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Posts posted by edenstrauss

  1. Both gentlemen, pls cease fire. Lionheart appears to be rude, but i believed not intended, may be due to his writting style. Anyway, care to share why took 5 yr to queue & 6 months to do house audit?

    Real Master in Purple Star astrology is rare indeed, I noticed. I guess, likely due to the complexity of star constellations + Bazi.

    Hi bepgof, I just saw this thread of yours. My reply is given in response to your earlier sharing on purple star astrology. I was introduced to this master in 1990s (in Singapore) when I first graduated & was working. Every business person will have their own styles of running & managing the business. They don't advertise & all referrals are by word-of-mouth because this FS master's skills were fantastic. The queue just got longer over the years I think. Snowballed. I do not know the real reason. The FS master tells me "no choice because too many clients" & he takes 1 hours per reading & more than half a day for a house audit. And he has overseas assignments too, etc...

    I've given feedback to the wife in a discrete & most polite manner & she tells me that you "can't finish earning $" because there's only 1 FS master & a limit to everything e.g. his health because he can't work 24 hrs aday to see every client who knocks on the door. His last purple star astrology session is at 12 midnight but that's only reserved for urgent cases (I felt that it was more for regular clients). My guy friend had his scheduled that late (no kidding) because he needs to obtain his directive on his fortune read before chinese new year this year. Another neighbour of mine had his scheduled at 11pm years ago & had his premises audit cramped into the following morning because he needs to get his office renovated by a certain date. But were his regular clients who uses his services every year.

    I felt that they are not as organised with good aftersales service if you compare them to other reputable FS masters like tan khoon yong. So this could have turned away many potential clients. Like when he told me to get my gate tilted & we couldn't get a decent contractor who knows how to do it nicely, we were unable to fall back on them because they had no recommendations. We had to find the right contractors on our own.

    One of my brother inlaws was so chissed off that he & his wife went to another FS master because they have a dateline for renovation of new flat last year.

  2. Finally, someone here mentions purple star astrology((紫微斗數). Kapo a bit here. Many years back before marry, I begun reading this, without background knowledge of chinese star constellation, ended up like making a trip from Singapore to Taiwan then London and back to Singapore again, saw many stars but don't know who is who. This probes me to "dig" into chinese star constellation knowledge.

    It use some ~ 100 stars(Those observed from northernsemisphere, why not include those observed in the southernsemi sphere?) for interpretation or representation, a chart drawn with 12 palaces + one's 4 pillar (bazi or DOB) and draw lines here & there (in short, put one's DOB- relate to different stars and "spread" over the 12 palaces. Then interprete one's "fate/destiny" according to the "pattern" of spread of stars onto these 12 palace). This theory based upon one's birth is out of Heave's will, and the Heaven's

    will are "written over the sky" by stars. It emphasizes much on the Three Enclosures (三垣 ) and Twenty-eight Mansions (二十八宿 ). This method was later modified and developed into today's "flying star" which uses 9 digit+bazi+luopan, "move here & move there" within a chart printed with these 9 digit & tell some different "+/- spots" within a house or building. The "move here & move there" very chime, which landed me still in London or Holland, yet to back to Singapore.

    Personally as to speak, The Purple Star astrology worths a read, the rests are just so, so. Anyway, took 5 yrs to queue, eerrrr, don't know what to say, but sure building a BTO or a boutique condo take less time than this.Added: Post this just to share some knowledge, in case you want to understand the purple star astrology- must understand stars first.

    U're interested enough to go into the fine prints & details of purple star astrology. I tried reading it up once in a book from MPH but it's mind-boggling. My Taiwanese FS master isn't commercialised like his counterparts in the geomency industry. He runs the show more like a family business. No retail shops, no office in commercial buildings, no advertisements & a one-man show because he doesn't hire any outsiders. It's tough because he travels overseas for clients who request for his geomency services. He has his own group of regular clientele whom I have a sneaky suspicion that he gives them the priority.

    Yes the aftersales service is somewhat lacking. But we have been putting up with it for the past 10 years because it's worth the wait for excellent geomency expertise. He has mentioned to us that he is a "one-man human" so could only do that much each day & no choice if he doesn't have the time for seeing new clients.

    Actually, the purple star astrology is interpreted by masters differently. I had gone to see other FS masters here in Singapore in 2007. We forgot to make a 1 year advance booking in 2006 when my hubby & myself were putting up in London. We were very disappointed with the outcome & realised that not every master would interpret the purple star astrology in the same manner. We went to one FS master who was affliated to wayonet but the outcome was disastrous & my hubby was annoyed as it was a waste of both time & $. So we've decided that it's our Taiwan FS master whom we would consult or none.

  3. Is this your advertisement? Your eagerness has repeated twice already. What kind of bragging story is this? wait 5 years just to queue for fortune telling??? Hey, whoever you are, there are many great fortune tellers around that need no waiting....probably a week or two the most.

