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Posts posted by guojiawen

  1. Couldnt agree wit u more with regards to ikea furniture. I agree dat there's concern when purchasing ikea products but then the price and "change every year" thingy is wat keep pple like me attracted to ikea.

    On a side note..... How i wish i can buy furniture from Malaysia since the dollar is doing well. Hehe. :)

    Haha, then Ikea is good for your home.

    Ya.. was bouncing the idea around on my estate FB page about furniture hunting in JB as some bought their lights there at a super good price.

    From what I know, my neighbour shared that we need to pay GST above a certain amount to deliver into SG + must do homework on the shop credibility etc. Got it's pro and cons so it's again up to individual preference!

    For me, I'm tempted by the savings too :lol:

  2. Was also out shopping with my mother in law yesterday for her bed as the current one is sagging badly after 10 yrs of use.

    She got the Sealy Companion and a bed frame to go with it. When she was choosing the colours for the headboard, I realised Sealy has 3 shades of blue to choose from.

    Super happy when I saw it! Means I can get blue bed frame for my MBR and it goes with the colour theme of the house!

    But then again, I read in a basic feng shui website that to avoid blue for homes as it gives a gloomy feel. My ex-colleague say it gives a icy and cold feel too when I previously chose blue as my wedding theme.

    But hubby & I love the colour :dunno:

    Shall see what our feng shui master say when he sees our house + the 3D drawings.

  3. Went for the Modern Living fair yesterday to source for ideas for sofa & dining tables.

    Fell in love with the below leather modular sofa! It's really luxurious & comfy, but at $3699, it's way out of budget. Even after tweaking the configuration, it is still between $26XX to $27XX.


    After discussion with hubby, and using his classic example of - it's like King Coil and Sealy, both serves the same function, do we really need a sealy for sofa? - we decided to go with the normal L shaped sofas (something like the below) and add a side table to it.


    Colour wise, probably not white but something blue. Depends on whether we can find one though. White for sofa shld be a disaster when kids come along... At least for laminates, it can be cleaned away if not too stubborn. For leather or even PVC, once stained it's really all the best for us.

  4. Firstly.. I dont intend to stay long.. Will need to see how the property market is like 5yrs down the road. Therefore, i juz do the minimum.

    Since my flat is premium, i juz need to do carpentary for kitchen, electrical works and other misc works. And this cost up to $8k. Furniture wise.. About 60% i'll prolly purchase at ikea.

    Just sharing, I've read reviews on IKEA that the furnitures are not lasting.. May not last up to 5 years? It's good for owners who like to change design every year or so though :)

  5. Hi jiawen,

    was reading ur post. i got really good deals at Cellini during their end of yr sale last year. 400 for a table with 4 chairs and a beanie couch..think they have sale in june too. And i love sealy beds...

    As for chandelier, i got the circular hollow LED light. quite easy to clean. was deciding between the crystal type but happen to see in one of the showrooms got dust..haha.and yea,really difficult to clean.cannot imagine.

    Hey there,

    Thanks for the tip! will go check out Cellini during their sales :)

    Do you have pics for the chandelier with circular hollow LED light? Can't really visualise :lol:

  6. Sharing the ideas for my house area by area. It's eye boggling to search through so many iPhone apps & websites but for our dream home, it's worth it :wub:

    Living Room

    Our Ideas

    L Box w/o cove lights (Hard to clean + place for cockroaches & lizards to hide)

    Ceiling fan with LED light (To have warm light when needed as we don't have cove lights)

    Simple and classic feature wall + TV console

    Leather modular sofa w cup holders & w/o coffee table (To have a more spacious living room)

    Horizontal wedding photo behind the sofa (Focal point!)

    Ideas found from websites & iPhone apps

    Love the TV Console + Feature Wall + L-Box (w/o Cove Light) + Lights (Maybe @ Dining Area)


    Love the TV Console + Feature Wall + L Box + Ceiling Fan + Bar Counter (If budget permits & hubby agrees)


    Love the huge drawing behind the sofa (Thinking of using our wedding photo here, suggestions?)


    Example of a modular / sectional sofa with cup holders


    The ceiling fan we are intending to get - Fanco Aroma 54"


  7. I have 3 chandeliers and i only cleaned once with the Magic Clean duster!

    Thanks Cynthia! I love how you DIY and designed your home ;)

    I spoke to my hubby about it again, he say put chandelier in the MBR, when cleaning the dust will fall onto the bed :dunno:

    I think he's finding ways to convince me not to do it hahaha..

    But magic clean duster sounds like a fuss free way of cleaning, so will try convincing him again :)

  8. did u try out the massage chair at the shop? the massage is very addictive … lol i think its a big jump frm the old tian wang yi …

    n after u enjoyed urself and open your eyes, imagine the first thing u c is ANDY LAU pointing at u from the poster

    haha never go try. scared too nice but cannot buy.. make myself sad. :wacko:

  9. Hi all and thanks! You can do a search on taobao on this headboard, called "软包". I tried many chinese words until i found this. And for the 3M tapes, i bought the black ones, a pack of 4 tapes that could hold up to 7.2kg. Buy the large size ones!

    Headboard: http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?id=19414130427

    Tom dixon: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=14633642188

    In front of WIW lighting: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=10615646424

    Thank you! Is the headboard difficult to clean if we buy in white? How do you feel about it so far? :)

  10. Got to agree that white will not go wrong too, however please remember to take into consideration of maintenance of it.

    Hope this help.

    Thanks Songz, white is definitely harder to maintain..

    Found this article - http://mylittlecasa.blogspot.sg/2011/11/how-to-remove-pencil-and-pen-marks-on.html - very useful should I go ahead with white laminates!

    I also checked with my ID about the possibility of turning yellowish. He mentioned that the laminates nowadays won't turn yellow so easily.. :D

  11. Asked my ID for the types of laminates that will be used for my carpentry (yes I actually did not ask before signing -.-")

    Choices are from Jennings, EDL or Admira.

    Went in to look at their laminates and nearly got a headache - think shall look at the 3D drawings first then let ID propose. Too many diff colours and patterns to choose from!

    With the many many choices, it makes me feel like changing my concept of white with silver. But for the simple and classic look, i still think white won't go wrong!
