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Posts posted by leen

  1. err so far I'm pleased with the painting I bought from him...u mean u saw him paint on the spot and sell it immediately?

    no, wat i mean is if you order painting from the artist and he promise to deliver within 'x' no. of days, that means drying time is not enough for the paintings.

    and if you go to the artist stall outside OG to view at the other paintings, and he really got alot alot of paintings, the standard not there. there are some areas where (i believe) acidentally drip on colors or painted wrong colors, eg. if you look closely. and the paintings dun look 'alive'. (eg. of meaning, like looking at photographs)

    go to more galleries to look and you will know what i mean. some gd pieces, eg. tree, may not portray the tree as green but different tones of red, orange, brown etc. with the shading that allow you to see that its a sunny day with the sun shining onto the tree... etc. (my descriptions not so gd) and the tree looks so real and alive.

    juz my 2cents...

  2. thank you for enlightening me. that is the 'in' type of painting nowadays.

    it really depend on whether you like it or not. juz like when you set your eyes on your hse or car, the 1st instinct that cum to you (either love or hate), that is the piece.

    imagine if you go hm without it, do you still dream abt, think abt it and want to own it vy much? and will your heart feel pain, feel 'ai say, shld hv that piece...' if you didn't own it?

    really, like wat zirkh and mace says, beauty lies in the eyes of beholder. every piece of art is different and hv different worth.

    juz my 2cents...

  3. Hi,

    maybe you guz like to check out this website?



    my is kingkoil orthopaedic pocketed spring type. used for 5+ years already, during last time when i buy, got offer still vy ex, paid abt $2K+. buy until heart bleed.... but HB say dun want let ppl saymy posture become kiao after marry him 8|:rofl:

    so far the bed is vy firm, from day 1 till now. i think it got 10 years warranty? i hv forgotten abt it. and its cool even without air-con.

    the sides and 4 corners are not drooping as compare to some older type of mattress. my old mattress at my mummy hse is dunlopillo. it is also vy gd except its not that firm and more springy, can go diong diong diong when you dive on it.

    but for my current kingkoil cannot dive, your head will have a buah luku after that. the bed vy comfy, every morning i hate to pull myself out of it... :P

  4. the one outside OG near Fu Lu Shou Complex cannot make it la. the painting dun look professional enough. but its cheap though.

    my experience to share...

    for oil and acrylic painting, it must have proper drying time, if not in days to come, the paint will kinda melt away in our hot and humid country.

    most need proper varnishing also. from my experience, when painting layers, you have to let layer by layer to dry properly for 1-2 days. after painting, you have to leave it to dry properly at least for 1 week. den varnish 1 layer and let it dry for 3-5 days. and if there is a need to varnish and seal more layers, you will need more days. why the need to dry properly becoz the inside of the paints may not be dry even though the outside / surface area looks dry. of coz, to speed up drying, one can use hair dryer but the most you can dry is the surface area only, and also you cannot use hairdryer on the same spot, coz will burnt the paint or the canvas coz it gets too hot. simple logic juz like contractor painting your hse, need drying time.

    that is why professional paintings cost more. coz more delicate effort and work.

    but for ink painting, of coz, it dry faster but still need 2-3 days for it to settle.

    so if you go for price, you cannot expect gd quality delicate work / effort for the painting. my artist teacher is vy strict with me. she will scold me whenever i try to cut corners... learning under her is tough coz she expect the bascis to be drill into my brain and become like ISO standard procedure like that :notti:

  5. the one outside OG near Fu Lu Shou Complex cannot make it la. the painting dun look professional enough. but its cheap though.

    check out this thread.


    for oil and acrylic painting, it must have proper drying time, if not in days to come, the paint will kinda melt away in our hot and humid country.

    most need proper varnishing also. from my experience, when painting layers, you have to let layer by layer to dry properly for 1-2 days. after painting, you have to leave it to dry properly at least for 1 week. den varnish 1 layer and let it dry for 3-5 days. and if there is a need to varnish and seal more layers, you will need more days. why the need to dry properly becoz the inside of the paints may not be dry even though the outside / surface area looks dry. of coz, to speed up drying, one can use hair dryer but the most you can dry is the surface area only, and also you cannot use hairdryer on the same spot, coz will burnt the paint or the canvas coz it gets too hot. simple logic juz like contractor painting your hse, need drying time.

    that is why professional paintings cost more. coz more delicate effort and work.

    but for ink painting, of coz, it dry faster but still need 2-3 days for it to settle.

