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Posts posted by cheesecake

  1. Oic...lol...Mine total 4blinds & a 2-layer full length living room windows. Actually, quite ok lar...some ppl might find them too simple. Someone said why i choose dat colour for blinds, shldnt it be in dark colours cos blinds are meant to block the sun or provide some cover !! String curtains are nice! They give a romantic look...Urs $700+ quite cheap leh. I tot string curtains are quite expensive...

  2. nice meh...haha...i see the orange tiles i wanna faint leh...haha.... !!

    yeah...i will glass it up...no choice...prefer not affect my living room while doing cooking (although both of us dun cook :notti: )..:)

    Heh...but when ppl enter ur door, wont see the kitchen 1st mah...so no need to spend so much on kitchen :) Spend on areas where ppl can see at 1st glance more value, hehe...I also loh..actually, glass door v useful. I always close it when cooking esp frying...i hate the smells spreading to the whole hse...esp im the sort who's paranoid abt smells :P U sure cook one loh...sooner or later u or melody sure cook...cos eat outside everyday takes a toll on ur wallet...but u can go ur in-law's plc to eat..save $ !!

  3. Its the cheapest quote i've gotten *sweat* The other 2 quotations dat i've gotten, quoted me 2K thereabouts. Its hard to compare becos dimensions are different, fabric is different. Sometimes, the price is rite but u cannt find the fabric u prefer...have to search loh. If u can find cheaper ones, of cos its good...i quite heartpain also but its a one-time purchase plus i feel it completes the look, so i hardened my heart & pay !!

    Thks v much !! Not hard to maintain lar...no children mah, heh~ But for ppl who cook frequently, i wont recommend white for kitchen. We cook during weekends & i also clean up the whole kitchen. Tiring if have to do dat all the time loh...but bobian cos white can see dirt easily. I would recommend all to use light-coloured kitchen solid tops & darker tones for cabinets. Dat would the best combi although may not look the nicest....

  4. Ahblur, u also having platform bed in MBR? *evil grin* U also hack both side of the walls to do up glass door isit? When its done, rem to chk from the side dat both glass pieces are straight, not slanted leh...it happens loh...such a big piece of glass if nv install properly, v dangerous wor...dat time when ours were done, our ID realised not straight then quickly ask the guy to re-adjust...so dangerous...

  5. They are lidat. Full of crap. Till now still calling me to ask me go collect the keys i gave them dat time & complete survey form. They shld be glad i dun wan to complete survey form for them loh *pui* U have no choice but to call everyday. They can delay for months & months if u dun chase. Not dat we wana be nasty but if they do their job well in the 1st plc, there is no need for us to chase rite? They like to say things like, "only u complain, the rest nv" Or the same old line, "its lidat one" Or the ultimate, "there's nothing we can do" So dun give up!!! U pay so much for a PREMIUM flat so dat can save on reno rite? Then now lidat? How can!!?

  6. I think i will slowly source it out..maybe after my house is done...Mine is only 5th floor..so need to cover cover abit.. :bow::bow: Due to my FSM advice i have to find Jade Green..and it appear that Jade green is pretty nice.. :):bow:

    Haha...once ur plc is fully furnished, u will noe wat colour u wan for ur curtains :lol: At 1st, i have no idea also..only when everything is done, i noe straight away i wan grey & white. U shld headache abt other furnishings 1st, hehe...but i understd, when renovation comes, very kan jiong one...

  7. Ya lor, don know hw it can cracked maybe the chair too heavy. :)

    So i suggest put carpet to protect the flooring b4 any majong session otherwise heartpain. ;)

    Anybody know hw to cover the hole in the parquet cos i am worry to damage further when mopping the floor??

    Cracked? Hmm..i notice a crack line in my MBR parquet. But i heck care :deal: I tink dun mop dat area liao..use the magic mop or something if u wana clean dat area? Cos i find magic mop not v wet...I used to mop my parquet then use fans to blast at the floor so can dry faster, wun damage the parquet. But the area with the crack line, i avoid mopping liao loh..later rot then jialat....

    Hi CheeseCake...Keline intro me to Mr. K so now working closely with K regarding the design..Just finish talking to him on the design and Wao..he packed with reno everywhere..so needs abit of time.. ;):P

    Your Design and reno was very nice so that was one of the points that made me sign with K and i like his way of working so decided to sign his company.. :good::P

    Hopefully my reno will start soon.. :):bow:

    Hi HiroX, thanks very much for ur compliments :bow: I tink now K is quite busy loh but his time management is very good. He will also give u a schedule sheet for ur reno when its abt to start so dat u can monitor as well :good: Glad dat u choose to sign with him...hapi to find another person who uses the same ID, keke...

    Enjoy ur reno process...i quite miss it loh, heh~ Now i look back on the pics, its amazing how a flat can be transformed...

    Hi Cheesecake, how much is your total damage for your blinds? Yours is roller blind or roman blind?? :good: Is very nice.... :bow:

    Hi Strawberry02, thks very much! Mine is juz normal roller blinds. Roman blinds look abit wooden dat type loh..Total cost me $1090 inclusive of installation. Juz for info, semi-blackout blinds are more expensive than total-blackout...weird rite? I tot i heard wrongly when the guy told me...Mine is semi-blackout...


    U can take 193, 192... To Pioneer mall...

    3 stops later then u drop..

    Should be like that.. U can see a Mac @ the side of the mall...


    But now okay already lar...

    Ahblur, the bus 192, 193 is from bus interchange rite? Dat means i need to take bus to interchange ten change 192 or 193? Cannt walk hor? I went to the Mac before..heh~

  8. For doc, there are some clinics at JP, forgot which level liao...got one level is all the clinics one...if not there is also one clinic across JP, first floor of a HDB block...forgot which block but definitely is 69x. The block is painted green color one.

    It's in Sep. We are going fittings early Apr. :)

    yeah...but it's fun loh...like to see progress....hee...too bad i stay too far...if not i will go up everyday...haha.... :bow:

    *Gulp* Im totally lost when it comes to Boon Lay ;) I tink the JP one, is the 6th floor. I need to visit doc coming Friday so i guess i will go JP...nearest rite? Cos i dun feel like walking to the duno wat Nanyang family clinic or wat leh...

    Oh ya, melody stays much nearer rite? Then she can go everyday loh..chk the progress :P

    me here to give some good direction for doctors....

    There are probably 2 doctors @ Pioneer Mall Level 2...

    Finally saw u chatting cos it seems long time since we last chat!

    Gulp..where is Pioneer Mall? Wat bus can go there ar? If drive, then mayb i will noe how but most prob i wont have the car with me loh...sianz...Or can walk there one??

    Ya, my company ban RT leh :P Got a few times saw ur kitchen windows open, hehe...I haven seen Xueli also loh..but she also started reno liao, heh~

    welcome back cheesecake, u are dearly missed! :)

    life sounds good for u! :)

    Odie!:good:! Still spamming? *evil grin* Heh...heard from Phantom u went to his chalet? Keke...he v paiseh cannt entertain u & hubby :deal: How's life? Housework v jialat rite? Sometimes, i cleaned until fed-up!:good:

    yea, i also saw a clinic on ground level of a flat opp JP. oh yes, Pioneer mall has some too. poor cheesecake, sick and cannot find a doc. must be feeling rock bottom kinda low.

    Ya..dat time quite bad..woke up in the early morning & my head juz spin like mad. Feel like vomitting but cannt vomit cos nothing to vomit :lol: My blood pressure on the low side cos fainting spells were quite frequent last time loh..i always bring medicated oil juz in case. Esp when i take mrt in the mornings, some ppl's body odour really make me feel like puking..i will rub my nose with medicated oil 1st :good: Weird rite? Im so young but like, so old lidat...End up i took urgent leave dat day...cannt bring myself to take bus alone :P

    Good Morning Cheesecake, nice to see u again. :)

    The clinic opp JP is not wrong shld be 24hrs, if night time nt feeling well u may go there too. :bow:

    Realli?? Great..cos hubby realli duno. Do u mean the medical centre where Sakae Sushi is?

    How's ur hsewarming?? So sori cannt attend...hope it went well :bow:

    I also having same prob with the parquet flooring, after my majong session my flooring was badly scratched and even cracked. :)

    Cantona...wah lan..u same loh, suay like me. I give up already...scratch let it be scratched loh..next yr ask my ID to quote me on polishing...or best, i hope all the parquet will rot & i will re-do in homo tiles. I still tink homo tiles more suitable for me leh...heh~ My parquet was also destroyed due to mahjong sessionS. In fact, now hor, my hubby & his frens having mj session now. My hse now is mahjong den ;)

  9. In that case and come here and talk more often lor...

    My company ban RT :bangwall:

    i am at blk 60X area. during reno, which is now, i tink i am in a nightmare. in constant worries etc. maybe after everything i will feel better. i might miss it like you do.

    boon lay is not ulu and yes, talking about foreigners... i hope i am thinking on the same line at ya. don't be scared. just stay brave and cool. everything will be fine.


    Oh, i rem liao, hehe....

    My reno was quite smooth actually...the only worry was $$$$ :huh: But ok lar..quite miss the feelings of surprises & discussions with ID & hubby...now reno over liao, suddenly, i feel very empty, LOLOLOLOL.

    Sometimes, dun feel v comfy taking the mrt & bus there loh...mayb i tink too much. But mornings in the bus are quite alrite...Sundays are the worst...trying to get used to it...very different from Sengkang loh. Btw, JP got doc for me to see? Got once im so ill i took leave instead cos i duno where got doc in my area & i dun have the strength to crawl to the doc by taking bus. Asked my hubby but he also duno cos he duno hw to take bus & he hardly sees doc...

    i'm his bf...she got her own nick now...mymelody...haha...to better differentiate us...

    Lights are up halfway...my id bring his electrician away to rush another handover unit... 8|

    haha...but we are ok since we are not in hurry.... :notti:

    LOL...this is confusing. So u r the real kiat lar? :notti: Its ok since the dateline is June rite? Cant rem ur big day when...i tink its Aug or Sep? Heh....paiseh, still ask u gown fittings how...wuhahaha....tiring rite? Reno always have to run here & there...

  10. hi cheesecake!

    haven't seen you around for some time. oh yes, boon lay interchange has always been a nightmare in the morning but it is just a matter of getting used to it. maybe i am so accustomed to life in the west. so how have you been? guess you need some time to adjust to your new place. it sounds like everything is so exciting and fresh!

    Joyz, forgot u which blk leh *blur* Im reali paiseh cos i link blks to ppl *oops* Ya, v long nv visit this blk..tot im old bird liao, can retire...but realli quite miss the renovation times :)

    Boon Lay interchange forever is nitemare leh. Who says Boon Lay is ulu? I tink its the most crowded place on earth loh. I dare to say 50% of the Boon Lay ppl are not Singaporeans...Im quite scared, like kenna out-numbered sia...heh~

  11. Hi... hi... long time no see... hope that everything is fine...

    May be U want to paste sticker on the glass door... so that all will know there is a glass door...

    Ya lor.. I find my sofa too soft...

    Hi HSH21 :) Super long time no see...haha...today juz emailed Phantom also. Looks like ev1 is very bz loh...

    No leh, not pasting any sticker. Actually, its v obvious dat a glass door is there esp with dat round handle. But my hubby is lidat...he likes to cheong & do things very rushed. I juz feel heng dat nothing happened to my glass door :D

    My sofa now is still very hard...but at the rate my hubby is sleeping & drooling there (im so glad i nv buy a white sofa)...will turn soft sooner or later. Dats y i tink a hard sofa is very impt...can last longer...

    look time nvr see u ard cheesecake...how's life....:P

    Keke...yingjie...how r u??! Dat time i did receive ur email but forgot to reply cos was changing my seats etc in the office..change jobscope liao...hehe...now is PA & my boss super nice..he bochap wat i do, heh~

    How abt u? Read dat ur lights up liao rite? U r not in a hurry so its ok...take ur time. How's the gown fittings??!?!?! I cant wait to wear one too :thumbs up:

  12. Long time no see everyone :D *coast is clear already*

    So far, quite a few neighbours have moved in already :yamseng: Area is not so quiet anymore plus i saw a malay wedding held nearby last Sat. But i still hear strange noises at nite esp when im alone at home so i juz lock my MBR door :P

    Some areas of my parquet flooring is badly scratched by my lousy computer chairs (rollers not working properly). So ppl out there, dun stinge on computer chairs if u love ur parquet :yamseng: Its actually quite windy although i close my main door most of the time. Also, still kenna tripped by my MBR platform a few times when i was walking abt in the dark, lol. Hubby also knocked against the kitchen glass door very hard when he was taking food to the living room after cooking :drunk:

    My white kitchen is still surviving well thanks to the glass. I still find glass easier to clean compared to stainless steel. Light-coloured kitchen solid tops must be cleaned regularly. But i realised scratches are not obvious on my kitchen top. I have two top cabinets above my sink areas & till now, haven got to use them yet cos too high leh. So now, soft of cfm i realli dun need top cabinets. But then again, i hardly cook..usually very simple food only.

    Washing machine & fridge is working well for now. Hecom Seahorse sofa is fine also...i tink its good to buy a harder sofa.

    Having parquet floorings & laminated platforms, i tink laminates are easier to maintain.

    Monthly bill is about $70-90 so far. Hardly on aircon but when hubby's relatives & frens drop by, they will on the aircon for the whole nite. Abt thrice a mth i tink. Have visited the sportsa stadium & went swimming once but have yet to try the Sakura buffet :thumbs up: Still adapting to life in Jurong West :) But...i really hate Boon Lay interchange. Its a nitemare....

  13. Then went by the this curtain shop,went in to ask for quotation and the actual cause was 2K for the whole house..unbelieveable..so EX.. :):thumbs up:

    Need help in Curtains..anybody got any recommendation?? Thank you Thank you..

    Hi HiroX

    Actually, curtains pricing quite hard to compare becos of different fabrics. I have mine done for 1K+.

    But mine is:

    Living Room (full-length windows) - Full length curtains 2layers

    Dining Room window - Roller blinds

    2 bedroom windows - Roller blinds

    MBR (but window is 2 panel only) - Roller blinds

    Curtains can slowly search...after everything is done, look around ur flat & feel for urself wat colours go best to get the feel u wan...good luck & enjoy ur reno process :D I quite miss the renovation times :P

  14. During my reno... minus all the others ... the water and Electricity only cost $6 if I remember correctly... so I believe K's workers didn't any how use them lor...

    So far the only extra item they connected was a radio...

    Mine was $4 i tink..cant rem very well :D Good luck Ivory :D Im sure K will take care of ur plc :good:

    Hi Ivory..Same ID...Just drop by to check..for the Defect is it for new house only? Resale one no need right?

    Sorry i newbie here..dunno anything...So how was your 3D drawing..I find K drawing all veri swee leh... :yamseng::yamseng:

    Just for my Living room already veri nice liao..dunno how it will look when i confirm everything... :):thumbs up:

    Anyway hows your progress?? when starting??

    HiroX, ur ID also K? :notti: Hope u have a smooth reno & post pics up for everyone :drunk: Good luck to all :P

  15. Hi ans599 :)

    Long time no see hor? Heh~ Good prices for electrical items can be found at all times so dun wori yah :D Since the reno hasen start yet, not to wori...Juz need to noe where & when u plan to get the fixture items 1st :P Good luck to u...HDB's tactic is to delay, anyhow do, then wear u down...B persistant, b firm :thumbs up:
