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Posts posted by sean_yeo

  1. Haha...luckilly my wife supports my idea of having a pool table at home. But my mum was shaking head, saying im mad to put that in our new house 8| And yesh, definitely will have more fun when entertaining frends during gatherings :P

    Standing lamp costs $288 from Palace of Lights @ Balestir. Promotional price when I ordered 3months ago, collected only yesterday. The marble base is 70kg! :notti: Me & my dad were panting all the way when doing the collection & transportation!

    Wow...my dream pool table. U must have paid $$$ for it. I wanted to have one at home but got rejected by my hb (despite talking abt it for days). it will be interesting for you to bring ur friends back to play pool and watch tv at the same time. great idea! :)

    how much did u pay for the standing light?

  2. Didnt manage to drill holes today (too late liao, wait police come up for "housewarming") to hang clock and wedding portraits, so will only do it on my next off day.

    Bed and dresser table for master room already in place but as bedsheets not put up yet (An1 Chuang2 only after our Guo4 Da4 Li3 at end july), so no pics taken. Till next time! :furious:

    Still sourcing around for computer cum study table for 2nd bedroom. Hmmmm.... :jawdrop:

  3. Pics to share!!

    Sliding glass door book cabinet cum CDs/DVDs storage


    2nd Bedroom rollerblind + sofa bed






    Dining table (Borrowed teddy as table centrepiece :furious: )


    Close up look


    View from kitchen entrance


    "Kit Kat" Bench


    Dining chairs


    Close up look


    Sofa with back cushions


    Sofa without back cushions


    Coffee table extension rolled out


    Shoe cabinet & stool @ foyer


    Pool table transformed


    View from kitchen entrance


  4. Updates as of 28th June 2007 :

    - All furniture delivered. (So exciting, finally have the FEEL of being in a house :lol: )

    - Pool table cum dining table installed. (Tested out the table, not bad!)

    Items outstanding :

    - Installation of 2nd bedroom roller blind (Out of stock during installation for Living room and Master room)

    - Collection of BIG standing lamp to be placed in living room above pool table.

    - Drilling holes and hanging of living room clock, living room 3-in-1 wedding picture + master room wedding portrait

    Will take pics on my next off day and share with all :D

  5. Renos & touching ups already 100% completed. Now awaiting for all the furniture to deliver on this thur then can see the whole picture liao :P

    Furniture from STAR furniture, bought in showroom in Toh Guan (Opp IMM) And yesh! Definitely before the GST hike! Actual delivery supposed to be in early July but i called and brought forward to 28th June, haha! :lol:

    nice, everything done up? your revolving console is a great idea!wish i had the budget for the carpentry.

    what furniture are u getting?b4 gst hike?heheh

  6. Hi Myi,

    Finally you uploaded some pics, hehe. Wow...your house is turning out to be very nice! Love your spaciousness, open concept and bathrooms.

    Too bad my bathroom is brand new from HDB, if not will have excuses to spend abit more and do it up more nicely. 8| Anyway, your 2-in-1 toilet shares the same concept as my ID's house too. His house was featured in dec magazines some years back also.

    Think we share the same tastes in our black tiles huh? :D

  7. Hi myi,

    No...it doesnt have storage inside even though me & my wife wanted it initially.

    It will be a different quote if i were to have storage inside for CDs / DVDs as the whole interior will be all carpentry works. More works = more cost = higher quote. :bleah:

    So hows the pics of your on-going renos? :)

    thanks enci n sean

    mine will be buddhist only, actually could i place it on top of a bookcase,or part of shelving?lagi save space, not sure what is the accepted practice..

    sean, like the full height mirror panels,does it include storage?

  8. Wah.....Sifu!! :rofl:

    Are you dealing in these full time as a consultant? :lol:


    Not so true, it all depends on personal preference. In Buddhism, there is no rule as to being touching floor or suspended and no restrictions on the posture of the statue (standing or sitting) . The most important part is that you and yr family must feel good and allright with it and also that it can blend with your theme and design. No point suspending the altar in the air and at the end yr family do not feel at ease for the rest of the stay in the hose right ? hehe.. similarly, no point putting it down to the ground if yr family does not like it and u have to bear with an "eye obstructing" altar for the rest of yr life.

    The concept of an altar touching the ground does not arise from Buddhism, its bascially a fengshui, taoist practise.

    Although Guan Yin Pusa (Avalokitesvra Boddhisattva) being largely respected and worshipped by alot of people, many do not know the correct way to honour this boddhisattva becos it has always been blurred up with Taoist practises.

    My basic point here is that your family should feel right and happy with the altar down to the ground, then everything is ok.

    The rule, do it right once and for all ... =)

    pls also note, DO NOT send a Buddhist statue to be dotted in red, only for taoist statues. Buddhists also need not pray to "Tian Gong" and "Tu ti gong" nor burn josspapers. Its also important to establish the right defination of yr faith so that you will not inherit the wrong practises n concepts from the older generations who mixes buddhism and taoism together.

    420 is definetly a reasonable price for a nice altar like yours .. most importantly, your heart counts :unsure:!

    Blessings for u ...

  9. Hi enci, i thot altars should always be touching ground and cant be suspended, like wat u mentioned? Thats y my altar is touching ground even though I initially wanted it to be suspended, save space mah :dunno:

    Hi Myi, u can have inovative ideas to reduce the cost of making an altar (unles u got the budget) .. u can buy wooden planks from ikea and mount onto the wall to place yr statue and very simple n sleek .. dun have the typical altar feel .. cost u less than 50 bucks ...

    btw, if u r honouring Buddhist icons then can ... taoist deities not so advisable using wall planks .. in anycase u need help for yr altar .. msg me =)

    Hi myi, my altar is $420 from ID. About the same pricings from outside shops of the same size, but then again, the color and design is a BIG no no!! :yamseng:

    Awaiting for your pics update! :dancingqueen:

    Yup i jus like a simple 1 too no carving on my altar. still looking for 1 lah,at most ask id to make lar,but he say more expensive.was wondering wats the price for 1?

    i not sure if mine also a wiw..just wack the store only so space is only plus storeroom..

    will try to post pics this week end..see the mess heheh

  10. Hmmm...just happened to chance upon the pic of our new house's dining / pool table taken last year when me & my wife went to view at the showroom. Its 6ft x 3.5ft and with the customised table top, it will be our dining table as well.

    What is good is that there's leg room under the table for legs to go in when we are using it as a dining table. If we were to get those standard table, there will not be any leg room at all around the sides of the table.

    Now waiting for handover by ID before i call for delivery of the table :paint:

    Table should be electric blue instead of green as seen in the pic. Customised dining table top is seperated into 2 pieces.

