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Posts posted by gingerbelle

  1. someone better be around when they fix the thing. To ensure that they don't simply just plaster silicon to seal the leak. Don't feel intimidated to get the contractor to fix their problem. Afterall u paid them to do the job well. Coz few years down the road, it'll be you who will shoulder the problem.

    i think thats what the contractor will simply do because previously before the tiles are overlaid, theres already this problem with water flowing out fm the base of W.C & when we told the contractor abt it, he said after overlaying tiles, he will plaster silicon to stop water fm flowing out & he said hdb did not do a good job.

    BUT now even after overlaying tiles still got this problem, my hubby said duno iszit W.C problem or iszit contractor did not do a good job?

  2. yup be sure that the water is from there. you can put some food dye into your tank then put some toilet paper where the leak is to check if the water is coloured too..

    it happened to me, at the side. but we were using the toilet blue thing, and the water stained our black floor tiles irreversibly.

    i also put the toilet blue thing inside the water tank, & water that flow out was light blue...

    can i use this ' white base' thingy to paste the area where water is coming out ?

  3. Hi every1,

    i urgently need a contractor to do my 2 toilets. apparently the contractor i looked for said he's not free, i called him many times but he hung up on me, so i gave him up. now i need a contractor who can do the following works;

    a) overlay 2toilets floor tiles

    b) do 2 kerbs for both toilets

    c) remove & install common toilet sink (ive bought the sink since march)

    i know this is a very small job & im not sure if there are any contractors who are willing to do & i need recommendation!

    any1 pls! if u ve reliable contractor, pls let me know.

  4. hehe! i'm seriously considering to use PD Door - combination of sliding and 'push' effect. :yamseng:

    find swing panels taking a tad of space in my lil bathroom and glass sliding (tracks at the bottom) may trap hair and stuff. hence, considering PD door!

    are there PD doors that can be used as shower screen?

    im interested to know as i find tat PD doors seems quite good..

  5. my family is hokkien & we ve this 'Tian Gong Incense Urn' that we hung outside our home. unfortunately over the wkend we found that this urn tat was hanging fm the ceiling was missing! we suspect tat the urn was stolen since the metal can b sold for good amt of money.

    we had bought a replacement but im worried tat it will be stolen again. my hb said reporting to police doesnt helps at all.

    can i write to town council?

  6. hey applefreak, thks for the info.

    btw, do u know where in osaka that has shops that has manga, video games/plastic models(gundam)/toys & Anime shops? im refering to somewhere like tokyo's Akihabara. is there a street in osaka tat is also like that?

  7. my hb & i decided to get those f&e packages tat includes hotel as well. but im not sure how to plan my Itinerary ard osaka, r there any shopping or places of interest?

    my hb wants to drop by koyto for a day. so do we have to buy rail pass ?

    im not very sure , pls help.

    yes i've been there F&E

    and i wonder who says there's no direct flight???

    flew there on ANA, night flight somemore so saved one night hotel :help: :help:

    how budget are you looking at?

    the cheapest i can find is those YMCA like kind, which you share a big dorm with others

    i opt for a 3* kind of hotel, it's the toyoko inn chain

    reasonably priced i'd say, and at convenient locations :)

  8. my hubby bought Full HD 42" Palladine LCD TV @ recent IT fair @ suntec. he bought @ $1499, comes with free DVD player(worth $129) & HDMI cable. i can say graphic is quite good. as my hubby bought on the 1st day of IT fair, he said the agent told him, alot of ppl bought this lcd tv cos the specs etc is reali comparable to other brands & the price is attractive.

    Currently we r using this tv in our entertainment cum gaming room. my hubby used this tv mainly for his PS3/Wii/PS2 & oso link to PC & i can say, the graphic is great. is worth the buy. :bangwall: afterall to us, tv is juz a tv. no need to buy so good brand. best of all, my hubby's boss gave him a Home Entertainment system after he knew tat we bought new tv. BEST! :seeya:
