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Posts posted by mabaricows

  1. Hello all! :)

    The MBR bathroom mirror was just installed today!

    Here are the pics! The MBR bathroom is finally complete! :)


    Sliding glass shower screen..


    Basin area, volakas marble top and mirror finally up!


    Close up of the taps and basin.. Must on water and take picture.. Hahahaa..

    Now for the kitchen!

    Indian black galaxy top finally up, must say some good things about Ocean Granites, their guy who came to install the top was SOOO conscientious and serious.. So concerned about the quality of work.. Even if I, as the owner were to do it myself, I wouldn't have put in so much effort. They did from 9 to almost 4pm.. No lunch break! I didn't even request for that.. I also never eat lunch.. haha..



    Anybody wants to swop washing machines? We want a black one.. :P

  2. The Grohe rainshower you showed here seems to have a thermostatic mixer, you need to consider if you need that. I think this setup will cost you about 1-2k whereas a normal Grohe rainshower and mixer will only cost about 600.. :)

  3. My HK Boss asked me to choose a gift for my new home... what should I buy??

    Be indulgent and buy an Ice Cream Maker? :dribble:

    Be practical and get a new Vacuum Cleaner? :unsure:

    What what what....?

    Custom made DIAMOND chandelier! Bahahahaaa!

    Those handles you scrubbed.. Very big difference.. Hahaa.. I think you scrubbed out the outer coating le la.. Rough side of the scrub very rough one leh.. Next time can just use autosol to wipe liao..

    Your place has turned out nice nice, dining area looks neat and sleek, living area feels very comfortable and cozy, the sofa looks very comfy!

    After the bedrooms get sorted out must post more peektures.. Hehe.. :thumbs up:

  4. Bahahaa... SOO cute!

    Does he always stick his tongue out? Saw it in the other picture on your blog too.. Hahaa, so cute..

    Btw, granite top for kitchen and marble top for mbr toilets are up!

    Will post pictures soon! Maybe tomorrow! :)

  5. I need to see mao mao jnr.. mao mao snr pls post some pics later k? hahaha btw, your tiles are great, very unique, i keep staring at them ... very hynoptic man...i dunno why yr family doesnt like them..

    A maomao picture for you!

    Maomao in a shoebox :)


  6. Yeeks! I graduated in 1993! Ms Haslindah was my form teacher from Pri 3 to 6.

    Could we be classmates? Or you are one batch younger?

    Ms Haslinda was a stern but good teacher. I was a scout then, and she was also the teacher-in-charge.

    Sad thing was, she passed away some years ago. :(

    We were definitely classmates in P3 and 4.. Lilian Lai taught me in 5 and 6..

    Sad to hear that she passed away before her time, a really very nice person. :(

    cant help to add

    me too! haha

    grad in 1995

    she was my form teacher too... i liked her very much...

    Hey there fellow BLGP friend..


    LG DD Frontload Washing Machine

    We have an LG DD frontloader too, 7kg.. White, we want BLACK!

    Be careful, the chrome plating on the swing cover tarnishes quite easily upon contact with anything acidic..

    Sorry for hijacking the thread..

  7. master_toilet.jpg

    Hey, about the textured wall tiles you're using there..

    Remember we told you we have the same one on our kitchen walls?

    Don't try to clean them by using your hands/palms to brush them.. We did and got multiple small cuts on our palms..

    Wifey - 1 cut

    Husband - 5 cuts (thick skinned and dumb)

    We also found out that its very very very very porous.. :bangwall:

  8. Finally visit your Blog, so everyone loves your Tiles huh :P

    Hahaa.. I think a lot of people see already also don't know what to say..

    Nothing good to say, keep quiet mah.. :P

    Moved in already. Still unpacking and organizing. Kitchen is so friggin small so no choice it will not look neat or pretty. Nevermind the yard area. We just heaped everything in there :D

    Good thing we lumped on $$ for lots of built in wardrobes as we certainly need the storage space.

    Hopefully we will befully functional by end ofnext week. Still have trouble locating my stuff and navigating around the place when all the lights are off.

    Hahaa.. I had the same problem once, stepped into house, closed door behind me, took 10 seconds to find a light switch.. funny..

    Look forward to seeing updated pictures of your reno!

  9. Big House = Big Renovation = Big $$$ fly out of my wallet... but cant help. Need a bigger apartment for my parents, son, wife and me.. oh.. and not forgetting one dog too..

    Big house, big family, big happiness..

    Hope u have a smooth renovation, spend a bit on reno is bo pian one..

