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Posts posted by h4happy

  1. ya.. i got my furniture set liao.. but hvn't finalised design cos hv 1 chance to change model n color before delivery.. sink/tap/hob/hood.. all set my eyes already.. hee.. n also told ID the price n ask if he can get cheaper.. if he cannot get any cheaper (like the hitachi fridge he has no lobang for me) he told me i can go ahead with my findings.. but others like the sink/tap/hob/hood he has better deals for me.. now i'm looking for budget but muz b nice bedframe.. haha..

    hello greycat! squeeze w/m into toilet.. not me la.. haha.. was h4happy's mama idea.. :lol:

    Yes, hahaha, my mum really want that to be done.

    Approach a few contractors, some say can, some say cannot, some say can be done.

    Then 1 id told me this, the socket actually cannot be inside the tiolet, if really one, she will help to install socket with cover.

    So, those contractors say cannot be done will have to strike it off my list.

    You know lah, kitchen is too small lah.....

  2. I still like homo, cos uniform. Granite is natural stone, so joining lines may not match.

    I have been searching high and low for a good granite (with less black spot and more white), mission impossible!:lol:

  3. I went down last sunday................ the flooring nt bad. The contractor Mr Tay ( Level 5) quite a nice guy (abit beng la, :lol: ), he advised us on some renovation issues. Can go n take a look la...... and get some advise from him lo

    Hi JJ

    You should also go to level 10 or 15 (by homemakers) and level 22 (another contractor), and then compare the flooring.

    So far, I rated homemakers 1st , 22th level and last is 5th level.

  4. Hi HSH

    Thanks for your info.

    Yes granite is easy to maintain compare to marble.

    Marble really need special care.

    I have kids so marble is out for me.

    But granite is easy, solid and durable.

    Also easy to mob (I heard from my friends) compare to homon tiles (not sure how true it is).

    But then some granite tilers will not help you to put nicers (less black spot in the middle of your living room. They just lay and lay only.

    Hopefully the future contractors (I have shortlisted 2) will have a very good worksmanship in tilers (granite). Even though you can feel the line, but at least it is not too oblivous. I pray hard that mine wont be so unlucky.

  5. Ya I also recommend not the change the HDB gate - its very solid already. Why spend money on something that you cannot see? Use the money INSIDE your flat instead.

    Unless, of course, as mace shown, if the gate and door is vandalised or something...

    I though of buying a divider to block the main door enterance.

    My mail door facing directly the living room windows.

    Any recommendation?

  6. huh? wat do u mean by full stretch until the window? i tink not enough space inside the common toilet.. it is real small.. will jus obstruct the toilet entrance.. if put jus outside the toilet also not much space.. the kitchen is quite small.. if u put the w/m outside the toilet.. the space v cramp.. besides.. there's this U-shaped pipe for the heater.. so imagine.. there're heater, and w/m right in front of the kitchen entrance.. looks v v v crowded n uninviting.. could b dangerous when u taking out ur dishes if the kitchen entrance is too cramp..

    for the windows.. my ID told me HDB has tis new rule that it is not allow to do any alteration to the windows.. cannot take away the vertical grills.. cannot change from sliding to casement (for some other estates where they hv sliding windows only, not for us thou).. so don mention abt making the bottom windows to be able to open.. tats even much more dangerous than removing the verticle grills.. confirmed a :deal::P

    ya i tink the rod v expensive hor.. luckily i said it aloud here.. then super-saver like u will enlighten me! haha.. thanks! so where to get cheapest curtain rod? haha.. :dunno:

    Good morning Xlan

    You know lah, old pple is like that.

    My mum want to put the w/m inside the tiolet, and the basin push in to inner wall, opposite the shower.

    So, everytime I viist the contractors, I will ask him/her can be done or not?

  7. hehehe find that those who try to ketok you workmanship not so good one ;)

    oic...no point ketok me as I already have very tight budget.

    If over my budget, can say bye bye liao.

  8. Hi All

    I got a quotation with Souls Living by her.

    The price is reasonable.

    She will update my quotation again as there is some changes.

    And free fnegshui reading too.

    Have not visit the showflat yet.

    Saw her husband, very down to earth type of pple.

    Soft spoken and look like a workers!

    Feel comfortable talking to her.

    Gonna follow up with her next week or so.

  9. maybe you'd want to write down a list of things that must be done and ask for quotes based on it

    1. floor area to cover - some contractors include wastage, some dun but ask you for more money at a later stage

    2. polishing of flooring upon completion (not sure if it's applicable to granite tiles)

    it's be easier for you to compare apple to apple coz some contractors / IDs like to give you oranges so that you can't compare :yamseng:

    Thanks for yr info. APPLE

    Anyway I am not those very calculative type of person.

    So long the worksmanship is good, pay a little more is ok for me.

  10. how big is your unit?

    from there you can have a good gauge of how much the tiles will cost you

    what are you trying to find about granite?

    Hi APPLE

    I am a bit confuse, one quote my area is 915, other quote me 985 ......

    So dont know which is more accurate.

    Each contractors gave me different granite work, some say polish, some say no, some say only wash, etc...

  11. i'd say that flooring is something that most people will not change in the entire time they stay at the place

    so more can be spent on it to ensure that next time dun regret

    go for it man :(

    Thanks APPLE

    I think I can go until $10 per square feet = 600x600 = $40 per tiles.

    Hope that it is within my budget.

    I am preparing to go for higher grade probably outside china granite....

    I hope so...

    I am still surfing web regarding about granite but unable to find one.....

