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Posts posted by Simontsh

  1. Haha no lah I added the excel basket compartment mah and i doing Blum drawers so takes awhile lah

    Somemore I choose another co laminates other than what my contractor show me haha cost 52 a pc think b4 gst ..

    Your floor looks Gd ar ..

    oic....blum drawers is :sport-smiley-004:

    the floor u can also do wor....but we late liao....initially the parquet guys did for free....now charge $200.....but my master bedroom got problem :bangwall: dunno if they can solve it this saturday

    wow Simontsh,

    slurp slurp~ finally is your pictures :)

    how u manage to get the laminate to be glossy? any pros and cons on the glossy vs matte :sport-smiley-018:

    Uhh is that your shoe cabinet? can snap some pics inside the shoe cabinet.

    bro, my 3D got prob too...they got to redo OMG....same thing they miss out 1 pillar from the kitchen... :unsure:

    your small preview sui sui leh~ :yamseng:

    my floor not laminate leh....its parquet....the finishing originally is glossy. scratches will be harder to notice on glossy parquet...according to my wife. my MIL floor is the glossy type. but for sweaty feet ppl like me will leave foot prints all over easily :bangwall:

    so we chose matte instead....apparent matte will not be so prone to prints. but scratches can be spotted easily. me also not expert on parquet.... :dunno: i only believe whatever that is wooden....must have scratches here and there....then will look natural.

    that shoe cabinet is 3D leh...haven decide on inside layout. tomorrow i will go sort out all these with chloe i guess

  2. update :

    ID went over on weekend to finalise electrical points etc etc. spent more than 4-5 hours there. discussing about false ceiling design, electrical and lighting points.... :dunno:

    3D still not completed. supposed to meet on this wednesday to view and confirm schedule of work too.

    Then spotted one tile in toilet cracked. :jawdrop: so HDB need to replace again.....wah jin jialat.....3rd time liao :furious:

    also got the parquet guy to change the finish from glossy to matte. took some pictures of the parquet




    but MBR parquet got problem


    poor guy need to come back this coming saturday to redo again


  3. haha you're expert :)

    I just based on design and layout to decide where to place the shoe cabinet~

    Btw can i know what is thie call and where can i get this?


    haha i no expert...just always try to visualize how it will be like to stay in the proposed layout....

    the tap i saw at hoe kee IMM....forgot the brand...most likely krisroz....but expensive wor....i think >600 +

  4. i think people here not interested in other's problem. i am just sharing my problem here to warn other people for what rt stands here to share views and problems during renovation. so that other dont do the same mistake.

    thanks for the warning in advance. should avoid such IDs at all costs.

  5. Hi Simontsh,

    Thanks for popping by :)

    How was your rework on e 3D design? Good?

    Haha notice that u place a partition shoe cabinet there.. As Miss C did proposed to us in e earlier stage but was rejected by me due to:

    1) will e shoe cabinet too small?

    2) block the fresh air from outside?

    3) make the living and dinning space too small?

    4) hard to walk around when entering the house?

    Thus I plan to place the shoe cabinet next the the windows but I only found out that there will be a windows and I can't enjoy a full length& height shoe cabinet (placement at bottom right) with e price of S$1500 for 4ft spacing. (got to make use the price else is not worth for build in shoe cabinet)

    Got to see how Miss C gg to proposed to us on e layout hehe :)

    either shoe cabinet of a feature wall ba....my main aim is to block kitchen. its a personal preference really....usually i dun like to see kitchen when i enter house....

    one pair of shoe typically is 35cm length by 25cm width by 20 cm height. (this should be enough for even high heels, unless...super big feet??)

    so basically a normal full height cabinet (200cm height by 60cm width) should be able to keep about 20 shoes? more if you compress them properly....

    the shoe cabinet i drew almost 2metres in length....probably 3 full height cabinet? that's 60 shoes minimum :sport-smiley-004:

    whether living and dining area too small depends on how many people living in the house. i base on 4 haha

    walking space as long as >80cm should be manageable ba i guess.

  6. for the dish rack.. yeah we had no choice, cant put it else where. really bo bian. : :furious: :furious:

    for the PC compartment.. will be making a hole so it will be a lil easier for the wires to reach the back of the PC.

    thanks for the comments tho. :)

    thannks for the tips. will tell the mrs who is so in love with the colour. haha.

    hmmm ever considered change layout? :sport-smiley-004:


    or even try island :sport-smiley-004:

  7. Hi hi, I'm v sorry for hijacking your t-blog but seems that u might be able to help me.. Ur unit is not the last level right? May I check e full height of ur flat at meadows, from floor to ceiling? Tia!! ;)

    u mean the top level? i am at the top-most level :sport-smiley-004: the height is uneven....certain parts of the flat 2.88 certain parts 2.9 (probably measuring error) but its around that range. 2.85-2.9m

    Ohh so what's the error they make?

    Location of the carpentry work... Colours?

    carpentry mostly accurate....but missed out certain details of the flat....like beams and such. laminates and floor colour also wrong. but we just compiled a list of errors to be rectified. then send to them :sport-smiley-004:

  8. Haha ESP Just nice u 2 are neighbors (direct) .. Just back from hk so v tired ... C u ard .. Gd luck

    ya lor....so funny when we brought my in-laws' dog over....then she saw us and said oh you have dog...i have one too.....then i :jawdrop: when i saw the retriever. then :jawdrop: again when u said there's another one inside the house

    wow how long u take to wait for their 3D design Simontsh?

    Maybe you can post up let her have a glance too~ :)

    think 2 weeks. :sport-smiley-004:

  9. looks very nice. :sport-smiley-004:

    but functionality wise...the cabinet with glass cover in the kitchen is the dish rack right? will the furthest end be hard to reach? :dunno:

    study room 2nd version, the compartment for the PC...its fixed? or movable? if fixed....might be tough to reach the wires at the back of the PC?

    never tried using wiw before so cannot imagine haha

  10. Ikea has some, the largest of which is 52x52 cm, that comes in black or white, which you can see here.

    If you need anything larger, you'll probably have to get it custom-made; there aren't very many off-the-shelf wall frames in Singapore.

    ok thanks i guess have to ownself DIY or order then. yeah i didn't manage to see any
