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Posts posted by cheesecake

  1. oh wah you can squeeze in so many things ah?? I put in my king quilt cover, 2 pillow cases, 2 bolster cases and already 3-4 full, i dun dare to load in my bedsheets so in the end, i wash my bedsheets in another cycle...total 4hours plus...i want to faint...so long....you packed the wm full full?? If can, then next time i dump everything in liao...hv u tried a shorter washing cycle? Any idea how to select a shorter cycle? Even the quick wash also quite long and some more quickwash cannot select water temp... :dancingqueen:

    hehe...yeah, i juz squeeze cos i wana test the limit mah...Still spins v well, so not to worry. As long as dun overload all the time, i tink its ok loh. I've tried shorter washing cycle as well. For clothes dat i noe are not v dirty. Juz press the quick wash button...but not all functions can use quick wash. For eg, if u use 60E or delicate, i tink cannt use quick wash function.

    All along, my parents use top load & they complain non-stop thou washing time is indeed much faster. Shape of clothes dun last v long as topload abit 'rougher' loh. Thou it takes longer, im ok with it..cos when i do housework, i plan one lor...such dat by the time i vaccum, wash & mop finish everything, the clothes finished washing liao. Then i can hang liao, lol. The only thing i regret is not getting a w/m dat has this delayed function. Would be great if i can time it to start washing at 5pm so dat the clothes will be ready for me to hang when i reach home at 7pm+.....

  2. Looks like not much ppl noe abt this Contiki tour thing...hmmm....

    I noe this sounds stupid but im only planning to go after my AD in 2009. I noe its super early but i roughly need to noe the costs. And heard dat if pay up 6mths before the trip, will have discounts. At first tinking of gg Taipei instead but after doing some calculations, may b able to afford Europe afterall. And i hope to go while im still young & no kids :dancingqueen:

    I realise there is actually quite abit of free & easy. Which is wat i wan...I worry abt gg F&E totally in a foreign land so it would be good to have ppl to guide us at some point as well. Now go promo on the Europe tour..tink abt SGD3K+ for one pax inclusive of airfare, accomodation, certain meals & the tour itself...

    Ahhh...anyone else gone for this before??

  3. Hi all

    Just wanna ask u guys about the designs from Ideal House (whether it be K or Melvin or someone else). Does the id give a lot of design ideas for your flat? Whether in the initial stages or during the reno itself...

    Hmm...abit hard to comment on this. My ID was K. But my hb & i were very clear abt wat we wan. So i cannt reali say if he gives alot of design ideas. We werent hapi with the first 3D (dat time haven place deposit or cfm him at all yet) as we didnt tell him dat we were looking for clean simple white kinda pattern. Then all 3D drawings dat followed later, were all accepted by us.

    I agree with Taiji. U shld noe wat u like too as its ur flat & u'll b the one living in it. One thing for sure, K was smart & practical. If got prob areas (like kitchen layout or aircon pipings), he will think of solutions on the spot. His technical knowledge is pretty good so certain designs with potential probs, he will let u noe. At first, my hb wanted to mount tv on feature wall. But i tink its a waste of $. But i feel paiseh to tell K i dun wan the feature wall as i juz wan my tv to sit normally on the tv console. The moment i tell him i dun wan to mount, he told us dat then there is no need for feature wall cos waste $. So i tink, u have to ah gar ah gar noe ur own preferences else watever the IDs propose, u also wont be pleased....

  4. Yeah! It looks interesting rite? Cos i was surfing around for Switzerland as im very interested in Zermatt. Would reali love to spend a few days there. But looking at their tour packages & itinerary, looks abit hectic..but got F&E time also.



    I guess...no1 ever juz go to Switzerland juz for Zermatt rite? *gulp* Paiseh, abit sua ku cos i've nv been to Europe....I tink it would be fun to skiiiiiii....lol.

