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Posts posted by Martin

  1. First of all, which threads of mine suggest SHOUTING at Simon and Marsh here? And which thread of mine directed to marsh and her family members and any quote of her included in my thread? I simply used an analogy, and water leaking is a serious issue which i think is as serious as rape. Simon, i thank u for your help. The PM to u is not a message to seek help urgently but rather to tell u that he might be good last time but people do change over time. And why are u and daydream so worked out by this?? If both of you are so disturbed by what i said, im sorry. Marsh im sorry too and im taking down the thread. Marsh wasnt unhappy about it too and im sure she knows wat was written wadnt directed to her and it was simply an analogy. If calling him and shouting at him

    will expediate all the works then i wont write here. You think tuping such long msg with iphone is fun??? You guys are in deed shouting at me with red bold fonts. Whatever you guys think of me, rude or not rude.. Im going to share more here if things are not dine properly for the benefits if all potential house owners.

  2. did your neighbour contact HDB on the leakage? HDB will issue a letter to the contractor and ask him to rectify.

    btw, the analogy with rape is too extreme la... i am just trying to tell you that this is not a new problem and there are many ways you can make sure the problem gets rectify, with some reference from experience from fellow forumers.

    there can be many hiccups in reno, important thing is how to solve the problems with the best way. getting frustrated and angry doesn't get things moving.

    HDB officer came and i called, no outcome yet.. I will go down to my neighbour house soneday next week to check if everything is ok before paying him my last payment.

  3. Good for you.... Think your renovation process is really smooth sailing...

    Now my neighbour downstairs complaint of water leaking... Im really worried my whole toilet tiles need to be hacked out again!

    Then that will spoil/scratch many things in the process....

    Already the kitchen basin i asked for undermount and he did a top mount for me....now removing everything and redo for me...

    During the process of removing it, scratch my newly bought Bosch Washer, dont know his man did it or caesarstone man did it...


    And his painters really sucky...they told my parents they are professional painters... haiz..after repainting it is worse than first time... the paint is patchy and lot of white patchy area without paint..

    Then some of the paint get to the edge of my TV feature wall and wardrobe...

    Then they just pour out the paint into the shower drainage hole...Dont know the hole will get clogged or not...

    One of the window handle is spoilt and his man said I SWEAR I SAW IT WAS BROKEN WHEN I FIRST WENT UP TO YOUR FLAT BUT I FORGOT TO INFORM YOU...

    I went up so many times and never notice it... There was a night i was standing there for 5-10 minutes and his aircond man showed me one alternative to install an aircond in that room is to

    install those hanging on the window type if i dont want to see casing crossing my wall...and guess wat, i also didnt see it broken... maybe it was too dark, or i was too tired to see anything..

    Now he promise to help me replace...but finding the part is a pain, he said no one selling the same part...haiz...

    Now my wish is:

    1. get the kitchen and top done probably

    2. paint do properly

    3. Fix the window handle

    4. most importantly is fix the water leaking issue of my neighbour...... I dont wish to get pig head on my gate being a bad neighbour..

    Pls pls pls......i want to move in soon..... Dont wish to get any more heart attack....

    Desperate House Owner

    One more thing, before leaving my house, his painters told my mom that they are going to ask Henry to pay them more as they had done more than 1 colour for me...

    Henry ah Henry, maybe you can drop them....last time when i was in Malaysia... i painted my whole house, and im sure my work is better than them....

  4. Hi

    I am a silent reader to this thread. All along I don’t feel the need to comment as I think it will make the matter even worse if I start to defend for Henry. There will be some funny jokers who are either Henry’s customers or someone who indeed been rejected by Henry ambushing this thread (just like the irritating umbrella lady waiting to summon car drivers) waiting for chances to pass funny or unwanted comments.

    By posting, I will also invite unwanted trouble as I’m pretty sure someone will later comment that

    1)I’m related to Henry

    2)I worked for Henry

    3)I’m Henry

    4)Supersimon and friends78 is the same person or whatever.

    Just to add, I don’t really care if Henry’s business will be good or not after my post. It is none of my business. I'm just sharing my views. So I will not be replying to this thread after this post cos it will be a waste of time arguing. I reply, people will say I'm defensive. I don't reply, people will say they are correct. No end to it so I will rest my case after this post. If you need have questions, please pm or post it in my T-blog. Thanks.

