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Posts posted by denimart

  1. Its been too long we did not update our progress, over here we wana apologise for this empty period. We met some problems during the reno but anyway we do not wana elaborate on it, we've since moved on. Both me and my wife were really busy with work, not to mention that we have no time to unpack the boxes since we moved in and so as the updating on this forum. Well anyway, below are some pics of the final product or maybe not...the project is still continuing as theres alot of things we haven't got time to put up on the wall, purchase of fridge since it is special order, custom made some furnitures which we are still expecting to arrive around February etc etc. We are really taking our time in purchasing multiples items for the house and so the projects will took some time to finalise. As for now, I guess we are putting an end to this updating in this forum which we had started. It has been lingered in my mind for the longest time as i always felt bad for not completing something we've started doing. Over here we wana thank Morgan from evergreen forest for the wonderful flooring he had provided us...we loved this white oak eversince, one of the things that made us really really happy for this reno. Thanks to Morgan for offering help to us during the bad times too!! We are really grateful to Eric & Jason aka Jaskel from Sincerity Pte Ltd, I bet most of the ppl here knew about Jaskel. Thanks Jason for being with us during this difficult time, u have great soul and really gone out of your way to help us...THANK U SO MUCH!!!! (I still owe u something plus a big meal...never forget!!) THANKS Eric!!

    We really have to mention the master who installed our white oak flooring, a wonderful job he did indeed. I saw him installing the floor, he actually painstakingly put the wood piece by piece and hammered them tightly so they are align to each other v closely. The craft and detail of his workmanship is awesome. Heard that he started learning carpentry since 14 years old in China, not only is he good in installing the wood flooring but he actually can customise any wood furniture too. I have attached along his business card here just incase we might not be visiting here as often when someone needs it.

    To add in, for those that wish to view some of the master installers work can go to his blog:

    www.ahzhengshifu.wordpress.com . His China accent pretty strong so u guys need to be patience listening to him. thanks







  2. <!--quoteo(post=611865:date=Feb 17 2011, 05:11 PM:name=iak)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (iak @ Feb 17 2011, 05:11 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=611865"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Hi, can you please PM me the contact for the tiler? Thanks!<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    I know of one husband and wife team. They do the tiling themselve, maybe slower then other companies that use more workers, but the quality is excellent (the auntie is a perfectionist!). Maybe you can consider them if you wan a job well done <img src="http://www.renotalk.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /> They have been praised a few times in the forum before.

    PM me if u need info - jus sharing the gd stuff <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/horse.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":horse:" border="0" alt="horse.gif" />

    Hi, can u pm me the tiler contact? pretty urgent to find one. thanks so much

  3. nice hot incandescent bulb, can sweat while dine under a bunch of them.

    oops, i forgot your living/dining is air conditioned.

    true, maybe will be hot. But nevermind lah, love the lamps still..ha. Will be dimming them while eating :yamseng:

  4. its a very nice neighbourhood, but pretty noisy too :P

    i used to live at those 3 storey high HDB flats! and they are still around as they are conserved by the govt (unique brick structure).

    gd and bad with mountbatten Sq. conveniences for parents like me, and also, previously when it was a big grass patch, the area was really manifested with mosquitoes!

    thanks for the compliments on my place. i'm waiting to see ur end product (of cos visit if u welcome me.. hehehe) :sport-smiley-004:

    Ours are not show flat type of house if u don't mind, just a v normal home of what we wanted it to be :) Definitely welcome u and hope u will not be dissapoint after seeing. :yamseng:

  5. hello denimart, thanks for visiting my t blog.

    today my place will be undergoing acid wash. i even saw burn marks on the tiles! hopefully all stains will be gone.

    not yet moved in.. probably end of this mth?

    What a nice area u got. I'm sure the stains will be all gone by the time u move in.

  6. Hi denimart, did u study ard old airport rd when u were young? Haha..

    Actu my parents' place is at old airport rd, and same as u, we used to live in rental flats at Dakota crescent for decades till in the late 90s we had the priority to choose pine close new flats n thus shifted across the street.

    This is an awesome neighborhood. Great food ( u'll never starve with the big hawker centre, numerous coffee shops, grocery shops, 24hrs mac, 24hrs NTUC all within a stone throw), accessibility (it takes me 3min to reach circle line station) and great schools ard. Only now that I m researching on nursery for my baby, that I realized Mountbatten Square has many of the real gd nurserys & child care!

    But sad to say I'll b shifting to another mature estate as my bto is already undergoing last stage of Reno! I'll miss this area for sure!

    Hi apple, when I was younger I studied at Lasalle SIA for a couple of years. We did not live at Dakota but the 30 years old flat within where our place now. Strange is only few of these older flats within our area...the rest are the newer flats. During even my younger younger years, I remember these areas were covered by those 4-5th levels old flats like Tiong Bahru style flats. Those days were pretty jialat, now it is such a wonderful neighbourhood. :) We actually didn't really like the existence of Mountbatten Sq, I rather it to be a plain field like few years back. On the other hand, we are pretty glad that it is Mountbatten Sq instead of other high rise building. I see your new home now, v beautiful done up. Wish u have a smooth move in.

  7. Well, take a break. Heres something that we bought over the weekend.

    Samsung LED Smart TV series 6700 40" for our MBR. Couldn't afford a brand new set, so bought a display set at a steal from the PC show. According to the sales person whom is also my old friend, this display set only open for 4 days during the show only so we faster grab.



    Got this retro TV as a toy for my own room, i called it the "lil boys room". Saw the other forumner bought one and I've since craving on it. V happy to own one now :sport-smiley-018:




  8. Just an update, i've reflected to my con that we felt the pipping wasn't very parallel to each other as one of them must be slanted, the spray beside the WC also too high and the box up on the top left in our MBR bathroom kinda bulky taking up too much space. His answer was he wants it to be similar in size to the beam and the rest of box up so they looks uniform. Anyway he will amend all these for me on the later part of reno including those broken tiles during installation of plumbing, how nice.




  9. Hi Denimart :D

    Glad to see you are getting Morgan to do up your timber flooring.

    You are in great hands!

    All my projects done by him had no complains from my owners at all.

    Infact, i will be getting him to do up some special timber features for my showroom soon!

    Hey I heard and seen your great work in this forum. Thank u so much for dropping by. I agreed with u Morgan are v responsible, can't wait to see the finish product!! :thumbs up:

  10. 9th June 2012 continues...

    At this time, some drama starts. Not sure did i mention about this unfriendly Amg Mok dude previously whom came to my place somewhere at the beginning of my reno due to some hacking noise that wasn't produced by us cos at that time is already over 7pm and there was no workers when i visited my place. At that time he was trying to complain and looking at the reno permit pasted outside my door while doing the phone calling action, I happens to see him and he confronted by asking "who is working right now?", I explained theres no one working and noise might be coming from upstairs. He really went all the way upstairs just to search for the culprit.

    To think that i always thought singaporeans including myself are the one that always complain, I was so wrong....this dude suddenly appeared outside my door today again and was looking closely at my permit again while talking over the phone, he was probably calling HDB to complain!! Thinking don't wana get my con and morgan into trouble i faster walk to him and overheard him giving his name and contact to the party over the phone, I tried to talk to him but he simply ignored me. At this time I quickly request the floor worker to stop working and turned to him again.

    He finally gave a harsh tone: "your ppl should stop working right now!"

    I returned with a veery nice tone "I already ask him to stop, he's just a worker he don't know anything about rules" and I continue "Do me a favour, pls don't complain?" (thinking my con and morgan might kena if he does so, anyway he already did)

    Now he return with a shrewd grin, putting down the phone and walking away without saying anything....wtf (my wife witnessed this too, later when we discussed she told me she overheard him already complain even though he walk away)

    Later on, i tried to calm the poor worker thinking he probably getting a shock from such dude, told him to pack and KO early. To my surprise, he is so committed that he wants to continue and mention that he got another hour to finish. After much persuasion he finally back down to insist on pasting timbers to the last portion of glue which already place on the floor, and much persuasion to finally agreed to finish up the last piece of timber which was half done pasting on the glue. Before i could say anything he hammer away to ensure the alignment and stapling it on the floor. This freaks me up as it produced alot of noise...., then i was really impressed by his commitment and perseverance attitude towards his work...lol Amazingly committed worker!

    Last portion of glue that were yet to finish:


    Poor worker scooping up the glue as it can't be left there without continue to paste the timber. A v nice friendly committed worker, THANK U


  11. 9th June 2012 continues...

    False ceiling up:


    Partial false ceiling for master bedroom up:


    Box-up for WIW:


    Since I saw the window, i recalled my con told me he instructed the installer to flush all windows to level with the wall. The previous windows by HDB were randomly installed in and out of the window wall, I didn't even noticed all these details till he informed me after windows were installed.



  12. Ok folks, too long never update my blog. Not that we don't wana update but the progress was really slow so I decided not to show pics till more stuff has been done. We also realise is slow but is an agreement between me and my con in exchange for quality workmanship. He keep remind me "if we don't do properly now, later in future u might face alot of problems" and so i totally agreed... During these time I hardly visit my place and don't even knew who did my house, only my con knew who they are. My wife? I think she never even visit our place at all...we totally leave it to my con. Another reason why we never update the blog also becos theres no light anymore, once in awhile i visited during late evening and theres no way i could take any pics without light.

    Now backtrack abit....26th May 2012

    Electrical work in progress by this time:



    Plumbing work already begins at an early stage:


  13. hello hello...

    realised that you are my neighbour. i tried figuring which block u stayed in, and highly possible that we stay in the same block from ur carpark view.

    and i grew up and lived at old airport rd all my life (previously was staying at dakota crescent) and talk abt nice food, ask me about it!! hehe.

    wow.. can i visit ur house once its done :P

    Well, u are welcome to visit my house for sure. Did u just move in or were living there for some time? We used to rent a flat across our block few years back, we simply fell in love with the area and the food. :dribble:
