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Posts posted by forgotten

  1. Yes... it takes time. The owner also had a hard time "screening" those viewing the place and reject those unsuitable. Some would ask " you mean you choose the tenants?".

    The best part of it was the Hong Kong tenant. He only asked two questions: "Do you find me ok?" and " How much is the deposit to reserve the room?". Immediately, he took out cash and paid one month deposit.

    Some are really fussy asked a lot of questions like how many people, who stay here? what they doing? how old? dont want this table....chair no good, bed too small, matress old....

    Always choose those that are humble and polite. :)

    Well there are always problematic people around, including tenants and landlords.

    I got 1 interesting person who came to view my room. When I told her that she was not allowed to bring people home, she asked me "Can I bring friends home for party and overnight stay?" :dancingqueen:

  2. my existing flat is under HDB loan and for our BTO flat, we will be taking bank loan. Thats why it is 10% :(

    We r taking bank loan cos we arent taking 30yrs loan.... and more flexibility in utilisation of CPF monies....

    Most prob we wont be taking the Optional component. Did u take? Scared that the designs arent nice and bulk workmanship arent as good...

    Any advices?

    Do you know roughly how many appointments are scheduled each day? heeheee....

    My fren's Q number = 27 and she got her date last wk. My Q number is 200+..... wonder when will we get....

    Anyway we are seeing the geomancer today .... after today can shortlist already! woohoo!!!

    Me not sure about the appts per day. I thought HDB will sms/mail you about your selection date and time???

    Woah u even go to geomancer to ask for advice. :)

    Me that time very chop-chop, just saw what were remaining units and chose the highest floor one available that didn't have a wall facing west outdoor LOL. By the time it was my turn, all the units having seaview were gone. We die die must chose 1 unit at that BTO cos our combined income were already hitting 8K, last chance for us to have a bite of the cherry.

    I took the optional components. The timber doors look decent. My friend has those timber doors, 6 years already still ok. For the HDB tiles at toilets, my mum has them, she said they get dirty easily. Anyway, I opted for them to save on cash. I intend to do epoxy paint over my toilet tiles. I don't dare to do overlay tiles cos forummers mentioned that it is easy for leakage if overlay is not done properly.

    GST will increase to 10% after GE + Labour cost is going up due to increase in foreign worker levy + Material cost going up due to increase in commodity price = My renovation's price tag will increase, so I better save up more cash haha!

    The thing about BTOs is that they are cheaper than resale but they are in wulu wulu locations. I still like my current house more :P

  3. i'm seeing some posts on resale websites with 'price as guide'. When i called the agent, they inform me that valuation has not yet been done. So it would be disadvantageous to me as a buyer, discouraging me from viewing.

    What is the rationale of posting the ad for the unit then? So that they can get high COV if valuation ends up low or? But then again, the seller's agent declined to have us view the unit...don't understand... :dunno:

    Some ads are fake ones. Their aim is to draw buyers to engage the agent as their agent.

    Yesterday, I saw an interesting ad for a 5 room unit behind my block. It states "Fire Sale, Sell at Valuation, 0 COV". Other nearby 5room units are asking for 40K COV. I know it's fake when I read that the unit is at "16 floor". The highest floor is 14 lor. Is the agent trying to sell the roof hahaha?

  4. Hi, We have enough to pay for downpayment. But bcos we intend to take bank loan and we have an existing housing loan when we apply for the bank loan, we need to pay 10% cash downpayment also. :(

    Huh I thought it's 5% cash for bank loan?

    I took bank loan for current house and will take HDB loan for my BTO house with HDB loan. I only paid 5% cash for bank loan.

    During booking of unit, HDB officer will ask you whether you want to opt for optional components (ceramic tiles and solid timber doors). You can start considering if you want to opt for them now.

  5. Yah, now we dun have to sell. But if we sell, we don't need to pay 10% cash as downpayment....

    Actually We have not get our appointment date for flat selection, but will be either this month or next month.

    Have you select your flat?

    Another qn is that what is the difference between Estimated Completion date(3Q 2014) and EDPD(3Q 2015)?

    People say that it will usually be earlier right? earlier than Estimated completion date or earlier than EDPD?

    Kiasu to find out all these now.... but we are So excited!

    You can use CPF OA to pay for the downpayment. Do you and spouse have enough CPF OA to pay for it? If 1 of you is < 30 years old, downpayment is 5%. If both > 30 years old, downpayment is 10%.

    EDPD is the deadline HDB MUST complete the BTO. Usually we will get the keys near ECD. :)

    Yes I already selected my flat, ECD is next year.

  6. hi all....

    yeap 50% sales proceeds + 40k levy = $0 cash. :(

    We will be making a trip down to hdb next wk to confirm all...

    And from my understanding, for the same property, once I apply for bank loan, i can't switch to hdb loan. If I change to another hdb again subsequently, I can still get hdb loan as each person can get 2 chance in lifetime.

    Up till now, most prob we will get bank loan. we wont be needing 30yrs full loan as we can pay off after we sell our house in few yrs time. maybe partial loan and balance in cpf to be used to reinvest. Hopefully can get higher returns...

    we may look at selling our flat now and stay with my dad. But its a 4 yrs period...

    decisions decisions decisions ...

    You do not have to sell off your current house now. You only need to sell off your current house 4 years later, within 6 months from the date you receive the keys to your completed BTO unit.

    I am also waiting for my BTO.

  7. Income ceiling for 1st-time HDB 3-rm applicants raised to $5k

    Minister for National Development Mah Bow Tan has promised more housing options for first-time buyers in 2011.

    He was responding to questions in Parliament on Thursday about what the Government was doing to help genuine buyers own their first homes and the impact of the cooling measures the Government had implemented earlier in 2010 on the property market here.

    New among these measures was the raised income ceiling for 3-room BTO flats in non-mature estates from $3,000 to $5,000.

    Mr Mah said this will provide low-to-middle income households with more affordable housing options. The number of 3-room flats on offer will also increase by 50 per cent, or 1,200 flats.

    Of the other measures, home buyers can look forward to 22,000 new Built-To-Order (BTO) flats this year, which is the largest supply in recent years, to be located in different parts of Singapore. 14,000 will be offered in the first half of 2011.

    Higher-income earners can also look forward to a greater suppy of Design, Build and Sell Scheme (DBSS) flats and Executive Condominiums (EC). The Government will offer land sites this year for 4,000 DBSS and 4,000 ECs, amounting to 8,000 flats in total. Home buyers whose combined family income totalled $10,000 became eligible for DBSS flats last year, which was up frm $8,000.

    Mr Mah said: "We recognise that households with higher income may need more housing options. This is why we have extended the options to the DBSS flats as well."

  8. Yr owner over do it liao. How can they demand to keep the letter box key since they already move out :rolleyes: They can ask you for a favor to keep their letter over maybe a 3month period and collect from you. After that you can just throw away..

    Hehe my owner also asked to keep their letterbox key for 1 month. I agreed. ;)

    My owner didn't let me move my wardrobe into house 1 day before 2nd appt, it resulted me having to leave my wardrobe at the corridoor for 1 day. Heng, it wasn't stolen.

    It's about give and take.

  9. I just received sms from HDB today, announcing not one, but Three BTO launches! :jawdrop: 1 in Bukit Panjang and 2 in Sengkang...

    Wonder whether people would prefer these over DBSS, since the prices seem more reasonable...I can't qualify due to the stupid income ceiling... :( Wonder whether those people viewing the AdoraGreen would flock to this BTO instead....

    These three BTOs are not as near the MRT station as DBSS Adora Green. Got Pro and Con.

  10. And if u decide to leave your roller blinds down with windows opened, and your place is very windy, then the rods weighing down the blinds would bang against your windows/ grilles. For that, U could minimise the noise by attaching rubber to the rods. DIY. But u wouldn't be able to prevent the blinds from shaking when blown on by wind or fan.

