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Posts posted by england

  1. Brother Angteko, I come here to support you and I think you all are a funny bunch. The theme Barcelona Manhattan, what is it? Sounds very arty farty to me.


    Sorry, just read The Kid's definition of Barcelona Manhattan in the earlier post. Like your reflective tiles and the colour combination in the common toilet. Where did you get them from?


  2. Wei, how come u got so many free gifts??? I thought i did more things than u? I should have more free gift leh. :bangwall:

    What kind of door he gave u??

    I only had mbr wood backing for the mirror with t5, kitchen backsplash glass panel and 1 mirror at shoe cabinet area.

    Other than that, like no more le leh.

    Brother Angteko, I come here to support you and I think you all are a funny bunch. The theme Barcelona Manhattan, what is it? Sounds very arty farty to me.


  3. hi england! now i welcome u to my blog by declaring This is Anfield!... :yeah:

    Thanks for the wishes...:) Although i feel that is an ok goal. Im still waiting for his cheeky lobs which he did quite frequently when at Atletico. :D

    Oh okay, haha. Are you going to display some This is Anfield banner in your house? Probably at the front door?


  4. haha..england, i thought u want to come in and said england going to win world cup. keke

    England is like liverpool loh, always support but always cant win at big stage. keke :D

    I think you cannot say that England is in the same mould as Liverpool. Liverpool won many. 5 times European champion and the team that won the most EPL championship though they now share the same record as Man Utd since Man Utd won last season. This season Liverpool is very inconsistent but I am sure they will bounce back given the quality of players except for Lucas and Carra, I think.

    England, on the other hand, is a different prospect altogether. Apart from that 1966 world cup, they have got nothing to show for it becoz they dont have a lot of depth via a via Spain, Argentina, Brazil etc. Nonetheless, England should at least get pass the group stage coz now they are starting to play like a team.


  5. Hi england, thanks for liking my kitchen . In fact I just give henry the colour I want and he design the whole thing .

    So are u considering to engage henry too ? Or u join other camp liao :)

    Definitely Henry lah, brother Simon. Please remind Henry to give a good quote coz last weekend I added quite a few things. I've always reminded him that Simon told me that you will give me a good price, haha.


  6. HI, For the past 3 weeks been trying to get a quote from Henry... He really seems very occupied, called him to bug him 4 times already. After my first call to him, my hubby sent email a couple of days later (04 MAR). Then because he said to wait 1-2 weeks, i waited till 1.5 weeks to follow up. He said would give me by end of week.. waited then called again half a week later... and so on till now.. it's the 30th... but fortunately only need to reno only Mid- May... Really thought by now would have a few quotes to look at... but because his club is growing- am hanging on for something good to come out of the wait..

    Hi there,

    Henry is really very busy but he is worth the wait, trust me. He is one of those IDs that is creative and is able to think on his feet. Mention that you are recommended by Simon from Woodlands is one way to get his attention.

    Bro Simon,

    I like your kitchen very much, it is very beautiful.


  7. The ugly aircon trunking

    Due to the recommendation of FSM, the aircon locations make the life of GC men difficult. Although, when I knew the aircon location, I realized it's actually the best location for every aircon in the room, example: in the bedroom, the aircon won't blow directly to you.

    Hence, I insist on having the aircon on those locations. Initially the were not receptive because the amount of troubles. And they also worry that putting the aircon on those locations will make the house "ugly" because of the trunkings that have to go around.

    Initially, they even want to tear down my old wardrobe to put the aircon in the living room. I was ready to give up, but finally they have another solution with the truning showing up in the living room. I took this route. Hopefully, I could have some ideas to "hide" those ugly trunkings.

    Behold ... the ugly trunkings.



    May I ask who is the fsm? The trunking is not exactly ugly. I mean you simply cant hide everything unless you are willing to spend more $$$ to box up!


  8. Have you been to the shopping complex next to Waterloo St. Guan Yin temple?

    You can find many shops selling curios including big bronze horse.

    Elephants, on the other hand, is a rarity.

    Have fun.

    Hi there,

    can anyone advise where to get metal statue?


  9. Has been a long time since I last update my blog here, really too busy arranging reno, finalizing details, and at the same time, packing for my upcoming move.

    Some prelim photos of my kitchen and master room wardrobe, nothing fanciful, earthy color.



    Nothing fancy is what I have in mind too. Your kitchen is very neat and the colour choice is compatible with the floor tiles.



  10. Cooldown all, didn't expect to receive so many "comments".

    I do not know asoon. I happened to "run into" this forum last Sep when search for "good" ceiling fan. I did not & have not, up to now, engaged any fsm fyi. I do not believe in those "fsm items" like pixiu, piyao, toad, etc.

    Initially, I found myself difficult to believe/understand fs & later become interested and keep reading books(chinese) on this and found out there are "branches" of fs theories, believes & practices, some already gone into "extreme", there are mix-up of taoism, mao-san belief & practice, etc. The ancient chinese description of "Qi" is a imaginary "object" circulating within body, is quite different from now fsm's "qi" which later developed into "kua", and so on.

    I have poor expression of toughts in english, unlike asoon. I would have written what he'd written, earlier on to make thing clearer.

    I don't buy toto or 4D - too difficult to "predict" the outcome. But I "invest" in stock, which is much more "predictable".

    TOTO, 4D and shares follow a random walk. If you got it right on a single occasion or several occasions in the past, that probably you were lucky at that time. To a certain degree, I would agree that shares are slightly 'predictable' than say TOTO/4D.

    Fengshui wise, I think it is a science that yet to be widely recognised.


