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Posts posted by h4happy

  1. Hi APA and BEAN

    Yes, I am referring to this.

    The casting will be running above the skirting (since I have done my renovation).

    Any lobang how much it cost to run extra tv point to the other side of the wall?

    Any contact I can call?

    Thanks neigbhours!!


    hi happy

    shouldn't be a problem to do but since u already done the floor tiles and everythin, looks like the only option is to run casin above the skirtin. i planned to have tv on the side w/o the pt b4 i did my tiling so contractor help me lay the cables for the pt under my tiles.

    when starthub came to activate my cable, i also ask them to test if the original pt is workin n they say it does. somehow, i think they juz use the original pt n split it to create another pt on the other side.

  2. Hi YOKO

    What happen to the design issues?

    You have a nice pink frosted glass! Is it? Is it that there are such colours beside the usual green frosted glass?



    CD is one of the ids firm i had visited and gave me a good impression.. their quotes are lowest among the firms i went and alot of things are thrown in.. Gina and tony are nice ppl also... from the way they work i believe that they are reponsible ppl.. and they bot us to a few units in jalan membina.. maybe is one of u guys.. lolz...

    however, we did not choose them in the end due to design issues.. cannot click so too bad...

  3. Cool down Hairy and INT, lets not get carry away and dont let boxing begins.

    Afterall this is a reno forum, we share our joy and frustration. No mean to flame CD or whatever.

    Let unhappy customers pour out their woes..afterall they are not happy. And dont rub salt on them.

    Let happy customers write with joys and happy things during renovation.

    Calm down and see what can be done. We may help you by DIY.

    Finally, let other forumers judge by themselves. Alferall, there are tons of id/contractors out there, good and bad...tekam tekam...gana good, you lucky, gana no bad, sorry to you.

    Hi HAI

    Cool down...I am sure mine is worst than yours. Permanent damge on granite floor. What can I do...move on loh....for the rest of my life...if I strike lottery......might move out again........and have a best renovation in future (learnt alot and eye opener from the reno process).

    Cool down and you wont attack me.


    Can you explain what you mean by this?

    Fair comment as in good positive remarks only?

    Quoted: why not try other IDs....

    What you mean? Asking me to renovate and hack off everything again and compare? Are you crazy?

  4. Hi Celine

    Nice to hear yours is good good!

    For mine, I dont like my granite flooring...s piece of sh.it work!

    Even my wife feel that too!

    Anyway, Gina/Tony should know this case.

    The tilers Ah Seng, very disappointed with his work and comments!

    Should ask for compensation! But never.


    OMG ... Neighbors please dun fight... peace peace~~ understand that some of you guys have some prob in the process of reno.. this is common ~ every ID page also have unhappy owner encounter same prob.. what is done already done.. and i believe that gina and tony should have seen this page and take some action abt it ..

    some pointers for newbies in first time renovation:

    dun just talk.. make sure ur contractor draw out your design.. in 2D format with measurement and everything.. i didn't get my 3D drawing as my reno project was quite rush but 2D that work fine for me..

    My suggestion is to check the house with a masking tape and a marker when the reno is abt 80-90% done

    note down all the place you think rectification is required and ask tony to come down to see. you will have more time to check every single flaws of the work... and also make sure you didn't miss out any part of it!!! in this case both the owner and the contractor can have a peace in mind ^^

    hahaha agreed that some of the work by the skirting man is er~~ some sub con. worker esp young one... are nt very gd!!.. haha what to do... you just have to stand beside them like a hawk and say you dun accept and ask them to redo.. but other ppl like the carpenter ah hai~ and the middle age flooring uncle (i duno his name.. flooring and skirting are diff ppl) was very very nice ppl~

    i dun really need to show black face leh.. i complain to gina or tony that i had some bubble jus a few in my MBR cabinet glass.. its not a big deal actually but and they managed to change the whole door for us! i think that is sweet~

    afterall i am quite happy with my work.. did my house warming last week (photos available in my personal blog).. frens came and comment that our home is comparable to hotel~ **happy** my ex-supervisor whom engaged in A&D for his sengkang AE even comment that he wish to exchange with us *happy* and i think they did theirs like 10k more expensive then ours... hahaa but nvm they are rich ^^ not everyone had bad experience i believe.. just that you need tactics to hande those younger subcontractor~ ^^ ... anyway we stil hold the last 10+20% of the payment mah.. they have to make perfect b4 hand over =D

    Relax neighbor~ having a home under reno is stressful.. alot of things will cock up(ID,Curtain,Toilet Acc, Electric n kitchen Gadget =_="")~ we understand .. we went thru the scolding "knn blah blah" stage also~ its also gd tt you guys pt out ur unhappiness so gina n gang can see for themselves those areas that needa buck up ^^ okie lah.. jia you for those whom are still touching up!!!



