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Posts posted by snailtrails

  1. How do you get it free? I called open net as the previous owner didnt install it during the free period, when the whole estate was being done. My argument was that i just bought over this house, and was not the one who ignored them.

    This cut no ice, and they flatly refused. Wanted to charge me the standard fees, close to $500!!

    Probably a bit late for you - but I just installed fibre at my place - OpenNet came and installed the Termination Point - if you buy a package from Starhub, the OpenNet installation is free!

    The other ISPs don't provide this - Singtel is only willing to waive it if you purchase a fibre connection with their crappy Mio TV package!

  2. Honestly, if you have the option now when you are renovating your place, run Lan cables.

    The speed diff is very significant and wif in landed really is horrible.

    I am in a 2 storey landed which i consider small, OpenNet connected behind my TV console, hidden in a small storage compartment.

    I complained to starhub and their answer which i have no doubt, was the hardware that was giving issues. So i went out and bought top of the range Wifi router for close to 400 bux and thought it would fix it, but it didn't.

    i have crap speed and wifi reception in my bedroom on the second floor. Am thinking of converting my old router into a repeater but i have no idea hour to do it. Does anyone know?

    I wouldn't advise home owners to install LAN cables unless you have walls and floors which are easily removable/collapsible. Cables have a limited shelf life - advisable to change every 5 years - so unless you are willing to rip up your walls every 5 or so years...

    You need a wifi repeater - you don't even need to spend any money if you have an old wireless router.

    What you need to do is install a new firmware into your old router - a DD-WRT is good, there is also OPENWRT and Tomato - use this excellent guide with detailed instructions: http://lifehacker.com/how-to-extend-your-wi-fi-network-with-an-old-router-915783308

    I have a three storey terrace with a 200Mbps fibre plan - I have an excellent ASUS RT-N66U router which provides great connection and speeds up to the 2nd floor - it can't reach the third floor - so I simply turned one of my old wifi routers into a wireless repeater using the guide above and now I am surfing at 20Mbps on the third floor - 20Mbps is more than enough for anything you want to do outside of downloading torrents and transferring large files over your network - and even then, it's not too bad!

  3. I guess everyone thought my queries were too minor to help but i'll do my part for this forum.

    I managed to get my jobs done and on a shoestring budget as well!

    1) Chemical Wash Tiles on ground level

    2) Repaint House interior

    3) Replace Toilet Bowls/Fittings

    4) Replace gate with Bi-Fold Electric Gate

    items 1 and 2 were done by a painter i would highly reccomend. A & J Painting services (do a google and you can find their number)

    The boss, Alvin whilst appearing abit aloof was actually very experienced and nice. They aren't exactly the cheapest but i strongly believe you pay peanuts you get monkey. Whilst trying to stay unpolitical on my post, the main reason why i hired him was that his workers are ALL Singaporean and I am doing my part to keep businesses who hire locals alive!

    items 3 was done at hoe kee but on hindsight theres a shop right infront of Grandlink plaza at geylang which has higher pricetags but end up giving massive discounts, so much so that they were cheaper than hoe kee!

    item 4 still under deliberation..

    You can try http://www.yongfongautogate.com - man of few words, but gets the job done!

  4. Thank you all for your sharing on the subject. They have been very useful and provide me with a greater understanding.

    Glad you got some resolution.

    The most important thing to remember - try to be nice to your neighbours and hope they reciprocate!

    Our neighbour also renovated and there were slight cracks appearing on our walls. After contacting our neighbour and talking to their contractor - we agreed for minor touch ups on our side - and on the day they moved back in, we invited them for dinner to celebrate!

  5. Details:

    * Dimension of cot : 127cm (L), 74cm (W).

    * Includes a thick foam mattress.

    * Has 3 adjustable heights. Picture shows the lowest height.

    * Can convert from baby cot to toddler bed.

    * Picture shows the two different side panels which you can choose from. I have installed one of each so that you can see the different panels available.

    * Visible scratches


  6. Dear all,

    Currently I have this fridge which is around 5 yrs old. The situation that I am facing now is that there tends to be water being collected within the fridge, i.e under the cabinets.

    Could this be caused by worn gaskets? Or some other reasons?

    If so, any recommendation for repair companies?

    Appreciate yr assistance and reply on this matter!

    Thanks and regards,


    I had a similar issue with my 7 year old fridge, thought of repairing it, but then went into Courst one fine day and bought a new one for $800.

    Unless yours is one of those super-duper ones like the Mistubishis or the Samsungs with the LCD screen! Then just buy a new one.

  7. Dear all

    i had jus bought a duplex condo..liked the space being spacious nvr thought abt anything else till my mum pointed out that both the common n master toilets have no window. Wondering anyone can advise me how i am gg to maintain both without becoming mouldy as there r no ventilation. thanks in advance!

    You can buy ventilation fans, all my bathrooms have one, but of course I ensured they have additional ventilation (either windows or slits in the door) as unless you buy the really powerful ones, mould and mildew will form pretty quickly.

  8. Hi Hentamkings,

    Actually you can rent out partial if that is what you want. Because in the "Condo" market there are people who wants partial so that they can bring in their own furniture. However if is HDB, usualy the target market have limited funds, so they do not have their own furniture and they want it ready.

    So for Condo / landed, partial is absolutely fine!

    Anything else?


    Depends on your luck.

    I've had horror landlords in the past, gave me decades old furniture, refused to shift them out and when my lease expired, claimed that I had damaged the furniture and demanded full reparations.

    Of course with a couch bought in the mid-80s or 70s, no one repairs those, so they insisted on new ones!

    OTH, I've had one ok-ish landlord, gave me older furnishings (fridge, washing machine, TV, TV cabinet, bedroom cabinets) but when I reported they were broken due to age, he replaced them with brand new ones.
