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Posts posted by Simontsh

  1. Hey thx for the welcome! :drunk:

    ok....glad its just personal reference.

    So far items already bought/ordered

    from courts (tio carrot chop first time, dun think i will ever go back though)

    - sofa is lorenzo contessa 3 seater HL



    - Sweet Dream Royal Elegance Queen Sized + Bed Frame with storage + hydraulic lift system $3k+

    as the items on courts are on order, we placed $500 deposit only. so maybe will change. not sure yet. the pricing also subject to the latest pricing when we request for delivery

    from picket and rail, we already placed order for a Davis 5-PC solid wood dining set. spent $500. the delivery date is 31st august....but need to change definitely :bleah:

    From OG sales promote, bought a $50 chrome trolley with castor wheels.

    Also got a BNIB LG LE5300 from another garage forum.

    After comparing pricing....we decided to get all our fridge + washing machine + tv + whatever appliances needed from shops like GAB, Everjoint etc etc in future.

  2. btw i'll try to update on items bought

    but one thing i want to confirm, issit a taboo here to list item price and location bought from?

    because when i read the t-blog, sometimes got item got shop no price. or got item no price no shop. got item got price no shop.

    why ar? cannot give full info here issit due to some legalities? personally i read some blogs, jin pek chek see item but dunno where to get kind of scenario then have to ask here ask there

  3. Decided to start a blog to keep as reminder for future.

    Basically this is a story of a reno that has not started due to procrastination.

    We took the keys on 27th May. Did only like research on reno because initially, was under impression that we will be using the contacts of FIL (ex-contractor) for reno. (But till date still no contact). Meanwhile I have been lurking in renotalk looking around for the different IDs.

    In June, met up a few contractors/IDs. But didn't feel comfortable with the way they offered their packages. its either yes yes yes to everything you request, then give a very big quote. Or better to do this, dun do this. dun need this (for e.g. a contractor said not practical to install soft-closing hinge. because u wun slam ur own furniture anyway...or keep saying the common toilet very small....no point to fit in shower screen + vanity etc etc.) Anyway during viewing with contractors, discover cracks in walls (all rooms + living room). Toilet tile cracked too (all 4 corners around the window). So handed keys back to BCA while they repair.

    1week plus later BCA said flat repaired. So took back keys. Went to check flat. To horror, toilet tile cracked again. the tiles around the 4 corners of the window were replaced already but 1 corner still got cracks :/ Then closer inspection of the walls.....hairline cracks found at main door area + service yard area. so call BCA again, send key get them to repair.

    but in july, dunno why procrastinate again. nothing moved. around end of first week, took back keys. but didn't inspect cause was busy that day. said will inspect soon.

    the soon very fast become 3 weeks past. end july liao. (partly due to an exam I was taking plus SO was traveling I guess)

    National day week nothing done again. holiday mood.

    So come to last saturday, i buay tahan the inactivity, just took up an appointment with "tian" creation and went to Ubi showroom. Quite impressed with their certification. But in mind also start to think must be a bomb on the wallet to do reno with them. (I tried to start thread to get feedback on them in the reno firm forum, but the thread till now not approved. I dunno why.)

    Sat down and discussed with their designer.

    A rough quote for the following :

    kitchen cabinets

    service yard windows

    grills + curtains for all windows

    doors for all rooms and toilets and kitchen

    Living room (false ceiling + shoe cabinet + tv feature wall + light deco for kitchen wall)

    MBR ( wardrobe + false ceiling + tv console)

    wardrobe for 2 other rooms

    mirror, vanity and shower screen for both toilets

    the estimated is between 30-40k

    Much higher than our budget but in mind, I was thinking they probably have one of the fastest completion period. and we really dun have time to coordinate too much anyway. might as well past to such IDs to settle better than all talk no action. But dunno the reliability of this ID. so still waiting to get feedback on them. I very scared ID before sign contract promise the sky, but sign contract liao dump client to dunnowhere kind of scenario.

    Anyway, they will revise and give a complete quote, and suppose to meet on Wednesday.

    And meanwhile my SO see the price, start to sweat, pressure FIL for contacts. suppose to give today. We're still waiting :/ On my own, I also look at alternatives. Read about Ah Wei the carpentor on facebook. plus a few other t-blogs.

    Another ID I must commend is Alvin from Pavillion Creation. Since may till now....he has really been following up, checking if my house start reno, request me to meet up to discuss on the reno and whether he can propose something for me. I've invited him to meet this Saturday as well.

    For those wondering which floorplan


    this is the one. standard pigeon hole

    Sigh, dunno when reno will start :/

  4. Few days didnt manage to log in, here are some pics on the recent reno

    fan bracket before plastering up


    after plastor


    centre pipe is for future OpenNet cable, as u can see the curtain pelmet is also done up


    Hi there. I am also in Segar Meadows. I called Opennet and they said the area is not fibre-ready

    how did you get your contractor to install the fibre wires?
