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Posts posted by 70wood

  1. I am also interested. too bad I dont have contact with secondary school. Their workshop in weekend should be not use and holiday also.

    To find space in Singapore to do DIY is a real pain.

    I did mine at my kitchen toilet in dec 2009. Fixed up a shelf sitting on top of my existing ikea computer desk and a raise platform for my 40" LCD TV.

    A big Mess and the project take me more than a month to complete with my weekend didnt go out.

    For the above project.. I buy got myself the following.

    1. Black and Decker Fold able workbench

    2. Impact Drill

    3. Bosch Handheld Router (buy wrongly .. got 110v from USA. ****)

    4. B&D Sander (Home-fix)

    5. B&D Jig-Saw

    Cause my project involved high-pressure laminates and plywood from Jalan Besar.

    Hindes got from Sungei Kadut shops

    Basically I convert my toilet into a mini workshop to drill, saw, sand etc

    and kitchen also in mess.

    I lost 4 kg when doing this project .. TOO HOT !!!

    lol it's DIY slimfit

  2. First thing to determine, is probably the need for a workshop where it may have to accommodate all kinds diy interests, ie woodwork, metal-work, or arts & crafts etc. What would be the scale of the workshop, and the equipment & tools to include? Where could the workshop be, practically & geographically? If it's a workshop that simply consist of hand-tools and normal hand-held equipment, then it could probably take off easier. But if equipment that may be considered dangerous for an untrained hand, then the owner of the premises would be concern with safety and indemnity.


  3. Hi there, I have came across at some retail shop with industrial look design, especially fashion store. Upon closer look at their cement screed wall,it seems to be apply thinly onto a plywood panel and then secure onto wall. Or is it some kind of cement board? I am interested to get that effect but doesn't want to go to an extent of roughing the existing wall and screed the wall with cement by contractor.( too messy). Instead if can be diy using the panel method or maybe contractor can prepare it in the factory and install it after will be ideal. Have anyone done that before can advise, or maybe some building profession pop can give some advise? Thank you.

    The rough cast you are talking about is to apply cement sand screed onto a plywood surface as if it is applying on any other wall. It is not quite feasible to have this effect factory done, and carted to be installed because the thin screed will give way in transit. Contractors would also prefer to do it on site, given some care and good housekeeping. This was done in the reception hall and the building frontage of Egg Story Creative Production in Middle Rd, which is now being occupied by Informatics. There are some issues with this, that is when extensive moisture gets in between, it will show up prominently on the surface of the rough cast. Also the plywood used needs to be in compliance to fire safety standard.


  4. I intend to buy a makita power drill. Which shop is cheapest? I usually go to Homely at Ubi Ave 1. But I believe it is not the cheapest

    Yiap Hing Cheong (Balestier Rd & MacPherson), & Homely Hardware (Ubi Ave 1 & Serangoon Nth Ave 5). Both are authorised dealers and stockists for Makita products. They also carry cheaper brands for non-industrial users.


  5. Hi there, can anyone here recommend me timber shop that carry solid wood strip, i am particularly looking for 30mm x 20mm profile.and also preferably a store that can also do delivery

    hi you can try Wen Tat Hardware at Hougang Ave 1. You can check out their number from yellow pages, call first before going down. They have a wide range of profiles and can deliver if the volume is big.


  6. Hi

    My parent's place, a landed property area, has been facing a leaking problem everytime it rains, tot he point that water will leak through and flow into the rooms.

    They have tried some contractors in the past but were all slip shop in their work, and paid thousands but have been unable to fix the problem.

    Therefore, can anyone kindly recommend a good roof specialist for landed property?

    Appreciate any help thx!

    There are many reasons why water gets pass the roof into the rooms. The tiles could be cracked or broken. If this is the case, then it is possible that the entire roof needs changing on the assumption that all the tiles are of the same age. Roof tiles are generally quite hardy unless they are old, say over thirty years. Another reason for broken tiles could be TV antenna man damaged a part of the roof. Cheap way is to apply a lump of cement over the damaged area, or change the affected tiles. Other reasons could be choked gutters that force the rain water to flow backward, then clear the gutters. It could also be that the flashings and cappings, metal plates that overlap the end part of the roof, could be rusted allowing rain to seep through. Sometimes the roof is perfectly fine, but just that the heavy rain happens to blow towards a certain direction that instead of the rail flowing downwards, it goes upwards and seep through the joints between tiles. If this happens, no contractor can help. But here again, you did not mention what type of roof your landed house is having, so it is only an assumption that it has French clay roof.


  7. Hi 70wood, I am planning to use this to cover the planter box in balcony. Can the deck tiles support the weight over the hollow box?

    Hi Hongpl,

    DIY tiles are kind of flexible (not rigid) hence it is not suitable to hold any weight. Should you need to cover, you will need to have one fabricated to size.

