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Posts posted by shawncck

  1. To be frank, it is useless even u won the case. Likely u wont get ur money back....

    I see ppl win but money oso didnt get back..... The worse case u seal the company auction his thing....

    But seriously, there is nth left in the company..... They just closed down and open a new one using another name....

    Sad case.

    I lodged the case at Small Claims Tribunal (SCT).

    I attended the courts at 10th Aug 2012 and the company refused to appear. So the judge announced I am the winner.

    If they still refuse to refund, I will go back to courts to apply seal this company then.


  2. No point going to SCT.... Cos even u win, they are unable to pay u the money back....

    Go straight to the police... The more ppl go, then police can do something....

    If possible, published at Stomp... Give public more awareness....

    JohnPang, I know you are not involved with the company anymore, but you could help us on giving an inside view about what the general feeling in the company is like and who is the good guy and who is the bad guy. You worked for just 2 weeks. I am sure you didn't go there blind and come out blind. My girlfriend had also purchased some furniture there. And the amounts are not small. The number of people effected is not small. One way or the other, these guys are going to be locked up. They are going to get into big time trouble with law by operating in this manner and more or less cheating and creating fraud. You might be dragged into it because you were an employee. Doesn't matter 1 day or 1 year. You were an employee. Period. So at the least you can advise the victims here about what hope we can have or not have.

    Guys, how many police reports and how many CASE reports have been made so far? And how many have gone to SCT?

    The number is way more than 5. There are at least 5 here and how many would have googled and thought to check online? I expect at least 20 ppl to be effected maybe.. Take an average about of 2k per person and we are talking about 40k SGD here. Has anyone reported this to media yet? At least we can stomp it and create a facebook page and spread the information. We need to spread the info and cripple this company before they cheat others.

  3. I tend to disagree w JohnPang.... Why does the victim need to apologize to u...

    U resigned doesnt mean u are not involve in taking the money and wo delivery...

    Btw hopefully everyone can come out and bring all these bosses to jail... They really deserve it...

    Mr Blackmanbong, FYI, my father have came out from ICU early last week and have just discharge from hospital yesterday!!!!

    So pls, i do understand the anger in these suitation you encounter, but if you want to comments and throw your anger on "ppl are full of lies & excuses", do not put the "hospital issues" in to it, bcos It could be happen to you or your family members in one of these day. What comments you give, the GOD is watching and listening!!!!!

    And also I have left the company since 13/7/2012.

    I expecting an apology from you.

    God bless and thank you.

  4. Really hard to get ur money back cos the company dun have money and in debt...

    U can go SCT, but even u win, i doubt u get a cent back... likelyhood they close down....

    Police, u can go if u gather alot ppl... and they can treat it as fraud...

    Hi, I'm a victim too. Really worried about getting my refund.

    What do you guys suggest ?

    SCT and police report ?


  5. You can consider a small walkin wardrobe... That shd resolve ur window issue... Just like mine too :)

    Hi Sarah

    Thanks for your compliments! We were pretty lucky to get this choice!

    We intend to put a piano where the proposed study room currently stands.

    As for the master bedroom, my elder sis had commented that it would be tough putting in a wardrobe due to the location of the windows. Din manage to understand much of what she was saying though....haha!

    As my gf and I do not wish to spend very very much on renovation, we should be staying away from any hacking works. :)

    Definitely want to reserve space for little ones! :)

  6. Hi Shawn

    Since u know him, please give me his contact number! This sum of money is very important to me!!

    Cant give u even though i dunno him well... But i oso feel this company is like cheating ppl money...

    By legal way, u can only go small claim... but if u win, they oso wont pay u back...

    Then next course of action, is u file against them to seal the company and auction their item...

    But seriously, the company is empty shell... nth to auction too....

    One more thing, i heard they planning to swing those customer who havent pay fully to another new company after this close down...

  7. Does anyone hv the mobile number of Daren Koh? I have just chk w a lawyer, his suggestions are either enforce the order thru bailiff or hire a legal debt collector to get back the money. These are the only 2 ways out. And we have to do it fast before the company wind down.

    I just happened to find out Daren who is my frd is one of the cashholder in this company... i was shocked...

    This company is having cash flow issue and likely to close down anytime...

    I am afraid it is too late to get back ur money....Even law suit oso u wont get a cent back.... They will close down...

    It is sad but is the fact now....

  8. I heard they don't put up a booth at Expo anymore, their office is in a warehouse like place in Kallang Pudding, so making big hooha there doesn't really help.

    Seriously, even they dun have a booth... U can always go to the shop... Gather few victims and go together...

    This type of shop, must use holigian way... No use keep calling... They can just ignore...

  9. I tot the court will order a date for them to pay up...

    If they did not pay up, can we go back to the court or police to issue warrant of arrest?

    Dun tell me u win the case and they not paying u back... Any way?

    hi everyone,

    i had it up to here, & if the EHA is reading this, please TAKE NOTE!!!!!

    We placed an order for a sofa from them LAST MAY, 2011, and we were promised delivery by end November. However, due to their whatever FUNNY reasons (not enough leather,factory closed for festive season, factory STILL CLOSED after festive season, leather that they have is NOT in my ordered colour, shipment date change etc...BLAH BLAH BLAH), they DRAGGED the delivery ALL the way till APRIL 2012, and that is when they finally informed us that they CANNOT come up with my model that we ordered.

    By April, i believed that we have given them enough chance so my husband filed a claim with SCT (and they DID NOT even bother turning up at the SCT), and they are suppose to give us the cheque by 24th May.

    On 23rd May 2012, they told us that they are not able to send the cheque to us by the 24th May as their boss is in the hospital, so they will send us the cheque by 31 May.

    10 June: account issue with company, so refund can only be made on 28 June.

    27 June: SMS my husband, said that CANNOT be done and can only pass us the cheque on Friday, which is 6 July.

    27 June: send email to my husband and said 6 AUGUST!!!!!!

    we quickly replied, and said NO WAY, and that we demand for the cheque to be delivered to us on 9 July (yesterday).

    8 July (sunday): called my husband up, and tried to explain. I spoke to him on the phone, and said that we had enough of the excuses, and that the company OWE us ALOT of explanation. ranging from his boss' contact number, his boss' hospitalization documentation etc....

    He said that he was doing us a FLAVOUR by calling us on Sunday and by trying to arrange to send the cheque to us. He even ask us to let bygones by bygones!!!!!!! I told him that we are already very patient and very kind by WAITING from LAST MAY 2011 till NOW. And if I HAVE the time, i would have gone down to the company and/or to EXPO to ask them for my refund. He said that some customers also went down to EXPO to look for them.

    After demanding for the cheque to be delivered to us on Monday, he said that the company cannot do it, DUE TO MANPOWER SHORTAGE, as they need to go around Singapore delivering goods, and ASK ME to be KIND TO THEIR WORKERS!!!!!!

    I told him: Your company can send the cheque to me 1st, and collect back the t-loan set another day. But he said that its NOT their company way of doing things.

    Finally, we agreed to his date of Tuesday, which is TODAY, and i told him on the phone, please make SURE THAT THE NAME IS CORRECT on the cheque, please MAKE SURE that the cheque WILL NOT BOUNCE.

    And just now, at around 6pm, he called my husband and told him that there will be another delay. WHY? HIS BOSS FLEW OFF YESTERDAY,6 JUL and will only be back on the 20 JUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    We have been calling them since 7pm, and Elson is NOT PICKING up his phone & i am not surprised at all (looking at their track record)

    Seriously, the amount of 'stories' that they can tell us is really amazing.

  10. It can be quite useless.... SCT will take a long time and likely hood the company wont attend to the court session...

    U will likely take more than 6 mths to get back the refund even if u managed to win the case...

    The best method is be gangster... Go to their shop or exhibtion at expo to make a woha...

    Make sure no more customer for them...

