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Posts posted by bigbird

  1. just dont ever buy wood veneer....super duper lousy. hmm....where u bought yr TV console from? 5ft? Gotta pay delivery charges right?

    same layout as mine....and I just hate the stupid common toilet layout :P


    Hi Hello88,

    Ur layout similar as mind, except for the 2nd flr common toilet, where your toilet bowl situated right at the end of the toilet which make it diff to built shower screen. Another question, does your lower floor come with toilet?

  2. I am looking at Tampines blk 842 , around St Hilda's Pri Sch.

    Got my agent to contact them, but seller agent all says no co broke

    cause that area sell like hot cakes, they want both sides commission.

    So boh pian, call myself, seller agent told me if offer at 15~20k

    no need to find, cos don't have, min 30k. So I wait loh, hope to find a desperate seller

    So, I think cannot qualify even if my parents stay with me.

    both our combine already exceed 8.

    Cos all my other 4 married brother have hse liao

    Last time, gong gong join the que for EC in Tampines, took the brochure

    then realized cannot buy. So, take the mineral water & left without even viewing the showroom.

    New EC income ceiling is $10K. http://www.hdb.gov.sg/fi10/fi10201p.nsf/WP...ubMenu=Policies

  3. Hello everyone,

    What happened was the existing owner actually built the dressing table, study desk and a wardrobe before he deicded to lay laminated flooring. Therefore, when I remove the dressing table etc..., there are lobangs which required to patch up. So, these few lobangs will patch up with similar laminating flooring. :dunno:

    As for maintenance, my contractor who did the parquet flooring for me said that the best way is to dry mop using only water (same thing apply for parquet). If u feel that the floor is sticky (maybe every 1mth), u may use those traditional floor detergent (eg. Kiwi Kleenx, wonder i spelled correctly :deal: ) Till date, I had followed his advise, so far so good :P

    BTW, my reno cost me close to 40K

  4. ic, cos my utility windows just a small panel which is on same size as your sliding glass door. Thought yr layout same as mine so surprised to see yr utility windows directly facing corridor.

    u really very fortunate that alot of things done up by previous owner. Btw, how much u bought for your EM? COV?

    No la, the marble flooring is definitely not old fashion. I dont mind such flooring if next time I got chance to re-do my EM. Thinking of either marble or granite :unsure: .

    meaning your utility window is actually facing part of your house, dining rm? that's interesting.

    actually previous owner done up both roof for the balcony and recess area, + the living rm marble floor + laminating floor for 3 rms (except I need to service them cos I remove the fixture desk, dressing table which left lobang on the laminating floor)

    Then I practically re-do all the rest (ie, ktichen, toilets, wardrobes etc....)

    Me bought at 362K, 0 COV. Bought ard Jan :wub:

    How much u pay for urs?

  5. yes , is your parque on the top only and sides are all plastering?

    Hi WelcomeHome,

    The side of staircase got timber skirting and the wall is plastered.

    wow, so many posts within 2 days and I've lost count. If there's any new birds in this thread, pls pm me your info so I can update in my signature. I blur liao. Anyway, cant come in that often now as just gone back to work on Mon, 27 Aug after 3.5month of Maternity leave + leave.

    So fortunate to get a corner unit :notti: .

    Your floorplan looks like mine but your reno is so much better looking and easy to sell off next time.

    Your utility room very nicely done up. Btw, u knocked down the wall of the utility room and the walls at the main door right? Hmmm....did u created the windows at the utility room? :notti:

    the marble flooring so wu la la, really very swee :D . Hubby and I just hoping we kena one big time from TOTO then move out temporary and re-renovate the whole **** house again.

    hey, the window facing the main door also done up by your contractor? Very unique to have this window at this location cos never seen any around before :P

    Hi hello88

    :dunno: yup not easy to get one, that's why we actually sacrifice the view for a corner unit....this is the only corner unit that we viewed and we secure it.

    for the utility rm, i knocked down the entire wall + door to build the glass sliding door. As for the walls at the original main door is remain, and the windows at the utility room is also original, juz imagine that it is a corridor unit with the utility rm facing the corridor....Then additional main entrance and roof is also erected.

    BTW, additional main entrance and roof was done by the previous owner :P

    Likewise, the window was done by the previous owner ;) It used to be a round hole along the corridor. So, when the previous owner buy over the corridor, he also covered up the hole with window.

    Glad to hear many bro&sis saying that the marble floor is nice cos we initially thot it can be abit "old fashion".... :P

  6. Actual quotation not yet. but i gather from others it's around that price. Hope my ID can get it cheaper.

    your staircase is parquet on top and plastering at the sides rite? Got picture

    Wow the built in wardrobe is so expensive, i will settle for those ready made one. Wait, I move out in less than 5 years then Heart will be very pain.

    One of the pic I posted for my house is the staircase. What u mean by plastering at the side?

  7. yes hacking it and making the parquet . Here goes my $3000. any reason why the staircase so expensive?

    thanks for all you advise. I am going to keep the bottom cabinet. as for the wash basin area, will retile to grey as well. the whole brickwall just stay there.

    Any idea on the wall tile on the balcany that is durable not afraid of rain or shine. I was thinking some very rough so that hairline crack also cannot see.

    Any one has overlay the toilet tiles?

    Here is the toilet and the whole house "red" colour tile.



    U mean your contractor quote u the parquet staircase for $3K, does it include the railing? I did my staircase with parquet for 1.8K, without railing

  8. Hi, BigBird

    Did the roof of Balcony build in recent reno or pre-owner already built?


    Both balcony and recess area roof were built by pre-owner :jawdrop: That's also one of the reason i bought it, cos i heard roof can cost you a bomb

    Big bird,

    yr house looks nice and cosy.

    How much did the sliding door wardrobe cost? i am thinking of installing one for my MBR.

    thks for the compliment. the sliding wardrobe cost me $1760 at 220psf

  9. Hello, BigBird

    Nice renovation, your floor plan same as my, but you are in corner unit, and can change store room to study room. your MBD's wardrobe color/patten simillar as mine, i did not use class panel. Your marble floor is very nice.

    Thks for the compliment. I actually tear down the store room wall and put up the glass sliding door :P The marble flooring was left over by the previous owner. I like it too, though it can be consider old fashion for today taste. But neva mind, can save quite a sum by merely polishing it :yamseng:

    my house too many uneven surface....but realli bo lui to plaster - $3k!:sport-smiley-004::jawdrop:

    Just went thru the quotation again, the plastering + painting is actually > 4K :(

    hi Big bird and jackbatok,

    how much is your wardrobe?

    how much pfr? I saw some of the already made wardrobe , thinking of buying those. cheaper

    My wardrobe cost 220 psf. It uses the Alumix sliding door (the one that sponsor the recent channel 8 series, the one that talked about our army....)

    Big Bird

    Great job there. :P Your floor plan is exactly the same as mine.

    Would you mind sharing how much you spent on your reno. and in detail, the cabinets in the living room, please? Saw that you covered up the pipes in the upstairs common bathroom, too. Can the pipes be accessed (i.e. are there doors that can be opened)?

    My reno cost me $38K. The cabinet in the living rm cost me $2070. Yup, the pipes can be accessed cos the doors can be opened. I have initially thot of boxing up for the mbr toilet as well, but gave up the idea cos is not feasible due to the weird shape of the piping and will make your toilet looks very small

  10. Not sure, have not get the final quote yet. budgetting around $3k. cause the previous owner stone spray the whole house including ceiling. So Ugly and they never paint for more than ten years. the walls are so ugly and black.

    Big bird, Wow :deal: your house is so beautiful. how i wish i have the budge to make to renovate.

    Plastering + painting shld be ard 3 - 3.5K. My house also have this ugly stone spraying, but luckily, they didn't do it for the ceiling :-)

    My house ok lah, juz some simple renovation, but come to talk abt it, nowadays reno is really ex....

  11. Dear Hello88,

    Executed OTP. Awaiting 1st appointment Sept.

    Paid 410 for ours. Wondering how much did Bigbird pay for yours. Would you mind sharing ?

    Was wondering about whether those roller garage door thind is legal and if they can be made to look nicer.

    HI Fishpond,

    Me paid 365. Mine also very rundown and went thru quite a reno which cost me 40k

  12. congrats and welcome to our EM thread

    any pics to share

    btw, how big is your EM? (see my signature)

    Thks MaCe for the advise. Yup, my balcony is covered with roof and windows. But do you think HDB will fault me when i sell my house in the future?

    Mine is 154msq (corner unit with recess area bought). See below for my floor plan

    Will share the pics once I got them done :yamseng:

  13. i level up my balcony and in the process, the hole was sealed up

    so putting windows there so that rain won't come in then no mini pool loh

    as it has become a part of the living room, won't be washing it anyway :yamseng:

    I have also put up windows and it is now kinda of part of the living rm now (just than i didn't remove the sliding doors). My concern is that HDB will fault me when I resell my house in the future. What do you think? Possible?

  14. Hi Bro and Sis,

    Have built a glass sliding door of 236cm (H) x 256cm (L) for my study rm. However, now the sliding door is dropping down and the glass door has less than 1mm gap at the bottom, can't even slot more than 3pcs of A4 paper thru.... Worse still, the false ceiling that is used to mount the sliding door has crack lines now (believe it is due to the weight of the glass door.....)

    The door has drop down abit once and scratches my laminated flooring. Although the contractor has fixed the problem but with less than 1mm gap, I am very sceptical that it will drop down again.

    The contractor refuse to reduce the height of the glass door and insist that it will not drop again. However, the glass door supplier claims that the measurement of the height was taken without taking into consideration that there will be laminated flooring overlaying the ceramic tiles, thus creating only such a little gap.

    Anyone knows the recommended gap for sliding door?

    Pls advise!! Thanks!!


    Just an update. Finally got the answer for my own questions !!

    1) The recommended gap is 5 - 10mm. (Checked with a couple of the suppliers)

    2) The false ceiling definitely need to be re-inforced with metal support. The normal false ceiling won't work cos the glass is easily 50 - 100kg

  15. Hi Bro and Sis,

    Have built a glass sliding door of 236cm (H) x 256cm (L) for my study rm. However, now the sliding door is dropping down and the glass door has less than 1mm gap at the bottom, can't even slot more than 3pcs of A4 paper thru.... Worse still, the false ceiling that is used to mount the sliding door has crack lines now (believe it is due to the weight of the glass door.....)

    The door has drop down abit once and scratches my laminated flooring. Although the contractor has fixed the problem but with less than 1mm gap, I am very sceptical that it will drop down again.

    The contractor refuse to reduce the height of the glass door and insist that it will not drop again. However, the glass door supplier claims that the measurement of the height was taken without taking into consideration that there will be laminated flooring overlaying the ceramic tiles, thus creating only such a little gap.

    Anyone knows the recommended gap for sliding door?

    Pls advise!! Thanks!!

  16. Thks pal for the fast reply!!

    So, in summary, inst elect water heater will cost more in electricity bill. As for centralised gas heater, the gas bill will be lower as compared to electricity bill but have to take into consideration the wastage of water while flushing them out from the hot water pipe :notti:

    Besides that, for HDB since we need to expose the hot water pipe, is it hot when touched? Asking cos afraid that you will accidentally knock onto those pipes or especially kids .......

  17. Hi,

    Am going to renovate my new house and is wondering betw centralised gas water heater and electric inst water heater

    Adv of centralised gas water heater

    - better water pressure

    - nicer because can have rain shower head and nice shower tap :-)

    Disadv of centralised gas water heater

    - Waste water. This is because everytime you will need to flush out the cold water from the hot water pipe before the hot water will flow in from the centralised water heater

    For utility bill $$ that will spend on inst water heater, can roughly calculate. Eg the inst water heater is @ 3KWH. The current SP charge is $0.20 per KWH. Assuming the whole household spend 1 hr / day bathing, then the bill will be $0.20 x 3 x 30 = $18

    As for the $$ required for centralised gas water heater , not too sure....

    Anyone can advise??

