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Posts posted by cheesecake

  1. I've heard dat Mayer has quite a few cases like this. Wat i rem for Mayer is, the first time ur glass hob pi jia, they will replace for free. If pi jia a 2nd time, no more free replacement. Best to chk with them....Im using a Cuizino glass hob for 8mths, so far so good. But then, im not a heavy user for sure. So far, only used a few times for boiling soups for abt 4-5hrs. Other times, i only cook spag, maggi mee & porridge.

    Candyprincess, if u r a heavy user, then u have to be careful with glass hob. After cooking, dun clean immediately, let it cool down. And nv ever place hot woks on the glass surface. Mayb other heavy users can comment on glass hob's practicality?

  2. There r plenty of IDs/contractors who are more than willing to give u a black & white quotation. Reno is such a complicated project, it is impossible to compare w/o quotations. If he's not willing to give, its alrite, juz search for others. We r the customers & we r forking thousands of dollars. Dun we have the rite to compare? I approached abt 6 contractors, all gave black & white quotations willingly.

  3. Fwah!:dancingqueen: 5K surcharge??? Siao leh reali :dunno: This guy can afford lar but he reali going all out for his wife! Whew...ok, at least we noe $250 is enuf...Juz enuf to cover *gulp* Haa...mine 90% is restaurant liao, he cant be giving $250 with his wife for restaurant loh...As long as he can come, we r hapi liao...my hubby will be his xiong di & he will be giving my hubby angbao as appreciation too...so we arent sure if $250 is enuf.

    $68 for dragon gate sure enuf...i tink their prices is about $450++ per table. My hubby had this fren who had his at an Yishun restaurant last yr. No $ & in a rush to hold dinner (cos shot-gun) but he received many angbaos as much as $100 :dunno: His one table is only $400 max. Everyone noes he will need the $ for his baby so everyone gave alot more...so nice of them rite :P

  4. Xinyi, tink all women wan grand ballroom with nice deco! haha...i myself would love to hold my wedding in a nice hotel with ambience & all but cant bear to spend the $ lidat...so end up looking at restaurants but they arent' very cheap either...in fact, its more worth it if i take weekday. Dats headache :notti: But then, my hubby doesnt like the weekday menu, he prefers the weekend menu so he thought we might as well hold on weekend. But me hor...heh, very stingy, hope can save more $ by holding it on a weekday. Hence i started this thread to gather more views...

    Dun wori abt it, my hubby's fren holding it at the same hotel as u & on New Year's eve somemore! Not sure if he has considered the countdown parties & closure of roads & all but im sure his price for one table is very scary loh!:dunno: So me & hubby will bao $250 for him for 2 of us...can u advise if dats enuf since urs also Oriental? :dunno: He's my hubby's best buddie, reali dun wan him to lugi, at least for the 2 of us loh...

  5. Appreciate your honest views very much...u r rite abt youngsters wanting everything! Want cheap want good :dunno:

    Yes, restaurant dinners on weekends are generally cheaper than hotel dinners on weekdays. But ppl give angbaos based on venues, so the losses for restaurant dinners on weekends mayb even more for hotel dinners on weekdays simply becos ppl give more for hotels. Its like $800 per table for hotel dinner on weekday & near $700 for restaurant dinner on weekends. I tink the restaurant dinner will lugi more....

    But i agree with you dat we shldnt inconvenience our guests....dats y im quite headache over this. Mayb im having a headache becos the restaurant im looking at is actually abit expensive for the weekend....I can go for cheaper restaurants definitely. But i guess im vain loh...prefer the more expensive restaurant :notti:

  6. If it's all only about oneself and his/her spouse, then forget about the dinner banquet and just do away with the dinner ba..hehe...save $$ somemore

    but understand that if it's mainly cos of parents and so on, then just get a cheaper hotel venue, restaurant instead of hotel, and one will be able to get his/her dinner done on a weekend without bursting one's budget :notti:

    Wow, u say the exact same things as my fren...she also asked me to forget abt having a dinner if cost is such a concern....Restaurants on weekend are not cheap too...As in, well above the market rate for restaurants. I tink as long as the menu prices are above market rate of angbaos, whether hold at hotel or restaurant, losses will be inevitable. Btw, can share when was your dinner & how tables u've had??

