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Posts posted by stray801

  1. your house look very big wif the open kithcen concept..wats the cost of tearing down the wall separating living

    and kitchen?? your toilet tiles ok wat. so i assume u doin sumthing like a bar counter at the kitchen entrance??

    Iz did suggest to me to tear down the wall to make the place more spacious but no $$$ liaoss lol..btw where's your place??

  2. hi all, just completed my reno wif a contractor recommended by 1 of the forrumer here. glad tat i chose him over the others tat was recommended to me too. pricing wise= quite cheap, service and worksmansip=excellent.willing to go extra miles for me. thought tat he's worth recommending to others.in fact recommended to other forrumer and doin up their place now wif this contractor. C ya

  3. hi bbw, so how's your reno goin on? mine completed everything on last sat. solid top install oredi. still dun like the color of my kitchen cabinet. even now my mum regrets chosing tat laminate. should have listen to Iz suggestion instead. sighh wat to do.did ask Iz any way tat we can change the laminate and he told us tat we can always change the laminate if we want but since its very new, he suggested to use it for 1 or 2 years then if still dun like it can change to new 1. dun waste $$$ he said lol. aniwae noting much to post accept for the color of kitchen laminate.can go on and on and on ranting for long time i'm sure haha. overall his service, pricing & worksmansip all i can rate excellent. do update on your reno aite. c ya

    genielittle & estella83, u've got mail.

  4. hi all, was still doin unpacking all the stuff. seems like it take years to unpack everything lol. btw wanna share bit more bout my contractor. while we were shifting our things on saturday, my aunt was accidently locked inside the toilet. no 1 seems able to open the new bi fold door. called Iz up and told him bout the locked door. he said tat he will come immediately. bout 30mins later he reach my place. he just lift up the bi fold door a bit and my aunt was finally releived of her agony waiting inside the toilet. Iz told us tat we dun have to close the bi fold door very hard. just push it gently when closing it will do. he left soon after. then disaster struck again. the toilet door jam again. and this time it was my niece who's stuck inside.try to lift up the door as what Iz have taught us earlier on. doesnt seems to work haha. no choice but to call him again.it was ard 11pm. very paisey hehe. after he open up the door, saw him doin sumthink to the door. told me tat he lower down the door stopper so tat no 1 can be locked inside again. was very grateful to him. on sunday, i realised tat my living room wall got sum deep scratches mark. mayb during shifting sum1 accidentally knock sumthing on the wall. call Iz again and told him bout the wall. he said tat he will come on monday to c wat he can do. so yesterday he came and he said tat it's normal for this kind of things to happen when doin shifting of house. he came back bout an hour later and he do the touch up of the affected wall himself.was very glad tat i found such a gd contractor to do up my house. few of my auntie gonna take him as their reno contractor. i only have this to say bout him. He's worth every penny tat i spent on my reno.

    will upload the pics once they r done wif my kitchen cabinet.

  5. hi bbw, gd for u for doin up your reno wif him. now i've got big problem. nd to move out from my current house by this sat. call Iz up this afternoon and tell him tat we nd to shift some of our things on friday nite. he said he'll try his very best to make the place liveable for us by this saturday. wat surprise me was when i went over to the new place ard 10+pm just now, he was there wif some of his worker i assume, to fix up my l-box lightings. then he himself clear all the rubbish and clean up the whole place. he told me tomorrow will be doin floor polishing and general cleaning. too bad kithcen cabinet can only be ready by next wk. we left the place nearly 12 midnite. cant help saying thanks to him so many times just now lol. enuff said, he's worth recommending to others. true to wat his name card stated. Budget yet reliable and trustworthy. can b said truly reliable guy. not sure if any other contractor willing to go this extend to help his their customer. so all the best bbw for your reno. dun forget to post your pics aite.

    marciefunk- for the bowl n basin not too sure wat brand. lightings he brought us to a shop near jalan besar to buy our down lights. very very cheap. only $15 compare to wat most other shops selling at $27.

  6. Hi all, have sign up wif a contractor recommended by 1 of the guys here. here are what my mum will be doin

    Bathrm x 2

    Hacking of all bathrm fittings & accessories

    Hacking of all bathrm doors & frames

    Supply & install acrylic bi-fold door

    Supply & install wc & basin

    Supply & install toilet accessories

    Convert squat to sitting


    Hacking of old kitchen cabinet

    Hacking of old sink & stove support

    Hacking of old cabinet, fridge & w/machine base

    Construct 50mm new cabinet base

    Design & fabricate 27 ft solid laminated kitchen cabinet in ABS trimming laminated door

    Design & fabricate 2ft tall unit

    Box up sewage pipe

    Supply & install solid top 9ft

    Construct 9ft sink & stove support


    Whole house repiping


    Whole house rewiring

    Misc Works

    Plastering of whole house wall & ceiling

    Construct L-Box ****

    Polishing of terrazzo

    Haulage services

    Disposal of debris

    Store rm shelving

    Total reno cost $12K++. expensive or not??? got other quotes tat was super ex. will start hacking tomorrow.

    Hopefully everything will go smoothly. Will upload pics later.