  8. My balcony has a economical water feature... no pump required coz we only put in a few fishes.. :) the fishy also helps prevent mossy breeding as they will eat up the larvae.

    We bought the bricks and the dish ourselves.. and my hubby thot of the design and layout for it. :sport-smiley-018:


    Simple and lively....nice

  9. Hi, just to share, I previously had some leakage problems on my outdoor balcony (it's a condo unit). The culprit was actually the manhole area (the drainage part) because when we open up the manhole cover, we can see that the cement inside is not fully covering the pipes, so water going into the drainage area found its way around crevices etc and leaked into the balcony ceiling downstairs.

    You can try to locate the problem by trying out a few things, one at a time, and you'll also have to ask your neighbour to co-operate with you so that you can identify the problem.

    1) Find out whether it leaks downstairs whenever you pour water down the manhole directly? At the same time, check that the cement fully surrounds your pvc pipes under the manhole cover.

    2) I'm not sure if you have a planter box with a drainage outlet - if you do, you can check that too. i.e. water your plants and see if it affects your neighbour below? Same thing, Check that the cement fully surrounds your pvc pipes under the drainage cover.

    3) I'm not sure if you wash your timber decking too? If you do, you can check if this causes a leak to your neighbour's ceiling? If it's washing tiles that causes a leak, you don't need to hack your tiles. After you remove the timber decking, clean the tiles & remove any debris. Buy a can of waterproofing from the hardware shop (called T10, approx $35 a can of 5L I think), apply two coats over your tiles, making sure you cover all edges and corners well, and also on the skirtings. Let it dry properly (overnight), and test by washing the floor again to see if it leaks downstairs. If no more leaks, then you solved your problem.

    If the leak is caused by 1) & 2), can buy quick set cement from hardware shop @$10 per container. It comes in powder form, take out a bit, mix with water and fill out the gaps around your pvc pipes. To make it set faster, can dry it with a hairdryer :D

    Hope this helps!


    I suspect the problem had emerged due to the decking contractor drilling into the tiles of the balcony that may have punctured the waterproofing membrane, if any. Here again I am just guessing as I do not know if this is really the case. I am also wondering if the deck you built had sufficient ventilation gaps between panels so that moisture can escape instead of being trapped. Once a hole is created in the slabs, water above the membrane will find its way from all corners, and spreads to the entire slab below the membrane. If this happens, the way to go about is to remove the deck, seal the entire tiled are with a new membrane or a reliable chemical, creating a new tank above the tiles, and put back your deck without drilling into the floor again.

    Another way, which sounds rather ridiculous is to seal up at the entire deck leaving only a drainage hole where water can be drained into the gully hole.

    My two cents.

  10. Hi 70wood,

    I plan to do up a space of size 2.4m x 1.6m wood decking. How much does it set me back with install?


    Right now 70wood DIY Deck tiles are on warehouse sale (self collect), at only S$10/- per piece. Base on your 2.4m x 1.6m or 7.8ft (8ft) x 5.2 (6ft), you will need 48 pieces of the DIY Deck Tiles.

  11. I bot a corner unit and bot up the recess area so my main gate now opens into the corridor instead of perpendicular to it.

    Next door neighbour is a middle aged couple. Has pots of plants lining the entire length of the parapet outside their unit. On top of that, they also have short cabinets and shelves lining the wall of the corridor directly outside their unit. In addition, about 60cm from my main gate, he put a small table and there are small potted plants on it.

    It's a pain. If I go NTUC buy groceries, there is no way i can walk thru the corridor straight..... i gotta move like a crab.... on top of that, I think its a fire hazard as well. the corridor is 1.5m width, there is only 70 - 85cm left after accounting for potted plants on one side and his barang barang on the other.

    I know i can complain to TC, but I dun wanna spoil neighbourly relations and will leave that only as a LAST resort....

    anyone got similar experience???? how did you get your neighbours to shift their stuff???

    I'm sorry that you are placed in this most unfortunate situation. There seems to be no other option for you than to approach your TC & MP, though some forumers may have other advice. Talking to your neighbour nicely is good, but first and foremost they must be very understanding people to be able to listen you out, but what they have already done show otherwise. Playing the "rights" card, that your neighbour is causing a fire hazard will not augur well with the TC & MP. Only way is to play the victim and plead with them to understand how your neighbour has cause you such terrible discomfort. If you do not like to call on the TC or MP, Take pictures of your corridor and email them to the TC and MP. If that does not help, then forward the same email to the National Development minister, and perhaps later the Prime Minister. This will make the TC and MP wake up if they didn't do the job well.



  12. Dear All,

    Just wondering if anyone has encountered the problem of water seepage in toilets between 2 floors. It seems that my toilet is leaking into the lower floor of another unit. Is there anyone who can recommend a solution and who to contact to repair the water seepage. Please help.

    Will your neighbour allow you to take pictures of the leakage? It will help by posting the pictures here. If your house is HDB then it's a lot easier to solve. If not, then we have to determine whether it's a multi-storey apartment, or a shophouse with upper floor residence etc. Types of housing can pose unique leaking problem where the source can come from leaking pipes, damaged cappings at the roof, punctured water-proofing membrane etc. Until you determine the source of the leak, there's no solution to it.



  13. Dear folks,

    Need some help / guidance. Currently look for idea for my rooftop. It has never been renovated and was left vacant by the previous tenant. I wanted turn it into a nice corner for BBQ and chill-out. Looking to build some structures but require some ideas. Suggestions / pics / links to websites will be welcomed. Thanks in advance :dancingqueen:

    It is very interesting that you are able to rent out an unrenovated roof. You probably has an attic, and could also have an open-air rc flat roof. I remember the Mountbatten CC has a roof garden whereby its members chill-out, and particularly during nights where there are fireworks from the stadium as well as the esplanade area, it's really cool. The Kembangan CC also has one, but lack the height for a good view.

    Attics can be very hot even if with insulation, and air-conditioning load can be very high. But attics and roof gardens are very cosy place, like you say to chill-out or to spend some quiet moments alone staring at the sky. Older houses do not have waterproofing membranes underneath the screed of the rc flat roof, but the newer ones usually do. So drilling into the roof can damage the waterproofing membrane and void the gauranteed that comes from the manufacturer and installer. If the roof is very old, likely is that is is very course and putting a coat of screed with sika will strengthen the waterproofing. For flooring, you can use 70wood's DIY deck tiles, and you don't really have to tile the entire space, but only the essential areas where traffic is likely to happen. The rest of the areas can be creatively treated with box plants or pebbles, or even box grass to give it feel of nature. 70wood also sells materials where one can build your own trellis, planter boxes or even build your own decking.

    Before putting up your BBQ pit, maybe you want to know if your neighbours are hanging their laundry overnight. Surely you won't want them to wake up the next morning having your laundry fragrance being replaced with a totally different kind of aroma.



  14. where can i get it fabricated? any estimated cost? i'm looking at a small awning for the windows, around 1.5m length.

    There's a guy in Ang Mo Kio who used to own a "Sunlight Awning Co" and now sort of retired. If you can take a picture of the window for which you intend to install the awning, email to me at diy70wood@yahoo.com, and I can pass it on to him to give you a quote.


  15. Any idea where to get metal brackets for outdoor awnings? Looking for a small one to DIY awning for windows.

    What material do the brackets usually comes in... aluminium, mild steel? And what is the estimated cost?

    I guess you are referring to the metal frame that holds the awning, and not the brackets per se. That has to be fabricated, whether with wood, or metal. The choice of which also depends on what material you use to cover the frame making it an awning. There are aluminium awnings where you customize order the aluminium interlocking strips, and this strips are hled together by slotting into each other. Other alternatives are canvas, polycorbonate sheets, corrugated sheets etc.




  16. Hello,

    I'd appreciate if anyone can help in this.

    We live in a EM flat and use the room downstairs for music practice. The room has laminate flooring and carpentry windows and sliding doors. We find the sound from the instruments that my daughter plays vey loud. Her teacher says the room is echoey.

    The piano guy said it's not the piano problem but the acoustic of the house. He said people who live in EM often has this echo problem with piano. Anyone have same experience, please share.

    I'm thinking of doing some DIY to sound proof the room a bit to cut down the problem. Anyone know the cheapest way to go about this.


    Hi Sujuan,

    Accordingly, there are two issues at hand. First, you find the sound too loud, and next is the echo.

    Let's tackle the echo first. I am imagining that the room is pretty empty except for the piano. Hard walls repels sound, particularly in a small rood (EM room on lower level is smaller). Furnishing deflects and/or absorbs sound, and if it's an empty room, a DIY solution is to curtain up the walls with thick materials. Others include sponge wall, carpet wall and the list can go on.

    You did not wuite elaborate the loudness issue, as to from where or which part of the house that you find the sound of the piano room loud? If it is from the upper room where it could possibly be your MBR, then it is a structural sound transmission problem. What you can also do to eliminate structural sound transmission is to isolate the sound source from the building structure, that is perhaps have a floating floor, supended with joist, or at least a suspended platform for the piano so that the vibration from the piano will be absorbed by the suspended platform.

    I hope it helps you.



  17. Dear 70Wood,

    Are the tiles come lacquered or I have to lacquer them?


    Tim Kendall

    Dear Tim Kendall,

    70wood DIY deck tiles comes in matt dark wood colour and needs no lacquering. It is an ideal colour for outdoor, and you do not need to re-colour or oil it again. I hope that answers your question, but if it does'nt, please email me via infos given at http://70wood.blogspot.com.

    Best wishes