  7. Juz quoting one true example in my company. They've hired this young gal w/o knowing dat she is pregnant. No-one knew & no-one asked becos its against the rule to ask a potential employee if she is pregnant even if she does look like it. Problem is, i guess this new gal doesnt look pregnant when she came to our company for interview. By the time they recruited her & she joined us, she's 5mths liao.

    The first day she turned up, our bosses called up HR to demand for an explantion. But HR cant do anything cos employee has the rite not to say anything & the employer has no rite to ask. (But i rem them asking me if i plan to get pregnant soon leh kaoz). Now, bosses headache liao cos she is 6mths now & in another 3mths' time, she will be away from work. Worse thing is, becos she nv inform beforehand dat she is pregnant, HR also nv tell her dat she is not entitled to maternity leave unless she has completed at least 6mths' of full time work. So, she has to take unpaid leave (which she is not even supposed to becos she is under one-yr contract). If she comes back after her unpaid leave, the position will not be waiting for her too. Work still needs to be done & HR will get someone to replace her. She will juz have to pack her bags & be ready dat after her unpaid leave, she may end up with no job.

    Such, is the true situations in sg. And mind u, im in the govt sector.

  8. no lah.. i not younger than cheesecake... lol...

    my wife i think 1 yr younger than cheesegirl..

    Cheesecake, cheesecake, not cheeseger!:)! :bangwall:

    Yaya, Phantom is one yr younger than my hubby & Mrs Phantom is one yr younger than me, heh!

    Btw, wat r u doing at 4.55am??!?!?

  9. the photo is for the smaller ballroom only. I cant find the grandball room one...but the look similar..only the ceiling much much higher..

    hee...ang gong gong becoz of the table cloth ba...the table cloth can choose gold, grey or red. So I guess will choose red for the VIP tables and gold for the rest ba...:yamseng:

    Actually, i quite like ang gong gong for deco :dunno: I also duno why, my hubby say he tot im those minimalist s.h.i.t type, why when it comes to wedding deco, i like red :) U noe some themes have roses, some are pale coloured types, some r red rite? I juz lurrrrve the red ones, lol! Looks nicer & more lively leh...if all pale pale, minimalistic type, can fall aslp :bangwall:

  10. Thanks god that you have nice ex-colleagues. :rofl:

    Maybe your close friends being too close to you, that's y so frank. But still is hurtful.

    They leave before dessert is their loss.. not be able to taste nice desserts! ;)

    As for relatives.. I guess elder ones wont be working anymore?? So should be able to attend..

    Tea ceremony can be done 2nd round before wedding dinner pre-reception starts. And it is common.

    Dont worry too much ya.. You have me accompany you to hold weekday wedding dinner.. :bangwall:

    People dont come nvm.. Angbao come can liao.. hahahahaha...

    Hey, u noe i actually suggested to have both sides tea ceremony held during the dinner to my hubby? So as to save everyone's time in the morning...but my hubby say cannt cos im supposed to be married off from my mum's place.

    Haaa...ppl can dun come, angbao can come! lol....was reali quite disappointed when this fren say by 10pm, i will see tables empty already, take photos also only little ppl left nia...told my hubby & he said its understandable dat ppl wana leave becos of work the next day but he's more concerned dat they come, not whether they leave early anot....

    For those who can't take leave to attend the tea ceremony... U can serve tea to them during the dinner...

    I've tot of it but the idea doesnt seem to go down well with my hubby....And i wonder how to organise lidat. Meaning at some point, dinner gota stop so dat i can serve them tea? :yamseng:

    Hi cheesecake..

    very sorry to hear that. I am also a weekday bride..reason being that day is auspicious for both of us n we find the price much cheaper too...

    i told my close pals and all of them are eager to take leave n be my jie meis, they even offer to take a few days to help out in case i need any help. as far as i know...all of them blocked out their calendar for my big day liao.

    of course my frens and colleagues commented why not on a weekend? actually it works both ways..those who wants to come will come. no matter weekdays or not. i have seen ppl not coming on weekends becoz they have better things to do...n they perfer weekdays bcoz they can come along with colleagues after work. so it works both ways..

    in the end I dun care liao. will invite more ppl den the no of tables i have just in case lor. even if we make a loss so be it lor. but i will appreciate those ppl who make it a point to come down.

    n dun get too upset. some ppl are just plain tackless. they say things without thinking one..they will sure be upset if ppl say the same thing when it comes to their turn.

    sali they also make the same decision as yours when it comes to their turn...seem too many ppl like dat one..say ppl this n that but when it comes to their turn..made a huge U turn and say otherwise.. :)

    Diva, glad to find another weekday bride here!! Ur frens are so nice :lol: As im considering thursday, one of them commented dat wouldnt dat mean she has to take both thurs & fri off? 8| I duno how to answer her, juz said dat date not yet fixed but im considering loh...hai.

