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Posts posted by Simontsh

  1. Working with small space

    As our homes in Singapore shrink, and our government tells us we still have enough space (ha!), we face the prospects of having to put up with smaller interiors and changing our expectations of how we decorate or furnish our homes.

    Our eyes can be bigger than our living rooms, and we can run the risk of turning our new homes into a congested, untidy storeroom in our haste and enthusiasm to get all those cool and pretty pieces of furniture for our homes.

    So here are some points that I garnered during my own hunt:

    - measure your home properly

    This means more than merely taking out the tape and recording the dimensions. That's important to get right, but also simulate what you will place inside. For example, the width of my dining hall is about 3m, but when I placed a cardboard piece which represented the size of my table (130 by 85cm), it filled up this space amply. Throw in some chairs and the place starts to look very cramped.

    - ensure that there is flow and moving space

    Like what I mentioned above, you need room to move about, and you can't buy a bed which fits your bedroom dimensions exactly, throw in a cupboard and expect room to move. Instead, a rule of thumb is that you need 70-90cm of space to walk around, and each chair at the dining table will take up another 50cm of space.

    You also need space to walk past the table, or simply to avoid letting the whole place look too small.

    - get the essential pieces to start off

    Most homes will need a dining table, some sofa/lounge chairs etc but don't pack everything into that Ikea van so you save on delivery charges. Leave some room, re-assess and then go for another round of shopping. It's fun, and you can change the theme, the whole look if the first round didn't really suit you.

    - get those extras later

    For little knick knacks, wait; settle the big pieces of furniture, the static items like the kitchen etc, then aim for the paintings, mirrors, or wall decor. That way, you can have an idea of how much space you have first.

    - Colors

    Lighter colors will make a smaller home look larger

    Mirrors work too, but be careful not to have too many things on the wall.

    You can have one dark colored wall, just be careful not to overdo it.

    - measure that sofa

    Again like the dining table, some two seater sofas are really huge, even though the actual sitting space is limited to two.

    Slimmer arm pieces, or using a more streamlined design can help. Cushy sofas, and large leg extensions may not suit the new "mickey mouse" breed of homes.

    Ultimately, you just need a little attention to detail to get the proportions right.

    great advice! i agree, cannot buy without measuring in advance.

  2. yes, i read about it in HWZ where the vendors sort of "misled" consumers into thinking they are getting a good deal if the TV is the latest most current model but actually its an older range and they are clearing stocks.

    i think best would be to identify and narrow down the models im interested in and get various pricing/quotes from places like Everjoint, Parisilk and other neighbourhood shops alike to see whats the best price point and affordability, Sitex might not be cheap at all from what i've gathered, at most would be additional freebies thrown in.

    nonetheless, thanks for ya advice, you going down this coming weekend too?

    yeah best is to know the pricing for neighbourhood shops. for e.g. the LG soundbar HLX56s i was aiming, retail 1399 at most places....lowest i saw 1299....then was offered 990 from the parisilk at HV.... :dribble:

    i heard of very good pricing from everjoint....but some forumers here complain abt their service wor.

    Parisilk have one very good point over the rest, that is they allow credit card payment....not sure for places like everjoint and goh ah bee.

    for SITEX I will nt be able to go see see look look since I will be overseas :bangwall:

  3. Hie Guys and Gals,

    I was thinking the other day regarding on the lightnings. :unsure:

    you see, say i wish to place 1 strip of LED light in my wardrobe and connect to the MBR light switch.

    When i on my light switch my LED in the wardrobe will automatically on too right.

    Any ways to make it:

    1) On MBR light switch

    2) LED strip is connected to MBR main swtich

    3) LED strip contain power but is dim

    4) Pull open my wardrobe, power source trigger and LED switch on.

    Possible? (to save electric :rolleyes: )

    I think u connect led to main switch but install a tic-tac switch at wardrobe door? U know kinda like those fridge type. So that when close door it disconnects the circuit

  4. Pddoor came and as usual with scratches so rejected

    Service yard window and grills not done statisfactory so requires to redo .. My list of items I really am unhappy about is growing ..

    Yoz what happened with the windows and grills?

    Saw u and hubby just nw but didn't stay long to chat cause of parking ^^

  5. Hi all,

    Just want to know is overlaying 1 toilet tile for $600 is it expensive??

    depends on materials, quality and workmanship.

    Its like asking $100k for a car expensive or not.

    if its a chery QQ then yeah....but what if its a BMW 7 Series? 100k i think alot of people will grab. :D

  6. ID also sent photos of the painting works






    as you can see, we did away with the one theme for whole house concept. rather have different colours for different rooms, just that there will always be at least one item that will be consistent with the house. in this case for bedrooms, its the wardrobes.

    wife chose raspberry colour for one room, suppose to be study room :dunno:

    the other room more gentle, for guest to sleep.

    our room chose something that fits the wardrobe....

    corridor we chose grey....supposed to be alternate on both sides...one side white wall with grey doors...one side grey walls with white doors.

  7. we have bought this Samsung Front Load washer yesterday at Courts.


    now waiting for Sitex this weekend to hoot a TV and maybe HT system.

    be sure to read up on the different tv models before going to sitex.

    for e.g. IT show vendors like to sell in such a manner "samsung 7000 series at 1499 only!"

    but they never tell you its C7000 or D7000

    sometimes just 1 letter or 1 digit difference in the models make a huge difference.

    also good to store on hp the contacts of other stores to do immediate price check

    enjoy SITEX!

  8. Saw Philips easyscenes selling $100+ for one?

    Actually what is the benefits on having easyscenes bulb?

    (beaidss the dimmer functions)?

    Are u having all easyscenes in your house :P

    I searching for the philips downlights (forgotten which threat) wanted to snap shot the picture and ask around the price. Can't seems to get the model from Philips Singapore.

    P/S never know easyscenes is so popular in e market :D

    Ithe starter kit is 99 from lightings.com

    Comes with 2 bulbs and a remote. Comes is either warm white or cool white IIRC

    Good thing abt the bulb is you just need a E27 base. So basically u can retrofit to any other lights and still get dimmer and remote function

    The remote is nt infrared. Its wireless i think, so u can switch off living room from bedroom

    Lastly the remote can control 4 sets of lights each set up to a 100 bulbs i think.

    So for e.g. You have 20 downlights in living room, you an have one manual switch to switch all on. But you can divide into 4 groups and switch each group on off via the remote.

    I think that's abt what i know haha

  9. haha guys and gals

    Thanks for your speedy reply! :sport-smiley-003:

    Budget wise...i was quoted quite cheap..$1400 :rolleyes: (IMHO) for false ceiling (kitchen+MBR+CR1+CR2)

    Thus i wish to take advantage of it (since im biting the bullet along the quote)

    but i do note that electricity tariff is exp by having say, 6 bulbs turn on for MBR will it consume more electricity compare to normal ones? :deal:

    getting downlights may not be that difficult i guess~ :P but installing them for sure will cost a bomb :D

    Because i know if i dont install them now and plan to install it later, i bet everyone will forget about this idea :D

    I have this pros and cons table:



    - Nice, sleek and elegant

    - As ayukie mentioned, Straight lighting concept hehe

    - no need to wash the light when Chinese New year


    - Exp to install

    - Require more point to brighten up the area

    - Electricity?

    haha guess im too greedy while doing the renovation haha

    Everything also need haha too poison by T-blog threat~

    Every houses nicely done :good:

    eh wad about living room?

    one con about false ceiling is the reduced ceiling height.

  10. I see ur earlier pics don't have wad then my 3 pipes all clustered tog *faints* bug ur base more nicer than mine .. Mine abit slanted cause wall nt straight and my pipes lobbing v ugly until they use people stones to patch up

    the slanted walls very normal wor....my rooms got many of them :bangwall:

    actually now i look at my own picture, what is that pipe at the top right for ar? i didn't even notice when i was there. its for wm exhaust water ar?

    sorry, i am mountain tortoise :P