    I signed up with Henry on 9 Jan 2011. My reno has just been completed yesterday. The terms and conditions are the same as mentioned in the above post. It was almost the same as my previous contractor so I have no problem with it. ID Note is a small scale reno company unlike those big ID firms. Henry needs to make payments to the respective sub cons be it the carpenter, tilers etc for the material cost before the commencement of work. Having said that, I would still agree that one has to be comfortable with the payment modes. If not, don't sign. He is not the only guy in S'pore doing reno, just move on and find one you like and comfortable with. It's as simple as that.

    I only received my 3Ds on 24 Feb 2011, more than a mth after signing with him. Henry is a contractor not ID. He will recommend ideas and simple space planning and will only give you 3D on the carpentry work that you have confirmed with him. He won't provide 3Ds for the whole hse or plan theme or even select colours. You would have note that from my blog, there isn't any 3D on my dining area/common toilet/my baby's room. This is because I do not have any carpentry work done for this area. I hope this will set the expectation of Henry's potential customers. Please remember, he is a contractor. If you need intensive space planning or 'out of the box' showroom kind of design, please approach ID firm. Also, you would have note that there's a 3D on the study room in my T-blog that eventually did not materialize. It was because I found some ready-made furniture in vhive while shopping for misc items. Called Henry that I will not do the study room due to budget. He withdrew the two items (study table and wardrobe) from the quotation without questions.

    Also, there's no such thing as the perfect contractor who will do things right at all times. Aiyoh, even parents/child and spouses also have differences and will quarrel, let alone a business contract. There will be bound to have minor hiccups along the way. Henry, in my opinion, is a good contractor who will do the right thing whenever there's problem. As long as the problems we reported are attended to and rectify, we are satisfied. All my little complaints like hollow tiles, uneven laminated flooring were attended to. Still pending are 2 issues which is the painting and the window panel which was broken during hacking. Throughout my reno journey, Henry is contactable. Even if he was unable to pick my call, he will reply the very next day. For info, I don't just call. I will also take photos and whatsApp him the photos.

    The Electrician (Ah Liang) that Henry recommended is quite friendly and the cost is pretty standard. The cost of my rewiring and the points came out to be $3.5K. I had a shock initially upon receiving the quotation and was pretty sure that it was way too high. So I went on to PM two renotalk forum friends for their contacts and contacted the electricians for quotes. In the end, the quotations received were almost similar. I can’t comment whether Ah Liang is good or not as I have yet to move it. The real test will be when I start using my appliances. By the way, the sales person in Lighting.com and Citilights all laughed at the nos. of downlights that I will be having for my living room when I went to purchase my lights. Both commented too many. I have 25 downlights just for my living room (TV, dining and entrance) alone. But I went ahead. The end result is a just nice brightness for my TV and Entrance area. However, I still feel that my dining area which has 7 points a little too dim. Cos I bought 3.5 w LED downlights for the area.

    Last and not least to those potential customers who have been turned down by Henry. I wld advise that you guys move on. No need to feel sore about it. It is indeed Henry's loss for not taking up your business. You guys are pretty vocal in the forum. Had he signed and done a good job with you guys, I pretty sure that you guys wld also put a good write-up for him. It wld be free advertising. But there are indeed many reasons that he cannot commit. Just treat it that you guys are not fated. Don't keep thinking about it and feel angry. No good for your health leh. Reno is a stressful event. The process requires a lot of decision making. Channel your energy in building your dream home. You have a more important task to complete.

    I sincerely apologies if I have offended anyone by my above-mentioned post. Just sharing my views cos I have engaged Henry and my reno has just been completed. World peace, okie?

    Good for you.... Think your renovation process is really smooth sailing...

    Now my neighbour downstairs complaint of water leaking... Im really worried my whole toilet tiles need to be hacked out again!

    Then that will spoil/scratch many things in the process....

    Already the kitchen basin i asked for undermount and he did a top mount for me....now removing everything and redo for me...

    During the process of removing it, scratch my newly bought Bosch Washer, dont know his man did it or caesarstone man did it...


    And his painters really sucky...they told my parents they are professional painters... haiz..after repainting it is worse than first time... the paint is patchy and lot of white patchy area without paint..

    Then some of the paint get to the edge of my TV feature wall and wardrobe...

    Then they just pour out the paint into the shower drainage hole...Dont know the hole will get clogged or not...

    One of the window handle is spoilt and his man said I SWEAR I SAW IT WAS BROKEN WHEN I FIRST WENT UP TO YOUR FLAT BUT I FORGOT TO INFORM YOU...

    I went up so many times and never notice it... There was a night i was standing there for 5-10 minutes and his aircond man showed me one alternative to install an aircond in that room is to

    install those hanging on the window type if i dont want to see casing crossing my wall...and guess wat, i also didnt see it broken... maybe it was too dark, or i was too tired to see anything..

    Now he promise to help me replace...but finding the part is a pain, he said no one selling the same part...haiz...

    Now my wish is:

    1. get the kitchen and top done probably

    2. paint do properly

    3. Fix the window handle

    4. most importantly is fix the water leaking issue of my neighbour...... I dont wish to get pig head on my gate being a bad neighbour..

    Pls pls pls......i want to move in soon..... Dont wish to get any more heart attack....

    Desperate House Owner

  5. i also don't understand... pipe leakage and having wall tiles behind the cabinets are 2 independent events....

    Hi marshmallow, do you recommend putting glass backsplash in Kitchen? How much that cost roughly pfr? i have read some comment in forum that says that cost around $55 pfr for non white/black tempered glass..

  6. Hi there,

    My child has been invited by the school to join the Maths Olympiad workshop. Understand Hwa Chong and other top notch schools hold competitions for such students. How can he prepare for the contests and when can he join? Do I have to individually register him or the school will register on his behalf ... Pls advise.


    Hi Gong, i was in Temasek JC Physic Olympiad team almost 10 years ago, for our school, there was a selection test for all the students before we were given training for a few weeks before the real contest..

    I believe your son is invited into the workshop for training before selection test for the contest and the school will register for him if he is selected..

    For preparation wise, maybe he should start borrowing some textbook from Uni year 1 student studying for Mathematics..

  7. I have been sourcing for a good one too. But was snubed by many IDs for my tight budget.... This ID Alan from skycreatiON even asked me not to compare with other ID...He said i can never ask Mr Bean to lower the price just because many others in the hawker is selling soya bean at $1...

    Haiz...just suay to have met such ID.. Treat me like carrot head... Been sourcing around and getting quotation from many IDs, the one from skycreation quoted me $3000 for kitchen wall tiles when many others quoted in the range of $1250 to $1500.. And when i asked, he said that one is whole kitchen including area covered by cabinets... then i asked, if there a need to put such tiles since they are covered, then he said like if there is water leaking, the water will go into cabinet... -.-! Tat does not sound logical to me...

    And was asking for quartz top for many times, and he keep on saying quartz very expensive, boh hua...he quoted me $280/ ft. and i went to so many IDs to ask around, even the one selling the most expensive cabinets among all of them (Classic furnitures) quoted me around $180 to $200 / ft depends the types of colour i choose... Haiz...then when i said caesorstone i asked is only around $180- $200...He said the price his quoted is for quartz and not for caesorstone.. Isnt caesorstone = quartz?????????????

    Suddenly, i have the feeling of asking for bargain in LV shop...

    And he even boasted that SC get a lot of accredition from many Gov bodies...Thats why their price is always higher.... And their work is good, they give the best to customer and no gimmicks....

    Im sad...I thought i could get a quote similar to other ID from him, in the end being ridiculed...

    Anyone out there can recommend one ID who will not look down my tight budget????

  8. Martin, I will be receiving my keys tomorrow. I have started my ID shopping 2-3 weeks ago. Invited 3 firms to quote and all almost more or less the same. (sianz half liao) Range between 50k to 55k. The items I want is as follows:-

    1. change tiles for whole house.., parquet flooring for 3 bedrooms

    2. Toilet walls and kitchen walls tiles also change

    3. Paint whole house,

    4. Build in wardrobe for masterbed room and study room

    5. Kitchen cabinet set with island

    6. Change two toilet doors

    7. Change 3 bedroom doors and main door, Main gate & Replace 4 sets of solid wood door frames

    8. Lbox

    9. False celling living room

    10. Vanity Cabinet in toilet & 6 ft cabinet for Balcony

    11. Glass screen that separate the shower area

    12. 2 TV feature wall, 2 TV consoles (1 for living and another for masterbedroom)

    13. 20 ft Study table (10 on top, 10 bottom)

    14. Windows grille for whole hse

    15. shoe cabinet

    All 3 reno firms said I must either cut my items or choose cheaper materials for my items or the discount won't be much. Sigh ah...

    huh... Only started 2-3 weeks ago? Not too late? Not in the rush of moving in is it?

    I think yours can be done with <35K budget..

    Weiken quoted me 44.5k for the items i want...But now the branch which gave me quotation, (tradehub21) ,their registration with HDB is suspended...

    Dont know can still do reno work for me or not.. -.-!

  9. bobztoise said:

    Sky made my final shortlist of 2 but I chose my other option in the end

    Unfortunately, i doubt the things you want done can be within 30K

    I did less and needed almost 40K

    Which ID from skycreation served you? Mine is Joey, a young lady.. She promised to send quotation in a week time.. now almost two weeks didnt hear from her.. maybe she wants to wait until i move in my new house then send to me....

    I really wonder how long they need to come out with such quotation.. If thing as simple as this cant be done in a short period of time, i really dont know how they handle a 40-50k project...

    Haiz.. i think i will forget about them... Opportunity given... and if they think my budget is not enough,they should have told me.. and at least send me a quotation so that i can remove items to meet my budget..

    I still think Ron from Ideal Design better in this.. At least he sent a quotation in 4-5 days time..

    Whole singapore is not only Skycreation.. In such competitive environment, i wonder how long this ID can last.. Wish them all the best then.


    Maybe i will just engage a contractor to do my house.. Anyway, i dont intend to stay more than 5 years... To spend 50k for a house i intend to stay for only 5 years might be too much...

  10. Please note that if you are doing many Lbox/false ceiling, your electricial points may fetch up to a few thousands wor.. so end up maybe above 30k. I dont have any feedbacks on sky but i will not take their service even if i received their quotation/design now as they are taking too long to reply even their business is good. If normal quotation need to take so long, in future if i got any problems or questions i think i can wait up to 1 year to fix it liao.. just my 2cents ... :disturb:

    You have a point... Dont know electrical points can cost so much... -.-!

  11. Hi Martin, just curious, what do you want to do for your renovation? :)

    hi YK, i wanted to:

    1. change tiles for whole house..

    2. Toilet walls and kitchen walls tiles also change

    3. Paint whole house,

    4. Build in wardrobe for 4 bedrooms

    5. Add glass door on kitchen entrance

    6. Kitchen cabinet set

    7. Add a door on existing study room to convert it into bedroom

    8. Lbox ****

    9. False celling at the bedrooms (optional)

    10. Cabinets in toilet

    11. Glass that separate the shower area

    12. TV feature wall

    I gave a 30K budget cuz i dont want to be a carrot head and they just stretch all the prices even if they dont cost as much..

    Ideal design quoted me 35k (without TV feature wall, L box and false ceilings, toilet cabinets)

    So i suppose SC shouldnt quote me more than 40K to include the above items.

    How long it normally takes from confirmation of ID to starting of Reno?

    (i mean for the period where 3D drawing will be done)

  12. Hi Martin, I happened to engage skycreation. My ID promise to hand over the house on the 4th, if you can wait a few more days, I'll provide you with my evaluation about them.

    Hi yk... Yes.. No problem at all.. My reno starting in March.. Just want to know how is their workmanship, their pricing...So far maybe they think our budget of 30k is too little for the amount of work we want, they have not got back to us yet..

    Hope to hear from you soon...

  13. Decided to buy the dunlopillo new royal premier instead. The missus and I really liked the soft pillow top with supportive springs below. Got it at $2k for the other forumers reference. The slumberland tempsmart 1600 feels more supportive but not as plush.

    No one talk about full latex mattress... It is kinda expensive $2500 onward for a king size... Im thinking of getting 3 for my 3 bedrooms and another lower range for my guess room.. So it is kinda expensive... Anyone bought full latex dunlopillo? Where is the place offer best price for dunlopillo?
