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Posts posted by cheesecake

  1. sorry to butt in... lol.. cheesegirl.. looking for me huh?

    on your msn leh.


    Cheesecake cheesecake, not cheesegirl!:P lol....Ya lar, why u ignore me...chat later leh...i need to wash clothes now again...zzzz....

  2. Not sure if he's the boss...if he is, he certainly isnt saying, lol.

    He relocated liao, last time the place is at Bukit Timah...my malay colleague is interested in getting him to do her hse too...

    HSH21 is rite. K is very young loh...when i was doing reno with him, weekends, he will bring along 1 or 2 young chaps with him & usually, those young chaps will follow him around & listen quietly. Mayb i shld ask him hor..if he reali is the boss, lol. Keep asking him to get married & have little kenneths, LOL.

    How much your feature wall quoted? I not much budget. Most of it went to flooring and kitchen. Flr area too big lah.


    wtg54, im not sure of how much my feature wall alone costs...cos it comes together with my package...Juz to let u noe dat not the whole thing is feature wall. The part where its 'thicker' than the rest is actually the shoe cabinet. K suggested to combine the two & my hubby likes it...He suggested adding mirrors so i asked him got to top up for mirrors anot & he say no need...I tink shldnt be too expensive...

    Hihi....... any1 got ur house photo to upload here? wish to see what is the design from ur ID.....

    If u wish to view mine, u can view it by clicking on the link in my signature below....my ID was Kenneth...

    hi.. any comments regarding their workmanship?

    I have shifted in for 7/8 mths thereabouts...so far, so good :P


    Can I have the contacts for Ideal House ID?

    Website/email/tel. no?

    I cant find them on the net..


    If u happen to buy todays New Paper, Ideal House is having a promo now...

    Not sure if this is allowed, moderators, u may remove if this is against the rules...

    Ideal House ID

    780 Upper Serangoon Road

    #01-02 Choon Kim Road

    Singapore 534649

    Tel: 6469 6538

    Fax: 6469 7239

    Website: http://www.idealhouse.com.sg

    Actually, if cannt find contacts, can easily get it from yellowpages....

  3. Once, I even broke my wrist while scrubbing the kitchen floor..... something which in hindsight was really pointless.

    :P U must b using zhi1 nai3 de4 li4 to scrub! My ah-ma lives in a big house too & thou she's alone most of the time, my aunt engages a part-time maid for her...cos its simply impossible to clean a HOUSE by urself...by the time u finish cleaning, the sky is dark already.

    After married for 21 years... the only house work that my HB helps is washing the plate everynight after dinner.... he suppose to mop the floor.... but hor... he only does it when he feels like... I also don't care... he doesn't want to do... I also don't do... just live with it lor...

    Sometimes I also feel very angry that he doesn't help in doing the house chore.... but think over it... there is no other mistake that he made... I mean he always with me.... what else I ask for...

    Reminds me of my hubby....I tink its becos his mum has been doing everything for the children their entire lives dat even the most basic things, it juz doesnt occur to them to do it. I rem got once i point out to him dat the toilet floor is dirty. Then guess wat he did? He say, Orh. Then he took the handspray & spray water all around, making it worse than it already is. I duno whether to laugh or kill myself when he did dat.

    And when he does try to help me mop, he looks as if he's dancing instead of mopping. I will mop quite hard at some areas where there r stains left by him stamping around in the hse with his boots. But he will use the mop & 'dance' over it. Then dats the end.

    So, i do the rest myself. But i will ask him to help me change bedsheets. Cos he's much faster at it than me. As he often doze off on the sofa while watching tv, i will grab dat chance to clean the whole hse else he will wake up & step all over the wet floor.

