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Posts posted by d'lotus

  1. But what's the pricing like for their furnitures? I'm looking for a 3 seater L shape sofa, any ideas what's the price range like.


    At that time when was looking, we roughly know the average pricing for 1, 2, 3, 1+2, 1+2+3 seaters' pricing.... we just look see look see and when we found something we like, just look at the price.... discuss the material and haggle a bit.... walk away... pulled back..... and got our sofa

    We are more into practicality and not brand conscious... I know some people will go for big big brand names.... of course that would mean exp

  2. I hate it when ppl open their mailboxex... sort the letters there and then.... and throw those they don't want directly on the floor..... eventhough the bin is just 5 feet from him

    There was once I asked this guy why he did that.... he said, cleaners will clean it up, why bother!!

    Another issue is the design of the letter box area.... some has this area bricked up right in front of the letter boxes.... which according to some of the residents.... is for you to THROW those unwanted mail and someone will clear it later. I can accept this explanation, but to a young mind, what they see is an adult throwing rubbish on the ground... and they will follow... it's a vicious cycle

  3. Yeah....Both of us are Malaysians....:)

    Firstly, to hack that idiot kitchen wall, need to go through alot of things....So, forget about it. Anyway, as I mentioned up there, after some discussion with my wife, most likely we won't put any chairs inside there. That so called "breakfast top" will be served as normal kitchen top for preparing stuff. We definitely won't sit inside there to have our meal.

    Ohhh.... you are part of the 'foreigner' statistics that so called 'jack' up the price of properties in SG.... taking away the HDBs meant for locals !!! :):) [this is a current hot topic raging everywhere] We should have a get-together with you have completed with your reno... I will bring a bottle of wine :)

    This breakfast top is too high to be used as a normal kitchen top.... for placing thing - ok, but to chop this and that.... not appropriate ler..... try doing a motion study this evening at your current place. Let me look at your floor plan again

  4. OK. Need some help on this.

    Anyone know about the OpenNet installation? I had checked through their website and it is stating my area will only starting on December 2010.

    Anyway my concern is the laying of fiber optic cable internally my house. Can it be done by my electrician or I need to ask OpenNet to do it for me first before their box installation which will be outside my house?

    As far as I know, the OpenNet installation will be like 1 fiber optic cable to a box which will be installed outside of your house then from the box, there will be another fiber optic cable going inside the proper port. Therefore, I want them to help me do the internally part first to avoid any ugly trunking later. Can these be done?

    Just do a search on this favourite topic :)

    In short - your electrician can do the internal trunking with a pull cable for the OpenNet ppl to pull thru the fibre optic cable in due course.

  5. Yah!!! i've lived in the East, Central, South East, North West and now Central West of Singapore!

    haha... but buying stuff overseas is so much better coz lotsa times they're cheaper, and more unique! Thnk the balance between accumulating kitchy clutter and decorating is very hard to do though... often what looks good in a store looks weird at home! luckily hb and i have almost similar tastes (dark wood, antique, bold colours) so it's not that big an issue... we've compromised on the photographs as he doesn't like them in the living room while i do!

    so... who supplies the door of the bomb shelter ? hehehe ;)

    The million $ question..... but 2 cents answer!!

  6. went to Robinson today to get bedsheets and pillow covers cos MIL said good buy, best buy, must buy cos got discount.

    then found out that it is really expensive!! $169 for 1 bedsheet....300 threadcount though. luckily 50% discount. :)

    but still, i find them expensive. told my husband that he better sleep well with these soft good quality sheets! :P

    I change bedsheet set every year..... before CNY.... my queen plus my 2 boys' single beds.

    We donate the old sets after we wash them.

  7. @Reuben... first things first... kudos of being a flat owner in SG!! Both you and wifey PR... Malaysians? I have read your reno journey and I must take my hat off to you for diligently updating it.

    When I got my condo and reno... I registered in RT but somehow, my registration could not be validated... thus, my reno journey remained in photos only, complete with headaches and yipees!! (former more)... maybe I should start my reno T-blog (post reno) :)

    If I may, let me start with your kitchen re my 2 cents :

    It is easy for you to design everything from ground up, get the biggest fridge that you can afford (eventhough you do not need the space NOW). If you like the 2 doors variant... u need to leave adequate space on both sides so that the doors can be fully (or max.. 3/4 open). I would ditch the BF top if I were you... it's a nice thing to have (notice many modern Singaporean couples love it [together with this WIW thingy]).... more of a talking point. See how many who did it ACTUALLY sat there for BF/supper. Just have your BF at your dining table and free the space for your kitchen. But then again, your kitchen is big.... why not :) It's like many love to have a balcony... get nice furnitures... to have tea (like ang moh lah)... but once live in .... never open the sliding door ever..... warm and humid... get the drift?

    Has your wife done any motion study in the kitchen? ie like she is ACTUALLY cooking a meal... take food from fridge, dump it on the kitchen top, take knife/chopping board... take plate... take pot... switch this on, switch that on... chop the veges... back to fridge for this and that... open the tong sampah... throw the onion skins... put the pan on the stove... start the fire... get the oil, on your hob....dump in the vege.... aiyah.... need to add in kicap.... need to take plate to put in the cooked vege... go over to the rice cooker.... see if rice is cooked.... go on and on... until.... "honey, Im home..." This will tell you ROUGHLY where you need to keep what... where.... and design your shelvings accordingly... the height of the shelves... etc

    I said, your wife needs to do this as I presume she will be the MASTER of the kitchen.... let a guy do this and you will have TV...stereos.... low/high cabinets in all the wrong places, etc. Run through where you want to place your flat plates, deep plates, pots, small bowls, large bowls... once a while used pans... big ones, small ones.... then ensure you have enuf shelves in the kitchen cabinets. From experience, it's quite standard for the psf ID quite... they give you only 2 shelves and 3 for full height. Ask for more... so that you can adjust to save the dead space and have another shelving space. (I mis-calculated mine and now hav to get the original carpenter to redo a few shelves for me). Make sure you have enough switches at the RIGHT location for your electrical appliances. If you wanna save money... instal just one double 3-pin scoket at the location, then you can get the same thing and DIY beside it.... making it 4 plug points... saving on the price of installing a double 3-pin socket. (I will show you in my future blog). You being an engineering... this is surely SSS for you (sap-sap-sui) - very easy too as everything is on trunking, not concealed.

    Get soft closing hinges/runners for ALL cabinet / drawers / etc... you will not regret it. Make sure the drawer can be pulled all the way out... something like the blum runners - you will be frustrated later that you cannot see what you have at the last 6-7 inches at the back of the drawer.

    I read in earlier post whether to have the kitchen top all the way.... YES.... you can never have enough space in a kitchen!!

    You going with gas or induction? Gas is much much cheaper..... and you have to ensure your current pots and pans able to be used for induction.... I have induction back in my KL condo and since gas burners are provided free in my SG condo, I leave it as it is. I have a portable induction cooker, and use it when I need to eat maggi mee.... FAST!! from opening of maggi mee packet to cooked maggin mee in mouth - less than 2-minutes!! .... REALLY! Using gas..... aiyoh.........

    ... until next time... :)

  8. hi d'lotus, thanks! lots of the art and knick knacks at home have been collected through the years... it will come for you too! and yes, you'll find lots of things to change/add on the longer you stay in your place. been lucky with jerome, he's agreed to do a lot of additional stuff for me FOC, like shelves that were not in the original design, drawers etc. am still in the lookout for some art for the bedroom wall, the entry way and the dining area.... oh, and I travel lots for work and can pick up small things here and there too!

    I travel lots too in my work... but I'm BANNED from getting anything for the home (those ting-ting-tiang-tiangs)... wifey and I have different taste... always clash... in the end... those things I get will be in boxes and headache... where to keep/store them.... Now, I just let her decide everything... so, when things go wrong... it's not my bloody decision/problem. But the AV console and system and study room (converted from the stupid bomb shelter - frankly, who the heck would wanna 'bomb' Singapore... and who's benefitting from this... [read... who supplies the door to the bomb shelter... no prizes for the guessing the correct answer]).... is MY BABY / PERSONAL SPACE!!!

  9. @patsy.... beautifully and tastefully done.... kudos having an eye for the smaller items that complete transforming your pad into a HOME :)

    My condo main reno all done up and shifted in Nov last year... but missing the 'warmth' of a home... eg paintings, deco effects... wifey likes a minimalist theme

    As time goes along... there are areas where eg... need additional shelves in the kitchen cabinet (although we had done an extensive motion study) ... additional this here and that there..... haiz....

    I am putting down a list of 'follow-up' things to do, to buy, to change and will contact the guy who did up the carpentry previously for additional biz to him

  10. Even if there is a latch at the back of the mailbox... some may be loose, which means the slot still can be open... I have seen some of those pamplet distributors... they use a metal rod and jam push the slots open.... latch or no latch... with such force, all also open. Then, there are some pamplets which are distributed by your dear postmen... (acting as agents for these companies I suppose). Given that your mails are distributed by mailmen who open the whole front facade of the mailboxes... I reckon you can screw shut the slot PERMANENTLY... but agree with Warrior88... sometimes we need those fast food pamplets (when u r hungry... it's a life saver!! )

  11. *grinning at your reply* titanax, if your intention is really good, u could have pmed me about the double threads right? oh well, only u yourself will know your own intention lah, i wouldn't know, i can only guess. your true intentions on that post is open to interpretation.

    Anyway, i didnt realize i got 2 threads till u mention. If u can, help me locate my any other spamming double threads too? Please?

    I hope you are not new to forums.... when ppl sound you out.... don't lah kiasu/kiasi/kiasai... like in this case, just delete one of your post... close - period! Moderators don't bite unnecessarily

    Re the CS3... the only gripe I have is that their silver colour is not silver but... bronzie... crap! and the remote is not IR... cannot program into my Harmony One :(

  12. Hi, urgently need a dish rack. Been searching around, but cannot find any. Please help

    Many shops selling taps/bathroom accs sell dish racks..... try those along Jalan Geylang.... I have seen many (sorry - cannot recall the shops' names)

    Any shape/style preference? Price range?

  13. i just did my glass table top with Carlton glass. cheapest price, they can cut to size for all glasses. check their website.

    Self collect at ulu Changi though. can enquire via email.

    other renotalk forumers also did their glass through Yuen Tat.

    for plastic, can try Dama... google for their website. Also can customise size, sales staff very helpful and quick to reply to email.

    Muchas gratias @gimz - will f/up with your recommendations

  14. you're my hero now...i'd kiss you if you were standing infront of me ;)

    Haha.... I HATE it when I come across statements like... 'where to get cheap and good xxx'.... cheap and good do not belong in the same sentence - but I suppose this is what a Singaporean make!!

    Cheap where got good... good where got cheap (direct chinese translation [singlish]) CHEAPSKATE got lah

  15. that was not the intention, but you're welcome

    What a sensitive moron... ppl trying to help and what does titanax get... a sarcastic reply.

    Some ppl don't know stupid or what.... but I guess like most, never read the R&Rs... how typical

    Just nick picking..... from the thread title....Crestar Fans - where to buy? My first reaction "&^#&$*&i#$ - stupid or what... MOST shops carry the brand - some don't

    Then when read the thread... oh.... cheapest is it? ......

    Like some title threads.... "I need help..." that's it! I never bother with these threads

    @sgnick - by the way, any Crestar model that you are looking for? as $ differential between diff models can vary quite a lot. Like @frezhman noted... his 'cheapest' below $200 might not be the kiasu high tech crestar model you are eyeing. My Crestar CS3 (Silver - 5 bladed) w remote cost me $300 (frankly, don't know if it's cheap or expensive - didn't bother to check or compare)

  16. They are many inconsiderate ppl w 4th world mentality around.

    Advise them to change their add... you will forward / or they come and get them for a period of time - beyond that...... to **** with their letters.

    I keep a list of companies that send letters to my address..... and when I came down to SG, I wrote/email/whatever to them to change my address to my new one.... and tick off one by one when the mails arrive. For those that did not, will check (as some crappy coys [incl some 'high class' banks] do not send their mails to SG/overseas) and follow up.

    I love this 28 day thingy!! In MY, it's supposed to be 1 day... but how to control?

  17. someone mentioned that the balancing kit does not come with the fans & you need the kdk folks to do it for you - so it might wobble if not balanced properly. Not sure how that works out if you buy from JB.

    Balancing kits are for wooden blades... as they will warp over time and throw the balance of the blades out - that's why you need ... balancing kit.

    The KDKs are metal / acrylic.... all my KDKs don't come with balancing kits (BK)..... and I install all my fans

    I learnt of BKs only when I came down to SG... as there are many here who love those funny funny shaped fans with lights this and that and many have wooden blades.

  18. if i buy kdk fans from jb and if there are any problems, kdk singapore wont honour the warranty right?

    If I am not wrong, it's local warranty - so, KDK SG will not honour.

    That saying, I have been using KDK ceiling fans for the last 20 years and glad to note - till curennt date - NO PROBLEMO.... (yet) :)

    Even if u have problem, just drive back across the causeway.... near only mah
