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Posts posted by lilithfiend

  1. Haiz... we asked ID several time and he said he will provide us a schedule since ages ago. Schedule was provided last week but it was very very brief, did not specify when air-con can come in!

    The thing is we've specify the requirement that GC need 3 weeks notice and do not wanna cause further delay.. 8|

    This morning he called my HB and said that his admin informed him that we've sent him an email regarding today's meet up, HB was quite pissed, tot of telling him on top of email we already sent you sms to ask abt the meet today but there isnt any response so we send email lor. :curse: Guess what?? No meet up today lor but was told to meet up this Fri MORNING as if we no need to work.

    We felt that all this could be due to bcos we did not purchase any lighting/sanitary wares from his recommended shop which is why his level of service also worsen. :dunno: Felt that communication with him get difficult. Regarding the ventilation fan in bathroom, he said will check but until now same thing lor "NO SOUND NO PICTURE."

    Sometime, we asked ourselves is it bcos his schedule is really 'tight'/too many sales appt/just cant be bother cos didnt earn the extra comm from us since we not getting from his recommended shop?

    But i tot, our reno cost wasn't really low, almost $40K reno deserve such service? :help::help: <<Disappointed>>

    hey dear, wow sounds like you're having a bit of trouble with your ID..we also received a very brief schedule from our PM (though it did mention aircon trunking). and also, when we ask her to check stuff, she tend to not come back until we chase her for it. however, we haven't faced the other issues you're facing so far..we also never buy our lighting/sanitary wares from her recommended shop. our PM's service level has maintained throughout.

    i suggest you maintain email communication with your ID for key issues so there is traceability if needed. also, keep chasing him for those stuff you've asked - he will eventually get back to you. my hb & i believe that B&E boss is really quite a strict man so if worse comes to worse, can complain to him. i understand from my PM that they have to report their daily plans to office via sms each morning and that this practice is not common in the industry.

    did you receive any calls/emails from your ID's manager? if you did, you should keep that person's contact. Call him/her when you cannot get your ID or when your ID is giving you problems. Thats what I did..worked so far.. good luck! :)

  2. Then u owe lilth and me for lightings too? :notti:

    I am more interested in where to get good non stick wok and pans... I wonder how good is green pan.

    lol..i got to know about A Lighting from here wan lah..so don't owe me..

  3. hello lilithfiend

    you've got a nice nick! btw, the headboard is made up of cement (but hollow inside) to have the same industrial look.

    sometimes i find my place too "cold"......hmmm :dunno:

    hi pixie, your nick ain't that bad too..lol.

    ya your headboard looks cement-ish, i thought it was cement..didn't know for sure. interesting! ever accidentally banged your head against it? :lol:

    cement definitely makes the place look colder but can always be warmed up with textiles, fabrics, rugs etc..are you adopting the same concept for your new place?

  4. Oh yah... forgot that they did your windows.. didn't know B&E did your grilles too! Rynn never got back to me on the quote, so I didn't bother to chase..

    Yes, on a low flr.. not sure if it's because there's no furniture in the house, so the place sounded noiser. it didn't sound that noisy when I viewed it before OTP.

    oh she never got back to you ah? :unsure: maybe she was too busy..

    what about doors? will u be getting solid core ones to help block out the noise then? just curious - how many times did u view the house before you OTP?

  5. WHAT??!!! Your alu grilles only $240?!! Can give me your contact for windows & grilles, plse? I'm customising the design of my grilles. Wonder if that makes a diff? Paint peel never mind, can paint again.

    Yes, my place is noisy coz it's near a junction. Clear glass has 5mm, 6mm & 8mm, I think. Apparently, frosted glass has only 5mm.

    Aren't you worried that people will see through to your flat?

    my windows & grilles are done by B&E lor. not sure if customising the grilles will make a price diff but we're going to go for simple horizontal black bars set 8cm apart.

    your place is near a road junction, no wonder u're concerned about the noise. are you on a low floor though?

    we'll have curtains/blinds so not too worried. but corridor unit is like that mah, open-house for all to view. we chose clear glass because we love natural light.

  6. yah... because it has less "gaps" in between, so noise will be less. But the thickness of frosted glass is only 5mm whereas clear glass has greater thickness, so am thinking of maybe getting clear glass and getting those frosted glass sticker to stick across the glass panel. But that would cost more..

    Same price as alu grilles. Wonder if mild steel window grilles can slide?

    is your corridor very noisy? i had no idea clear glass is thicker..good that mine are clear glass then.. :D

    your alu grilles are $550? wow..i'm only paying $240 for my alu grilles leh..living hall + CBR. this price difference is making me think hard about changing to mild steel grilles. according to the people i spoke to, mild steel can slide, however be prepared for the paint coating to peel. they typically recommend doing casement instead.

  7. May I know what kind of schedule will ID provide? My ID gave us a very brief schedule, ie: measure glass/aluminium/wrought iron/Elect and plumbing (1st stage) from 12-jul to 17-jul.

    HB concern is when to ask the aircon man from GC for piping? We must give at least 3weeks notice.

    you should ask your ID. he should tell you when the aircon trunking can come in.

  8. Anyone know where can buy my study table ak? Hardly see any furniture shops selling nice study tables.

    what sort of study table are you looking for? if its the officey type, can try www.solos.com.sg. will be getting mine from there.

    P/S: Heard from sammy you're buying lights? Any chance you'd be interested in the pair I'm selling? :notti:

  9. Reno Day 57
    Major development: Plastering has been completed.
    House now looks/smells/feels new!

    The windows have been changed, but they were fabricated wrongly.
    Now awaiting replacements.

    Close up of the new chicken wire glass panel
    that replaced the old louvered panels above the main door

    MBR window grilles removed

    View of the kitchen

    Rubbish chute replaced
    (Though I would have preferred yellow. Luckily its just a protective sticker.)

  10. Anyone knows where can i buy a piece of solid wood so that I can laminate to use for dinning table?

    hi hsh, i think you can find the answer to your question on the DIY forums here. also, if you're going to laminate over the wood, i think you won't require solid wood lah..plywood might just do. cheaper too.

    are you going to laminate the wood yourself? actually, an option that you may wanna consider is to go to gnee hong where you can choose a laminate and a base for your table. a colleague of mind did his dining table via them and i'm keeping this as one of my options.

  11. Vicent works for City Aluminum and his brother Alex for Yick Hong. Yick Hong is a wholesaler while City Aluminum is the licence contractor, if I understand what the brothers were explaining to me.

    Yes, Alu grilles fixed. Will be imprisoned! :D

    Am now seriously contemplating going back to my original plan of having a one piece fixed glass panel for the CBR windows instead of sliding windows. It is highly unlikely i will ever open those windows and I'm hoping that it will reduce the noise level.

    But it's only $80 cheaper than having sliding windows there, so I'm still pondering.

    oh ya my bad, i confused city aluminium with central aluminium! :P

    you're considering fixed panel for your CBR merely for noise reduction? will there be alot of difference in noise compared to having a sliding one?

    Yes, getting keys this Fri. Contractor not settled yet. ;)

    Yah... was wondering if I should get mild steel window grilles instead of aluminum. Have to tell them to change the grilles to sliding too as I realised if I fixed the grilles dead, I won't be able to clean the windows.

    Getting town concil contractors to quote for the sewage pipes is a gd idea! Will go an ask town council.

    fyi, mild steel grilles are about $550 for two sets, based on quotes i got from a few companies.

  12. lilith: thanks, i am happy with the progress as well. you sound very tired, hope ur reno is progressing well too. :unsure:

    Lilith, Jia you! Reno like tat one got up and down, but focus on the end results. When u got everything done swee swee liao and soaking in ur mega bath tub.... Ahhhh... :P

    thanks dears..i'm trying to focus on the finishing line as well. head is going a lil bonkers with the many details i'm trying not to miss out.

    Lilith, my reno just stared yesterday but before that I already felt sian due to all the arguments and HB not very pleased with ID response and the way he handled stuff. HB called him to ask if neighbours are informed few days before hand and he said no need, inform & hack straight away.. We tot it's inconsiderate.

    Arguments were mainly layout, space planning esp in the kitchen.

    hey infinitie, yep i read on your blog that you've started hacking liao. sorry no time to go and post to congratulate u! so, congrats!! :yamseng:

    er this informing neighbours stuff, we also felt it was impt so we asked our PM a few times on when she would be putting up the notices. she put it up just a day before hacking started la so not too bad.

  13. Got a quote for the windows fr City Aluminum (aka Alex & Vincent):

    2 3-frosted panel aluminum sliding windows+ 1 2-frosted panel aluminum sliding windows+ 2 top-hung window toilets with chicken wire glass = $1,556

    Fixed aluminum grilles for LVR & CBRM = $550

    This excludes the 3.5 ft polycarbonate sliding panel I intend to do for the CBRM.

    $$ is going to start flowing out like waterfall soon..

    errr, i'm kinda confused. city aluminium's contact person is Jasmine, right? Alex & Vincent are from another co..? at least that was what i remembered... :unsure:

    the problem you're facing with the sellers is quite common. i had the same problem as well. the sellers' agent gave us about $200 as compensation to clear the stuff ourselves. don't forget to deduct from the agent's comm! :P

    your alu grilles are fixed? meaning cannot move ah?