    I tink we have to compromise loh..im sure there r worse husbands out there. But one thing for sure, if i have a son, i will make sure he does his share. Else later he grows up like his father, i will feel so sad for my DIL :P

  4. cheesecake welcome back..what happened to make u quarrel so bad? housework chores?

    i am actually very worried about staying together n not able to adjust to each other. dats y i keep putting off staying together until after our AD... ;)

    Hi Diva79

    I can only say dat both of us come from very different backgrounds hence upbringing is different..which leads to very different habits. And both of us have different tolerance levels for different things. My temper is bad & short. Im a cleanliness freak & i have a super sensitive nose. Conclusion: im a difficult person to live with, LOL! I have to kowtow to my hubby..i dun tink any man can tahan me...only him :notti:

    Dun wori abt living together...take one step at a time. Can only say stay together requires tons of patience & compromising. Wat u used to be able to tolerate will no longer b tolerable. Wat u used to detest, u will hate. Bad things become worse simply becos u have to face it everyday....So, must learn to let go on alot of things...For me, we fought a few mths b4 things settled comfortably. Im sure my hubby must have 'regretted' marrying me during the few mths :D hehe...

    Hahaha. I'm an Aquarian...we are idealists!:P:notti:

    Up to noe, im not sure if im capricorn or aquarius :P

    Hmm not to be negative here, but there will never be an ideal or perfect fit partner even if you can find one with time the fit will change......need to be managed, and to managed a relationship is a pretty tough thing to do actually.


    Agree with u on the above...As a person goes thru different stages of life, THE ONE for him will change as well. I believe, how we all end up with our partners is mostly due to timing.

    ehh korea, we don't really need to know the value of your diamonds and its specs lah..best to keep this to yourself...haha...;)


  5. Hi Fteocs

    Thanks for sharing ur story & im abit saddened by it...It must have been reali hard on u to take care of both ur daughter & her & yet at the same time, burdened by the knowledge of her betrayal. Reali hope u stay strong for ur ger but also hope u wont reject potential partners...life goes on for u & everyone deserves happiness....

    yes, everyone has a choice to chooose to love or not to love. It is easy to fall in love, but keeping love alive is not an easy task.

    Hi Whiteivory, yep im back! keke...I tink marriage is real tough...quarrelled with my hubby pretty badly when we first started staying together...aiyoh, pretty hard to adjust. But lucky his tolerance level is v high else world war 3 will break out. So i feel dat if the love isnt there after living together for a few years, i can actually empathise with dat becos its hard to love when there is resentment & anger.

  6. Hmmm...the guy is how old?

    Stuff like these happens....I tink ppl change all the time & we are not able to control change. It's possible dat after ROMing & getting a flat, after living together for a couple of years, realised dat actually, he cannot live with her. Being in love & having to live together are v different lo. Wat i can say is things dun happen overnite :notti: Along the way, something has gone wrong...If the gal felt dat everything happened too suddenly, apparently, she totally clueless during the 1.5yrs. Mayb the guy met someone new.

    I tink hor, intiating to ROM & apply flat is no big deal loh...Mayb he reali did wan to settle down with her but after a yr plus, things change. Its hard to explain his actions in the first place. If he doesnt wan to go on, he can come up with a million 'reasons'.

    When a person reaches different stages of life, the ONE for him, will change also...its like this i guess...

  7. if you drive, then it will definitely be cheaper as compared to taking cab all the way.

    We did a calculation and found it really not worth our while.

    Go for it if you think it is worth the money. The hassle is just a small inconvenience if you are driving. It is the package and the service you get that counts.

    For myself, I do not drive. And I stay in the east. So taking a cab to the check point, then changing to the cab in JB and back the same way.... each trip is > SGD $ 40. Plus the super long queue at the customs at JB during the weekends, usually takes half a day just to reach the BS. Driving will is so much faster, even when clearing the customs on both end.

    Not really worth it if you add these additional transport cost and time taken to travel to and fro to the package. $40 can frigging fill > 1/2 a tank of petrol liow loh!

    If dun drive, cfm not worth it i tink...but i scared to drive in leh...heard horrible stories abt JB, not sure if its safe to take my car in :D Plus i tink all sg couples will gg JB on weekends & JB BS sure v crowded on weekends loh...but we cant be taking leave all the time juz to go JB BS on weekdays? If my car gets vandalised there, i tink i will :) But will still be gg down to have a look...So, u mean u will consider JB BS if u drive? Hubby say can go there pump abit of cheap petrol also....zzzz....

  8. Yeah...i see their packages, sg packages can nv beat them. Everything in RM, wah lao...

    Duno chi-na or Taiwanese lar but abit not elegant enuf. Unless everything MTM? I realised for JB BS, usually MTM EG or teadress can keep...

    We do drive but we stay in the far far west, duno worth it anot. Plus b4 AD, have to collect everything from them then return after AD. If wan their MUA to follow for AD, must pay extra also for MUA's transport. But hubby rather keen...anything to save $ :yamseng: But we will waste time & petrol (petrol = $), lol.

  9. better.. prices likely to increase

    U r rite...in fact, a few hotels have offered to let me book for late 2009 provided i pay extra $20nett for one table each based on 2008 pricings...but of cos i wont be booking so early mah. How i noe they can accept bookings so early??!??! I only emailed to ask when 2009 pricings will be out loh :yamseng: Opps, i plan mine in Sep 2009 :good: I must go chk the F1 route first already....if suay suay kenna, i tink i will change to Oct or Nov already :notti:

  10. It is not that bad. I have seen some of the BS at JB, from city square all the way to some of the inner tahmans and I find them to be quite good. Their photography works are also very nice. And the digital designs are really interesting!

    The gowns... erm... well, my wife finds them so so. And I agree with her. The gowns here are better in terms of design and quality when it comes to handiwork.

    Hi GnM, i agree with u on JB BS photopgraphy & gowns...i've seen a few albums & they r pretty good...but its the gowns that put me off...WG is alrite but EG rather chi-na to me *no offence to anyone* But my hubby would still like to make a few trips down to see cos he feels nothing beats seeing the real thing :yamseng:

    another question.. is it true BS give better deals on roadshows?

    Hmmm...not sure abt this actually. Roadshows abit hard to sign up rite? A neighbour told me cos u'll only get to see the most chio gown there on display, there is no chance to browse the rest of the gowns...even if the package is sibei good, if u sign up liao & realised the BS doesnt offer gowns dats ur style, also no point? I tink it doesnt hurt to visit roadshows & see wat they can offer but its best to go back to the BS to view the available gowns b4 deciding? Unless u already noe which BS u wan then if at the roadshow, u realise they offer a better deal, then i tink its no harm signing up....Did u go for the one at Central Mall (Clarke Quay mrt) recently? I go with a female fren also got ppl pounce on me...quite scary :notti:

  11. Hi chamia

    I think I can understand the couple. My friend is also getting married next month and he is on a very very low budget. I would think your friend is better off than him. He's just having a small lunch reception in a small church. No bridal photos, no professional photographer and even the wedding rings are not gold. Just silver. Unbelieveable but true. Wedding invitation printed DIY. Just settled their clothings this week. I am currently sourcing caterers for the reception. Total budget for all expenses : $2000!:yamseng:

    Instead of taking up bridal package, your friend can make do with a friend's car (decorate yourself), rent the gowns and engage a makeup artist. Get a friend good in photography. We managed the bride's clothings (2 gowns, accessories, shoes, makeup, hair) all within $550. I'm proud of them!

    How about u ask your friend to try out Qianxi Restaurant located at Tanjong Katong Complex (walking distance from Paya Lebar MRT). The food there is very good and I'm sure it falls below $500 or $400. I had frequent there many times and so far no complain on the food. The ambience is also nice (renovated) and I've seen weddings held there. It's worth check it out.

    Ooohh..abit sad for the bride but i tink since he's on such a tight budget, the $ can be better spent elsewhere rather than photos, videos, rings & stuff. It'll be more practical to spend the $ on the house cos we all need a shelter. But we wont die w/o photos, videos & rings :notti: I myself have no diamond ring. We bot our wedding bands at Toa Payoh (the jewellery shops there so many can see until siao!) & cost us abt $700 i tink...I would love to have a diamond ring as proposal ring also lar but lets say a diamond ring is 1.5K hor, 1.5K can buy a fridge & washing machine ney, hehe...

    Agree dat QianXi is not bad at all...I tink Korean mentioned abt this Tung Lok restaurant at The Fullerton. Its Jade restaurant & max tables about 12-15 if im not wrong.

  12. Actually trying out gowns, visiting BS is pretty tiring.. I one day at most can visit 3 only.. spend 2-3 hrs in 1 BS.. changing gowns in and out.. tiring..

    Lets say i go myself & ask abt the packages, they will juz let me try ar?? Ya, sure tiring rite...the gowns look pretty heavy to me...

    wah rao.. not cheap my flen..

    better skip.. lol...

    eh.. i think 1.2 for 2.. could be quite tough.. maybe 1.5 to 1.8 for 2.. still can..

    quit ah...lol.. see how lah.. recently up again.. very bored..

    eh.. we need to sign up latest by June i think.. so still got time lah.

    Ya, quite ex rite? but i tink we have to see the 5K package consists of wat...have to compare clearly loh...some mayb cheap like 2K+ but doesnt have much stuff? but im reali hoping to keep it around 3.5K...cos i wont get to keep the gowns at all, only b left with photos...it'll be like the photos alone costing me 3.5K....

    Heh, i cheapskate, tot 1.2 can liao *gulp* Ok, i will change budget to 1.5..dun wish to engage cheapo one then turn out like s.h.i.t. Eh, cigar getting reali ex...increase 40cents rite? zzzzz....even my fav shop Watsons also increase like mad.

    By June enuf time boh???dats like, only 6-7mths away?? i tink 3 mths before AD must take PS liao rite? Then duno how long b4 PS must cfm outdoor gowns etc liao rite? Ma chiam not enuf time leh....Plus if ur wifey intend to MTM, i tink she sign up by March 2008 safer...

  13. Dragongate, Orient Ocean etc thou is cheap at 418 thereabouts but there is minimum tables of about 25 i tink. Cant rem which one (88 or duno wat) has lesser tables requirements...if its cheap but require more tables, also no point rite? Another cheap place is Gim Tim restaurant under The Chevrons. Food is not bad...even weekends also $400+ only but im not sure abt the min tables requirement.

    So first, i tink have to settle no. of tables first. Then decide budget. Decide liao, then shortlist places. For BS in JB, the travelling can be tiresome. Frankly, i find sg BS packages need 3K plus to get a decent one. If 2K plus, as long as u r firm not to top-up pics, im sure its alrite too...

  14. Sophia price range around what you know anot?

    where is it?

    Yah... cheesecake has a point.

    yo cheesecake.. i've got PG.. i've heard very good.. but price is like 2k to 3k range leh. for 1 day..

    i think should change the thread title..

    now we talking abt PGs.. ADs... VGs.. BSs... :notti:

    To b frank, i've all along tot Sophia is those taiwanese style...but its not loh. Quite high end actually...3 of my fren's frens packages around 5K. My hubby's fren's wife also a Sophia bride, signed up a $3988 package but my hubby's fren told me he bargain until like siao. U shld take ur wifey go take a look & try the gowns. Sophia is along Tanjong Pagar i believe.

    For PG, i intend to get my back ROM photographer from Foto-U. But i will still wana compare prices...wah rao, 2-3K per day...im hoping to get both AD PG & VG for 1.2K :blink: Looks like i duno the mkt rate at all :D

    ha ha.. we should go together.. you wives could see see.. and me and your ah lao smoke outside.. lol..

    need to be careful mah.. few k leh.. lol.. money not easy to earn..

