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Everything posted by renovating

  1. Hi All, Just wanna share some experiences on renovating. My mum recently got a resale flat and we were looking for some ID to get some quotes. When we enquired and get those quotes, its way beyong our budget as our income is kind of low. Hence, we asked some friends for recommendations. Through a friend, we get to know Chai Furniture's boss. He is like those ah pek speaking hokkien or chinese only. But from the way he spoke and communicate with us, we felt comfortable with him. He told us that he is not ID and do not have those fanciful drawings and nice decorated office. But he did showed us some of his OLD ALBUMS lol. Works includes condominum and bungalows and offices and HDBS. We felt okay and asked him to do some carpentry works for us 1st to see how reliable and how's the workmanships. Amazingly, the amount that we spent for a 4 room flat on carpentry works were just around 10k. And we added more works to him and we felt we were lucky to be introduced to this company. Till now, i still keep in contact with this person and introduce him my friends who need to do renovation works. From my experiences, ID is good because they can let you all visualise the items that will be made to your new house, ( but at a much higher cost) lol. For Mr Chai's works, it is the experiences and workmanship that counts. Cheers to him