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Posts posted by karen77sg

  1. I guess we can't really do anything much.. The best you can do is, listen if she needs someone to confide to.. Is she very giving to her husband? If yes, the husband might had just took her for granted..

    Anyway, she is staying with her in-laws or her own parents? If she try to talk to her in-laws, will it help?

    She is staying with father in law as her HB's parents divorced long time ago....

    How to bring up such subject to FIL?

    can't help but kpo ovr this thread.... me vy kpo...

    from your descriptions and if all is true according to what your frend had told you, this is my guess...

    1) like some forumers here say, he might hv some health problems, STD, which he doesn't want 2nd soul to know so don't want to hv sex.

    2) to say he don't hv desires, den how cum he masterbate? this shows he has desires. and even if he has hormonal changes, there are other symptoms that will show up, etc. great loss of hair, loss of interest in other activities, eg. work, hobby, etc. but not in this case as he still obessed with FS and bazi study which goes to show too much enthusiatic ovr it.

    3) all points to the fact that he may be gay. gay guys can be the female type or male type, meaning when 2 guys who are gay, 1 is the man role and the other is the woman role. and most of these ppl don't like to get involve with girls. they married for the sake of marriage, able to answer to their family coz they conceal their actual likings from their families. only gays hv such strong rejection towards girls, most of them don't like to hv sex with girls but like to hv sex with guys. they are able to conceal the likings vy well until the day either they cannot take it anymore and want to stay with the guy that they love or can't take the normal man & wife marriage anymore.

    the advise is to go for counselling 1st, and let your frend open up her heart and telling the counsellor that its alright that if he's a gay and she can accept that (provided she want him to acknoledge infront of a qualified person who can help to file a report if she wants to annul the marriage or file for divorce). for a marriage without sex, there must be proof and that means to go for medical checkup by appointed doctors, obtain a medical report and file for annulment since they had not hv any sex since marriage. if not, this can be use as a divorce reason also.

    men (including women) are born to like to engage in sexual activities juz that due to society constraints, they are controlled. sex is men's 2nd nature and there's nothing to be shy or ashame of coz its juz like you need to drink, eat, sleep, ****, etc.

    if this man doesn't hv any medical, health or physical problem, then he should go for counselling or see a doctor.

    juz my 2 cents...

    Leen, thanks for highlighting the possibilities....

    Bt there is no way we can tell the guy cos we cannot let him noe that actually some of us

    actually noes their problems. And the problem wif my fren is she is not open to problems...

    I somehow feel tat there is communication plm wif 2 of them....

    Bt we cannot interfere cos this is strictly their own plm and not nice for us to poke into their affair.

    I guess I hv to ask my fren go for counselling first.....Then mabbe she will be more open to

    the discussion with her HB....

    I am worried for her these few days cos after the msn-ing, she never reply to my e-mails nor

    sms....hope she is fine!

  2. went to a zi char stall at commonwealth crescent, below the food centre

    the butter pork ribs, golden mushroom beancurd and soup-of-the-day is really good

    four of us only paid $33 :dunno: :dunno:

    Which Zi Char stall? There are quite a few there....

    The fried bee hoon at the coffee shop near the church/carpark also not bad. Fried chicken wing is nice, $1 each.

    YES! Love the chix wings a lot....bt the bee hoon not really nice...

  3. What? It sounds like your friend knows nothing much about him.. :dunno: It puzzled me why they even bother to get married in the 1st place.. The guys is just plain selfish.. God bless your friend..

    Ya lor....I really pity her, its like living with a stranger in a hse....somemore, they dun hv a hse of their



    IMPOTENT can masterbate meh??? Dun tink so ba!

    Hmm.. If he really knows that he has those things, meaning he muz had took a test before.. Surely his wife will have seen it before?

    Such things are pretty hard to hide..

    Please!!!! He is a pretty secretive guy.......FYI, my fren till now dun even noe his salary and bonus....he

    keep everything from her...EVEN hi passbook is keep under lock and key!

    They dun even hv a joint account lor....

    it could be due to a hosts of reasons

    from sexually transmittable diseases, to Erectile Dysfunction, to personal bad experience

    all we can do is guess but most important thing is to provide support to the person who needs it :jawdrop:

    Ya, I really hope I can give her adequate support!

    yes i've heard that too

    in fact quite a number of catholic couples practice celibacy for a myriad of reasons

    not wanting more children can be one of them too :yamseng:

    The guy is a buddhist!

  5. But I thought all guys have desires? I mean, it's all human nature.. How can he resist his wife? It just doesn't make sense..

    Same sentiments! Though I m not a guy....I am sure a guy very difficult to withhold

    their desires!!!

  6. guess ultimately is how much your friend love her husband

    if she love him enough to put up with such behaviour, all we can do as a friend is to provide her support :jammin::curse::paint:

    Bt I feel so sorri for her cos she is a nice lady....just tat SOMEONE take for granted....

    maybe the hubby wants to become a monk?