  11. Yes the pipes are concealed. Patrick hacked the wall prior to the air con guy coming today. Then I believe Patrick patch back the wall but I was not on site when that happened. When I was there, the air con guys came and Patrick was there as well, he went to ask the air con guys how they plan to run the pipes and worked on the same page with them :)

    After this there will be a false ceiling built to conceal the piping again... So it wont be so ugly ;)

    Update on renovation with Patrick (Ho Bee):

    - air con pipes done up for entire house

    - all tiles have arrived (kitchen floor & bath room wall + floor tiles)

    - removal of master room built-in wardrobe

    - removal of all the lighting in the house

    - skirting all removed in living room

    Tmr Patrick has informed me tiling commences.

    Hi starblume,

    Couldnt find your T blog. Please advise.


  12. their pricing is similar to Natural Cool's...but cheaper than hong tar's or GC...

    for most of us, they would be an unknown entity as compared to Natural Cool

    which have been around for awhile so their installation work is known...

    im not slamming them or anything but maybe u guys shd check this out since we are in a sharing mood here?


    just bought a single split inverter last night at $200 lesser than forcesguy contact..

    the catch is, u gotta have some old aircons to trade in...give them a call to check.

    Good luck with ur choices! :)

    On the contrary, I feel that it is a good bargain. Natural cool is not that cheap even after trade in. I got mine cheaper than natural cool, apple to apple comparison. the sales guy, Aron Putt, is honest and straight to the point.

    If you got it cheaper, well that's good and that is ultimately what we are striving for-to cut cost. But I would recommmend my friends to Aron for sure.


  13. Hi Mashi Mashi and IVY

    Thank you both so much for your help. Received.

    Thanks England, I must agree that it is worth it to pay more for good quality audit and commercial charges are higher from $1600 and above. However I see his charge as very commercial too, not far off from 1600. Also I cant justify a 4hours or weekend only 2hrs job for $1,385(a normal admin staff's one months salary?) .... and there is no reaudit after renovations. Also dont we have to do the FS audit once every year!

    In my own opinion, I do not or will not paid for this amount unless I am totally sure that it will work for me. Maybe you would say I cant compare it this way which is true but it is still too costly..... He should probably charge lower for 1st time, and if he is really good, am sure he will have alot of return customers who dont mind paying higher to engage him the year after year

    I just visited a Master in a temple today whom i just found out, sees Fengshui also. Unfortunately his timing is packed now. Need to wait till Apr or May before he is able to help me. His discipline warned me not to ask him about the charges. He said he is here to help people who are in need and dont like to mention about money. Disciple said Master told him that some people are already at the rock bottom of their life, thats why they need help,,. if not they won't come to u for help. So how much is the person's XIN YI. Also normally, these people already dont have much money and are in trouble, therefore by asking for a certain amount is not helping them. As a Master You want to try to help and see people rise and become successful. I respect him.

    And yes Honey gal, 1358 not 1388, is the charges for private apt below 1500sq ft but I am not sure for 500 sq ft. Check with him,maybe he is able to give u some discount? Good luck!

    I believe Mr Chang will not mind coming to your residence for a second visit to check that his instructions to you are carried out properly. i am not sure about annual audit but thought it is for likely to last say 10 years at least, no?. For me, it is about getting quality advice. The rest that are charging higher probably include items in the package as well and I am just guessing so dont take my word for it. Having said that, lower fees ones are not necessary less credible but do beware that we live in a capitalist world.

    maybe you like to share the detail of the master in the temple with everyone here?


  14. Master Chang fees is $1388? I never encounter before. It is not high relative to the rest. You just look through how much those commercial fengshui master charge.

    Thought someone mentioned in other post a few hundred dollars to do house audit from other FSMs? Not sure about commercial FSMs are charging but I dont think they are cheap coz got to buy this and buy that.

  15. Dear all bros/sis

    I have been looking around to get a new air-con & finally manage to secure a group buys' price. To my understanding, their price is much lower than the market price. However, they will only offer to us unless I am able to gather at least 10 person to buy.

    Anybody who are keen, please pm me your name, e-mail address, contact no., address & your favourite air-con brand/model & they will prepare a special quotation to you.

    Hope I am able to gather enough kakis for the good price.

    Hi there,

    Please count me in as well.


  16. Hi all,

    Just wanted to share that I decided to go with Patrick, for a few reasons -

    (1) He was very professional & patient with my endless string of questions (i'm a newbie at renovation)

    (2) He was very prompt with quotation updates despite his schedule, shows sincerity :)

    (3) Good feedback on this forum

    So far today marks 1st day of renovation work, and Patrick told me that he will be doing the hacking for 2 days. When I went down to inspect at the day's end, my jaw dropped... He finished hacking -

    - ENTIRE kitchen (wall, floor tiles, 2 cabinets, even open up the ceiling to check, door frame and door)

    - 2 toilets (wall, floor tiles, cabinets, shower screens, bath tub, WC, false ceiling)

    - all the iron grills in entire house (living room, master, common room, both toilet grills)

    The best part? He's only left with removing one wardrobe in the common room & living room skirting only lol Talk about being fast! That's pleasing to he

    Still keeping fingers crossed and hopefully all goes smoothly :) But so far I'm very pleased with what I saw and his service *thumbs up*

    One tip I learnt is to go pick ur tiles early, then he can order quickly and do everything one shot. Like he's gonna order my tiles next tues/wed and by next week should be up. Aircon also coming on wed. Good stuff!


    That's pleasing to hear. Hope to see your pictures real soon.