    Wah rao, tot u wana quit?!?!?!? lol....urs much earlier than mine leh...i only intend to sign up early 2009. Duno will be too late boh, LOL.

  15. Found a new BS.. share with you guys... seems new in SG


    Anyone who have intention to drop by do give feedbacks.. :drunk:

    Their styles look interesting..

    Not bad huh...seems like now, watever we r interested in, have to do a search in order to be safe...alot of work huh...

    I may visit Sophia, La Vie, Flori Bridal & Di Gio/GHA other than MBR & BC...juz to take a look loh...so many, duno where & how to start :dancingqueen:

  16. can we celebrate a bit earlier? that.. my birthday and ROM day also..

    and YES .. BC another BS to check out. fer sure.

    alot of RT brides with them...

    Hmm..not only RT i tink...sgbrides got a thread on BC too...looks like its worth a visit loh. Sophia is another popular one...

    heh heh... but like wat phantom said... too near to cny liao. so now may bring forward to dec 08 or even oct 08 :dancingqueen:

    Personally, i dun like Dec...i plan mine in Sep...Since u r bringing urs forward, after u cfm the venue, its time to search for BS liao, keke...

    Anyone has any recommendations for AD PG & VG?

  17. thanks korea. we only having abt 20-25 tables, so was considering panorama room. liked the high level (24th floor), long aisle and sweet cherubs theme. price reasonable too. may consider other 4-star hotels due to budget constraints. our wedding day is 20 jan 2009.

    Ur wedding day is my birthday, lol....we can celebrate together, hehe...

    Another BC bride? wow! :bow:

    Looks like BC is another BS to chk out for sure ;)

  18. haha.. join the crowd lah.. haha.. :P

    rules apply... sign MTM package.. if end up taking OTR gowns.. they won't pay you back..

    but if you get OTR package and upgrade, they are happy to do that.. haha..

    I tot if sign MTM package, end up take OTR, can add photos? heh~

    if u sign up MTM package and opt for OTR, i think at most they will top up photos for u in replacement. that's what i got

    hi FiFi, yup yup dats wat i've heard too...but beforehand must say liao rite? else how to decide let us top up how many pic? scarly can only top up ONE? lol

    do hotels allow us to book for 2009 weddings now? was interested in hilton, but the lady (june) told us their system not ready for booking yet for 2009... got such a thing?!

    Cornetto, i also looking at 2009 but late 2009 :jawdrop: Some allow early 2009...U can try loh..its always beta to book earlier cos prices will always go up, nv come down :jawdrop:

    yup, different types of gowns for different body shape. :D my BS always told me to wear this and that b'cos i'm tall enough so wear liao will look very nice. :P my BS always said i'm tall whenever i visited the shop. :notti:

    Korea, ur BS is where??

  19. ha ha ha....

    ok.. just now My Bridal Room gave us a not too bad deal.. but we also dun know.. first few places to visit...

    how much is your package btw? OTR or MTM...

    My Bridal Room will be one of the BS i will visit when the time comes...keke...It shld be not bad loh...saw v good comments abt this place...

    yupz its me. :dunno: my mum very few relatives. only 1-2 tables at most. dats y at first we do not even want to throw one.

    Wow, u reali v skinny...u still under 40kg rite? *faint* Btw, i same as u...2 tables only. 1 for relatives, 1 for frens...the one table for relatives hor, i dun tink can even fill up to 10.

    Got plan go bridal concept to have peek?? !!

    Go lahhhh :P

    I rem Cokelight...i tink hers also Bridal Concept...I've been gg thru the JB BS, their packages reali alot better..the albums i've seen reali not bad at all...but its troublesome having to drive down all the time....their packages can start from RM2988 dat kind...in sg, i tink at least need a S$3388 package...zzzzz....

  20. Agree with u...a fellow neighbour managed to book Chijmes with juz 20 tables :~ Very hapi for her but sad for myself loh, heh~

    I would try to hold in early 2009 if im comfortable with our financial status bah...if not, it would be late 2009 for sure...i do noe dat prices are increasing & even the minimum tables requirements may change but im sure there will be places dat can accomodate lor....

    Dun wish to hold a dinner in the midst of worrying abt $ too...my hubby's mum did comment why must 2009, why cannt 2008...but me+hubby are the ones footing the bill so i tink we have the rite to choose when we want loh *oops* :bleah: But i do have frens & colleagues telling me as long as i dun have too many tables & dun anyhow invite ppl juz to make up the numbers (cos actually, the guests will noe if they r there becos we wan them to be there or juz to make up numbers :) ), even if loss, wont be dat great...Haven tell my mum & grandma thou..juz wana make sure everything cfm then let them noe..else if change of plans, my grandma will be so disappointed....

    Wow, u have 30 tables?? Lucky u booked already...Hey, usually men will only start to take action when they reali noe there is not enuf time liao..haha..my hubby is also lidat..but i will constantly bug him & he will entertain me loh :( Btw, can share ur BS is which one?

  21. It depends on the no. of tables you short of, I think <$100 to top up per table, and you have a better menu

    I see..i guess different hotels sure have different top-up rates...I will definitely consider it if i reali love the hotel :P The menu part is true...b4 i decide to hold a dinner, i've always feel dat food is not v impt since ppl only give angbaos based on location & day. But now dat im planning one, i still hope to provide guests with nicer food...

  22. hotels have function rooms.. so they can take in smaller banquets...

    I feel better dont drag too long.. hotel prices keep increasing.. 2009 will be a new price to pay... ;)

    Yes yes, they will offer the function rooms instead...Not dat i wan to drag but i juz wan to be more sure of the $$$ part first..make sure can afford, then have one :D I even comtemplated 2010 loh!:P But a couple of neighbours managed to persuade me over msn to have it in 2009 instead :P They tell me, dun be afraid of the $ part...juz do it one step at a time, sure can one...keke..Felt alot better after 'talking' to them ;)

    nowadays, most hotels have offered smaller banquet liao lor. or else how the hotels are going to compete with the restaurants. :P

    Yes, tink u r rite...and to be frank, families in sg are getting smaller & smaller...perhaps in future, big big banquets like 40 & above will no longer be the trend loh...Or mayb next time, wont even have such a thing called banquets :P

    Swissotel has 1 small ballroom which has min 20 tables only, but the ceiling is the lowest, some close to a function room's and it has 2 pillars. The bigger ballrooms have higher ceilings. But if <20 tables, I think all the tables can be arranged in front of the pillars. From what I know, the min is 20 tables, if you have lesser tables, you could top it up by having a higher priced menu. Hope you understand what I'm saying.

    Jule, thks for sharing the pic :) This pic is the one with the lowest ceiling isit??

    Yup yup, can understd wat u r trying to explain...Read from sgbrides dat some couples reali wan to hold it at a particular hotel, so they compensate by paying extra $100+ thereabouts for each table becos they cannt fulfill the minimum requirement...

  23. you got spare decals?

    i also wanna stick on my fridge..

    ADMIN... can send me a free RenoTalk Decal?


    Dun have...only have one...and to be frank, after a couple of weeks, the decal dropped off liao...i also duno why loh...Stop suaning me lar!:P! :D

    Yar long time ago loh, we had our customary and dinner in the same day. ;)

    Wat abt u??? :P

    Oh i c i c...tot if u haven, can join us in Phantom's thread at Tying the Knot :P I haven yet...ROM more than 2yrs ago liao thou, lol.

    Btw, u noe the running track? They dun allow ppl to go in & run if they have soccer training isit? Quite a few times, i saw that they closed the gate & inside got one big bus & some ppl training inside...how would we noe if there'll be training huh? :)