  5. Anyone tried Contiki before?


    Wondering if such tours are worth it...Isit reali a waste of time to go Europe during winter? Thought it would b nice to spend winter in Switzerland but when i look at the available tours, abit touch & go type...Hope anyone who has been with Contiki can share ur experience !!

  6. My salary is almost same as my hb, so need both person salary. Moreover, i need to feed my parents and younger sibling.

    Now i feel so stressed that i wonder should i consider to find another job that is less stressful (but too late to change job now that ored preggy).

    Can understd how stressed u are...So many mouths to feed & yet employer not understanding.....Sometimes, i feel dat i can only choose one out of the two: feed my aged parents & dun have kid or have a kid & let aged parents fend for themselves.

  7. Air, my w/m same as urs !!

    I use 60E, 500rpm...usually will take 2hrs. I tink its normal leh...front load will take longer to wash cos it uses lesser water. Usually, i wash my queen size bedsheet, quilt cover, 4 pillowcases, 2 bolster cases & 2 bath towels at one shot.

  8. Cos most companies I go are Ang Mohs companies and feel tat their perception towards family is different from us...They treat marriage like a game and can divorce as and when they like...

    The agent told me the other time tat I got rejected cos of "got intention to start family"...and I was so pissed off1 :sport-smiley-004: Anyway, good to noe before I get in!

    Im in the govt sector currently & when i was interviewed, i get the same question too. As i was 23 last yr but marital status was married, but no. of children zero, they sort of grilled me. But they r v polite abt it lar, ended the interview saying they only wan to understd me & my plans better (huh!). Still im in now & to be real frank, i find it a pain in the *** to have cover my married colleagues with kids. I totally can understd when kids are young, they fall sick easily & parents wont be able to rest at nite etc etc. Sometimes, juz feel abit sour dat becos im childless, im always asked to cover. And esp my malay colleagues...not being racist here but its quite tough to work with ppl who are forever on child MC, childcare leave, maternity leave....I juz pray when my turn comes, i get the same kind of understanding from them.

  9. Is it ?? I don't mind if the ID bring people to view my house during reno.. but I won't allow after shift in lor... anyway... K had never request to bring anyone to view my house lor...

    For mine, both during & after reno also ppl come & see...but K v funi, he nv ask me can anot, he juz tell the couple not convenient cos i've already shifted in...but who noes, i noe the couple online, lol. Juz told them to let K noe im alrite with it...B4 i sign on K, i asked to view one of his on-going condo project. But he told me not v convenient...im alrite with it...so went to view another one...I tink K tries not to disturb after reno...

  10. hi Cedric , i just got quote for 900 bucks for my tv feature wall ( IDEAL HOUSE ID quote) and additional 440 for built in console...

    can u tell me if ure tv feature is around the same price or much higher? understand if u you are sensitive to share the exact info but i wan to know wat kind i can expect for 900+440

    thanks! and your place is v nice!

    Lionbo, sometimes, its abit hard to compare price lidat cos feature walls have different dimensions & some use different materials :jawdrop: But as a guide, so far the quotes i've gotten from a few IDs all hover around 1K+. To accurately compare the price, u have to ask all the IDs to quote the same material, same design & same dimensions loh....take ur time to compare...reno is very expensive....

    ya signing with him. Reason is that We are comfortable with him and he offer most thing we want. And within the budget. One concern would be carpentry part which we think is not the best. Other than that , we are ok with him.

    Silver88, glad to noe u choose K....can reali depend on this chap. I tink he now getting busier & busier & busier.....

    For carpentry wise, when its done, check carefully can close & open properly for kitchen cabinets, wardrobes etc...feel the carpentry with ur hands...sometimes, the workers may accidentally scratch the wood & they will use a sort of white paint to try to mend the scratch. I noticed a couple like dat for mine but K changed them immediately...so anything u not v pleased with, juz voice out :dancingqueen: Cos K is super willing to assist & do his best :dunno: So far, i still love his plastering & tiling best....aiyoh...wished i can hack my living room tiles & ask him to re-do for me.....

    Hi All! I didn't realise my ID firm has a topic here! Blur me!

    If you are interested to see what my ID has done for my home, do take a look at my reno blog here:

    My ID is Melvin, he is a very nice guy and has been most accomodating to my requests.


    Cedric, one word 'CHIO' :jawdrop: Glad to noe u've had a good experience with Melvin...till now, i still duno who is Melvin thou i've heard his name a few times. Is he the plump one with specs?

  11. Hi.. my house is done by Mr K too... I should claim that I am the 1st one here to get him as an ID... I shifted in for 1.5 years already ... so far so good... not much issue ....

    As for your questions...

    Is there any 'hidden cost' on the basic packages??? There's whole list of itmes from wet work, to kitchen, to plumbing, etc. Is there any things i should look out for? - I should say that there is no hidden cost... everything is written in black & white...

    Any problem cancelling items that's isted in the contract and reduce the total $$$ (after signing)? I will suggest those items that U are not sure whether U want to do... put it as optional... that was what I did... U can lock the price and make the decision later...

    Will the $$$ keeps adding up during the reno process? of course if U add items along the way.... U have to pay lor...

    Is the laminate design outdated??? Is there plenty to choose from? I choose the laminate from the booklet... if U are asking about the brand... I am not sure how many type... but if U are asking about the pattern/colours... I should say there are plenty...

    To be frank... I quite envy Cheesecake... I don't really have so much free things from Mr K hor... of course there were some small items I got it free too...

    HSH21, im sure we both got good deals, lol....im juz glad we quite lucky to get a reliable ID....else will reali have lots of headaches.....

    thanks guys/gals, for the replies!

    Not sure is there current reno (juz finished or still in progress) by Mr K.. Hoping to hear from more current owners.. :dancingqueen:

    Actually, juz spend some time gg thru the reno blogs & go thru the ones done by K can liao..or u can request K to let u view his on-going or newly completed projects. Sometimes, he nv offer to let u view completed ones becos he doesnt like to disturb the owners & some owners dun like their ID to bring potential clients to their half-completed units. U can ask K & if u get view, u can speak to the owners if u have the chance...

  12. Me loh...my flat was done by Mr K :unsure: If u r worried abt hidden costs, i can say u can b rest assured :dunno: Items dat u may or may not wan, he will put under optional....end amt will sure change. Mine changed quite a few times cos i add this, minus dat...but all is good...ended up paying lesser cos he remembered to minus certain items which i forgot loh :dancingqueen: My flat was done more than 9mths ago but till now, he still responds to my sms v quickly :notti: Very responsible, reliable & pro-active. Wat kind of laminates u looking for??

    He has no hidden costs at all, everything in black & white. If u need to add major items, he will tell u the cost first, let u decide wana proceed boh. Smaller items, he dun ji jiao...He done quite alot of 'minor' stuff for me free...i was paranoid like, keep asking him got charge anot...always no charge :lol: Like last min need to re-position sockets, last min need to move lighting points..certain areas which he feel dat the item is necessary, he will juz do for u. My 2 water-sprays, doorbell, pelmet, kitchen l-box lights, he juz throw in free....wanted to pay him he say no need cos its v cheap.

    Actually, quite a few of us here, done by Mr K...u shld read around...U urself must feel comfortable with him..cos u'll be contacting him very frequently. No point we sing praises but u no chemistry with him :bangwall:

  13. Wah cheesecake....u hv the same spirit as my mum...work until the company close down...

    Whichever company hv u is a blessing man...cos u r a loyal employee...

    I am opposite to my mum....will not stay long in a company...sign...perhaps when I get older, then

    I will settle down for long ba.....

    Karen, dun praise me so fast, lol. I try not to change job becos im too lazy to look for job...lazy to dress up go for interviews, lazy to tink of how to geng answers to potential employers, lol. I left my first job cos i was practically working from 7am to 10pm. Pay is not bad but my health suffered. Left w/o looking for a job but was lucky to find the 2nd one within 2 weeks after throwing in letter. 2nd one work is fine, colleagues are great...but boss stingy. Doesnt even wan to give a 13th mth bonus. To me, 13th mth is basic, its a must have (juz my opinion, cos if u count the number of weeks in a year, 13th mth 'bonus' is ours). Now? Not bad, workload juz nice, everyday on the dot leave office. But no prospect...unless i upgrade....so i upgrade loh lidat.

    I have this fren, 36...she one year change one job...wuhahaha....her resume v v long, lol...Usually, most of the ppl stay due to circumstances, not by choice, haha....

  14. Im only 1.5+ yrs in my current job. First job lasted 4yrs...2nd job 1yr...now is 3rd job. I tink i will leave after getting my dip thou....'A' levels only is juz useless. Considering to take up a biz admin part-time dip with SP...but will take me 4yrs to get it....Dun tink i will ever save enuf to take a pte degree so i guess i will juz go for it.

    But actually, i hate changing jobs leh...im the kind who hates to go for interviews, hate writing cover letters & resumes, hate having to settle down in a new environment all over again. Im juz super lazy! Unless the job affects my health or the bonus is juz too **** miserable, i tink im the type who will stay until company close down !!

  15. Have this fren who told me this, "Why other ppl nv tell me if i have kids, i must at least have 2??" lol She has one kid already & mainly due to pressure from her in-laws. She loves her son but now, when ppl are asking her when's her no.2, she's actually quite shocked becos she tot after having her son, considered 'job done' liao? ;)

    Hmmm...i tink, not reali necessary must have 2 kids...i have a younger brother but we arent close. Single child can be hapi too...he/she can make frens in sch rite? I agree dat burden on a single child will be heavier when his/her parents become old & sick. But i tink dats life rite? Having more children does not guarantee a lighter 'burden' on the kids when we r old. Its juz a probability thingy bah...Thou i have a bro, its like im an only child lor...so its sama sama i tink.

    Ranval...agree ur hubby shldnt be so insistent on his views...i reali tink need to give & take. Before i got married to my hubby, he also agree with me no kid is ok....Now leh? Aiyoh...still wan a kid loh. But wat can i do? Not dat i dun wan one but i reali tink i will peng san due to the financial demands...ask me to dun slp, dun eat nvm but if no $, i will die...

    Karen77sg, hey same same....if u see ppl around u getting preg & having kids one by one hor, wah lao...will envy one loh...lol. I will envy too but i dun envy seeing them worry abt $ *oop*

    Clockwork...so now u also understd rite? lol..have one kid, ppl ask u when is the 2nd one...its juz nvending! I myself, prefer to have one also. I do have many frens who are single child in the family. And they arents spoilt or pampered or got attitude problem of not being able to share loh....Its all in the upbringing isnt it? Btw, u look v stylo for a mum...i bet u get hit on in the streets, lol.

    Krisietong...let nature runs its own course is the best...I find trying for a kid quite stressful. Like do it for the sake of getting pregnant, not v enjoyable hor....Mayb my mentality will change when it comes to my turn but i dun reali look forward to the trying.

    Dreamgirl, hmm..actually, i plan to take up a part-time local dip course but dat will take me 4yrs...so when i talk to hubby, he's not v pleased abt it as he wans to try for a baby rite after customary dinner in '09. So, his condition to me is, if i die die wan to upgrade now, i must be prepared to get preg & give birth in the midst of my dip course *faint* Cos he says he doesnt wan to be an old man by the time his kid is born *scratch head* So how? I will still go ahead with my course but if 'suay suay' reali preg halfway, i will juz take it also i tink....Becos i dun wish to delay my upgrading plans becos of a kid...but i also dun wish to spoil my hubby's 'dream' of becoming a father becos of my own plans *confused!:P* I still tink if need to scrimp $ here & there to have a baby, i rather not leh....cos lidat would mean not being able to afford the best for the kid loh...and u urself have to 'suffer'....and the kid may not turn out to be a 'good egg'...i tink im not helping at all 8|

  16. Thks all for ur views :)

    Im juz wondering wats the purpose of having children...To fulfill the personal desire of being a parent, answer nature's call or....? Sometimes, i see children having to study so hard, see parents on tv queuing up for primary sch, knowing so many kids attempt suicide at young age, need counselling etc....I reali not sure if its a good idea? Or mayb those are juz my excuses...?

    I look at my parents & wonder if they have a choice again, would they wan me & my bro? To b frank, if its not for me & my bro, they would have be financially better off. Now dat im married & live so far from them, my bro will be living overseas, 2 of them alone at home & still have to work for a living.....I tink i rather not be borned. I try to find the answer, wats the purpose of my parents having us when in e end, they r still all alone. I noe its juz a cycle of LIFE itself but im worried if i reali have a child, she will face so much stress. School, exams...if she does well, join the rat race. If she fails, struggle to make a living. Will i b only bringing nothing but negative stuff to my child? She nv asked to be born rite?

    I noe for those who have children, will nv regret having them....Im juz asking myself if i decide to have a child, wat is the reason? Would it be selfish of me to wan a child becos i love children & wan to be a parent (fulfil maternal instinct)? So its becos i myself wan a child, then i have a child? But i nv tink abt whether she will suffer when she's out in this world? Is the reason: i love kids & i wan to be the best parent i can be, good enuf to have a kid? Cos kids cant choose whether they can be borned anot rite?

    Is my thinking warped??!

  17. Hi all, juz wish to have different thoughts on this issue....i wont be getting pregnant anytime soon but sooner or later, i will have to face this issue....Sometimes, im quite sure i will have one...but other times, i tink its better not to have at all....But having children is an irreversible choice :)

    Whether u r pro-kids or otherwise, feel free to share your views :D

  18. wow wow wow, thanks for all the assurance gals. kiss kiss. LoL. happen to know which package ur relative took? for teo chew, orh-ni is must have! regarding the parking hor, they are only giving us 5 complimentary parking tickets and there isnt alot of parking lots wor. IMM and the strategy nearby will have but they have to walk lor.

    I duno which package they took leh...but heard one table is reali very cheap but dat was in 2006 lar, heh. Now prices sure increase liao :) Personally, i prefer cold desserts but the orh-ni there, i like :) And if there r some tables dat nv come up to 10pax, u can combine the number of empty seats, see how empty tables u end up with, can go back to eat....But if go back to eat, they wun give u the full courses but will still have the desserts! Bill can b settled the next day, no need immediately.

    Its true dat parking lots not alot but i tot its walkable distance from J.East mrt?? IMM still have free parkings now rite? I super long nv go already, cant rem...U got any frens or relatives working as army specialists boh? My hubby is a specialist so dat time he book the chalets for them at a cheaper rate loh...But the one booking the chalet must be the one to chk in the chalet lar. Book out can be anyone. If u dun mind delaying, mayb a couple of mths after CNY? Cos usually ppl rite after CNY no $ liao, all given out as angbaos :notti: Must give them some time to recuperate. Else juz hold in early Jan...got chalet better cos ur MUA & ur helpers at least have a place to hang around?

  19. :notti:

    hehe just an update, we decided for our AD dinner to be held near IMM @ The Chevrons - Brilliant Garden instead. since it's mostly for our families and I'm also not too concern abt the deco and theme which they dont really have. LoL. as long as i know my family likes Gim Tim's food and it's teochew style. i feel like attending in jeans, casual and simple just like who i am. =)

    must say the cons is that my 24 nov is booked by a company's dinner. sian. so tentatively have to postpone to 1st Dec which is not a auspicious date wor. We are ok, MIL is not. Parkings gonna be a problem too and we didnt manage to book their chalet. BOooooooooo

    Thanks for all the help and suggestion rendered gals. I'm gonna try to find a "good" date now :good:

    I had a relative who held at the dinner The Chervons itself in Dec 06. Also Gim Tim restaurant. Ballroom is big & pillarless. Juz rem to ask for some deco for the recep table cos it was totally bare. I tink the co-ordinator dat time was a male & i find him not bad, quite attentive :) I was at the VIP table, food portions big & i reali like the orh-ni!:yamseng: Yum yum...the fish & vegetable with mushrooms (i tink) were nice too. Dat time they did manage to book the chalet so quite convenient, juz concuss there after the dinner. I find the parking ok leh...they had 29 or 30 tables i tink. So no worries! :good: The price is v reasonable considering the nice food :dunno:

  20. cheesecake, i honestly feel that 2 yrs in advance is really too early. at most ppl book 1.5 yr in advance...somemore I feel that unless u are 150% sure that you will die die go for the restaurant den u book. becoz things may happen along the way n u might change your opinion of the restaurance in future..

    Dats true...we may change plans, who noes rite? :D I guess dun book so early then....if suay suay cant get the dates, at most cancel dinner or change another venue loh....

    the stage is really kinda small. really no space for a projector, unless they have those roll-down type. cheesecake, u need to take into consideration for those reserve tables. that time my ROM we had an extra reserve table vacant but it's still charged into the bill. So u might want to take note of this, think is their policy. Look for Lydia Chua, she's :yamseng::D

    There are only Lydia & Pauline i tink :P So far, has been liaising with Pualine more. Wow, i din noe reserved tables also kenna charged...i only noe if tables nv eat, can go back to eat again loh...Cos i tink hotels dun allow dat. Thks for the tip, i must rem to double chk with them. So u ended up paying for an empty table??! Agree dat stage is v small & actually hubby feels the stage looks obiang. But ended up selecting PJ cos its abit hard to find places with nice ambience for 20 tables...& yet keep to budget :)

  21. Wow, so popular??? If you get weekdays I think should be okay bah... Update us, cheesecake! Call them & ask better.... :)

    I can book for 2009 now of cos..juz pay deposit to secure the date....But hubby is not keen. He feels dat its too early, got this need meh he asked me...Duno leh...actually, we both plan to book in Dec but now i see ppl booking, im gan cheong already...try to talk to him but he like no reaction at all :(

    cannot book first & lock in the price? :notti:

    No such thing as lock price for PJ loh...2009 prices not cfm yet. They can only promise at most increase 5% without the ++.....

    i tink cheesecake still want to look ard isit?

    coz if book first then later change mind, will forfeit the deposit...

    unless they willing to make decision within these few days then can ask the incharge to reserve the date first

    Quite fixed on PJ already actually...but...hubby like not keen....If by the time he willing to pay deposit but no dates liao then dun hold dinner loh... :P

    Think u should book 1st lor. since PJ is so hot, when the date draws near and you decided against it, still can let it out. Im sure there will be people who will buy over from ya. But seriously it's not bad leh.

    I feel like booking it first too...cos i reali dun tink i will change venue already due to budget....too bad hubby not willing...sian to bring this up already. Like talking to myself lidat....

    agree on that. been looking at PJ pics on sgbrides. find it really nice! :jawdrop:

    Cornetto, actually i find PJ abit cramped for 20 tables loh...and the stage is very small...if add on projectors, i must be careful else will trip & fall flat on my face :) 18 tables is more ideal...I also hope can book soon but need the 'blessing' of hubby. I will juz wait loh...if wait until no dates, i tink i will be too sian to hold dinner already....use the $ to go BKK shopping better....