    Wait 6 months to audit a house? Owners can camp with the contractor inside the house already !!! By the way, are you his secretary or wife?

    Hi there, please do not be rude & abusive in making such unkind remarks. It's not very polite of you to make such conclusions. I am a new user of reno forum & not well-versed like yourself in using the system. If you really think that I am advertising for them, then please do the wise move in reporting the matter to the renotalk forum to have my replies removed instead of making such insinuating remarks!

  4. Hi Thanks for the reply!

    Wifey checked with FSM and according to FSM its becos the main entrance foyer area is abit small and it is abit dim... he also mentioned that if our opposite neighbour is not offended then he would advised us to put a big half height mirror...

    I'm just curious but whose your FS master?

  5. Came across the above topic during the typical Sin Ming chinese papers.

    I hope i prononnunced correctly on the above subject.

    It goes something like that : the alive person working with geomancer wants to improve luck. Geomancer says "put your personal stuffs like hair, nails, etc" into coffins or bury or etc. But the person must not commit sins otherwise will have bad luck soon,etc

    Is the above a myth or really a geomancer ceremony ?

    There are plenty of such stuff on You-tube, especially from documentaries filmed in Taiwan. According to some of the masters there, this is viewed as unorthodox & not recommended because if the person doesn't have a pure state of mind (which many of us humans normally don't as we tend to err), the effect could be counterproductive. Some could get spooked by evil spirits or even have many unwanted "followers". And some others who had done it became rich but had to pay back in other ways.

  6. Hi, appreciate some help here in the placement of bed...

    Due to space constraint, I can either place my bed 1) slightly in line with the doorway or 2) opposite the windows. Read that its not good to have the bed placed in a position such that the feet faces the doorway which is the 'coffin' position... would it then be beter to place the bed opposite of the windows then? Any advice is appreciated! Thanks.

    Hi, although I am not an expert in advising about bed positionings & FS, I would definitely not recommend that you position your bed opposite windows (i.e. when u sleep on your back, the soles of your feet will be facing the window). This is definitely a no-no. And not directly facing the door too! ALL your "QI" will be sucked out through these 2 avenues and supposedly, causing a sickly constitution. And for some unfortunate souls, the results could be fatal too!

    I do not mean to scare you but this is based on my personal experience. When I first had a matrimonial flat, my bed was facing a full panel of windows. After sometime (maybe 6 months after), I had this numbing pain running down my right arm & fingers from my shoulder. I realised that I had difficulty typing on my keyboard while at work. To be honest, I was frightened, thinking that I was going to be down on a stroke at any point in time.

    After consulting a doctor from Gethin Jones & Partner, the doc referred me to a neurosurgeon who scheduled a surgical procedure to tighten the nerves under my right armpit.

    It was then that my hubby decided to engage a fengshui master because we had other concerns about the flat too. This FS whom we are still using (for the past 10 years already), audited the flat without any knowledge of my medical condition & other issues with our flat. When he entered our flat with the "luopan", he straight away told us to rectify our bed position, such that the bed post is against the panel of windows. He said no alternatives or shortcuts because it will affect the partner with the "lighter bazi", where in this case, I happen to be the one with the "lighter bazi".

    He also explained to me that if we were to position it sideways to the windows, both partners (i.e. me & my spouse whose sleeping in the bed) will suffer from the same nerve ailment & require surgical operations. Both of us were shocked by his explanation, especially my hubby whose a sceptic with geomency.

    The bed position was top-priority in instituting the changes for our flat. I told the FS master that I was supposed to go for the operation next week & he was so confident in telling me to cancel it, which of course, I did not. After the FS master left, my inlaws came with their drillers to bring apart the European king size bed. It took 4 of my brother inlaws & my hubby 3 hours to assemble that mammoth of a bed to the recommended position.

    At that juncture, I was worried about the after-effects. But miraculously, I was fully recovered on the third day, up till today. it's been 10 years already. The sleeping position is indeed very important.

    I've had an elderly friend who used to sleep with his bed facing the doorway. The results were a disaster after 2 years. He had stroke, became bed-ridden & slipped into a coma. And died after dragging on for 3 painful years in the nursing home. Another neighbour who did the same with his bed position, became very sick (not sure what medical condition) after 1 year, became bed-ridden too & passed on after suffering for 5 years in & out of hospice care.

  7. Hi anyone got any recommended FSM that will advise on generally Fengshui and not to put too many awarkward object at weird places?

    And wont ask you to buy exp stuffs?

    Basiccally I need a master to tell me abt the good and bad positions and some placement items.

    Need help ask confirming my design soon..

    Hi, have u engaged your fengshui master already?

    I use a Taiwanese master chen yin chieh (who is very well-versed in purple star astrology) for the past 10 years. He doesn't ask you to buy expensive stuff or anything from him because he doesn't believe in selling anything except his geomency expertise.

    He doesn't advertise & as a result is not as commercialised as the rest. But it's very difficult to engage him because there's always a long queue & his wife who serves as his secretary is impartial so no queue cutting. Back in year 2000, my hubby & myself waited for 3 weeks to get our flat audited.

    My inlaws were so chissed off when they got lost in the queue for fortune-telling after waiting for 5 years. Then finally, they managed to get their fortune interpreted by him after another 6-months waiting time for their new bungalow to be audited by him.

  8. hi all. I just join this forum as i was recommanded by one of my friend here. May i know who has egage any good and reiable master for their house? Can share?

    Thanks :)

    Hi, I use a Taiwanese master chen yin chieh who is very well-versed in purple star astrology for the past 10 years. He doesn't ask you to buy expensive stuff or anything from him because he doesn't believe in selling anything except his fengshui expertise. Let me know if you would like to engage him. Long queue.

  9. Hi

    Just want to check regarding placement of mirrors at main entrance doorway... hope someone can help...

    I read from the net that usually pple avoid placing a piece of half height mirror at the main entrance doorway ie when u open the main door the first thing you see is the mirror because it will reflect away the chi... and also some of my friends are telling me that putting a mirror directly infront of the main door entrance will 吓走财神and its not good...

    but some of my friends are telling me that mirrors are basically good as it can block away the evils... and my FSM has also advised me to put a half height mirror at my main entrance doorway and infront of the mirror I have to place the Fu Lu Shou 福禄寿statue...

    Does anybody has any advice / explanation on whether if this is good?

    Thanks in advance

    Did you check with you FS master on his reasoning for such a recommendation? If you are doubtful or sceptical over such an arrangement, have you tried asking him for other alternatives? It would be good to speak to him if you have concerns over mirrors placed at main entrance doorway.

    Thus far, I've come across such a layout in a couture bridal shop at Tan Yoong's located at Lucky Plaza. But the interior for his shop has nothing to do with fengshui. Another was a Malay friend's flat on the ground floor. The effect is "glaring" & somewhat undesirable during the night. Quite a number of us who visited her flat had a shock when the main door opened. The first thing we saw were ourselves & the scenery behind us, especially the trees. We also had the tendency to turn behind & look at... not sure what but it was just an urge to turn behind & look out at the scenery behind us.

    In view of the above, I'm not suggesting that what your FS recommended is not advisable because I don't really know much about FS even though I have my own FS master from Taiwan.

    My rectangle mirror is custom-made such that it could fit into the space above the main door to deflect bad energies. It was mounted 10 years ago. But that panel of mirror is placed on the exterior of my flat, not the interior based on your FS master's recommendation. I also read somewhere that my mirror would double up as door guardians (门神) to ward off anything evil or bad.

    You really have to check with your FS why he is making such a recommendation.

  10. hi eden,

    maybe u can upload your gate pic after altering to share with us? Just curious

    hi muffin, I'll try to borrow a camera to upload a photo but nobody noticed that my gate was tilted unless they stood right infront of my gate. From afar, nobody noticed that it is skewed.

    I really love my gate even though I didn't strike any lottery altho' the opportunity was presented to us. The invoice number came up as 3rd prize & as a starter during the next 2 weekend's 4D results. We do not have the habit of buying any lotteries in view of religious reasons. But it seems a good enough omen for us to have such an invoice number coming from the tilted gate :D

    The contractor that I've engaged did such a neat, beautiful job. And they have great aftersales service with touching up of paint.

  11. Does it looks weird?

    No it doesn't look weird at all. My gate is tilted on one side by only 2 inches from the pivot point (where the hinges) are based on my fengshui requirements 10 years ago.

    In fact, nobody realised that it's tilted unless they stand right infront of my gate close-up. I would give full credits to metalworld pte ltd because their foreman is very experienced & had engineered the gate so well that a few of my friends who required such "special" gates got from them.

  12. hi will it be awkward?

    i believe that sometimes if u feel that u love your home, u might not need to go for extreme FS.

    I was advised by the FS master to tilt the gate (top priority) 10 years ago & we didn't adopt his recommendation until we had no choice after 10 years of going down & under... there seemed to be some "blockage". It'll require at least 3 months for the tilting to take effect.

  13. Hi

    anybody has done tilting the metal gate?? It will be gd if the gate is tilt w/o changing a new metal gate. if possible, i would like to hv the contact..tks...

    Hi, I have just tilted my gate. I've engaged MetalWorld to fabricate & install my gate. They've done an excellent job in having it skewed on one side by 2 inches from the pivot point of the other side of the gate frame.

    They've done a very good job because the workmanship was seamless. But their retail staff was a let-down. If you would like to engage them, it's preferrable that u get in touch with their workshop directly as many of my neighbours have done so.

    Good luck!