    More like wanna b a FS master!

    sounds like the same case - after marriage wife turned into a hippo?

    At least turn into a hippo still ok leh....

    Tis case is SUPER ridiculous leh.....

  7. You sounds more 'ji dong' than your friend. :paint:

    How come I feel that guy is MCP? From the way you say, your friend not just endure this, maybe there is lot more to endure. And it seems that in this case, the major problem is not sex, is his FS belief. Who knows in future he might use this belief to do other crazy stuffs.

    I wonder if counseling helps. hmm.. But something has to be done ya.

    Dun tink counselling will help cos he is SUPER MCP....

    And it will be terrible if her HB noes we noes...

    but in another way when ur fren are dating shld alrdy noe his HB type if he is really into the FS and Bazi thingy and will lead to this and dun think this is born overnite rite? to sacrifices not to have sex to ur wife!:jammin: and rather believe in FS and Bazi...wow for a man i need to salute to him... :curse:

    or mayb he got some man health prob? tats y say all this kind of reason to not made love to ur fren?

    juz my 2 cents tghts...hope i dun offend ppl... :)

    Nope....when they are dating, he is not into FS and Bazi thing yet....

    The interest is oni developed this year...

    First 2 year not hving S** with my fren is he dun wanna hv baby yet....and

    scared my fren pain lor....which is crap la...

    I am sure that if it's a genuine health problem, his wife will be understanding and work through things. But if it's for his own personal interest, then the husband is extremely selfish for not having considered the needs of his wife.

    It will take the wife alot of effort to stay on in this marriage.

    Fyi....his HB's health no problem cos my fren ever caught him masterbate before....

    So wats the problem?

    If i'm not wrong, if a couple does not consumate the marriage, its grounds for annulment.

    but this is touchy.. best case wife and husband willing to go to a counselor to assess the issues..

    Confirm? I tort annulment only take place within the 1st year of marriage?

    I dun tink counselling will happen to them...esp the HB.

  8. Was msn-ing my fren yesterday....

    I was shocked and saddened by the secret she told me....

    I could feel the unhappiness within her though she smile and

    laff with us, so yesterday just probe a bit...

    And she told me she is still a v-i-r-g-i-n after 3 years of marriage!:horse:!!

    Can u imagine?????

    She told me her HB dun hv wish to hv kids yet and scared there will be accidents and

    all sorts of ridiculous excuse, like scared she is painful....which is CRAP to me la...

    Or scared the baby come out - the bazi will clash with him la - REALLY SUCKS!

    I really pity her but dunno wat to tel her....or console her....or advise her....

    I cannot possibly ask her to break off and lok for another one....

    I noe my fren also eager to hv kids as all of us are in our early 30s liao....bt in

    such a situation wat can she hope for???

    She told me she already give up and no longer feel sad or wanna cry after so long.

    She oni can endure.....keep on enduring......and just her luck to meet such man!

    I dunno.....bt if I were her, I would step out of this marriage long time ago....

    One thing for sure, her HB not gay.....not hving affair.....just v engrossed with FS and

    Bazi thing....

    Any comments? I just could not find any reason for this kinda of marriage! Really absurb!

  9. hehe i think this is pretty common during mrt rush hour but i cannot stand pple who step on the back of my shoe! once it was so bad that my entire shoe came off and i almost trip, had to stop and wear my shoe, and that fella who step on my shoe still have the cheek to "tsk" me coz i blocking his way when i stop.

    and another time, someone step on my shoe and it came off, and worse dunno who accidently kicked it away and i had to hop hop to my shoe among the crowd. so malu :horse:

    Wah,,,tis is bad! Imagine u gotta lok for yr shoes in the crowd!

    Those ppl really numb, dunno they are stepping on other ppl shoe meh or they

    act dumb?

    Super inconsiderate!

  10. the crack lines is very serious...... have to do.....

    so if have to repaint shld i do the prayer again?

    Mace already say touch ups dun need liao...

    I tink repaint also consider touch ups....

    Sorry for being KPO....

    Its the same if we were to repaint our hse years after we shifted in,

    I dun tink prayers need to be done...

  11. Not to mention those who treated the poles like they were their own!

    Morning train so fast, cannot balance, want to grab poles but some ppl just like to lean on the poles and place their butt cracks in between the poles!! I am one of those who can't balance in high heels one...duno how other women did it..really pei fu them...so I need the poles!!

    What I did was always to find an empty slot on the pole then hold on to it and use my sharp knuckles or fingers to poke at the person...they mostly will get the hint and shift away....if not, i poke harder :furious:

    Fully agree! I get v pek chek if I c those ppl leaning against the pole as if they no backbones...

    There was once I entered a SUPER packed train. Then there was tis long haired gal super irritating, leaning

    against the pole, and when the train brakes and I really cannot balance myself...I simply grab her hair to balance lor....since she like to act as the pole...She scream in pain and turn n give me a stern lok. I

    simply ignore cos she buay zi dong first, y shd I give her face?

    Ya and those who chiong into the train the moment the door opens, don't understand what the yellow lines on the floor are for. Ma chiam first to chiong in got prize like that. :furious:

    There was once I was in the train sitting down then this woman came and stood in front of me, she then took out her nail clippers and started clipping her nails....wah lau @#$%! She nvr thought that her dirty nails might drop on my feet leh...basket! I glared at her and think she pai seh quickly put it away....so inconsiderate and unhygenic :curse:

    Pai seh devilaz, got OT or not?? Supposed to talk abt mrt drivers right? but we talking abt mrt passengers...hehe...chum i think i OT alot....cyclist thread talk abt mrt, mrt driver thread talk abt mrt passengers :blink:

    Wahhahahaha,......BEST! cut finger nails inside train?????

    Y dun she do her mask in the train too?

    Oops.....got OT not?

    got an unforgettable experience on the train

    i was sitting down and going to orchard for classes from tpy

    then i tink somewhere in between tpy and orchard, a grp of mango ppl boarded the train. i tink is 2 ladies and 2 guys. then 1 lady sat down beside me. she motioned to the other lady to sit beside her (there's only ONE empty seat beside me). the other lady came and SQUEEZE in between me and her fren. :dunno:

    come on lah! she thot she small kid meh?! her butt so fcuking small can squeeze in between 2 seats?:notti:! i **** pissed off. i stood up, hoping that she will realise what she had been doing. but NO loh!! after i stood up, she IMMEDIATELY sat on my seat!! i was mu deng kou dai!! got such idiots ard??:D she can still sit down happily and giggling which i STOOD IN FRONT of her! i tink i drank too much plain water that day. coz apparently, she CANNOT SEE ME!! :furious:

    all the other ppl on the train were looking at her. i glared at her throughout the whole journey. but yeah... i tink i'm transparent coz she doesnt feel anything at all! :furious:

    Fifi...mabbe u too petite so she tort she still can squeeze in...

    If I were u, I will lok at her and shake my head in disgust then continue diao her

    until I alight...

    found myself in a dilemma the other day

    i had a seat and was minding my own business when a lady came walking into the train

    my first reaction was to give my seat to her coz i thought she was pregnant

    then suddenly it occurred to me that she might not be pregnant coz we simply can't tell

    guess if she is pregnant then she did a really good job camouflaging until i don't know if she's pregnant or she just has a tummy :dunno: :dunno:

    ladies here, will you be offended if someone offered you a seat despite you not being pregnant???

    Yes...I will be offended! Hopefully one day I will not kena such scenario!

    Hahaha....Cannot tahan the love scenes in MRT trains too...

    All the huggings and kissing...

    Me wanna puke! Especially students in uniforms...Wanna do, do at home

    or hotels la...There are so many pairs of eyes inside the train, dun they feel

    awkward meh? Simply dun understand lor...

  12. ROFL.... no no

    palimony is a slang for some latin word and alimony if i'm not wrong..

    read it in some law book last time..

    supposed to describe a non-marital relationship contract.. doesn't really work here coz both protaganists are legally married.

    its to mean.. that if Mr. phantom goes out and finds a mistress phantom.. lol.. then after 2 years break up.. the mistress can sue under palimony.. if we had written a contract down.. lol...

    something like that..

    Oic...thanks for the clarification, lawyer Phantom...

  13. Hi, I did not encounter before, but my mum did....

    My mum originally booked a TW trip with them and we do understand that for package TW trip,

    they need to hv sufficient ppl then can set off...

    My mum actually paid 50% of the deposit liao, but they keep delaying for months from the actual date. (Fyi, its peak period).

    In the end, my mum got fed up and wanted to cancel, but they say cannot, can only change to

    other packages....

    My mum had no more leaves to clear by then and in the end she settle with KL trip.

    But they dun face such problems with CTC though.....

    From my mum's incident, I tried to avoid Dynasty from then on....

  14. These stupid and irresponsible cyclists ought to be shot man! :notti:

    "HAi Ren Hai Ji"...

    Fyi, I hv not wrote to the MP yet...cos really v busy recently...

    I dunno y bt after my incident, there are fewer cyclists at my area....mabbe some

    kind souls saw wat happened tat morning and make a report? I dunno...anyway, I am

    rather scared of cyclists nowadays...bt I will NEVER give way to them if they ring and

    ring from behind...tis will IRRITATES me more...

    Anyway, the path is designated for pedestrains like us...

    Treat it tat I am unreasonable, I also dun care...cos I am still sore over tat morning...

    The scar on my foot will reminds me of the incident always!

  15. Me just travelled by Tiger Airways to Krabi in August...not bad...seats ok, bt gotta to purchase own food and beverage up there and no outside food and drinks la...

    I wld say smaller than the normal economic class la...not recommended for big size ppl...other than tat I would say no complains for short distance and for the price I paid for....
