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Posts posted by karen77sg

  1. hmm... i would say they are not in the same dept though same company. so to certain extent still job related.

    but but but... 11pm++ leh! shdnt be that urgent until muz call hubby rite? most of the time i hear my hubby teaching him how to do the work. **** pissed off!:dunno:!

    hubby's job definitely not 24hrs standby... that's the pt i keep wanting to get across to him. i tink hubby knew i dun like this colleague of him keep calling him at wee hrs.

    my hubby is a too chin chai person... he tinks since it's for work then anything lah. i know he din wanna offend his colleague oso... but ppl will take advantage of him in this way. just 1 word -- Irritating!

    Ya lor...my HB also chin chai person, tats y sometimes he show concern to his

    colleague, ppl willl get the wrong idea...signz....this is his chararcter....there is

    nothing I can change.

  2. for work related stuff which i tink he shd go pick up how he shd get to work himself rather than depending on my hubby.

    furthermore, his work scope and my hubby's totally unrelated...

    i asked hubby what if one fine day tis guy called when we're in the middle of doing something. wont it be disturbing?:dunno::P

    once, he sms at 11pm++. hubby was having a headache and had just fallen asleep (not deep sleep though)

    i took a look at the phone in case something impt (older model of phone that will go straight into the msg without informing who is the sender). tis guy stated "XXX, give me a call in 5 mins"

    i feel that he is commanding hubby to call him and it is definitely after office hrs!:bath: didnt wanna wake hubby up, i returned the sms "My husband is already asleep"

    hubby woke up few mins later (apparently the msg tone woke him up) and i told him i helped him reply liaoz :P

    Ask yr hubby to set his hp to silent tone in future...unless his job is 24 hrs on standby, else I dun

    c y tis guy shd keep on "disturbing" him outside office hours.

    If he cannot get yr hubby after many times, tink he will get the idea and stop calling.

    It can be very irritating lor...

    Oh wow....rather possessive friend he's got there....kinda scary too...your hubby not a bit disturbed by his actions....if it were me ah, i think i would freak out leh....haha....from what you say hor, either he's a v lonely guy or it's true that he's.............g-a-y..... ;)

    I tink he is a gay....or he got no friends to turn to when he needs help.

    No work related still can cal yr HB......tats funny!

  3. yup... it's like when hubby mentioned a colleague, he'll let me know which one when he brings me for the gathering

    there's another guy colleague of his who calls/sms him (i've experienced more than 5 times) when it's almost 12am and expects my hubby to answer the call!:) finally 1 day i had the chance to meet him at a gathering (coz he's new). U all know what? he did not even smile or say hi to me! (although all his colleagues will smile at me and i will smile back) he looked at me as if he dislike me and i'm meeting him only for the first time!!

    before we even reach the venue for the gathering, he had been sms-ing my hubby to ask him wat time he's coming, how come he's not here yet, etc etc!:dancingqueen:! i was super pissed off coz even i, as his wife, do not keep track of his movements in this way!!!

    Wah.......is he a gay?

  4. 1st choice is always main door. it will block off all unwanted things including the bamboos.

    most would buy or custom make a PEDESTAL to put the 4facebuddha, not suspended.

    just dont put the shoe cabinet near the pedestal and keep the area around it CLEAN at all times lor.

    Really ah? Bt Bo pian lor....altar already not in main door liao.....Dunno will offend

    the buddha or not??

  5. yup.

    that is why i'll go with him to every single gathering with his colleagues if he asked me along.

    Actually al along I hv been doing so cos I like to see for myself wat actually

    happens....haa...to see with yr own eyes is betta than wat ppl say!

    Thanks for all the advice. I feel so much betta....

    To all the married women out there, guard yr husband and makes him

    tink y r the best as compared to the wild flowers outside.

  6. i certainly hope she really stop going after my hubby and not just did not do it in front of me!

    Just keep monitoring....and shower yr HB with more love and concern....

    Tis is wat I am doing now...

    Funny thing is after tis incident, our relationship becomes stronger leh...

  7. ya lor, why these girls cannot go find those single man?? go ciong so many desperate and available ones around one.. think they feel those taken having better quality?? :)


    Mabbe they feel happy and satisfied if they can make married man

    fall in love with them.

    Some are so pervert one lor...

    Karen...so furious with that slu* after reading your post.... :jawdrop:

    If I were in your shoes, I would also feel shocked and sickened if I see her smooching another married guy....gosh...what kinda loose woman is she?!??! :dunno:

    But I guess you can't generalise ppl in sales too.....my fiance is in sales...he obviously has a lot of chances to meet pretty girls....some more he is in insurance line...u know lah..some female insurance agents are very attractive one....but he has been in this line since day one....to be frank, i do feel insecure too and keep sounding him out whether there are any chio girls in his company...he always tells me no lah..all auntie auntie one lor...and all married with kids liao.....i do not believe him 100% lah...but what to do? I can't spy on him right?

    And knowing his character, I know he wouldn't do anything stupid....the feeling of insecurity is always there but since there is nothng much i can do abt it, i choose to trust him....but i always tell him not to expect me to trust him 100% because I never will...i also do not have the chance to join him for his company's events so i don't know much abt this colleagues around him....so sometimes ignorance is bliss too..at least for my case....

    I think you should trust your husband and have regular talks so that if anything's wrong, you will sense it immediately...

    I do hope I can sense it immediately if anything goes wrong cos it is a torture if everyone noes

    and u are the last one to noe....

    i've oso experienced such colleague of my hubby. that time we were just mths before our customary. went to a chalet with his colleagues and there's this fat lady who had been calling my hubby's name affectionately came too. we were playing a game and having forfeit. the loser (me and my hubby's team) had to have their face painted. this fat lady immediately say wanna paint my hubby's face! and her face was sooooo close to my hubby and taking her own sweet time as if putting on makeup!! the other colleagues really just smear on faces, unlike her! i was super angry! i bear with it... keeping my anger down. really feeling like giving a tight slap on the ****! hubby had told me that she "flirts" with almost all the guys in the company. i told him "i dun care who she flirt with. she just cannot touch my man. and u, as my husband, has the responsibility to keep her away if u do not want to get close to her!" i made him promised that other than work, he is not supposed to get near to her nor tok to her.

    for the following 2 gatherings, i see her not so teh towards my hubby. i did show her very hostile face during that gathering. i mean, my hubby has other female colleagues (more attractive than her) and yet they did not behave like that towards him! they even acknowledge my presence. this fat lady doesnt do so and purposely act feng shao in front of me towards my hubby. i even told hubby that if he doesnt do his part to isolate from her, he shouldnt blame me if shd 1 day i opening scold her in front of all the ppl, and this is wat i'm capable of doing! (when i'm really angry)

    i oso dun understand how come these kinda of girls are like that... dun they know how to write the word "shame"?

    If they noe the word "shame", they would not hv done tat...

    anyway I hv made known to HB earlier on before he starts his sales job, tat I will not tolerate

    any nonsense and once a mistake is done, then tats it, no negotiation. Everything will be OVER!

    I hope he gets it and I mean wat I say.

    I will not show a hostile face in front of his colleagues cos I wants to remain calm and

    cool on my side....Unhappy things will be settled at home.

    Never wash yr dirty linens in public and dun show the woman u r unhappy....tis will

    make her more happy!

  8. Hi Karen, I understand how U feel as a wife... but when we are working... it is very difficult to deal with all these too "friendly" collegue... because we don't want to be too hush to them and make the relationship become too sour... we are facing each other everyday and some how we might need their help... unless your HB doesn't work... everywhere might like this type of people...

    And from what U said... I don't think she is only "close" to your HB... she should be "close" to everyone...

    I will suggest you go and make friend with the rest of your HB's collegues ... join their gathering more often.. from there U can ask or observe Miss A... then U can see whether she is really "clost" to your HB....

    Bt the plm is my hubby is those type who dun like to be too close to colleagues.

    It is really surprised that he will join yesterday....probably he is on good term

    with the birthday guy...

    He tried to explain to me tat he is also v scared of tis colleague. He says she is those

    "feng sao" type....very "teh" one la....And everyone is actually possiping abt her and

    the other guy whoms she kissed yesterday.

    It is not tat I dun trust him, somehow I dun feel secure with tis colleague around.

    If I dun noe, then I can turn a blind eye, bt now that I come to noe, I really

    feel uneasy abt it....

    Y some woman are like tat???? I just dun understand!

    ya, HSH21's idea is not bad and maybe karen can try doing so. :)

    i guess you should approach this matter clamly (i mean when you aren't so jealous and furious liao) and think of methods how to deal with it. or else your hubby may not be happy about it. if not, end up you all may quarrel very often about this matter and affect the relationship. :P

    My HB noes I am those type whom dun like to drag matters and we will talk openly

    immediately if both of us dun like certain things.....

    Bt we managed to talk it out la....bt I still feel insecure, Bt I did not tell him....

    I just recall, that Miss A told me yesterday "tink properly before u wanna hv a baby,

    yr HB may not lok at u after u give birth"! Wat is tis, say such things in our 1st meet up, as if I am

    very close to her.....She really leaves me a very bad impression!

