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Posts posted by charemme

  1. buy sony or samsung then all online warranty registrations no need to post :D

    yah yah.. i like sony de.. cuz online more fang bian.. mailing i tend to forget

    so when can i go molest your curtains ? :unsure: :unsure:

    hehe anytime liao..see when u free lor

  2. @rondy:

    Yah lor, so blur de.. can fixed until like that.. i still tot we bought the wrong btu for our house..

    than day one already condensation..

    even remote control also got to go back to Factory ar?


    Yup yup, waiting for my rest of the stuffs like TV and fridge to come in.. nw the house look pretty empty

    Heng for me, if they need to redo the trunking i will faint...

    cuz when i was doing cleaning, i was having rashes from the dust already!

  3. so far now ur aircon ok mah? when u selling the house eh.. u sure mah, location so good.

    aiyo, i tell u hor.. mine they fixed wrong wire... when i on the master.. the fancoil **** room will have cold air coming out

    after they fixed it, last night we try.. no more water marks liao

  4. Sunday moved in and sleep new house liao..

    been busy cleaning up... now still got packing to do, cuz movers coming to help me move house on this sat

    Tell u hor, almost wanna heart attacked... My aircon not working properly for MBR and living room.. cannot cool down

    than can see water mark on the trunking after 3 hrs

    Yesterday GC ppl come n check again... tell me wiring do wrongly.

    I so scare they got to redo the trunking man

  5. eh ok le heng i big size so pants pocket also bigger Wahahahaha :P

    your pants will drop lor, pocket so heavy

    S&C just call me.. say coffee table shipment delay.. i wont have a coffee table until next week.

    WTH, last sunday i go make payment.. the boss still tell me no problem.. all stocks in liao

  6. this is where my yorky sleeps and stay in for the past 6 months, a 2ft (60cm) dog cage. No choice really no place for a bigger cage for her.

    she is badly groomed and very restless everyday. i got no time to walk her.. she is so used to be in the cage that when i release her out of the cage, she is scared to walk on the floor!...

    she keep using her sad sad eyes to look at me that makes me feel so bad :(

    i guess only dog lovers will understand what i m saying..


    Arhh... I can understand your heart pain and heart aches.. basically the whole family suffered under the hands of AH soon, thanks to him.. even the dog are not spares.

    Got to really compensate your yorky once the reno is complete and built up her confidence.

    Seems, like it has been bad luck, 1 after another... Seriously hope that the New year will be a Great turn for you and your family, so everything will be smooth sailing

  7. my granite top!

    in my quote, ah soon quoted me $1500 for my granite top -WHICH I ALREADY PAID HIM. he then told me he do not have $$ to do for me..ask me pay ADDITIONAL for the material $600 and he will get labour n etc...

    since it is a cheaper alternative for me, i paid $600.. this is the start of my nightmare..

    ah soon have no worker to carry the granite to my house.. end up, it was my kind carpenter ah ho who offered to help me carry that 2 slabs of granite that is almost like 100kg per slab up to my house... *SWEAT*

    spend two days to cut the granite in my house... dust n noise all u can think of.


    -ugly sides (no polished and it is rough surface)

    -measurement not taken properly that resulted the granite depth to be too deep

    -HOB somehow cannot fit into the hole opening....

    -CRACKS at the joint lines --used THICK powder to touch up the CRACKS

    *will update photos later*

    he gave me china black galaxy but charged me india black galaxy price...!!

    I paid $1500 (in the quote) + $600 (to buy material) and now $1500 to redo everything.

    MY TOP COST ME $3600!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am going crazy!! is Ah Soon trying to sabotage me?? :bangwall::bangwall::bangwall::bangwall::bangwall::bangwall::bangwall::bangwall::bangwall::bangwall::bangwall:

    Seashell, I think you should just steer clear of that bugger lah.. he appear only when he need $$...

    try to con here abit... there abit.

    Haiz, rather throw $$ into the sea than give him lor.




    借钱真的很不好过,因为欠债的感觉不好!真不明白ah soon的心理为何如此安心?

    Jess, I also took loan from RHB..

    rather loan from bank than from relatives, i feel stress but can pay back bank on instalment

    but loan from relative, i think everyone will feel the stress