  5. Hi Neighbours.....

    I am sure some of you have do a extra tv point in your living room.

    I wanted to have a extra tv point on the other side of the wall.

    Is that possible?

    I mean there will be casting running on top of the skirting from the original tv point = below window area = to the other side of the wall.

    How much will that be cost? Any recommemdation? :bow::bow:

    Reason is that I can shift the tv console to the other side of the wall....

    :yamseng: HAPPY

  6. Hi Lynnie...really understand your plight! Hope you and your hubby cool down and get moving. Recently called one of my neighbour (you know them) and seem like he got a terrible bad experiences too.

    Maybe CD has too many projects on hand, unable to cope with the the demand...

    I have a old neighbour living at your block, I think so, also engage CD. If meet her, will go and see her unit...anyway, she invited me last time...

    I hate the feeling of having to keep calling and remind Gina that they are suppose to come when when when or she must remind her worker to do this this this. It's quite tiring.

    We did once told Tony that we want to change the downlights light up position. Tony got the electrician to come and see. Everything was settled on the spot and the electrician will come on Monday to fix (It was Saturday when we talk about it). Monday came and gone, anticipation became disappointment. Bf called Tony and he can tell my bf that the electrician is not free to come and he is only free 2 WEEKS LATER.

    Steven, does this sound logical?

    Hi Lynnie...how to smooth the chipped grouting line? Is it use sand paper?? Any idea???

    I think I did mentioned to Tony regarding the chipped off grouting. But nothing was done. Perhaps, it's clean forgotten.

  7. Hmmm....I dont know how it's work.

    But I think they sub con for each individual works.

    And agreeable with the sub con that any rectification works, they will have to fix it without incuring any cost....something like that???

    If not, then the sub con can anyhow do for the owner and CD will have to call them again and CD have to pay them again....sound like no logic at all.

    .......But if CD keep having rectification means cost are incurred, than their profit margin is --- :dunno::dunno:

    Thought less rectification than they earn more mah :unsure::unsure:

  8. Well, mine also have some problems along the way....especially the granite tiles. Bad worksmanship.

    Other than that, everything is ok, kitchen cabinet, wardrobe, grills, print works.....no problem, as what lynnie siad, hiccups along the way....but was rectify fast.

    Recently I began to checked my toilet assessories, one of them was slang (putting the creams, facial thinggies on the rectangalur glass.

    During the renovation, I asked Kieth why slang, he gave the reasons (I forgot liao) something like the product is like that...

    I did not investigate further.

    Lsast few weeks, I unscrewed the plate and was shocked to see a crack tiles with 1 washer holding the orginal washer. So that makes the plate slang down! He should changed the crack tile and drill the plate little further up or little further down and told me that. Normally I will say ok as I am not particular about this. BUt I dont like pple cheat me.

    Anyway, I might unscrew and might buy another tiles, plaste it and drill another hole for the plate to make it level.

    Other than that, everything is ok for my renovation. So, for pple already let CD renovating your house, you may share your experiences good or bad...

    One thing thumbs up for CD is that any recitification works, they will do it for you very fast and prompt.

  9. Oh...is it ant nests?

    If so, better act fast as it will eat up the wood.


    Has anyone encountered insect infestation in their wood furnitures before. My cabinet has this small while insect which has been leaving behind white dust on the surface. the dust always form a circle.

    tried baygon and ant killer all dont work

    Any advice?

  10. Hello NEMOFC,

    How are you getting on?

    Yeah, BOBO (Lynn) has confirmed with nanny staying at blk25b.

    Last weekend, pay a visit to bobo house...beautifully decorated!

    But can see baby stuff coming.....will mess up the house just like mine....toys all over the living room and bedroom!

    Wall pencil marks, stickers marks!!!!

    This coming cny, might need to do paint touch up!

    I have yet finish packing....no mood to pack liao...so many kids stuff....until storeroom jam pack!

    Are you also looking for one?

    You may call me; 92291808. After 7pm

    But you need to negotiate terms and conditions with the nanny.


    hello all

    how's everyone? long time didn't log in ...


    heard bobogirl mentioned that you help her look for a nanny at her block? still have any lobang?

  11. Hi Celine

    You are in blk25b?

    You already move in?

    Anyway, my silicon crack......called up Gina and she send his carpenter to redo it for me, without probing further!

    I am going to buy silicon to do the sink and toilet bowl and the edge of the bath area...it's getting yellowish...no matter how hard I brush, it is still yellowish!


    include install charge hor? Thank you so much Happy!!!

    but the web site you gave is invalid.. www.storerack.sg (<---------invalid)

    Anyway i am celine here.. HWINHO is my hub nick~



  12. Hello YG

    I hang my clock at the air con window (as I have grill)....


    Till now i still duno where shall i hang my mbr clock. :dunno:


    Where did u hang your clock at ur mbr?

    1) At the wall of the air con window

    2) opposite your bed

    3) place only alarm clock beside your bed

    4) didnt hang any


  13. Hi Guys

    Anybody experiences this before?

    What you should do?


    Hi Guys

    Check with you this.

    If your cabinet side silicon crack, what should your do?

    Is it just buy 1 silicon (from homefix) and apply on it?

    Or need to use a knife and cut out the crack silicon??

    Please help and thks!


  14. Hi ASY

    What's happen??

    Tell us more.


    Hello all in the JM forum,

    I wanna post out a call to the drivers who is involve in the incident at 9pm, 5th floor at our multi-storey car park last night (22/10/08).

    I dun know if any of the driver involved joined this forum, but if you do see this. Pls PM me.

    I guess you are very very unhappy about the incident last night, I think we shouldn't let that stupid driver to get away with it. I was so ashamed if that guy is our neighbour, how can someone with that kind of attitude drive?!


    If you are the driver, you know what I am talking about. Pls PM me.

    Maybe we can do something about it. I'm sure you got the car plate number.

    Thank you!

  15. Hi Jacky....I am staying at the top floor...yeah, recently just spotted a hair line crack on my mbr....

    I just ignore it lah. No matter how we touch up, it will comes back again.

    Hey neighbours,

    - any1 on e high floor experience hairline wall cracks?

    - las time b4 reno oleady got crack.

    - complaint hdb service centre, asked them 2 rectify.

    - rectified liao, nicely done.

    - now 3 mths later, after my reno done & painted, CRACK again !!

    - by rite, it shouldn't crack again. By left it crack again.

    - dat means, dis time e crack its wider than e 1st time. B.cos previous cracks were patched up & painted.

    - if every 3 mths like dat, dunoe how leh. crack - patch up - paint, crack - patch up - paint, crack - patch up - paint ... :furious:

  16. Actually granite top has many many colours to choose from!

    I remembered I went with my contractor to view granite tiles...more than 100 kind of tiles! Of course all are not from china.

    Some of them very nice and swee!

    not much more lah

    LG brand quartz top should be around $140pfr (when i asked last year)

    silestone brand quartz top is more expensive, between $160 and $190pfr

    imagine a solid surface that is harder than granite

    that's quartz top for you :deal:

  17. What??? Aiyo....that is the worst nightmare every owner will ever think of!

    I also wont mind pay a little extra to have a peaceful mind and not after renovation....your house began to show sign of crack here and there....

    True for me, I dun mind paid abit more to get a better & more reliable workmanship. :sport-smiley-018:

    My friend ever kenna his TV consol collapsed after a few months, luckily his LCD was not spoil. :bangwall: (ID firm cannot name down here) :P

  18. Personally I feel that worksmanship is the utmost important.

    No matter how good the 3d shows, or how good and gullible id/con are, if the worksmanship is s.u..ck, then it serve no purposes right?

    Just a quick note.

    I have went to 4 ID. Not only I compare price, I also insist to view one of their just finish project.

    Looking at the thing in their showroom is not accurate as they tend to show the best. Looking at one of their project is the best.

    I found that cheap may not be good and expensive may not be good too.

  19. You mean the rubbish chute done by HoBee??

    If so, then that is what I call GOOD after sale service!

    It's been 1 year 3 mths since hobee completed our reno.

    all these while there was a water leakage somewhere in the kitchen that we couldnt find where it came from.

    finally last week we manage to trace it to the rubbish chute.

    So I sent an email to hobee and they are sending someone this sat to fix it.

    Good service or What? :notti:
