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Posts posted by HaiDeChen

  1. all last 2 pics are coasters. :)

    Anyway, some progress has been made over the weekend.

    Craftstone Brickwall partially up!


    I like my wooden floor with the brickwall...sigh..it's a waste, i planned to have a tv console put there.

    aircon unit is above the wall


    MBR toilet without tiles:


    The other toilet...also without tiles:


    exposed pipes look a bit weird, but i guess just have to get used to it, not going to waste more money concealing it

  2. Yup, i changed everything. I wanted my living room to be bigger but after i see tiles are up it still seems small...

    I have the same issue, after hacking, i step into the living room still feels very small....oh well, advantages of living in a small house, easy to clean!

    As for water pressure, i think the plumber should be able to check....

  3. hehe...u guys really like mahjong huh?

    Anyway, renovation lull, very bored at seeing small things done at my place. Tomorrow tiles will be laid down, going to try and catch a glimpse of it!

    No interesting updates on reno, so update on purchases! Lots of weird stuff from etsy!





  4. nope, not moving in anything yet. just told my contractor to have the place clean (at least one room) for me to move my piano and books. i think by then should only have super minimal reno going on, at most painting or applying laminate to kitchen cabinets...

    i kinda regret buying furniture too early...oh well.

  5. Now no progress :( I think tomorrow my craft stone bricks going up.... Then tiling on floor will start. After that then carpentry. By 29th of Dec I should be able to move stuff in. I'm really reluctant to rush carpentry as I think that one slow and steady better.

  6. $1600 just for tiling? it's expensive..i thought it's $1600 for the bricks and the other figure for labour. Then again, no idea how big your wall/room is.

    I think you should ask your contractor about labour costs for installation of items. Most contractors factor that into the quotation, but better make sure.
