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Posts posted by gendon

  1. yes yes the WII :jawdrop::unsure:

    then we can go up to my place or compassvale's place to play :D:(

    btw how much does one set cost?

    that day kenna 'charmed' keep thinking of getting one :unsure:

    confirmed list

    1. mrs compassvale

    2. mr, mrs & baby deathcoth

    3. gendon & family

    4. skywolf

    5. bluberi & hubby

    6. xlan & baby

    7. mr & mrs jaren

    8. mr & mrs cantona7

    KIV list

    1. mr compassvale

    2. ran & val + donut & oreo

    3. cat charmer

    4. greycat & brownmouse + yuki

    5. xlan bf

    6. bunbun & hubby

    7. LLhome & hubby

    8. Ma & Ce (don't know)

    Hello all :notti:

    Wah....been a long time i MIA, so much happening and I miss you guys...hee hee!

    Other than the tongs...are there anything else I can contribute? Maybe the famous Jelly, chicken curry or fruit salad or anything? Let me know ya...

  2. oops .. oh dear ... not coz of our dog fur , right ??

    no wonder you MIA for awhile ... hope your son will get well soon ..

    I used to suffer from asthma when i was 3 yrs till teenage ... It was a **** time for me n my mum ..

    but never really on asthma preventer or ventolin , just needed to go to the clinic to smell some gas .. :)

    think the side effect is the sugar level lor ...

    can't take it too often ...

    funnie that it works well only for the normal coke ,

    others like diet coke or coke zero ,

    my mum says no kick and no power and only makin her worst .. :unsure:

    Oh, dun worry too much abt pet fur, although it may be one of the trigger factors. And I noticed that my son didn't sneeze when around pets, so it's not much of a problem. Apparently the biggest culprit for him is the reno dust, especially on a hot day.

    I think the gas that u mention is the nebuliser lah. ;)

    Gendon: hope he's back to his usual active self now? no wonder you disappeared for a while....

    Yup, he's back to his usual noisy self...even at the hospital he's still his usual self....singing out loud the Thomas song at 1am in the ward and making "eyes" at some pretty nurses and doctors :yamseng::notti:;)

    alamak, ur blk still gt many units renovating?

    glad to hear ur son is ok n back to his cheeky self.

    Ya lor, still got reno going on....the drillings, the tile cutting, the knocking, and the whole works!

    I think they're rushing in time for CNY and by then hopefully will have lesser noise and dust flying around. My vaccuum cleaner has been working overtime ever since :lol::D

  3. :good::) more than 100 pages oredi :)

    Ever since my son got discharged from KKH few weeks ago, wow...gotta alot to catch up.

    Finally, after 3 incidents of bronchiolitis, and after the 4th time at the A&E he's finally diagnosed as having allergic rhinitis that resulted in asthma exercabation. Funny how when me & hubby have no family history of asthma, major allergies or even allergic rhinitis and/or sinusitis at all 8|

    At the hospital, I had to repeat and repeat to at least 4 doctors from the A&E right up to the ward doctors, of his symptoms and history since the 1st incident. After they took a nose swab from my son, turned out that he's got allergic rhinitis and the main trigger factor was the renovation dusts and paint fumes from neighbours downstairs doing reno back-to-back since mid-2007 to date !!

    But he's ok now.....still running, jumping about, being his cheeky self 8|zz

    And he has to use the asthma preventer twice daily now, instead of 6 hourly of Ventolin few weeks ago.

  4. hello everyone, think it's time for another gathering

    think this sat one not on liao right?

    how about 16 Feb at my place?

    Apple, I'm afraid this Saturday's cooking session have to postpone liao.:paisey: Didn't inform u all earlier. :P

    16 Feb is fine for me though. :curse:

  5. wow hsw is not cheap at all

    e.g. a similar product is retailing at $6.90 at ikea but hsw is selling at A$18.90 !!


    i'm looking at something that'll span the sink's width, around 90cm

    the product i'm eyeing cost US$37 on the site

    but if buy four poles and one shelf from hsw will cost me A$98 :yamseng::P8|:(

    Hee hee, the brochure that I have the pricing is in SGD lah :)

    Ok, for example.....

    Chrome shelves: W91cm x D30cm is S$25.45

    Chrome poles: 46cm tall is S$8.15 per pole

    So total price is S$58.05 can get at HSW Parkway Parade. Not sure if GST already included or not though.

    As for the US$37 item that you're aiming at, is it inclusive of shipping?

  6. ikea one is similar but there's two bars at the bottom

    can't fit around the sink and tap

    this one only got one bar behind, so can slot it between the tap and the wall

    sigh, so far i've not seen anything that serves the same purpose leh

    any kind souls point me in the right direction?

    I think the next closest thing u can get is from Howard's Storage World - Easy Build Shelving System. Prices are in Australian $ as you can from the website. I have the brochure with me.

    What's the size that you're looking at?

  7. Yes, it is possible to laminate over the bedroom doors. :furious:

    Cost me $540 just for labour+laminates to get all 3 original HDB-issued bedroom doors done, using the same laminate type (textured woodgrain laminate) for some of the carpentry works in my house. So that the whole look and feel is synchronous with the rest. :curse:

    Before door laminated:


    After door laminated:



  8. No stainless steel because it's more lasting. Chrome is actually a plating, which peels off over time.

    Oh, i see. Should you ever consider chrome in the future, get those with PVD finish. Costs more but definitely more durable, easier to maintain & doesn't peel off like its cheaper chrome-plated cousins. !!

  9. Bought all bathroom accessories (shelves, towel rails, towel/robe hooks, soap dispenser, toothbrush holder) for both bathrooms from Equip Design (in Plaza S'pura) as well as from a shop(can't recall the name) in B1 at Park Mall. Cost me a bomb !! but for me it's worth it. So far just need to use water and clean dry towel to dry & buff once or twice weekly.

    Stainless steel for aesthetics purposes?

  10. Yup, i do agree with Phantom and the rest. :bleah:

    Most importantly is the appliances' dimensions and weight that have to be factored in also.

    For eg. for homeowners who intend to do washing machine base, of course the tiler needs to know the appliances estimated size first. Likewise for the fridge.

    If intending to have built-in appliances such as ovens, dishwashers, wine coolers, freezer drawers, etc., it is critical that such appliances and the carpentry materials used are suitable & durable for built-in capacity. And should an oven be placed on a suspended wall cabinet, what is it's gross weight? Can the carpentry take its weight in the long run?


  11. oh dear i just realised that revolution pink got no 6 ampoule pack

    8| 8| 8| myself for the boo boo

    the brown is AUD33.15 for 3/pack and additional AUD28.20 for 6/pack

    if all no hurry then maybe i'll order next month

    so 19 Jan gendon can make it?

    she's the host so most important is she must be free :P

    if not we can have it after CNY :) :)

    It's a Saturday, right? Sure, let me earmark that date first hor. :)

    Ppl wan to park tou give them some space to make baby mah. :notti:

    Happy Merry Christmas to Everybody!:notti:


    Aiyah, anywhere anytime can make baby lah....just need to add a dash of creativity and passion :lol: :lol:

    Bro, so how the jelly? :notti:

    happy117.gifMerry Christmas everyone!! greet004.gif

  12. Har... the WMF is made in CHINA. :deal::P

    As applefreak mentioned, there are both made in China and made in Germany ones.

    If u want to know which one other than by the significant weight difference, just check the bottom of the pot or pan, you'll see the words MADE IN GERMANY engraved for the German-made pots & pans. :)

    WMF has products that are made in China or Germany

    those made in germany ones are more of accessories e.g. active kitchen

    pots and pans don't need much precision works so MIC ones are okay

    most important is the material mah :(:notti:

    Yup, agree :)

    Even the melon-baller got two types: opt for the shaft that is securely welded/moulded onto the ball part (alot stronger and more durable), instead of the L-shaped end part of the shaft that is just attached to the ball part (cheaper ones tend to done this way).

    heng ah!:jawdrop::lol:

    My sentiments exactly! :lol: :lol:

  13. that fellow was driving a RWD MX5 at that time, he probably thinks it's just another FWD/4WD that he can floor the throttle and get away with it. Sorry lor, RWDs are not for novices esp at high speed/heavy throttle.

    that's not the worse thing. FACT IS, after this accident, he DID NOT learn his lesson. And somemore went to claim he wants to test drive another *performance* vehicle in forum and got discovered that was him. Then all h#ll broke lose and everyone remembered him and demanded action. Otherwise the case would have been forgotten and buried.

