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Everything posted by LeeChengHock

  1. Hi, have seen your reply. Thanks for your feedback. I share the same sentiment as you (same resaons as yours). Therefore, I also dod not select him also. I finally choose another ID which is cheaper and the design is also what my wife and I are looking. Cheers ! Finally after a few months of choosing.
  2. Anybody has come across this ID - aesthetix Interior design? Besides, Space Vision, I find his design quite godd also. ANy comments
  3. Hi, Happy to hear from you. My wfie and I are thinking of getting Lewis to reno our house. So you are happy with his workmanship and quality. Happy for you. Can share how much you spend? He quote me S$46,000. But not sure whether is worth the quality? But my wife likes his design. So can share with us your photo? Also, during your reno, do you have much problem with Lewis? Sometime I find him too busy to respons my call. Worry afer sigining, he may be difficult to contact? Pls advise based on your experience. Bye.