    That is a good point that most of us will not consider when installing curtains/binds.

    I have entirely removed my curtains from my living room windows as the wind is too strong over there. Even my ceiling fan will move without its power on. Now I know why my neighbours upstairs and downstairs do not hang anything at their living room windows.

  11. Altho is just 1% of the market but the need of a roof above head is still there mah, funny tho Singaporean cannot buy HDB under "sibling scheme" but can buy as single above 35yrs old. case by case gua.... anyway is just directly closing the door for SPR under "sibling scheme" since they dun have the option to buy as single above 35yrs old. ;)

    Haha that action of govt will indirectly influence more Single PRs to get married now so that they can buy resale HDBs. More get married, more babies?

    An article on Temasek Review actually shows that PRs have a lower birth rate than Singaporeans. :P

  12. same as me.

    better change.

    no regret one.

    Think.. later at night, weather hot.

    U on the A/C.. noisy.. how to sleep.

    1 one pain better than few night sleepless.

    I get a non-inverter SANYO system 3 A/C $2500

    Agree with Therat.

    To add on, price of goods and labour cost are increasing. Change aircon now will be cheaper than years later.

  13. I have rented my common room in jurong east for 750d to a couple. full furnished without a/c. actually it really boils down to the demand in particular area.I also heard someone renting masterroom at 1k in same area.

    You got a good deal leh :D

    My sis-in-law is renting her room n jurong east to 1 female without a/c for $450.

  14. yeaaa... most friends and relative sold their hdb to use the proceeds for condo. ur friend's ulu place sound like pungo, sengkang or jurong west areas to me... haha..

    nowadays freehold condo $800k should be 2 rooms only right? my uncle bought his 3-bedrooms (1320 sqf) kovan melody for 650k in 2005. now burst over $1.2m le. so, probably ur friend 800k unit will still shoot up. shagged, by then we can sell our hdb, dunno how crazy private prices will be like...

    probably go into landed? head that landed only for singaporeans? correct?

    Foreigners can buy landed properties after seeking approvals from govt. Jet Li, Gong Li, Jackie Chan etc own landed properties in Singapore hehe.

  15. Straits Times Singapore

    Home > Breaking News > Singapore > Story

    Jan 28, 2011

    Private residential prices in Singapore up 17.6% in 2010

    By Esther Teo

    OVERALL prices of private residential properties increased by 2.7 per cent in the fourth quarter, compared with the 2.9 per cent increase in the previous quarter, unchanged from the flash estimates released earlier this January.

    Prices have gained 17.6 per cent in 2010 compared to a 1.8 per cent rise in 2009, the Urban Redevelopment Authority said on Friday.

    Non-landed homes saw price gains of 1.8 per cent, inching up on the 1.6 per cent in the third quarter. Homes in the city centre saw prices rise by 2.2 per cent, while city fringe and suburban areas saw gains of 1.9 per cent and 2.1 per cent respectively in the three months ending Dec 31.

    Prices of landed properties increased by 5.5 per cent in the fourth quarter, down from the 7.7 per cent rise in the quarter before. Prices of detached, semi-detached and terrace houses increased by 8.5 per cent, 3.1 per cent and 3.7 per cent respectively. At the end of the fourth quarter, there was a total supply of 65,699 uncompleted units of private housing from projects in the pipeline. Of these, 32,776 units are still unsold.

    Overall rentals for office space, based on leases which had commenced, increased by 4.7 per cent in the fourth quarter, compared with an increase of 6 per cent in the quarter before. For 2010 as a whole, rentals of office space have increased by 12.6 per cent. Prices of office space have also surged 18.9 per cent in the same period.

    Rentals for shop space also saw an increase of 1.7 per cent in the fourth quarter, bringing rentals up by 2.9 per cent for the year. Prices of shop space also increased 8.6 per cent for the year.
