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Everything posted by missho

  1. Hi! I've been to excel showroom the other to check out their DTC runner, I've checked with their staff there and they told me the warranty of their drawer runners is lifetime. If there's any circumstances of the drawer runner they will provide the service.. Very fair !
  2. understand from my ID that blum price is less that $5 after GST is because the quality of blum came from china..as for samsung IREX, it's from korea and it's selling at a better pricing from blum. my ID gave me free i've seen both display of blum and samsung IREX at my ID showroom, when i close the door under blum hinge, felt so bulky for the cabinet. as for samsung IREX, it looks more normal for usage. my hubby even went to measure the space use for both hinges and blum takes up more space than samsung IREX, cos samsung IREX looks more slim and i can put place bigger stuffs like my pots and pans easily into the cabinet. housewives will know what im trying to say..
  3. you can go see www.excelhw.com.sg for their LED lights. But it's best to go to their showroom to see, i just went there about a couple of months ago. their staffs service and the LED are awesome ! hope it helps you