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Posts posted by Umaisarah

  1. Just wanted to share my experience when I sold my HDB flat and was looking for a new condo.

    I had put out a posting on property****.com telling of my interest to look for flats in my current estate. After some time, an agent contacted me, offering his services. By that time, I had a change of plans and wanted to upgrade to pte property. I was sooo goondu, I told this agent X, that I was trying to sell my flat and told him if he has potential buyers maybe can bring them down to see my flat. I oso told him that I already hv exclusive agent. He said never mind, he can help bring down his clients, so he asked for my block, unit no. valuation, etc etc.

    So, as I said I was a goondu, so I told him my block no, what flat type, floor area, valuation. He asked me what was my ask price but I never reply him. So he called my agent and got info from her (mbe pretending to be a buyer agent).

    So, weeks passed and I happen to surf the property****.com website again. For fun, I did a search on flats being marketed in my area just to check what was the market asking price. To my surprise and shock, I saw a posting for my very own unit, posted by this Agent X!!!! He 'stole' the info that I gave him on good faith so that he can tell his buyers. He pretended to be helpful but actually he was trying to dig for info so that he can market my unit himself. So unscrupulous. Good thing I never told him my actual unit no.

    I never told my agent cuz scared kena scolding :P

    Other bad experiences I had:

    1. One agent whom I had contacted to view a condo unit he was marketing, also tried to be 'helpful' when he said he got ready buyer for my unit. I gv him some info about my unit then gave my agent's number to him so he can arrange for viewing. After that, he called my agent and told her that I ASKED HIM TO MARKET MY FLAT ALSO. Which is an outright lie! Thank goodness, my agent very experienced, told him to go fly kite.

    2. You know those junk mail from pple who say they are desperate for a unit in your estate (want to stay near parents lah, or near their workplace etc etc) and they have good $$ to pay? And they always say 'No Agents Please' at the end? Well, I got 'conned' by such junk mail. I called up the number given in the paper cuz I thought I want to help them. I got a flat to sell, mah, and they want a flat to buy, right? Turns out, the pple who write these sob stories are actually agents themselves. And they will only deal with sellers who dun hv agents yet. When I told them I already hv exclusive agent, they won't give me the time of day.

    Sigh, I was soooo innocent back then. Now, more experienced and battle-scarred, :D Know how to spot a fishy agent from the genuine ones.

    Just sharing battle stories to help those who may need it.

  2. Hi, Currently I am doing renovation, the electrician quote me install one light for $25, D/L light for $30.

    I think it's too expensive.

    can PM me electrician contact?

    Hi Polly. Just one question, does the installation include installing the light point?

    because from what I found out, there are 2 costs, first is to install the lighting point, then its to install the light itself.

    $25 for installing the light alone is expensive, but if it includes the lighting point too, then it's quite reasonable leh.

    You may want to check with the electrician.

    Anyway, hv PMed you an electrician contact you may want to try. I'm using him, but hvn't actually started work yet, so can't really vouch for his workmanship. Right now, I'm chasing him for some quotes but it's still early days so I'll give him another chance. I hv Ah Keong's number but he nvr responded to me so dun noe if it's the rt nbr or not.

  3. i was thinking of engaging R & R leh. :( Now i better re-consider

    Hi Gals. Mbe the problem with R & R is an isolated incident? We only know 1 side of the story, mah?

    If you're comfortable with the ID and can click with him/her, then can still consider lah.

    Mbe can ask them for references and u can talk to their previous clients.

  4. Hi Umaisarah, how's yr home makeover progress? Hope all is well..

    Hi Muesli

    Reno hvn't started yet. Only getting my keys in April. Wow, 19 more days actually! Yippeee.

    Supposed to get my 3D drawings this week. Will post them once they're in.

    I'm hoping the problems R & R are giving their clients will not spillover to Inner Room (cross fingers).

  5. I thought the bigger worry abt buying resale flat is whether the previous owner got owe money to loan shark or not! :)

    Anyway, it's an interesting topic cuz I've had a few personal encounters myself. The first house my family (ie parents and siblings) ever lived in was like Ghost Central. There were many supernatural beings in that flat. Won't go into details but amazingly, my family tahan in that house for more than 20 years before we decided to move out cuz it was too small. Even now, whenever I have nightmares of being chased by ghosts, I always ended up in the house, or in the block. Whenever I pass by there, it still gives me the creeps.

    Then when I got married and moved into my own home in Bt Batok, I later found out that the house I bought, the teenage son committed suicide by jumping off the parapet! We didn't really feel the spirit of the boy but my hubby who likes to stay up late if he works the afternoon shift, sometimes can feel presence around the house, especially at the back bedroom. And my oldest daughter - who was about 2 years old that time - used to cry for no reason at night. At that time we thought she was just being fussy, but now we realised that mbe she was 'disturbed'. We didn't stay in this house for long, not because of the spirit, but because it was too far away from our parents.

    So far, in our current (soon to be ex) house, we've had no problems.

    I think what kellog said about young children has some truth, but who's going to lend you their child to test for ghosts in the flat :P

    It's good also to talk to neighbours, but not sure how you going to do it before you even buy the place? I actually found out abt the Bt Batok flat from someone who used to be the next door neighbour. She was actually selling me some insurance over the phone and when I gave my address to her, she said, 'Hey, you bought the flat next to where I used to live! Did you know that the son jump off the building?" I was like 'Whaaaaaaatttt?????' Very surreal.....

    Anyway just sharing my story...not sure if it will help the OP.

  6. Aack! Just found out from other posts that some forummers got issues with ID's sister company, Rezt and Relax - delays, defects, etc.

    Now I very scared :(

    Hope my ID will not screw me over. Next time I see her, I must gv her warning dun play2 with me, or else!

  7. Sorry if this is a noob question or hv been asked before, but how do you measure the size of the fan?

    eg if the fan is 60", does that mean the blade length is 60 inches? That's like very big, right? :unsure:

    I got this info. from Relite's webpage. Does it sound right to you all?

    What ceiling fan size should I buy?

    Following are the recommended sizes –

    For rooms up to 21 sq m / 225 square feet (15' x 15'), use a fan with a blade span of 52", 56" or 60".

    For rooms up to 13 sq m / 144 square feet (12' x 12') we recommend fans with blade spans of 44” or 48".

    Smaller rooms up to 6 sq m / 64 square feet (8' x 8') should use a fan with a 36" blade span.

    Ultimately, the right size fan for a room is not determined by the size of the room alone. You must also consider the furnishings in the room, ambient room temperature, how the walls and ceiling are treated, how high the ceiling is, as well as how much air you want to feel.

    My living room is about 10 sqm which means that I shd buy only 48" fan, but looks to be small, leh. And not so many fans that I like come in tt size.

    Also wooden vs aluminium blade - which gives stronger wind?

    Appreciate any comments and advice! :)

  8. For anyone who's interested, besides Star Bamboo, there's also this company called Styleline who does bamboo flooring. Website www.styleline.com.sg.

    I'm doing my balcony decking with them. Can't comment of their quality or workmanship cuz hvn't installed yet. Will only do so in May.

    Their show room is at Kitchener Road. I found them thru internet search.

  9. Ouch! :(

    Zippy - not sure how much you can bargain with the ID and the electrician on the total cost, but just to help you compare, here I give you two prices from two different sources when I was looking for an electrician. Quote A is from ID which is the Ouch price. Quote B is direct from an Electrician recommended to me by a forummer which is the Okay Lah price. Electrician say he give me special price, mbe he bluff me but anyway I take him at face value lah.

    All prices are for concealed wiring

    Quote A aka Ouch Price

    Supply & Install lighting point - $43/point

    Install light fittings - $12/point

    Supply & install 1 x 13A SSO - $80/point

    Supply & install 2 x 13A SSO - $90/point

    Supply & install SCV point - $150/point

    Supply & install heater point - $150/point

    Supply & install 1 x 15A SSO - $150/point

    Supply & install tel point - $75/point

    Supply & install cooker hood point with heater switch - $85/point

    Supply & install cooker hob with heater switch - $85/point

    Install ceiling fan - $55/fan

    Install wall fan - $35/fan

    To connect water heater with new casing - $30 point

    Install 2 way switch wiring - $45/point

    To install DB board - TBA

    Quote B aka Okay Lah Price

    Supply & Install New Lighting Point - $28/point

    Install Downlight - $6/point

    Install Ceiling Fan w light - $20/fan

    Install Ceiling Fan w/o light - $15/fan

    Install pendant/hanging light - $25/light

    Install lights - $5/light

    Install 13A SSO - $50/point (he gv me same price for single or double)

    Install new switches - $12-$15 depend on what type of switch

    Dun hv prices for the other services cuz I dun need them.

    I hv no idea what is this lighting loop, mbe its to do with 2-way switch wiring? You better ask, man.

    Looks like you were quoted ID Electrician price. But even then, it is really on the high side. $90 for concealed switch?! what type of switches they give you? Made of gold is it??

    Mbe you can go and complain to your ID for 'misrepresentation'.

    On good faith, you had went ahead with the electrical works with him/her because you had trusted him when he said it will cost about $2K plus.

    He should have been responsible enough to ask the electrician for a breakdown of the electrical works and alert you when the cost exceeded the $2K plus he had earlier told you. I dun think you can negotiate down to the direct electrician price, but at least you have my ID prices here to compare which I think is really quite high already. Eg, mbe you can negotiate for the SCV price to go down from $200 to $150. Or you can negotiate for lower prices for the big quantity items, like the lighting points and lighting loops whatever it is.

    Btw, you have a lot of lighting points for a 958 sq ft house! My place is 143sqm and I think I hv only 43 lighting points at last count.

  10. Hi Umaisarah,

    wow! That's a long list! But I like this one the best "remember to breathe while thinking n doing all this"... kekeke...

    I also have a to do list, but very short cos if I don't complete this, very hard to do anything else. That is...

    1) Confirm renovator.


    Aiyo, u dun hv much time left leh....only 11 weekends left to go before June! :P

    Patsy - i work in TP lah, so cannot join u but lemme know if got good bargains. I'm eyeing the resin cabinets, bamboo bathroom caddy and make-up organisers :) Song Cho - I think I bought my bathroom accessories from them. They hv a shop at IMM right? and their logo is a chicken??

  11. More to do list :wacko: :wacko::

    - look for new school for 3rd daughter (v impt, how can forget!!!!)

    - look for plants to 'landscape' new place

    - activate power n water supply for new place

    - Transfer phone n scv services

    - cancel newspaper subscription (condo can hv newspaper delivery or not :unsure:)

    - and oh yeah, move

    sure hv forgotten some things. Nvm, will update this list as I remember them.

  12. To do list:

    - visit lighting.com, Lighting Enterprise n Silic Lighting Centre et al to buy lighting n fans

    - visit Choo Chiang to look at switches

    - cfm curtain n blind material

    - look for movers

    - look for wood varnishers to varnish dining table, chairs n sideboard

    - do major housekeeping n inventory check

    - look for wood shop to buy plywood for bunkie board

    - visit ikea to look for matching kitchen cabinet for abv washer, shoe cab, tv console for MBR, bathroom furn n other stuff

    - visit hoe kee or sim siang choon to look at pull-out ss drawers for pantry

    - visit OM n Comfort Furniture to chk out outdoor furn

    - look for sofabed for maid room

    - design wall decal for MBR at winkplay.com

    - visit Howards Storage World for look-see

    - buy underwear organizer at gmarket (hee hee)

    - PACK!!!!

    - remember to breathe while thinking n doing all this

  13. we also braved the IT show to see the eubiq booth, was too expensive!! My fiancee said an extension cord which can be kept will only cost $50!

    LOL! That was my DH said too! But good news is that my electrician said he can get the Eubiq system at contractor prices, so he's going to let me know how much it will cost to do it up for my kitchen. Keeping my fingers crossed that the price will be reasonable.

  14. Thanks for the tip and photos Jaskel!

    In the end, we're still going to have a pelmet for the living and balcony cuz of the ceiling plan, but for the bedroom, I've taken it out. So save about $600+.

    Sorry have not updated my blog for a while. Was down with stomach flu for the past week. Also not much updates, except last weekend when we saw the ID again to confirm materials and colours. Next week, she's going to email me the 3D drawings and the work schedule. Can't wait! :sport-smiley-018:

    Went to the IT show last Sunday! Man, I think the whole of Singapore was there. Madness :o Managed to elbow myself to the Eubiq booth, was quite excited to see the actual thing, but was really dejected with the price. They were selling the starter package at $1799, you get a 3m SH1 track, the home office track, the vertical track, 10 British adaptors, and about 5 int'l adaptors. DH was not too keen, called it 'not practical' (!). After nearly 2 hours of body mashing, we got away with a Canon wireless printer for $279.

    Also met up with the electrician to discuss wiring plan on paper. So far so good. Yesterday, discussed with DH in detail on the numbers and type of lighting we want for the whole house. When we totalled up the cost, it came up to about $2k (including 5 ceiling fans)! Both of us were quite depressed after that..... :( So expensive, so expensive! Maybe we'll have all-day and all-year round Earth hour at our new place :P

    Am planning to take a short break in M'sia this weekend. This is more to reward my kids who have been very patient with their parents, who have been spending almost every weekend since Dec last year, traipsing around Singapore looking at condos, condos and more condos and then recently ID and furniture shops! My poor darlings :)

  15. unfortunately i sold my place, so cant take pics anymore. i totally agree with ur saying of L-box terminating before touching the wall..so it creates a "concave" for the curtain (this was what I did, the curtain guy "laughed" at me when i asked if I needed to put pelmet..he said that the L box can cover liao, pelmet for what (and that was what my contractor said too)

    but i also agree with you to ask the experts! ours just "opinions"

    Thanks, Ossify and Porcupine.

    I asked my DH and he stared at me like I'm a total noob, hee hee.

    Actually it's how you 'define' L Box, cuz with L Box it terminates at the wall. but a U BOX terminate just before the wall, so u have a 'drain' for the curtains and blinds to hang. So, correct no need to have a pelmet if we have an L Box which is a U Box :P To be fair to my ID, she did say she can do a U box if we dun want the pelmet (must defend her a bit mah, cuz I select her :) ) but she will need to overhaul the ceiling plan cuz if u see my pic above, there's some parts where the curtain area is not covered by anything.

    Patsy - pelmet is that thing which covers your curtain rails so you can't see it. it can be simple or can be very fancy.

    here's a link to a fancy pelmet Fancy Pelmet

    hey, what u all think of that wall with the store door? shd I do something w it?

  16. You don't need a pelmet if you already have L-box or false ceiling across the window. You're getting chopped. :rolleyes:

    Oh, oh! My DH just explained to me why L-box need pelmet cuz with L-box, it is flush to the wall, so no space in between box and wall for the curtains, whereas with false ceiling and U-box, got space so no need pelmet. Does this sound logical? Can u make L-box without flush to the wall? :unsure:

  17. My house has this store which is along the wall leading to the rooms (see pic below).


    I thot the door there is quite an eyesore cuz it really sticks out, it's still within the living/dining area (unlike the bathroom which is already near the bedroom area) and curious pple are going to open it and see a big pile of mess inside (or worse!)

    I'm thinking of doing something to the wall so that it's seamless and hv the same look throughout (until the door of the common bathroom).

    I've seen this effect in some of the newly launched condos like Livia.

    My ID gave 2 suggestions, laminating the whole area, or just the door to match the paint on the wall.

    I'm going for the 2nd option cuz it's cheaper, but thinking of using wallpaper.

    But to do this, do I need to change the entire door, or remove it, wallpaper it then put it back?

    Anyone has done something like this before? I think it's something like hiding your household shelter door but

    slightly different cuz we're not trying to hide the door, just disguising it so it won't stick out too much.

    Anyway, do u think it's even necessary? Should I leave it as it is and just a put a sign 'DO NOT OPEN' at the door :P

  18. haha.. no la! mattress same price... i paid $699 for the bed frame. so in total i paid 4.3k... eeks! me gonna ask for 2 more!

    Oh, then I don't feel so bad la...... :sport-smiley-018:

    good luck in asking for the extra pillows, and if he give u anything else free, lemme know, then I oso ask from him, heh heh....

  19. Yeah, been to Mirage Teak House, quality is so so, may look at them for the balcony tables. I was looking for a glass top table with solid wood legs, really hard to find!

    am also trying to go with a new look this time around, less cluttered! More of a modern wood theme... lots of white, and dark wood, except for the sofa, which i've just had re-upholstered to deep burgundy red!!!

    i would leave your table, scratches and all, makes it look "lived in" and comfy!

    just got a quote from my ID, 15k for some minor carpentry and painting... seems a bit ex for a brand new condo?

    Depends on what you're planning to do?

    For $18.5K (which is on the high side, I must admit straight off), I'm doing:

    - TV feature wall + TV console

    - Dining feature wall

    - Ceiling works (false ceiling, L-box) for living/dining and master bedroom

    - loft bed+bay bed for kids bedroom

    - study table, drawers and top hung cabinets in kids bedroom

    - laminate all bay windows

    - painting whole house (max 7 colours) using Nippon

  20. Umaisarah,

    yup, bought from IMM and from Kelvin too. I read your blog, you didn't get the bedframe right? I did. But the price I paid for the mattress same as you. And my freebies are, 1 mattress protector, 2 comfort pillows, 3 sets bedsheet and 1 Serta sheep. I got the bedframe too, because I quite like that the bedframes are simple. that's why i bought.

    yeah others, not possible to down the price any lower though. but can ask for more freebies. i saw someone bought 2 years ago, from Kelvin, and he throw in 2 latex pillows!! i wonder if i can ask for that too.. keke.

    Beat u to it, :D i asked for 4 pillows, and he gave me extra bedsheet (so 3 altogether) instead of the sheep.

    But, he gv u at same price but WITH the bed frame??? Grrr....... :angry:
