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Posts posted by ah_kiat

  1. Hai... left me & Ah wai, no fun leh. :(

    Happy Shopping for you guy. :notti:

    Will pop by ur hse next week with Mrs Cantona7. :notti: She too anxious to look at ur hse after I told her abt my invading. :dancingqueen:

    Sure....We can arrange again next week...although next week still not much difference from what you saw last week...haha.... 8|

    Hi Ah Kiat and My Melody,

    How are your renovation works going?

    So far the renovation looks pretty nice.

    Will really luv to see the finished product.



    S & S

    My reno is almost complete...still left some glass......

    haha...yeah...maybe will post some pics when after everything is completed...:P

    Hi hi! More photos pleeeaassseeee! :P

    hee...didn't take much...perhaps wait till everything is up then post...

    how's ur reno ?? :)

  2. KP Leader......

    this sat mi and my wife not free, permission to fallout for this coming mission...heehee :unsure:

    This sat i'm not free too....gotta fall out as well...I suggest u better dun invade....you got not enuff firepower... :deal:

  3. Dont be so scary leh, our hse veri simple one.

    Have u start to source for furniture yet??

    yeah...more or less....left coffee table and dining chairs....:P

    ya we break into each of everyone hse by force...and was the group......

    and cantona7 is our leader who suggest to break in....

    pls dun catch me...... haha... :P

    now we are still waiting another break-in.........and more orders from our leader cantona7 :notti:

    awaiting orders from chief... :drunk:

  4. Thanks Ah Kiat & Mymelody for letting me into ur hse. It veri a gd afternoon spend time with u guy walking around & breaking in other ppl hse. Hee Hee :sport-smiley-004:

    Cant wait to see ur black mirror up and mymelody's special room. :P

    Haha...Thanks for letting us into your house too....When i see your house...i got the 'drop jaw' effect...haha.... :good:

    one word : nice ! :help:

  5. Thanks :sport-smiley-004: i also very excited :jawdrop:

    Ah kiat ... u also got a daikin ? we also tinkin of getting daikin ... was tinkin between daikin or mitsubishi ..

    actualli like artcool but heard not too good n exp also ... so dropped tat ..artcool wld be perfect for our deco!! hahah ..

    Oh yah .. i wanna ask .. when i took keys fr hdb i didnt hab time to apply for electricity .. so i must go to the somerset to apply ? then must pay how much ? heheh .. i very newbie in all this ! :P

    Ya i got daikin despite some bad comments...Actually i wanted to get mitsu more....but my wife prefer daikin...and anyway mine and her house currently using daikin....must say it is really reliable...hope it will be the same for the newer models....!!

    You do not need to go down to somerset. You can apply online and arrange a date for the pub electrician to come down to activate.

    I dun remember they charged me for activation but they bill me for the deposit instead....

    Hope it helps...:)

  6. Hi ah kiat..

    Nice to see u here.. :jawdrop:

    Ya, we got intradesign to reno our house. Errh.. our id is a guy. Name can't reveal as to 'protect his identity'.. hahah.. :sport-smiley-004:

    So how's ur reno liao? finishing soon? !!

    haha....then i roughly know who liao...:P

    my reno is almost complete. Left touch ups...plus glass which my id say out of stock...gotta wait till early may... :)

    Got chance can go your hse KPO ? Are you moving in soon ? !!

  7. haha.. Actually weekeong66 is my hb.. :sport-smiley-004:

    Hope i didn interrupt u guys talking.. !!

    That day we went up to the new house, we did see 2spiders, but it wasn't due to slow reno progressing that it had 'grown' spideys.. kekek.. They came from the windows.. unless my hb brought them in? :jawdrop: He just too lazy to clean them off....though it's his incharge area. :P

    hihi xueli and weekeong,

    I'm ur upstairs neighbor !!....you got intradesign for your reno too ?

    Good choice...must be very nice.... :)

    Who is your id ?

  8. same same..i wanted my ceiling to be black or dark grey but ID and HB refused. maybe they think me nuts over black/grey liao...but i do regret not doing it lei...:(

    yeah...i wanted my ceiling grey too...but discouraged by id....he told us may be too overwhelming.... :unsure:

  9. Went light hunting over the weekend by myself as wife not free and got 8|8|8|8| ... :(:( . Lesson learnt - don't go shopping without wife... However, not a big problem as ID Kelvin to the rescue... managed to resolved and cancelled the order for 3 x bedrooms, 2 x kitchens and 1 x crystal dining light.. Thanks to Shawn from Litevault who is both helpful and accomdating...

    Only managed to confirm the following:

    PLC for living room, foyer to bedrooms and kitchen


    We got the same downlight...:)

  10. ah kiat + melody...

    my hubby would like to thank you for helping just now... i wasn't there.. went shopping wih my sister...


    at least most stuff are coming in next week.. went Taka.. Home delivery is available from 100 purchase n above... no charges... :good:

    you're most welcome gal.... neighbours what.... so ke qi.... anyway, we didnt help much.... saw your hubby too late... else will help him move the boxes too..... :D

    wah!!! shopping!!! envy!!! heehee.....

    think today your id's worker(s) is/are there to doing cleaning..... handover already??

    good for you.... can move in very soon, rite?? ;)

    btw, it's mymelody here.... logged in using ah_kiat's account... heehee.... :dancingqueen:

  11. hihi,

    sorry to hear that. But I tell u this is happening everywhere....

    It happened to my direct neighbor who had already moved in :sport-smiley-018:

    someone locked an extra lock on his front gate. They got a shock when they came back in the middle of the night. Had to made a police report and the police help them to hack the lock.

    They also saw a couple loitering at our corridor around 12 midnight...police says maybe coming to see the flats...why the **** people loiter ard people's corridor at 12 midnight... :sport-smiley-004:

    Is your block a new block ? Or already with residents ?

    i guess it's always not safe for a new estate....

  12. Hi kiat, not really ur door frame slanted or aircon man did a bad job. I think it's meant to be a little slanted. Or else how the water flow if it's straight? See the aircon unit is slanted towards ur aircon trunking.

    Actually no leh...i asked the aircon men on the spot...the air con is supposed to be straight....they used the level device to determine. They concluded the air con is straight...it's the door frame that is slanted... :P

  13. Yah...neighbours should keep a lookout for one another. Especially there are only a few units per level. At my level, only one neighbour has moved in.

    I can say it is a different feeling when staying on my own. I have to be "responsible" for wat I have done..haha..wat i mean is, I have to wash toilets and wash clothes myself cos I am responsible for making it dirty. :dancingqueen:

    As the master of my own house, evything I have to ensure is in order. It is different when I stay at my parent house.

    oh ya....as I am not cooking, I have to go out settle my own meals. So the nearest is that coffeeshop which I have eaten for a few weeks already so rather gotten tired of the food there. haha... :P

    haha...i think this is applicable to all newly wed couples...8|

  14. here are some of the items we bought from our bangkok trip !!

    The wooden carved cornering, the wooden giraffe (smaller one), our living room clock and another betta! :notti:


    haha...your place has turned into a mini jungle....nice ! :D