    People even wrote in to demand answers from the TP, why the case was taking so long.

    Think next time cars should be fitted with Driving License detectors with new licenses embedded with speed limiters. (like cash car machine, but must slot in your license to drive the car) Meaning no matter what car, as long as it is slotted with a license with <2 years driving experience, the car is limited at 50km/hr by default. And only when it enters expressways, gadgets on the expressway override the limiter and allows 80km/hr. :P

    Of cos there are ways to fool the system. Like using some other's license and so on....lol

    or when the person got license many years liao, but not much real driving experience..hehe

    But think the logistics of getting such things implemented will put off any govt lah..hehehe

    The cars that I can think of with regards to your suggestion....the Peel P50 (top speed abt 60km/h):


    Peel P50 video clip


  14. My mom yesterday just 'kapo' one of my 28cm flat frying pans - the WMF one. Luckily she took the China-made one, phewww!

    I think she too kena the WMF bug, ha ha!

    Aiyo ... it's really a good idea mah .. I won't mind getting WMF for any present. AnyTime :yamseng::P:)

    You should have join us wor ... We had fun at Compassvale's place ...

    My boys had a great time that they slept soundly till next morning but poor fifi was so

    busy scolding oreo and ignoring donut ... :P:notti:

    Ya lor...your boys so cute! And Fifi too :wub:

    Thank god my son didn't disturb them that day.

  15. Had a great time at the gathering :P

    Good company, good food and good laughs!

    Me & Mr Gendon are looking forward to a next gathering :yamseng:

    And finally u all have seen how my son "test drive" a house or even a Christmas tree. :P Frankly, me & Mr Gendon were very nervous bcos we're scared if anything breaks!

    Oh ya! Before I forget.....here's the recipe for the Continental Cocktail Jelly:

    Ingredients for Jelly:

    3.6 litres of water

    550g of SIS brown sugar (and not dark sugar, red sugar, black sugar or gula melaka ya)

    1 packet of jelly powder (must be the Blue Swallow brand hor)

    Half a teaspoon of sea salt or grounded rock salt (I used sea salt instead of fine salt, bcos it tastes better)

    Ingredients for Continental Fruits:

    Fresh fruit

    4 Kiwi fruits - peeled & sliced

    1 punnet of Blackberries - rinsed clean

    1 punnet of Cherries - stems removed

    1 punnet of Strawberries - rinsed clean, stems removed, and then halved or quartered

    Canned fruit

    One big can of Halved peaches in syrup - peaches sliced to smaller pieces, and syrup strained.


    1) Combine the water, brown sugar, jelly powder and sea salt in a cooking pot. Stir well until all ingredients are dissolved then place pot on low fire.

    2) Stir gently and constantly to a rolling boil. After the 1st rolling boil, continue stirring at low fire until there's lesser bubbles and can smell a stronger caramel-like aroma. Let it continue boiling gently for the second time, stir well for about 1 to 2 minutes and remove pot from fire.

    3) Pour the boiled jelly into large moulds or bowl of your choice (if plastic container, pls ensure that it can take the heat), let it cool first and refrigerate until jelly is fully set and ready to be served.

    4) Prior to serving, layer the cut fruits on top of the jelly and finally a layer of ice cubes. Lastly, pour the strained syrup over the the piled fruits & ice. Stir the whole bowl of jelly & fruits minutes before serving.


    - If canned fruit cocktail in syrup is to be used instead of fresh fruits, u may reduce the amount of brown sugar to 450grams, unless u really like it very sweet.

    - Blueberries can be used to substitute the Blackberries. Very healthy...especially for the men, hee hee! :notti:

    - For personal consumption or for portions of 3 persons and less, then can pour the boiled jelly into several medium bowls or containers. Once covered/lidded and refrigerated, the jelly can last abt 1 week in the fridge.


  16. http://www.simplehuman.com/products/index.html

    saw their products in homefix....quite solid.


    heavy and solid...very practical - $50+ nia.

    Yo brader MaCe,

    Very sorry last minute we can't attend last Sunday. :paisey:

    Our son was very sick that day.

    Perhaps next time then.

    I like Simple Human products too, I have one in my MBR bathroom - a white colour trash bin.

    Another solid brand is Brabantia (I have one in the kitchen). :rolleyes: Can find them at Howards Storage World also.

    Compassvale pre-Xmas party (15th Dec, Sat)

    Applefreak and bf/sister?(both days can)

    Gendon and family? - ok on 15th

    Mace and wife? (15th can)

    Ran ? & val with donut & oreo (ok on 15th)

    Bluberi & hubby? (ok on 15th)

    Angelwrath & hubby?

    Linda & family?

    ah kiat & wife?

    ah wai & wife? (to advise again nearer date)

    Jaren & wife?

    <Food list>

    Compassvale - Dry MeeSiam Beehoon / Chicken Wings / FingerFood(Fishball,Samosa?)/ Soft Drinks

    Applefreak - Hard Liqour

    Gendon - Fruit Cocktail Jelly (normal one or continental one?) :notti:

    Sorry for the very the late reply :paisey:

    hehehe, sometimes we pay for wmf not just for the solid and quality product

    also pay for the sleek design and really nice feel in the hand mah :wub: :wub:

    some pix to share

    it was taken at the plum garden outside osaka castle

    really beautiful :wub: :wub:





    Wahhh...so beautiful! :yamseng::dribble:

    Reminds me of the Sakura song, though. :lol: :lol:

  17. think may be crowded but worse is weekend evenings. really queue very long to go into the carpark.

    afternoon should be fine though.

    not sure where is a good place, can try the main taxi stand but may be crowded with taxis. but then sometimes is alot of people queueing but cabs not too much. may be able to pick and go.

    another place is the other side of compasspoint, 7-11, UOB Bank there, walk all the way straight out towards the road. There is another waiting bay where got cars parked at the side.

    anyway gendon, will you be shopping with us? or just pick apple and blu at compasspoint then go already? Not too sure what your plan is :bangwall:

    If you are shopping with us, maybe you can arrange with apple and blu the timing and place to pick them to compasspoint, think we all meet up at compasspoint easier. No need to convoy to compasspoint i think..hehe

    But if you are not joining the shopping, then maybe you can pick apple and blu wherever most convenient for you and we be there as well with Val to convoy together to JW ;)

    Ok, since I need to get something at cold storage, may as well I meet you guys later at the original pickup place @297A at 1245hrs. :P

  18. aiyo....our convoys are from TPE -> SLE -> BKE - KJE ->PIE -> exit Pioneer

    actually confused you with diva79....nearly wanted to ask the REX to join the convoy at KJE..haha

    actually not sure how is the seating arrangement?

    ours can take 2 more excluding ourselves, so it's ran + val

    (if ran not going, then we can take 1 more. looking at the list again, seems that Ran not going. So yes, we have 1 seat not taken)

    gendon taking her son, apple, blue, may be full also or have 1 more capacity. Gendon, any extra seats?

    My son will be in the car seat (as usual), with either bluberi at the back & apple at the front or vice versa.

    Can fit one more person, but will be a bit cramped lah :lol::)

    Will Compasspoint carpark be full on Sunday afternoons? And where's the best place for me to pick up apple & bluberi before we all proceed to JW?

    Looking Forward to tml :(:D:lol:

    Angelwarth hw do u come? If by MRT pls contact me i will go and pick u up at the bus stop.

    Double check on the food list.

    Applefreak & others bring polar puff

    Gendon bring Fruit Jelly - Cantona, can u supply some ice for the fruit cocktail jelly? TIA

    MaCe bring shark fins and Birds Nest.

  19. Hey I am thinking about ordering this bedding for my comforter, but I don't know what to do to my walls. I wanted to sponge paint or something.. idk. Ideas??


    Hi boboem :sport-smiley-004:

    Wow! Nice vibrant-coloured bed linens!

    As you can see in the photo, a pale coloured wall (looks like milky white or chalk white to me) will give a good contrast against such bedlinen colours. It's good to know though that usually bedlinens are changed much more often than the painting of walls.

    Should you prefer to dress up your walls and feel the need to rag-roll paint or sponge paint or wall decals, etc. then it's better to get paler colours so that it wouldn't clash with the bedlinens or look too visually busy.

    So it depends on what that you want to focus on: the bedlinen or the wall? If you prefer a stylised wall, then u need paler & subdued coloured bedlinen and/or with textures. Or do you prefer the bedlinens to be the focus?
