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Posts posted by cheesecake

  1. ... lol.. go to banquet venue toake PS.. that one is really ultimate.

    U noe my hubby's fren, the one holding at Oriental coming 31 Dec rite? His 2 outdoor location for PS is Oriental itself....and....Jurong bird park! lol

    btw for restaurants, tink can look at nobel house too. heard good comments abt them.

    Haa..i already emailed Noble House a mth ago. Noble House is re-locating. And they dun let me have the whole restaurant unless i have 50 tables & above. They recommended me Club Chinois but hubby doesnt like cos Club Chinois has got an open kitchen concept rite in the room itself from the floorplan they provided. Last time hubby work part-time at Intercon banquets while schooling so he noes abit...and March-in for Club Chinois is very short. Got pillars at the end too cos if have 20+ tables, they will 'open' up the function rooms at the end...layout not nice. So...i gave that up too :notti:

  2. WAH KAOZ.. take photo also must pay !?

    Chijmes is nothing really. unless u doing a church wedding.. then again there are other nicer cathedrals around.

    do a garden wedding.. or poolside wedding also nice.. lol.. aiyah.. whatever it is.. as long as you happy..

    don't do also nevermind.. HA HA HA..

    spend all the money on a 60day Europe Trip. ha ha ha..

    Ya, siao rite? its like paying rental of the chijmes hall....Not a church wedding, dats y can only consider Chijmes loh...lol...other cathedrals will require me to be member or wat i tink...But i find the place sibei sui4..perfect for non-catholic char bo like me :) Abit sian...Hilltop offers very good perks but Peony-Jade's deco & ambience better...

  3. i dunno abt this.. but previous 2 times the food wasnt good.... when i got $$ to spare then have a meal in Jade restaurant.. haha... :)

    I've actually considering having dinner at the Jade restuarant itself but its too small leh...but its **** ex for a restaurant...zzzz...A fren say as long as the dinner is at Straits Room, food will be good. Got such thing???

  4. Yah.. the Unagi also TOP TOP..

    hee hee. Misson Failed.. ha ha.. in the end you also not holding thhere.. ha ha ha...

    so how now.. which restaurant?

    aiyah.. just keep going wedding show.. see got any good deal anot.. ha ha ha..

    Considering Hilltop Garden or Peony-Jade....ya, actually if got hotels im interested in hor, i may still kapo go & see loh..cos its hard to say rite? Hubby & me still reali v interested in Chijmes but the prices *sweat* Most likely will console myself by taking PS there. But one hr photoshoot in Chijmes must pay $500nett :)

  5. must update after the dinner.. :)

    i actually hopes to go other hotels.. have been fullerton hotel 3 times.. sian liao.. !! but surprised that the recent wedding dinner.. food is nice.. :)

    When's ur AD again btw?? I agree, sometimes get invited to wedd dinn, if its somewhere i've nv been before, i do feel the anticipation, haha...gg to another dinner in Sep at Meritus Mandarin. Went Raffles the Plaza before too...Furama (chinatown there), beaufort....different places different charms...

  6. Been to some wedding dinners at Restaurants, everyone's :) for the food!

    Dats very reassuring :P No budget to provide a nicer & more comfortable environment for my guests, the least i can do is to get a better menu, at least can enjoy the food? lol...I will be quite embarrassed if the food is not up to standard...

    must update after the dinner.. :)

    i actually hopes to go other hotels.. have been fullerton hotel 3 times.. sian liao.. ;) but surprised that the recent wedding dinner.. food is nice.. :good:

    heard dat the Fullerton, sometimes standard of food buay steady...cos Jade restaurant not able to handle alot of guests at the same time...isit true??? But the hotel is super posh...

    Hi cornetto, we were sitting beside each other.. the food was fantastic. they had sharks fin and abalone for buffet.. lol... even codfish.. the usual lucky draw had some lucky winners...

    Oriental is Sui Sui.. I also second that. For me I feel that I like Oriental and Intercon the best.

    Boh pian can convince you to take GCW.. lol...

    my friend also told me Novotel Clarke Quay is quite posh. I haven't seen it myself. send to me leh.

    Aiyoh, i love the prawn salad. SOLID :bow: heh, ya trying to sai ko me take 30 tables hor!!!! lol

    I only have pics of the smaller ballroom, grandballroom i nv take cos dun dare. There were ppl inside arranging chairs for the function...no deco nothing but one look, got potential loh...reali surprising. Hubby very surprised also...too bad we only 20 tables. Food is provided by Dragon Phoenix restaurant...not their own chefs....

  7. thank you very much, air~

    actually we talked abt it before, a few times somemore, but not much use leh. dun mind trying again though. constant reminders help but wouldnt tt make me naggy? the last thing i wanna be is a naggy huang lian po leh.

    maybe i myself tend to avoid such "confrontations" too, cos he did ask me whether i wanna divorce him last sat. i just said "no lah no such thing". he's not the most caring guy in my life, but the one i love most (if not why i marry him right). divorce is last resort of cos...

    Things will get more difficult for the next couple of years...u have to brace urself for it....

  8. it is one level higher than 5-star.. Luxurious grade.. told by my coodinator.. also equivalent to 6-star.

    anyway, only the stars borthers you.. :(

    Oriental is sui4...by far the best hotel cos the view is fantastic. Of cos, the price is fantastic too :) Gg to a wedd dinn coming 31st Dec at Oriental :dunno: Looking forward to it actually...

    I don't understand why are some people so obsessed with "stars" of a hotel. I feel that people shouldnt demean others, or tell others not to trust their coordinators? Ridiculous! Who do you think you are? Just because you are holding your dinner at Swissotel The Stamford, you can look down on others? I'm holding mine at Raffles Hotel. Should I tell you that mine hotel is superior than yours? Duh.

    LOL...well, most prob im holding mine at restaurant & to be frank, certain 'frens' of mine do question my choice...feel abit small at times becos of this but its a fact dat i cannt afford hotels...juz hope dat the food will turn out nice, its all i hope for loh...

    eh phantom & cheesecake u guys around? how was the wedding fair @ grand corpthorne waterfront? we didn't go cos realise tt their min tables is 30... we worked out our AD list...only abt 20tables leh.

    also, talking abt the star rating thingie. we most prob gg for 4-stars cos prefer to have more budget for mom's pin jin & honeymoon lo :dribble:

    Alamak..i only 20 tables...they have various ballrooms catered to ur size :dribble: As long as u have 12 tables, u can hold at GCW :dancingqueen: My hubby likes GCW very very much...but after much discussion, we decide not to go ahead as we didnt wan to overstretch ourselves...Most prob i will choose a restaurant. Hubby will lan lan follow...wuhahahaha....If u can afford, go ahead cos i feel dat GCW is a great place for a banquet. Its not like other hotels where smaller function rooms totally no ambience. Even for small ballrooms at GCW, the feeling is great..If i can afford, i will go for it too...Btw, after gg GCW, i went Novotel Clarke Quay & the place is surprising quite posh! Grand ballroom dun lose to GCW. Big, pillarless, high ceilings. The smaller ballroom is min 18 tables, max 24 tables...not bad as well :dribble: I have pics of dat, if u wan, juz PM me give me ur email address. Wat i noe is, now is 718nett for 2008 weekend price. Hope it helps!

  9. i cannot just turn to frens whenever i am down. it will not be fair to them too.

    i just wonder why i married a guy who just runs away at the sight of sorrow & leaves me alone like that all the time. somemore he can still go out & play. if he loves me, why would he do this to me? why marry me when he doesn't even care? :dancingqueen:

    one day, if i kena accident & lose an arm or leg & become very sad, prob he will leave me altogether.

    Cornetto, i have to say ur hubby is the classic case. Run at the sight of trouble becos they cannt handle the stress of facing a woman in anger or tears. It boils down to maturity level which obviously, he has none. So, u r actually facing a spoilt & insensitive brat now.

    Have this fren who has no probs getting gfs but r/s nv last long becos he MIA the moment there is problem. I read Men are from Mars & Women are from Venus dat this kind of man hor, is like a fair-weather fren loh. U hapi, he hapi with u. U sad/angry, he disappears. I noe this sounds common but u have to tell him dat his actions are not displaying the 'for better & for worse' vows & if he doesnt try to put in effort, u wont be stupid either to hang on.

    In all fairness, ur hubby may be the emotionally idiot kind. Duno how to show love & care becos dat would mean he is 'weak' or 'silly'. Something to dat extend. Its probably his parents' fault. Then u suay already, have to teach him. Its his responsibility to try to fulfil ur emotional need & ur responsibility to give him a chance. Now dat u r already married to him, u have no choice but to work at it, even if he is not responsive at first. His pattern is like this for so many yrs already, so cannt expect immediate & permanent change. He will nv change, only improve abit. U can only change ur mindset towards his ways. Unless one day, something major happen, else he will always be lidat...

  10. actually venus is the most expensive BS in JB we'd come across so far. our package original price convert back to SGD abt the same. RM5388 ~ S$2400 + MUA S$600 + merc S$400 = S$3400 liao. hengz we signed up at wedding fair & got the package @ RM4088 :notti:

    can call using office phone? ;) email oso can mah. they quite fast in response. most impt is whether u like their style or not.

    but if stay too far from causeway, then no point lah. we stay yishun, still quite convenient lah. if we are to go down to tg pagar oso very far. somemore is everyday go there liao... :deal:

    AD is 15 Dec 2008. but very kiasu. plan to do PS by june next yr.

    will try to settle hotel by end of this yr. heard sep got wedding shows coming up :notti:

    I stay in Jurong West. Far rite? Actually, abit far nvm but my hubby is always so busy with work...if i get a BS in sg, at least anything, i can go myself rite? If in JB, cant b i drive in myself loh...dats the most sian part for me....

  11. just for info, the cover pic on singaporebrides is taken by venus. venus is sultan garden if i'm not wrong.

    furthermore, their studio backdrop is the best i had seen so far.

    2 b frank, JB packages reali v attractive...but im reali worried abt the constant travelling. Also, if i need to call them, i incur higher hp bills also rite? But the exchange rate reali makes the packages very :yamseng:

  12. wun choose marriot cos got colleague hold there before liao. pp dun usually choose the same hotels right?

    If colleagues hold there b4, i dun mind...but if my BIL/SIL hold theirs there before, then cfm i wont be choosing the same place loh...later the relatives keep gg back to the same place, LOLOLOL. Btw, Marriot is not bad from wat i've heard...but latest pricing im not sure cos i cant even hit their min tables requirement, hehe...

  13. Wah..i must be one of the rare ones to like ironing. I also duno why leh. Anything to do with touching water, i dun like...but ironing, quite alrite for me cos i get a sense of satisfaction when i see wrinkle-free tops !!

    Mine not vertical of cos...I have an ex-boss who has a vertical one but she ends up using the normal one in the end...

    Whiteivory, tink u quite tall isit? Cos im abt 1.59 & those normal board, i adjust it to the highest, juz nice for me...if too low, my back will ache. When i vaccum & mop the whole house liao, my back will ache whole nite...very lousy rite...

  14. But hor... I saw many of them brought home all the uniform for their mother to wash during weekend...

    Dats true..but if they r coming back from the weekends, cfm will bring back to wash rite...Im alrite with washing actually, cos got washing machine...not so bad. Imagine last time all handwash *faint* But i hate mopping & washing dishes...

    Huh? Women are a natural?? I think it's because we're just more fussy.

    LOL, mayb...but i would prefer to tink dat we the fairer sex r more xi4 xin1 :notti:

  15. I must be a cynic 'cos I think that when you finally become a MIL, your heart will be very pained if you see your dearest son doing a lot of housework, more than your DIL. :lol: I have honestly never met a MIL has very nice things to say about her DIL. At best, they keep quiet.

    No, u have a point there....I reali hope i wont get a son. I prefer daughters...but if suay suay kenna a male one, i will try my best loh. When i become MIL one day, i hope i can tahan & close two eyes. Same as u, i've nv encountered a MIL who praises her DIL :P No matter wat, not her real daughter rite?

    Hi Cheesecake... long time no see... how is everything ??

    Sad to say... my children all never do housework... I have already tell my girl.. make sure U find someone that can take care of you when U marry... she said she will get someone that's rich... then the maid can do the housework...

    As for my son... just hope that he can learn it when he goes NS lor...

    Everything is fine, haha...i juz went to Ideal House's thread, hehe...

    Dun wori abt it, my whole life, i nv do housework also cos my dad does everything :notti: Im so freaking lazy dat i dun even noe how to operate washing machine until i bot my own. Spent abit of time reading the menu as hubby cant be bothered with me...he tinks im a loser for not even knowing how to use w/m :D I hardly use the hob at my mum's place too. I dun even change my own bedsheets. Now dat i have my own hse, im actually doing most of the housework. Woman is a natural when it comes to housework :P NS does help. After my bro went thru NS, when he comes home for the weekends, he actually folds his own blanket & stuff...