    Ya, we cant please everyone...got this neighbour, she's been consoling me, lol. As she is a weekday bride herself :lol: I also noe dat mayb they r juz being frank or wat. I duno if this is a blessing in disguise dat i asked them first...cos now even if i decide on weekend, i dun tink i will approach them liao...

    Oh, u noe, dat thought flashed thru my mind as well...whether they will make the same decision as i...I wont turn around & suan them if they happen to make the same decision in future but i hope they will rem wat they've commented & understd how i feel now...hai....mayb im taking this too hard...I shld juz plan it on the day i want, not wat others want...

    Hi Cheesecake, I hold mine on a weekday as well. Attendance was quite good a few people were late but by 8pm about 80% have arrived. But one thing is I don;t have alot of tables, only 20.

    All my 8 Jie meis (I got another 2 male frens to help to ferry my jie meis) from my side & 7 brother from my hubby side came & help, so I really appreciate them for taking time off & coming by. Those relatives who could not make it for tea ceremony in he afternoon, we serve it during the dinner, so not a problem. And my grandma was so excited about my wedding that she couldn't sleep!! Haha... :lol:

    Another weekday bride! :D I have 20 tables too...mayb when it comes to weekday dinners, it boils down to who u r inviting. As long as invited guests are relatives & close frens, most will come unless last min they cant make it loh...Wah, u also serve tea during dinner? Lets say if some relatives morning reali cant make it for tea ceremony, isit necessary to have to serve tea no matter wat? Sori, i duno much abt such stuff & my parents everything say anything, so need some advise here....

    Anyway, even holding on sunday, ppl will still complains alittle.. because next day have to work. :D

    So far my friends only said, must be prepared that guest wont dress up nicely for your wedding. Maybe at most office wear.

    Just tell people that is a auspicious date. :P

    Dats true...juz dat Sunday, they have no reason to be late or not to turn up cos Sunday, most ppl's rest day :notti: I guess for guests who dun have to dress up for work will find it a tad mah fan...my hubby commented dat most of his relatives old liao, anyhow dress for work, so they may complain if we hold on weekday...like, make things difficult. So they may juz dun turn up in the end :dunno: But dats not within my control rite? I cant possibly make it convenient for everyone by paying for a ridiculously priced dinner? End up they 'convenient', i carry the losses :P

  11. I agree with you.. Same banquet menu.. price differ abt $300-$400.. the price is crazy.. Even my coordinator says more worth to hold it on weekdays..

    How can your friends say those words. ;) Disappointing... they should be supportive.. Perhaps look for other friends?? It is your wedding.. Your happiness.. not theirs..

    I have not settled my jie mei also.. not sure what is their reactions. Will be as disappoint as you if they make such comments.

    I will attend as long as i can.. :) I even took half day leave.. just to go home dress up nicely and attend the dinner.. is ppl's wedding dinner.. should dress nicely and attend.

    My colleague also took weekday package. Reason because they want to end the dinner early.

    It is our wedding.. I never want to worry abt if relatives are willing to take leave or not. If they dont want, then is too bad.. we can't make everyone happy. :)

    Yes...find it reali not worth it to hold on weekends. The prices are juz out to chop ppl :curse: I have very close ex-colleagues who offer to help me instead :) Juz dat my heart drop like a stone when i hear those words.

    I tot i shld get their opinions too since i hope they can accompany me dat day but who's to noe dats how they feel? My ex-colleague told me not to bother & dat they r juz being frank. Now, even if i decide to go for weekend, i dun have the mood to ask them already. One of them added dat weekday dinner, everyone will leave b4 dessert & whole plc will be very quiet during tea ceremony cos not all relatives can take leave juz to let u offer them tea :( Im not worried abt them leaving early...end earlier even better cos i tink i sure will be hungry like mad....then i can eat liao rite? But not sure how my hubby's side of the relatives will. But he did assure me dat if some relatives dun wan to take leave to attend the tea ceremony, then we have less ppl to serve tea to, no biggie...