  6. thanks for the pointers.. care to share where you saw the items? thanks

    hi, you can check out the furniture shops here. but i dunno if there are other places that sell similar ones at cheaper prices. coz i hv visted all furniture shops at sungei kadut that got this type of storage pattern of zen design sofa are all going at $2k+.

    these 2 shops are generally cheaper, to my surprise coz their shops are at city area.

    1) Sincere Furniture Centre

    160 Paya Lebar Rd #01-08 Singapore 409022


    t: 68481095

    f: 68481025

    2) The second furniture shop is next to sincere furniture but same building. I forgot the shop name already.

    this one got vy gd quality furniture at affordable price and they can further discount if you hagger them some more.

    generally they close around 9pm.

  7. yes yes... 知足常乐.

    hmm... pai say to say i have forgotten all my Maslow and Soc Psy theories but does it mean to say after experiencing level 4 and 5, one can then be able to see/feel contentment and be contented?

    i like the millionaire fisherman in a boat story. he has already been there done that, so he is very contented to "downgrade" to level 3 and be 知足常乐! :dribble:

    not necessary. eg. i know of a company boss is highly respected by many peers, subordinate, his social circle and well known in his line, do social work, well respected by many who benefitted from his work, but he still want lots of $$$ even though he lives in bungalows (he bought a stretch of bunglows on the same lane (abt 6 of them i think), got many servants, got ah ahmad, sits in rolls royce... i always try to follow his trills whenever i see him, to see if he will acidentally drop gold on the floor for me to pick :thumbs up:

    maybe he still hvn't attain enlightenment... not contented yet :dribble:8|

    but i think many ppl dun mind having lots of $$$... me oso :P:notti::notti:

  8. singapore don't practise this..

    like u had 1K car allowance , when u change company, can u ask the new company to compensate ur lost of 1k car allowance....

    wait long long..

    of coz you can... if the coy really think you are the gem that they want.

    i think in engineering and u already 4k+ then perhaps 15% will be realistic, what u guys think?

    can be more than 15%. nw constrn boom, salary can ask for more. can even jump by at least 1K even if your old salary was already at $5.5k depending on your post.

    it still depends on various factor....

    1. market range

    2. demand & supply

    3. current pay - if already 5k, you probably willn't switch till the pull factor is much better

    so to me, money is not the top factor which i consider in a job, it is the work of the job which I will be looking at, if it is what I will like to do. Job satisfaction and achievements vs monetary gains.

    actually, even if its 5k nw, there are many ppl who will want more.

    btw, head hunter means hunting for ppl to take up higher mgmt post irregardless of field. and not ask you to come and put in resume and they try to promote you. its totally a different thing. professional headhunter do things vy professionally. they are usually engaged by big coy who want specific persons who are well known in that field and these head hunters will try to poach these ppl with great confidentiality.

  9. Y not hold it buffet style at your church right after the ceremony?? That way, guests can mingle around and you can hv a relaxed atmosphere....can do up your own decor too...shd be quite fun...

    Disclaimer: seen those in ang moh movies...hv always liked this idea....but duno whether anyone practised holding buffet at church here in sg before... !!

    hi, i got a colleague whose daughter hold her wedding at church and follow by buffet lunch for all who attend the church ceremony and those who only cum for the buffet lunch. and the buffet is in the church. quite a gd atmosphere coz they gotten the choir to sing and my other colleague help by being the painst for the day and keep playing while other ppl eat.

    in her invitation card, she state that wedding is church type + wedding lunch buffet and no wedding dinner. so ppl who go generally give more ang bao.

    for my colleague, juz like you, church wedding ceremony is vy impt for them.

    maybe you can ask around and find alternative if above is ok with you, your hb and both sides family and friends. btw, my colleague ask family and friends before going ahead with their plan, kinda like gather a rough survey lor...

  10. hi, my sofa bed quality is alright, quite solid. you also can try those coffee table that hv drawers, abit look like zen type, squarish and the bottom have either 2 drawers or 4 drawers type (4 drawers type of coffee table bigger in size). but do choose those without glass top coz its safety issue if you hv kids. and i was advise by furniture seller that special care hv to be taken for the glass top, eg. you cannot press on it, scare it will break. this coffee table can store things as well.

    actually there is sofa set that hv pull out drawer cum arm rest. vy nice but vy ex, abt $1.3 - $1.8k. but too bad, we got our sofa set already.. with the sofa bed, we already hv 2 set of sofa... :dancingqueen::(

  11. you guz really make me chio ka benk with your comments .... :P:):)

    ... and also vy enlightened by all the views

    actually hor, human are vy greedy animals leh.. tot @ 1st want $, den got $, want hse, den got hse, want wife, got wife, den want car... never ending story... :rofl: we are trap by our needs, jail by our own desires :jail:

    maslow heirachy never say once you go up the hierachy, you dun come down, it can be a mixture at the same time, eg. you may want to be honored or respected by ppl of your status and at the same time want more $$, bigger hse, more sport cars etc... 8|

    and does anyone really know and i mean truly understand and had ever been or now feeling contented? meaning, you think to yourself now, your life though is not perfect or complete, but with whatever you hv nw, you are contented already and dun want any more thing else... even $$ :)

    hard rite :) got like long biak feeling rite... hw can be contented with the amt of $ onhand nw?

    many ppl always think "i will be contented once i hv these things" but when they gotten the desired items, they will aim for more.

    i like to take quiet moments to go to the park by myself, find a place to sit down and admire the greenaries there, appreciate the quietness, the green leaves, the flowers, the chipping of birds and insects, the smell of fresh air, read a book or draw, i will feel vy contented and happy and for the rest of the days, the feeling of buying things or aiming for other needs will kinda take a rest for that day. :)

  12. actually i'm not looking for the mattress, i already have one - i'm using a simmons...

    i know normally the mattress comes with warranty on the pocket spring but what i'm asking about is the divan base...

    From asking around, there is a few options available...

    (1) divan with hydraulic for storage use

    (2) empty headboard that's hollow inside

    (3) wooden solid board

    I'm now considering between (1) and (3) coz i do have quite a bit of barang-barangs... i also want something solid that will not give way (coz i'm using a 11 inch mattress)

    any other comments / suggestions much appreciated! thanks!

    hi, got some things to contribute.

    empty headboard that can store things... omg, i tot these are obselete liao... :bangwall: my mum using this bed and she keep all her precious photo albums in it 8|

    can explain more on divan with hydraulic and wooden solid board? :(

  13. actually, dun quite understand hw sink can condensate unless you put cold frozen things into the sink for de-frozing, if not, it usually dun come in contact with cold things, so hw to condensate?

    my aunt experience, and no offence to all who hv gotten such sink ya, she gotten those type of sink where its made of (feel like) acrylic type of surface top for kitchen. vy expensive, over 1.5k i think.

    but after years of usage, it stained and the stain kinda hard to get rid of. but if you are getting those darker colors type, i think you will not see the stains.

    but i like traditional kind, stainless steel 1 1/2 bowl with drainer type. where the bigger bowl is for washing, the 1/2 bowl can put sponge for washing, and the strainers for cutting meat and fishes so that those water from meat and fishes (esp fishes, got fishy smell) can be wipe to sink with hand/cloth and easily cleaned without having the need to damage my solid surface table top. if not, after years of usage, fishy smell tend to be on solid surface table top. :P

    juz my 2 1/2 cents.... :notti:

  14. hi all,

    i'm consolidating some of the infor for the benefit of all. some of these paintings at the shop are quite suitable for hm deco use.

    obtain from the following forum:


    1. PaintArt at Bras Basah Complex - Blk 231, #02-85 Bain St


    reasonable pricing for modern art, abstract. quite suitable for hm deco type.

    2. Evershine Gallery - Blk 177, #01-136 Toa Payoh Central

    3. Images of China - #04-49 Paragon

    4. Carmelites Framing - #02-06 Bukit Timah Plaza

    5. Lovely Deart - #02-16 Thomson Plaza

    more of country style type. abit ex.

    6. art mart gallery pte ltd

    520 sims ave 1 #01-01

    tel: 6744 0382


    mid high range pricing for modern art, abstract. quite suitable for hm deco type. they able to show you more if you ask.

    7. Ode To Art @ Raffles City


    never been there, but looks like not cheap

    8. along #02 of bras basah, there are chinese paintings also.

    9. straits commercial art (opp bras basah)

    think they hv some chinese ink paintings also

    10. http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10457

    11. http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=8602

    12. http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=9833

    13. http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=2199

    14. http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=7303

    15. http://www.sagg.com.sg/exhibitions.php

    16. http://www.agas.org.sg/agas/members.html

    can find many art gallery here for local and overseas artists. but dunno hw much the price of the art, think must enquire.

    hope the above helps. and hope there are more ppl who will contribute to this thread on art pieces.

  15. hi all,

    i'm consolidating some of the infor for the benefit of all. some of these paintings at the shop are quite suitable for hm deco use.

    obtain from the following forum:


    1. PaintArt at Bras Basah Complex - Blk 231, #02-85 Bain St


    reasonable pricing for modern art, abstract. quite suitable for hm deco type.

    2. Evershine Gallery - Blk 177, #01-136 Toa Payoh Central

    3. Images of China - #04-49 Paragon

    4. Carmelites Framing - #02-06 Bukit Timah Plaza

    5. Lovely Deart - #02-16 Thomson Plaza

    more of country style type. abit ex.

    6. art mart gallery pte ltd

    520 sims ave 1 #01-01

    tel: 6744 0382


    mid high range pricing for modern art, abstract. quite suitable for hm deco type. they able to show you more if you ask.

    7. Ode To Art @ Raffles City


    never been there, but looks like not cheap

    8. along #02 of bras basah, there are chinese paintings also.

    9. straits commercial art (opp bras basah)

    think they hv some chinese ink paintings also

    10. http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10457

    11. http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=8602

    12. http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=9833

    13. http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=2199

    14. http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=7303

    15. http://www.sagg.com.sg/exhibitions.php

    16. http://www.agas.org.sg/agas/members.html

    can find many art gallery here for local and overseas artists. but dunno hw much the price of the art, think must enquire.

    hope the above helps. and hope there are more ppl who will contribute to this thread on art pieces.

  16. hi all,

    i'm consolidating some of the infor for the benefit of all. some of these paintings at the shop are quite suitable for hm deco use.

    obtain from the following forum:


    1. PaintArt at Bras Basah Complex - Blk 231, #02-85 Bain St


    reasonable pricing for modern art, abstract. quite suitable for hm deco type.

    2. Evershine Gallery - Blk 177, #01-136 Toa Payoh Central

    3. Images of China - #04-49 Paragon

    4. Carmelites Framing - #02-06 Bukit Timah Plaza

    5. Lovely Deart - #02-16 Thomson Plaza

    more of country style type. abit ex.

    6. art mart gallery pte ltd

    520 sims ave 1 #01-01

    tel: 6744 0382


    mid high range pricing for modern art, abstract. quite suitable for hm deco type. they able to show you more if you ask.

    7. Ode To Art @ Raffles City


    never been there, but looks like not cheap

    8. along #02 of bras basah, there are chinese paintings also.

    9. straits commercial art (opp bras basah)

    think they hv some chinese ink paintings also

    10. http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10457

    11. http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=8602

    12. http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=9833

    13. http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=2199

    14. http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=7303

    15. http://www.sagg.com.sg/exhibitions.php

    16. http://www.agas.org.sg/agas/members.html

    can find many art gallery here for local and overseas artists. but dunno hw much the price of the art, think must enquire.

    hope the above helps. and hope there are more ppl who will contribute to this thread on art pieces.

  17. hi all,

    i'm consolidating some of the infor for the benefit of all. some of these paintings at the shop are quite suitable for hm deco use.

    obtain from the following forum:


    1. PaintArt at Bras Basah Complex - Blk 231, #02-85 Bain St


    reasonable pricing for modern art, abstract. quite suitable for hm deco type.

    2. Evershine Gallery - Blk 177, #01-136 Toa Payoh Central

    3. Images of China - #04-49 Paragon

    4. Carmelites Framing - #02-06 Bukit Timah Plaza

    5. Lovely Deart - #02-16 Thomson Plaza

    more of country style type. abit ex.

    6. art mart gallery pte ltd

    520 sims ave 1 #01-01

    tel: 6744 0382


    mid high range pricing for modern art, abstract. quite suitable for hm deco type. they able to show you more if you ask.

    7. Ode To Art @ Raffles City


    never been there, but looks like not cheap

    8. along #02 of bras basah, there are chinese paintings also.

    9. straits commercial art (opp bras basah)

    think they hv some chinese ink paintings also

    10. http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10457

    11. http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=8602

    12. http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=9833

    13. http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=2199

    14. http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=7303

    15. http://www.sagg.com.sg/exhibitions.php

    16. http://www.agas.org.sg/agas/members.html

    can find many art gallery here for local and overseas artists. but dunno hw much the price of the art, think must enquire.

    hope the above helps. and hope there are more ppl who will contribute to this thread on art pieces.

  18. hi all,

    i'm consolidating some of the infor for the benefit of all. some of these paintings at the shop are quite suitable for hm deco use.

    obtain from the following forum:


    1. PaintArt at Bras Basah Complex - Blk 231, #02-85 Bain St


    reasonable pricing for modern art, abstract. quite suitable for hm deco type.

    2. Evershine Gallery - Blk 177, #01-136 Toa Payoh Central

    3. Images of China - #04-49 Paragon

    4. Carmelites Framing - #02-06 Bukit Timah Plaza

    5. Lovely Deart - #02-16 Thomson Plaza

    more of country style type. abit ex.

    6. art mart gallery pte ltd

    520 sims ave 1 #01-01

    tel: 6744 0382


    mid high range pricing for modern art, abstract. quite suitable for hm deco type. they able to show you more if you ask.

    7. Ode To Art @ Raffles City


    never been there, but looks like not cheap

    8. along #02 of bras basah, there are chinese paintings also.

    9. straits commercial art (opp bras basah)

    think they hv some chinese ink paintings also

    10. http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10457

    11. http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=8602

    12. http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=9833

    13. http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=2199

    14. http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=7303

    15. http://www.sagg.com.sg/exhibitions.php

    16. http://www.agas.org.sg/agas/members.html

    can find many art gallery here for local and overseas artists. but dunno hw much the price of the art, think must enquire.

    hope the above helps. and hope there are more ppl who will contribute to this thread on art pieces.

  19. hi all,

    i'm consolidating some of the infor for the benefit of all. some of these paintings at the shop are quite suitable for hm deco use.

    obtain from the following forum:


    1. PaintArt at Bras Basah Complex - Blk 231, #02-85 Bain St


    reasonable pricing for modern art, abstract. quite suitable for hm deco type.

    2. Evershine Gallery - Blk 177, #01-136 Toa Payoh Central

    3. Images of China - #04-49 Paragon

    4. Carmelites Framing - #02-06 Bukit Timah Plaza

    5. Lovely Deart - #02-16 Thomson Plaza

    more of country style type. abit ex.

    6. art mart gallery pte ltd

    520 sims ave 1 #01-01

    tel: 6744 0382


    mid high range pricing for modern art, abstract. quite suitable for hm deco type. they able to show you more if you ask.

    7. Ode To Art @ Raffles City


    never been there, but looks like not cheap

    8. along #02 of bras basah, there are chinese paintings also.

    9. straits commercial art (opp bras basah)

    think they hv some chinese ink paintings also

    10. http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10457

    11. http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=8602

    12. http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=9833

    13. http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=2199

    14. http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=7303

    15. http://www.sagg.com.sg/exhibitions.php

    16. http://www.agas.org.sg/agas/members.html

    can find many art gallery here for local and overseas artists. but dunno hw much the price of the art, think must enquire.

    hope the above helps. and hope there are more ppl who will contribute to this thread on art pieces.

  20. I prefer the conventional way. So that if i need the soap elsewhere, maybe in toilet can always take the one in kitchen.

    More hygiene. If finished, just throw. If put hole, then have to clean the dispenser too rite.

    u r rite.. hv to clean... i saw my office cleaner auntie do it every now and den. and she, being old, hv difficulty to bend down and unscrew the dispenser from the sink for refill.

  21. depends on your usage and likes.

    eg. of scenario in my office. got a sink with a hole punched and dispenser of soap was put there. initially quite convenient. but after a while, vy troublesome as cleaner auntie says every time the liquid soap finished, she got to pour the liquid soap from another big bottle into the dispenser and it kinda drip drip everywhere, wasted abit here and there.

    its juz like those liquid bath / shampoo dispensers in toilet. where you need to top up / refill the soap once it finish.

    alternatively, you can just buy a bottle of liquid soap and put it near the sink for your use.

    juz my 2cents... :dunno:
