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Posts posted by kenmura

  1. ya hor, can also setup a FENGSHUI SHOP too...and use your DIVINE powers to analyse a floorplan that has got NO north no south bearing for MISSING CORNERS




    you mocking my query in the other thread izzit?

  2. the only thing that has been done is your $100 has been used to pay for dunno how many SYSTEM7 for tonight's 10million TOTO. 24.gif24.gif24.gif


    Tonight I strike toto, i set up my own ID firm.



    some lowbudget forummers kena WORSE...kena sarcastic remarks from the IDs 8|


    what to do?

    I wasn't born Tommy Goh's son what.....

    nair mind.

    after tonight, got 10 million liao.


  3. mace t-blog spammer didnt spam enuff?? 8| spam more :lol:

    didnt sign anything thing yet right? just a receipt of 100 bucks?

    as long as u didnt sign the reno quotation and contract, nothing to worry about...

    if u sign the contract with an ID, usually they will already ask u for 10% deposit liao..

    like 19K right? then u already have paid up 1,9k already.. did u?

    nope, dun haf...

    the only thing we paid was the $100 which they said was a token sum of interest so that they could start work with us. wonder what's been done so far? :dunno:

  4. u signed any black n white? agreement got state that? or just verbally? :curse:

    nope, nothing signed except the quotation.

    the $100 deposit was for them to start on the prospective drawings. (which we still havn't seen and it's been a month)

    no agreement of any sort.

    the 30% is what kelvin said we MIGHT incur if we cancel with our original choice

  5. $100 is nothing compare to all those horror stories in this forum.

    that's precisely our thoughts at first.

    but now kelvin say if we voluntarily cancel, might incur up to 30%. that's why he's hesistant....


    play by ear lor....

    wah...didnt know you just join here...me also newbie.

    I too find this forum is of great help. at least help me got my honest contractor.


    With 500+ posts?


    ok bro... whatever you say bro....

    I'm the newbie.

    You're the old bird. :curse::jail::(

  6. If you animal gets yao by another player, you lose your tai.

    If you think about it, this increases the 'complexity' of the game. Suppose you draw the centipede. If you want to reduce the chance of people yaoing your centipede, you would not want to show your centipede early. But that will mean you have one less card to change. If you draw the rooster, you can show your rooster, but lose the chance to yao the centipede (if it is not out), or you can keep the rooster and hope that someone will show the centipede. However, you also loses one less card to play.

    Yes, I agree that it increases the tension and the excitement a fair bit.

    But IMHO, the losing of that extra one card could make quite a substantial difference when it comes to the formation that you're playing, planning to play or hoping to play. the hidden animal cards(which could go up to two I assume because if I draw the centipede and the mouse, i will initially hold onto it for fear of it being "caught" by another player.) could make a huge difference in the outcome of the games. Ok, say for instance we play on a table where the cap is 5 tai and the minimum before you can game is 2 tai (quite common). I have no other flower except these 2 animal cards (the mouse and the centipede). Towards the tail end of the game, it only makes sense that I would have to reveal them to take in two more cards in order for me to play normally. They get caught and I'm left with 0 tai. Surely you can't expect me to, at that late stage, try to start doing Ban Se just to get the extra 2 tai that I need to game.

    Chances are, unless you're running to game, the people with the rooster or the cat will also keep them inside so that their tai automatically gets doubled once their prey gets revealed. From 2 tai to 4 tai immediately which is a Bao Da situation. Doesn't seem very fair to me.

    But then again mate, like I said earlier, every table has different rules. What matters most is that you have fun with the rule!


  7. My fiancee just talked to Kelvin from GPlan and she got quite upset...

    Because Kelvin was very nice enough to point out to her that it's not nice to "Qiang" other people's business, esp since we have already paid a $100 deposit which we might have to forfeit. Apparantly if they turn nasty too, we might incur up to 30% in damages.


    He didn't understand that we're not being fickle minded. It's just that after reading so many bad experiences and having been ignored by them ourselves, we're getting a little skeptical about them. We're actually very easy going people so it takes quite a bit to rankle us - and we're gradually getting a bit rankled by their ignoring us. Sigh. What to do? We small fries with tight budgets... :curse::jail:

  8. And some people play 'catch' i.e. if you have centipede open, and I draw the rooster, I can then take your centipede with my rooster so that I will have both the centipede and the rooster. But if the rooster is already open and I draw a centipede, then my centipede is safe.


    that's a weird rule.

    It kinda defeats the purpose of 'yao' right? Cause by right, you only get 'rewarded' with money for yao when you're lucky enough to draw the matching animal or the matching flower. the other player needs his 'tai' also what. what happens when you supposedly catch his animal? does his tai go over to you as well? as each animal is one tai what....

  9. In fact, I'm trying to teach my fiancee how to play mahjong. She had her first actual game during this year's CNY and SHE'S HOOKED!:)! :curse::jail::(

    She's one step to her dream of becoming a mahjong playing tai tai. ROFL.

    In fact, she's only played in 2 other games since then, all over the CNY period but she's so hooked that she's now bugging me to play constantly.

    She's so hooked that when she saw the mahjong set that Guiness was giving away, she got super excited. But unfortunately for her, I don't drink Guiness. Besides, it's crazy. You had to have 36 mahjong tabs from Guiness before you can claim the mahjong set. (Every bottle has different tabs. Either the mahjong one, the poker one, the lucky draw one or the thank you for playing one). Somemore each bottle was like $5.50, so even if I were super lucky and get 36 of those tabs in a row, i still would be paying in the region of $198 for the booze. So I didn't get it for her. Imagine her delight when she found someone selling it on Yahoo auctions for only $70+. She leapt at it and she's now the proud owner of her first mahjong set!



    Not bad. She happy, most impt. :P

  10. 7 sets of pair is qi dui zi.... its taiwan mahjong rule..... not many pple play..... its really impt to run through the rules when u play with a new group for the first time.... else u think u hu oredi then actually zha hu..... hahahaha

    anyone heard of hua hu?? u must get 7 of the 8 numerical flowers.... i u or any other person draw the last one then u immediately game..... whoever draw it will bao u...... must check cards in the end if liu ju and nobody game....

    Qi Dui Zi isn't just played in taiwan, it's actually a Japanese Mahjong Rule. Their rule is that to have qi dui zi, you must zi mo. Cannot game on a discarded tile. But as with most mahjong rules, it differs from player to player.

    Hua Hu isn't played in Singapore. Bao-ing a player, although I admit there always will be the element of luck, takes skill too. Any player, in a bao situation, will therefore have to make a choice - take a risk and discard the tile (i.e bao wan zi, you still want to risk it by throwing the wan zi, that's your prerogative) or heck that hand and tear down your own tiles. Bao-ing a player using hua hu, the way you mentioned, is quite frankly, ridiculous as absolutely no element of skill is involved, purely luck. But of course, mahjong being mahjong, the rules will always differ and I'm not surprised to hear that there are people out there who play hua hu. I just won't play with you. Chuckle.

    Gates of heaven, not easy to achieve, but the chances of getting it is higher as compared to 13 wonders. At least gates of heaven can change formation.


    To me, below are one of the hardest to get.







    Actually I don't know about you guys, but to be frank, IMHO, the most impossible kind of cards to get is still Tian Hu. Talk about being lucky!:curse: There have been many hands I've seen where the player is ALMOST there, but I've never actually seen anyone open up the cards, gasp in shock and tian hu. The rest, I've seen at least once or played with people who have successfully done it.

  11. My turn -

    Jan and I are the proud parents to two furkids, both schnauzers -

    Our first is Pepper, a white schnauzer. birthday: 14/02/05

    Male. Naughty and jumpy, but so so handsome.


    Our second is Lucky, a black schnauzer. birthday: 28/11/05

    Female. The most obediant dog I've ever come across in my life.


  12. Wow i notice the lightings not cheap ar..aleast 2K for most of the ppl i see..reali that ex ar? my ID say around 500 - 800 leh..Can i check with you..did you buy alot of nice nice lightings?

    actually this is a really valid qn...

    i'm wondering this too....

    did the cost rise so much becoz nice lights were purchased or should i approportion 2K for the lights?

  13. DELL is a actually a "semi" diy pc.

    simlim sq go for fuwell.

    I heartily agree. Fuwell is pretty affordable and friendly.

    there's this other shop I would recommend as well. got my office PCs from them previously and was so pleased with their service and price that i went back and got my home PC too. Let me go dig out my old invoice to check the name of the store...

    nvr mind. my fiancee and i are going to sim lim soon. i'll get the name of the shop and then post here. Their service really is top notch, esp this plump ah beng guy in there. He was so friendly that when I brought my cpu down for them to help me install and test the new graphic card that i bought from them, not only did he spend another hour helping me to connect my frontal USB ports (when I got this pc DIYed earlier, the kuku who did it didn't connect my frontal USB ports which was why i could never use them) without me asking, he even whipped out a toothbrush to clear away the dust that got trapped inside the cpu. FOC. but my fiancee and i were stuck standing there for another 1 1/2 hours just watching him do these. I mean, when he's being so friendly, i felt paiseh also to tell him to stop..... :bangwall:

  14. This is usually FOC.. most of the ID will give u FOC.. if they charge u, just get rid of them..

    Warranty - How many years? It will help quite abit if they are 3 years and above..

    did they upgrade to solid surface top for you? usually would do... erh.. 20Ft for bottom only? Ur kitchen looks bit long.. might need to add more if u want to have top cabinets.. but lesser cabinets can save abit..

    do ur wife have alot of clothing.. 6ft might not be enuff.. :bangwall: but depends on their design.. hee hee

    haha i love this part how many colours they will provide u? as many as u want? hee hee.. :jawdrop: ask them how many colours they can give u... if i am not wrong, its usually six colours.. maybe 8... more might have to have additional cost..

    how many sqft they giving u? $2.50 or $2.00 sqft? ask them for minimum $2.50 sqft.. for the dinning area and living area ask for $3.00 sqft tiles...

    kitchen cabinet extra 5ft? hmmm

    how much for additional items did they quote u outside the package? mind sharing?

    its quite a standard package.. the other rooms u are not going to do much for them?

    hope it helps abit... sorry was busy until now.. anyway.. good luck.. if going for Gplan - the famous Kelvin :notti:

    Oh no... you guys are going to think that I'm such a newbie kid...

    this is quite embarressing to admit but i don't know most of the answers to be frank. We've only met him once so far, and like i said, that first meeting took hours cause he was proposing to us what he had in mind and we were counter proposing what we were looking for. until my fiancee and i were so tired we didn't check some stuff like -

    1)Warranty. I don't know how long sia...

    2)Kitchen cabinets changed to solid surface top already.

    3)Wardrobe to be honest, we're not that fussed. in fact, we were wondering if it might be better to just take it out of the package and buy our own coz when it comes to clothes, we don't have that many. Yet.

    4)How many colours I also don't know. *ashamed*

    5)Cost of tiles I also don't know.... *super ashamed*

    6)Additional items to be fair to them, they didn't push anything in the first place. Jan and i were the ones who asked for certain extra things like the ceiling to floor frameless mirror on the feature wall and the wooden pillars to act as dividers...

    Other rooms not planning to do too much... especially not the guest room. but i'm gradually getting poisoned by this forum... am wondering if i can squeeze more out of whichever ID i get to make either the study room or the MBR a bit nicer.... :good:

  15. Sorry Bro, I nt veri good at posting. Err....

    1) Ask them wat price for the title is easy for u to compare & knw wat range they give u. (Avg $2.50)

    2) Hw much per ft? Tis is for u to bargain if u wan to shorter or extend it in future when u get ur key.

    3) Kitchen cabinet wat material do they give u?

    4) Painting ask hw many colour can u paint thru the wall nt hw many colour can u choose. (They can be tricky sometime)

    5) Blum system is quit common in the kitchen cabinet (nt sure spelling correct) :notti:

    6) Electician fitting may cost up to $2k and above (depend hw many lighting point u install, some ID give 15 pts free)

    7) Maybe u can ask for Stainless steel backing at ur kitchen washing point. FOC

    Hopefully I do some help to you. :good:

    aiyo bro, please don't say that. You and all the other lao jiao forummers in here are taking time out to provide a xiao di like me with help.... i'm super grateful to all of you, esp pple like odie and sunboi

    well..... all 7 we didn't ask.... heh

    but i'm going down tmr evening to talk to G Plan to see if they can come up with a better quotation....

  16. U can also ask them wat hinges provide to u, or Blum system for ur kitchen cabinet FOC.

    Then did they provide electrician fitting???


    Sorry bro, but your post left me going woah...

    Ok, we're super backwards coz we didn't even ask how much per tile and that sorta thing

    Blum system for kitchen cabinet is.......?

    Kitchen cabinet is top and bottom

    Electrician fitting? I THINK they said that they would recommend...

  17. your quote looks fine... but u gotta buy ur own cooker + hob + sink u noe right?? cos ur quotation only states labor to install only not supply...wat abt water heater?

    Yeah, I'm aware of that. But if I'm not wrong, most of the IDs also only provide the labour for installation right?

    We're still looking at several brands of hoods and hobs. My fiancee's credit card has a substantial discount on Meyer products, so that's definitely a brand we're interested in looking at. But kitchen stuff, I tend to leave to her. It's her domain. I'm not being sexist - she really loves cooking. In fact, she used to own her own cafe when she was still an undergrad.

    Water heater we're looking at getting those instant water heater types.... but also nothing confirmed yet. Still exploring the possibility and doing our sums on a nightly basis to see if we can squeeze certain things in.... heh. the woes of a homeowner without sufficient money.....