    I will try to rem dats its our dinner, not theirs...why pay sooo much juz to get weekend? Feel abit better now :)

  12. Hello.. I am a weekday bride. Will be holding mine on a Thur.. :sport-smiley-004:

    I also did attend weekday wedding dinner before. So far from what i notice, the attendance is pretty good. I once took leave to be my friend's jie mei. Her wedding is on a friday.

    I believe helpers are willing to take leave. But do tell them eariler. So that they can plan their leave. :sport-smiley-004: I am sure they are willing to take leave for you.

    The good thing is wedding dinner can start and end early. People come straight after work.

    So far I did not worry abt the attendence.

    Nowadays more and more ppl having wedding dinner during weekdays, because weekend is really too costly.

    Xinyi, relieved to find a weekday bride here...Im considering Thurs as well. After scouting, i realised the price difference between a weekday & weekend is juz so ridiculous. Now, Fri is also weekend rate so i find it no point to hold on Friday. May as well take Sat?

    Well, the reason im asking this is becos of a few comments from 2 close frens whom i intend to ask them for help as my jiemeis. But comments arent favourable. One said if i die die wan weekday, she also cannt guarantee to take leave. Another one asked if im trying to save on alcohol..and dat if cost is such a concern, mayb dun have dinner better. Quite upset upon hearing this thou after dat, both told me dat its my wedding, so i shld plan it the way i want.....

    Hi Cheesecake,

    Don't worry too much lah... even thought I find that is troublesome... I will still attend the weekday dinner if I am invited loh...

    But u will be more willing to attend if the couple is ur close frens or relatives rite? Cos i myself feel abit sian to attend weekday dinners esp Mon if im actually not v close to the couple...but i will still go like u said but the mood is not there.....Also wori dat it will inconvenience my MIL & my hubby's relatives becos of tea ceremony, they need to take leave too....

  13. I don't like to attend weekday dinner.... have to rush back from work... go home change ... makeup then go for dinner... very troublesome... then the dinner usually start at 8.45... by the time dinner end... about 11 pm.. go home .. remove makeup change... lay on the bed already 12 am... the next day still need to wake up early go to work...

    The best day to attend dinner is Sat....

    Hi HSH21, dats wat i wori..dat its too troublesome for ppl to attend on weekday. Wonder if the location being central will make it a wee bit easier for ppl? A colleague told me not to wori as long as the ppl i invite are close frens & relatives..if everyone also invite, most prob wont get good attendance...

  14. Bt yr HB is very nice to u now wor....very different from his before-marriage life....

    Tis is too much la....continue drinking after the dinner? I tort should enjoy the 1st nite with the bride?

    Dun insist on the helper's room, instead tel him tat u intends to give the room for yr parents/in laws lor so tat they can enjoy the facilities too...

    Wah.....agree lor...sometimes I am so happi tat my HB still restricts me and tat cos I noes he

    still cares for me....although I may be unhappy outside la...

    U understand woman har....

    Wah,.,,,,u noe Mrs Phantom for so many years already ah......long road sia...

    Both Mr & mrs phantom are v young :dunno:

    orh..dats is very generous of you! btw I am starting to get worried now..my hb brought me a tennis bracelet which I have been eyeing for quite sometime today...humm he also told me last night his goal is to bring me somewhere special everymonth (which I noticed its true; he has been doing that for the last few months)..

    humm.. should I be getting worried? why he suddenly so on arh? :sport-smiley-004::sport-smiley-004:

    Wah, u allow him to buy things for u every mth? Or he take care of his own $, u take care of his own $?? My hubby complains dat its hard for him to give me surprises cos all $ with me :unsure:

    Actually hor, women are all jian4, he treats u badly then u r very sad; he treats u well, u feel dat something is not rite :dunno: Dun wori, i tink dat he's trying to treat u better, pamper u more, u shld enjoy it cos usually this pampering wont last forever loh..cos married liao, will have new & heavier financial commitments coming up...no longer can pamper u too much liao...so juz enjoy it, keke....

    what to do.. sigh..

    Ya wat to do...u already set such a high standard at first liao, now have to at least keep to dat standard :sport-smiley-004: At least u see her hapi, im sure u r very hapi also :notti:

  15. Would like to know the general view of having a weekday dinner :sport-smiley-004: Whether u r the couple planning for a dinner on a weekday or anyone who has attended a weekday dinner, pls feel free to comment :sport-smiley-004: Any problems with frens who are unable to take leave to help out or relatives who complain abt having to take leave for the tea ceremony? :sport-smiley-004: Also, the general turn-out for the dinner?

  16. i know i am not making things any better if i hide inside my heart. when i have the courage i will try to bring up the topic. hopefully it won't make things worse :notti:

    I noe wat u mean. For a period of time, my r/s with my hubby was at the lowest point & i dun even have the energy to talk abt it, much less solve it. I tried to bochap & thou i succeeded for a while, things generally got worse becos the resentment builds up. To b frank, unless something quite drastic happen, ur hubby wont change. He will improve for a while but will go back to normal. U can only b patient & remind him....but he cannt be changed....again, unless something drastic happen. Like u run away with another man or something.

  17. cheesecake, me taking Novotel Clarke Quay and my AD is dec 13th this. I just fell inlove with their pillarless grandballroom and exclusive foyer the moment we stepped in. hb seeing me like it so much decided to book for me.

    Its simple, modern and neat looking. Nothing fancy etc. However, some brides may not like....

    Of course the deco nothing compared to those more fancy hotels..however we are comfortable with it can liao ba. :unsure:

    Diva79, good choice :notti: I've seen Novotel Clarke Quay grand ballroom personally so i noe how it looks like. Dat time, i saw it w/o any deco as the staff was preparing it for a conference. Big, pillarless, high ceilings :dunno: The food from Dragon Phoenix has had good comments. I tink the price is very reasonable...why not rite?

    glad that u've made ur choice!

    i've attended wedding dinner there before

    the ballroom is really not bad :D

    Yes...its surprising not bad esp for the price. Actually, once the ceilings are high enuf with no pillars, the place will instantly look more grand.

  18. apparently is eat until too full liao lah...

    excelsior's food not bad ok...

    Yup yup, the dim sum buffet **** shiok...my hubby's frens one table, cant rem how many rounds they ate!:yamseng: Ordered non-stop!:furious: Food is nice & affordable... :jawdrop:

    My ROM was 20/05/2005...Mine was abt 9am plus, i cant rem already...after the solemnization is 2hrs of photo-taking at Fort Canning...after dat then proceed to Rivercity...I decided on dat venue becos its cheap but the food turned out good. but i rem mine was a Friday so i got the weekday rates....But i guess rates are not as low liao cos so long ago....

    Can check it out here:

    River City

    Buffet Lunch

    11.30am - 2.30pm

    Last Order at 2pm

    Tim Sum - 30 Items at only

    $11.90++ Per Pax (Mon-Fri)

    $14.90++ Per Pax (Sat, Sun, Eve of Public Holidays & Public Holidays)

    Chinese Dishes - 42 Items at only

    $19.90++ Per Pax (Mon-Fri)

    $21.90++ Per Pax (Sat, Sun, Eve of Public Holidays & Public Holidays)


  19. b4 marriage, we talked abt it & he improved. but only recently, he suddenly reverted to his old self. he wun call or sms me whenever he is out having fun. used to call him like 20 over times in the past, and he dun pick up the phone. sms also rarely reply. if reply, it's be monosyllabic. i do find tt kinda irresponsible. but i tink & tink & come to this conclusion: i am not his mother leh, he should have his own space & time, dun need to report to me all the time right? tt's why now i oredi stopped confronting him on this problem, more like acceptance. but just wondering why he liddat one. seriously dun feel good lah.

    Hmm..last time when i was dating my hubby, he too, has the habit to MIA. For 2 days or more at times too...he was so swarmed with work, he cant be bothered to call or sms me. Took a few fights to get the idea thru his head. I tink i told him dat if one day i die on the road, cannt find him, cannt even say bye bye :notti: Or he die liao i also duno cos i cannt find him :bleah: His reason for being uncontactable is due to work but i also du lan liao not to mention ur hubby?? No need to tink why he is lidat, he is juz plain selfish dats all. Wan to get married & have a wife but dun wan to maintain the r/s? he got to noe dat marriage gota maintain one, not marry liao then end of story. Reali gota nip him in the bud else when u have kids hor & u cannt find him, i tell u, u will seriously feel v trapped & helpless.

  20. my ROM is at the registry @ 2.15pm, any suggestions where we can go with 20-30pax, for a little food after that?

    Dat time for my ROM, i went Excelsior hotel Rivercity restaurant for dim sum buffet. I had 3 tables, 30 ppl loh. Total bill abt $320 lidat...eat until vomit :notti:
