy house, i also buy house and i have to buy a house with so many difficulties.

    i cannot imagine the time n effort n money i have to fork out if i were to sue for compensation.

    n the seller is a winner because she still stay in her flat and i already end my current lease and slping in hotel 81.

    The extension is 8 weeks after your 1st appt or 2nd appt? My 1st appt takes me 3 months, 2nd appt takes me another 8 weeks. The 6-8 weeks wait after 1st appt is standard for all resale transactions.

    I feel sorry for your plight. You are getting so much craps from them. Real estate agents and ID/contractors are industries involving big amounts $$ but are not well-regulated by the govt.

  15. I couldn't believe it!

    read this:

    The seller and I agreed and signed an early execution letter of 1st appt to HDB. When the seller signed on my appeal letter, the seller told me that she will produce her air ticket information if needed, even before I asked. She is going away for more than 1 mth vacation. So I was hoping I can get an earlier date with HDB.

    Also, I agreed to let her stay for additional 8 wks (rent-free) after completion date, she come and asked me for additional 4 weeks, so total 12 weeks. Plus, she now give pattern and say she feel uncomfortable letting hdb know about her travel details. So we follow the original appt, for me, no problem loh since cannot be help. Then just today, her agent call to kpkb, say even if the seller have signed on the appeal letter, they will not go for the 1st appt. Plus, if i were to charge her for additional 4 wks rental, they will not pay.

    Am i hearing it wrong? Her seller is from H*R and hold a team director position, imagine a grown woman making such childish remarks.

    So say the seller back-out from the early execution of 1st appt, i can also back-out from the agreement to let her stay for 8wks rent-free. Correct or not?

    So I want to know...have anyone sue for compensation, use legal means to deal with people who breach contract.

    It's ridiculous that she has $$ to go for 1-month tour but no $$ to pay you rental!

    Please call your lawyer and ask about your legal rights. She doesn't deserve your kindness anymore lor. I'm worried that hdb may cancel your resale application if seller doesn't show up for 1st appt. You better call up hdb to check too.

  16. Can i say that our $$ must clear before 6 weeks? so after 6 weeks if we able to get the house, y still let the seller to stay longer n affect our reno, cannot manage to complete before CNY, besides, we also suffer paying more rental to our current house.

    Some seller's new house may not be ready for them to move in yet. Therefore they will ask for extension period. Of course you have the right to ask them to pay you rental for the extension period.