    Good luck and hope you find an honest and responsible ID/contractor. :thumbs up:

  10. Oh hi! I graduated in the early 90s! My sis graduated in the 80s though.

    "Boon Lay Garden Pri School...

    Our very own knowledge pool

    We dive in, young and playful

    and swim out mature and faithful..."

    Haha. Nostalgic! They changed the song when I was in Pri 6.

    Oops sorry, gone off topic. This should be a reno blog! Paiseh!

    Strive towards perfection,

    To lead our growing nation..

    ----forgot this line-----

    Towards progress and prosperity!

    People from 1993 onwards sang a different song..

    Hahahaa.. :sport-smiley-004:

    The dang new principal changed the song! How can?!

    I was also Pri 6 then, Ms Haslinda was my form teacher.. haha.. :)

  11. ahhh.. okie dokie... it's 2m by 1m.... we wanted something smaller and more scandi. ... looking forward to seeing pixs of yr table soon!

    Hehe, dining table will only be in next week. Its a slight deviation from our natural themed furniture, some cast iron on it.. :sport-smiley-004:

    very *****

    check out my design too - click on my signature link

    :thumbs up:

    Haha.. what did you actually type? ***** <-- ?

    Anyways, thanks, have seen your blog before, not bad..

    Really nice character furniture and lights.

    SBH does have good range of tiles. We spent about 3 hrs to select 90%. Came back another day and spent an hour or so to select the rest.

    The majority of the tiles was our selection. ID only give input on whether certain combinations will look off or not.

    Thanks for the compliments! :)

    SBH is a really nice place to shop for tiles, huge selection, nice gallery for ideas..

    How's your home coming along? Scheduled to move in this week yeah?

  12. Welcome! :)

    Wifey spent most of her childhood years living in Boon Lay and she went to the primary school u're describing :)

    Good luck with your reno, looking forward to your updates!

    Think u got yourself a really big flat there :thumbs up:

  13. heehee.. yeah. suar wood's gorgeous... ours is of a lighter shade proberly due to lesser layers of lacquer (we requested for that as we wanted it to blend with the scandi. feel)

    I've tried holding Mario Batali's cast iron items... if am not wrg, Tangs is clearing of their stock @ 50% off. I usually only purchase cast iron wares that does not need me to lift it much so.. I made sure not to get the biggest frying pan... mainly braising pots and steak grill for now... chk Staub out... That the next brand I'd like to try.

    Have you cooked with the cast irons? I luurrve it so much!

    I bought 2 cast iron items from Taka, a pot and a pan. Can't remember the brand.. :P

    Have this nagging suspicion that I won't be using them much.. They're too heavy and hard, will likely scratch or leave my glass induction hob in a mess.. :help:

    So we got a set of crockery from WMF, stainless steel and light.. These will probably be our everyday pots and pans..

    Have not had a chance to cook using cast iron yet, I bet it'll work dang well. The old school kualis and woks of old were often cast iron :good:

  14. nice furniture!!!!

    can I shylessly ask if u gotten yr dining table? am trying to rehome my previous teak table... not sure if u'd be interested ... sorry to be buay paisay hor!

    Hehe, its ok..

    Pity we already bought a dining table already.. Your teak table looks nice and solid with a lot of character..

  15. Suar wood! We love it!

    Got a couple of suar wood coffee tables for our place too, different color though..

    Talking about cast iron stuff, the other day we saw a Mario Batali cast iron grill pan in Meidi-Ya. With the press/lid on, its almost impossible for females to carry.. Seriously, go try it out, its crazy heavy, much heavier than other cast iron stuff we've seen..

  16. Some of our furniture arrived today! :)

    Most of the pieces were covered in plastic wrap, difficult to take picture.

    The following pieces from Gnee Hong weren't, so here are some pics!


    Nice old looking chest, on top can open, below got drawer, not bad.


    A stand and 2 stools, all of the same theme, some floral patterns on them..

  17. You kinda answered what I wanna ask. There is a cover/seal somewhere close to the top of the door that holds the glass in place in another model I saw. That can be removed so that the glass can be cleaned. So I wanted to know if there is this feature in this model, which you have answered!

    Thank you! :)

    No prob! :thumbs up:

  18. Wah, we love the woody shelves in your kitchen, wifey loves the white look..

    I am eyeing the same dining lamp as well! First saw it in mabaricow's place and now yours!

    Hmm.. Our lamps are quite different, hehe, maybe you saw it on some other blog.. :P