    Im the latest victim. the following is our story , extracted from our recent email to their boss


    We were at the Expo Exhibition on 12/2/2012 and come across excellence Pte Ltd Booth. We ordered

    the package deal of furniture at $5,988 and we made full payment. We were told that delivery would be

    made on 28/4/2012.

    One week before the delivery on 28/4/2012, we called Elson and told him to hold the furniture in trust for us until our house is ready and he told us that our furniture can be delivered anytime, just give

    a week notice for arrangement of delivery will do.

    On 18/6/2012, we informed Elson for the furniture to be delivered on 30/6/2012, our Move-in date

    for our house. However it was only on late 28/6/2012, that Elson informed us via sms that he is unable

    to deliver the furniture as promised and with no definite date to deliver. Subsequent numerous

    calls to contact him failed to receive any response.

    Personally, I have made numerous calls and my husband make 20 over phone calls to contact him on 28/6/2012, which none was answered. It was only after that, then we managed to receive an sms from him that the furniture can only arrived End July.

    On 29/6/2012, we made a personal trip to your office at Kallang Pudding around 2pm

    that we finally managed to get hold of him and demand our refund as your company

    has failed to deliver the goods as promised. However he told us , he is unable to

    made a decision and have to consult you, his boss/manager, and that you were in China and

    and can only give us an answer on monday.

    On 30/6/2012, John from your office called me while we were traveling on taxi,

    and told us that our furniture will arrive some time in August instead!

    On 2/7/2012, we have made numberous calls again to Elson which again is none answered.

    We are really unable to trust your delivery date, which keep shifting from 1 week notice to End July and to some time in August. As of now, we have move in to our house, with no sitting chairs or even table to dine in, my family and i having sitting on the floor, and dinning out everyday.

    Appreciate your understanding and consideration that we are unable to wait indefinitely for our furniture to arrive and thus request a refund.

    As such we have filed a case with SCT, however we hope that things could be resolve

    and awaits your answer as soon as possible. Pls contact us if you have any queries.


    Kindly advice:) has anyone managed to get a refund from them?

  11. I agreed Evo way might work but it is going to take a long long time and i doubt he will be able to get info from the rest of victim. Making a scene might be like gangster behaviour, but it will certainly work... Sometimes, we need to use the nasty way against the crooks to get things done...

    Shawn, i think Evo's way is worth considering too. It is always important to consider the legal aspects before making a scene.

    Somehow, EHG has already prepared for their backout plan. I suggest Evo better act fast before your money is gone. Go SCT as suggested.

  12. Who say doesnt help... I can guarantee u can get back ur money if u go the shop to create a scene...

    They wont want to see all their potiential prey go away... They will LL refund...

    Even they call police, Police cant do much too... They cant arrest u... The most just ask u go make a scene...

    U can just walk out the shop... Whichever ppl who want visit the shop... Just tell ur story to them... Make sure no one goes their shop... See they refun anot... I cfm u get ur money... This is the only way out... trust me...

    nobody interested to leave any details to me? go create scene at the shop front doesnt help.. later kanna charge illegal gathering :) haha..

    i am trying to colate total amount $$ the company has cheated or so called owed to consumers... with this details we will have stronger case against them...

  13. Petition useless de....

    Gather all ppl go their shop or exhibition make woha... [

    quote name=evo55555' timestamp='1341024985' post='729267]

    HI ALL...

    CAN we please pool up for petition to complaint to Singapore Furniture association for a start..

    then lodge a police report summing up the total amount of this company has cheated of its consumers..

    then go to media to expose them..

    we need to at least stop this company from operating. with combined big amount of $$$ involved, then only legal company have interest to take up this case..

    Please leave down your details as below :-

    1) nick : evo5555

    2) email : evo5555@gmail.com

    3) date of purchase : 25/3/12

    4) promised first delivery date : 5/5/12

    5) total amount purchase : $1085

    6) Deposit paid : $585

    7) balance : $500

    i will combine all details posted in another thread..


  14. It is easy to get a refund if u keep pester them...

    But not through the phone... Go to expo to ask for refund... If they dun wan, make a big whoha...

    Make sure all the ppl there know what is going on.... If they dun have exhibtion... Go down to the shop to make whoha... Make sure no customer goes in... if they want call police... Let the police come handle...

    Ppl will be curious to know how come they is Police... Let everyone know their "excellence service"...

    If u want go SCT, it will be a long process...

    I am a victim too.

    Since 24/5 they supposed to deliver my sofa,dinning table, coffee table and tv console, but until now nothing was received. We went to expo to catch them last Saturday, and they promised to deliver today, but still the same, nothing was happen.

    Can I ask the ones who received refund, r u all go through SCT? And what made them agree to refund back? Thanks for ur kind reply in advance!

  15. Seriously, I really find the comment u make nonsense... How can u blame the buyer when the seller didnt deliver on time...

    If the company didnt deliver on time, it is the seller problem to compensate the buyer or resolve the issue...

    $30 is like seeing the buyer as a beggar...

    If I were the buyer, i would have cancel immediately the order... Terrible service...

    Nv delivery on time then want to settle w a beggar price... There is no way u can blame the buyer for seller fault...

    Seriously, I found this **** buyer is unreasonable.. It is totally ur fault that u throw away ur old mattress. Who told you to sleep on the floor.. No sofa is it.. Come one 2.3 k is a **** small amount... 25 percent discount.. u can dream on lah.. u think the shop is urs... The CEO of Bed.sg personally apologise to you and on air.. still not satisfied... seriosuly.. u are ******* unreasonable.. Being late for delivery had many reasons.. due to traffic or other unforseen consequences.... no stop whinning and live with it... dont be a spoilt brat... people got ricebowl to protect.... so understand...

  16. Huh?? They only compensate $30??? I think they must have took u as beggar...

    If I were u, I would have cancel the order if they didnt reduce to the amount I am happy with...

    If they promise the delivery date, they shd have do it... If there are any unforeseen situation, is the company problem... not yours... My advise for u is cancel it... order elsewhere... Really hate such company around..

    <!--quoteo(post=588054:date=Nov 6 2010, 05:47 PM:name=pastore23)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (pastore23 @ Nov 6 2010, 05:47 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=588054"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->I ordered a King Mattress and a Bed Room Set from Beds.sg, which costed me around S$2300 after full member discount.

    I requested the delivery date to be on 6 Nov(Sat), 10am-2pm, I trusted the good feedback from this forum and I thought Beds.sg is really as reliable as what most of you say here. Therefore, I removed my old furniture and mattress just before 10am on 6 Nov.

    However, around 11.30am, I received a call from Beds.sg's delivery man, he told me that my delivery will be on 8 Nov (monday), which is 2 days later. I wondered and I told him that my delivery supposed to be today and my printed email copy also showed that the delivery date is today. The delivery man told me that he cannot help me, there is no way he could deliver today.

    Therefore, I called the sales rep, and the sales rep admitted that they have make a mistake on the delivery date and there is no way that they can deliver the furnitures to me today.

    That means I am going to have nowhere to sleep for 2 nites, my preparation for the furniture to come in and all rushing effort wasted, I got frustratred with the way I am treated, as I buy 2 expensive items from Beds.sg during my first time purchase with them, my trust to them ended up with frustration.

    I wanted to cancel the order, however, in my case, I needed the mattress and bed room set urgently and I could not affort to cancel the order. Therefore, I requested for a compensation, I have calculated and the only way they can make me feel happy again is to give me a 25% discount.

    The sales rep told me that she will call me back (prehaps after discussion with her boss). After more than 4 hours of wait, the sales rep called again and told me that she can only give me a $30 discount, which is just 1.5% discount more after the 5% full member discount. The $30 is not even enough for me to sleep in hotel 81 for 3 hours.

    I felt like being insulted.

    I will not buy anything from Beds.sg again as they do not take responsibility with their own mistake.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    Thanks for the heads up.

    Hopefully all is good now <img src="http://www.renotalk.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" />