  9. karen, i understand how you feel now b'cos i was in your shoes years ago. you must be feeling very jealous and start to feel insecure now. :) you'll start to think whether miss A and your hubby will be together during working time. !!

    how does miss A look like? attractive? :P

    Yes, indeed! I am feeling very very jealous now....and furious and my mind is running wild...

    To be honest, I tink she lose to me la....she is fatter than me, I am 50kg, 160cm....

    I tink she mabbe 56kg...

    And she loks older than me, in actual fact she told me she is in her 30s la....

    I dunno...I just cannot accept it and I also cannot ask my hubby

    to quit just like tat cos I believes everyway is the same.

    Fyi, my hubby was a regular in the Airforce for the last 10 years and I never

    felt insecure before. This is the 1st time!

  10. I just came back from a KTV pub with my hubby and his colleagues.

    One of his colleagues' birthday and I tort mabbe should entertain la...so

    we went down. Hubby is in the sales line and all along I tried to sound him out

    whether his company gt chio ladies or not and he told me all plump plump ones.

    I dun really believe lor cos I was in sales line before and I noe in and out one la.

    Actually true la, in his company, most of the ladies are plump plump ones. Bt I really

    cannot stand 1 of his colleagues lor - Miss A. She is married with 1 kid and my hubby told

    me all along she and her husband gt plms one....And when we just sit down, she just "jiou"

    my hubby play 5-10. I tink nothing of it cos it is only a game and I play "bluff" with his

    bosses and some other colleagues.

    Then tis Miss A drank more and more and like more and more bold lor..starts smoking, then hug

    with other colleagues here and there and keep on asking my hubby to dance.

    And keep on telling me my hubby keep bullying her in office and "suan" her. Bt from

    a woman's sixth sense, I tink she is trying to get close to us lor. And when my hubby

    talks to me putting his hand over my shoulders, she will interrupts and say "No lovely

    dovey" here and here no husband and wife one...no one brings their husbands/wifes along....

    Wat does tis means????? I was v pissed off by then lor.

    Then when we were abt to leave, I saw her hugging and kissing another married colleague.

    I was shocked! Mabbe I am too conservative, bt I cannot accept and I still tink my hubby

    is very close to her.

    As my hubby needs to work late every nite, I wonder if it is really WORK lor.

    Who noes they goes out...mabbe I am too sensitive bt I cannot help it lor.

    My girlfriend whom had biz dealings with my hubby told me there is once

    she called my hubby and there is a lady talking inside his car, bt with a grp of

    them la....

    I dunno now, I show my hubby a black face just now.....I am just too pissed off...

    If u were me, wat would u do? Trust him or not?

    After tis incident, I dun tink I hv the confidence to let him hang ard with his

    colleagues for these celebrations lor...

  11. sit north face south?

    make sure hor, if you got the degree wrong then you will be trouble should you seek for advices.

    try to post your bearing here, eg how degrees south.

    as for cabinets to block...you can consider ikea's BILLY range.

    cos BILLY range can extend the height all the way to ceiling.

    good for blocking the balcony from main door, if your main door is 1.2m, block 1.2m or a little more at the balcony.

    this is the pic you take while standing at the main door??? !!

    altar how come faces another direction???

    get those chinese partition to block off the windows.

    Chinese partition to block off the windows?

    How? Any pic to show?

    Btw, the 3 panel window faces MSCP, and the FSM hangs a "HU LU" at the window grill.

  12. i do hope i am wrong, that the pic was taken NOT at the main door.... !!

    the big problem with DANGKEE + conman FSM is that they like to assume the main flow of QI comes thru the window. Which is total NONSENSE, unless the family who stays in the house uses the window to enter/leave the house.

    Photo is taken from the main door. This is CONFIRMED!

    The altar face to another long stretch of windows at the balcony.

    Main door is South East while the 3 panel window is North West.

  13. Sometimes kids can maintain a marriage....my hubby and I had

    2 person's life for so long and very sianz liao....been trying for

    kids for few years liao...bt no luck lor....

    But I do admit he is still as loving la....mabbe tat is a console to me lor.....

  14. Hi folks,

    My tiling for the bathroom is almost complete and the ID is asking us to buy the bathroom accessories. Been searching around but I couldn't find any good "L" shaped shower curtain rod to hand the curtains.

    Any idea where I can find them? or do they even exist at all? All I've seen are the straight bars type.

    I bought mine from Ikea. Length can be adjusted.

  15. Bt I dun tink so rite?

    Mine face the windows....

    Cos of the design of the house...

    And my FS master says its good to put in my current

    position cos if face main door, my neighbours are very inconsiderate

    to have bamboo sticks put in the corridor and directly facing into the direction

    of my main door...Sianz.....So dun tink put my altar facing the main door cos

    they r hanging bras and underwears....**** inconsiderate lor....
