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Posts posted by h4happy

  1. Hi RIC

    For the benefit of others, hope that you can translate into english.

    Many thanks.














  2. A big thanks for GrandPapa.

    Hope you wont mind asking so many questions.

    I notice quite a number of new home owners install under-cabinet rope lights / tubes / bulbs for an instant kitchen facelift / to brighten up the kitchen counter top.

    Is it true that kitchen must be bright? Even it seldom use to cook?



  3. Yes agreed with FD1976...I was kind of huh??? when I see all the chinese posting....

    Haha GPP.. well i fully understood n support ur case of setting this thread. I guess tips are being share n individuals hv to digest it subjectively. Ur explaination in english are appreciated cos as some members might not understand chinese.. :)

  4. Hi GrandPapa

    The compass reading is when I stand in the middle of the living room?

    If it point at the north...do not place electricial stuffs....right?

    Howe about lights? I mean ceiling lights should be ok right?

    Hmmm my north sector (when I am standing in the middle of the room) is a piece of wall...nothing over there.

    General Question again:

    1) Any tips for Dos and Donts in the living room?



    try not to place electrical stuffs and activities at the north sector this year until 4 feb 2010, in all rooms.

    it is where the 5 yellow is, which causes illness and disharmony and in very serious cases death.

    electrical items like tv , fan will activate it.

  5. Hello LINGGIE...remember me? You neighbours at blk25b. Went to your house once...last year....do hope to hear from you and your reno.

    me me me, havent renovate, havent move in! looking forward to it though...sooon =)

    Lynn, congrats on ur little bundle of joy =) I hope all is well with all neighbours!

  6. Hi GPP, thks! I will be installing those energy saving lights, but not everyday switch on.

    I only switch on the main foyer area where I use to open my main door.

    Another general question: Any tips on living room? Do's and Dont's?

    Thks and have a nice day!


    It depends, if some corners of the house has 5 yellow and 2 black configuration based on flying stars, and it is dark... more likely to attract negative stuffs...

    but i dont think all corners need light if not electricty bills very high...

  7. My cousin a christian engaged her church priest and on the first day, the priest chat and sprinkle the holy water all over the house....

    Maybe your priest will tell you where to place the altar...??

    Just to check....... my husband and i are believers of feng shui..........

    yet at the same time we are catholics..........

    We are getting our apartment soon.... therefore we will seek advise from the Master..... yet we wanted to have a chirstian altar........

    Anyone did that before?

  8. 1 thing I also want to share among the homw owner...dont buy pieces of mirror and make it a whole.

    But 1 whole piece.

    I saw a few from ikea that they have eg) 4 pieces to make it 1 piece and of course there will be a break line in bweteen the mirror.

    Correct me if I am wrong.


  9. Hi GRANDPaPa

    I also read that putting the shoes in the shoe cabinet MUST not be higher than the owner.

    Btw, thanks for the SHOE pointers, I think I have to wash the shoes and shoes rack and make sure no smell on the shoes..preferably putting a lemon freshners on the rack.

    How about that?

    If smelly shoe rack outside the main door will make bad energy thus will lead to frequent quarrel and not luck? Correct?

    Is open show rack advisable to put outside the main door? Or need something like a plastic to cover it?

    Please advise and thanks.

    Hope GRAND wont mind me asking too many questions.


    Shoe Cabinet

    Many people like to leave their shoes and slipper outside the house or inside the house exposed and not hidden. especially near the door.

    the door is an important qi opening, it it is untidy, dirty or smelly. it will bring in bad qi. when good month good energy comes to your door, it will be minus away by your smelly and untidy shoes and slippers. if bad energy comes it will be mulitplied.

    Keep your shoes and slipper hidden preferably in a shoe cabinet. make sure it dont stink!!

  10. Hello Forumers

    My electrician do the following (materials included)

    1) extra tv point with casting run on top of the skirting. ($85)

    2) extra single power point with cover in master bedroom toilet. ($50)

    3) swap lights (foyer and passwage way). ($20) (1 pt $10)

    4) check living room light (spoilt). FOC

    Ok for that?



  11. Hello HAM

    Need to check, do your electrician do the following:

    1) extra tv point with casting run on top of the skirting.

    2) extra single power point in master bedroom toilet.

    3) swap lights (foyer and passwage way).

    4) check living room light (spoilt).

    Please pm me.




    Seem tat yr electrical is vry ex, mine is quite cheap comparing to yrs. Mine is as follow:

    To supply labour to dismentle existing lighting fixture and wires.

    To supply and install lighting wiring point. @$30.00

    To supply labour to install lighting fixture point. @$8.00

    To supply and install 13amp power point single @$38.00

    To supply and install 13amp power point double @$48.00

    To supply and install 15amp power point for Heater and Air-con. @$80.00

    To supply and install Telephone wiring point. @$38.00

    To supply and install SCV wiring point @$80.00

    To supply and install ceiling fan @$35.00

    Can PM me if u guys needs contact, all tis r quoted frm my Id. Hope tat my info hlp u guys...

  12. Hello Lyn, how's your baby? Still have to pay you a visit...too busy lah.

    You can hear the dog bark? Oh....that is pretty bad!

    For me, I cannot hear any but can hear car zoom by very loudly....but anyway, already get use to it liao.

    Btw guy, how much your technician charge if want to have extra tv point at the living room? Casting can run on top of the skirting.

    And how much your technician charge for having another 3 pt plug in the mbr? I am referring to 4 room unit.

    If you have any technician that charge cheap and good, do recommend to me ok?


    Sometime ago, someone put up a note at 25b lift lobby complaining about the day night non stop barking. Dnt think it has improved....... we'r still hearing the bark. i'm putting up at #116.

  13. Hi PURPLE

    What's happen?

    Which block are you in?

    Can come over?


    Hello All Neighbors!! :D

    Long time never see any new posts, so never log in often. Hope everyone’s is fine. :yamseng:

    Hi Simpleboi,

    How’s u and yr wife? :) Wow envy u all, yah times really flies, and u all have been staying there like 1yr liao? Great, really envy u all, cos my place till now haven’t finish renovating since started in last yr dec!!! :furious::furious::furious: Really headache, don’t know when we can finally move in? :bangwall:

    Any neighbors still like me haven’t move in yet? :huh: Is there still have any empty units around? :dunno:

  14. Hello Barrie

    Care to share your experience and what do you to make your house and your family great?


    Feng Shui Tips is very useful to me when make my house .

    i think Here information is right and follow this information.

  15. You are right.

    Never rush thru your renovation process especially in the initially stage where lots of confirmation between you and your id/contractors involved.

    Ask, ask and ask.

    Never assume your id/contractor know what you are thinking about.

    Always assume your id/contractor dont know what you are thinking about.

    Any doubts, ask ask ask, be it minor or major.

    Dont asume id/contractors knows everything.

    Even you engaged ID, you still need to check and see.

    Any doubts or not happy, immediately clarify and not keep quiet and wait for them to clarify.

    Must be thick skin a bit.

    Ask ask ask even though your questions are silly or stu.pid.

    Hmm...still searching around,as per advised by forumers here,best not to rush into it.

    Im also not going to hunt those "big" and "popular" companies as i foresee that their quotes would definitely be much higher in order to cover their overheads and in terms of workmanship,i belief that some neighborhood companies or freelance can also be on-par with their standards. Most importantly,gotta find a good id that consistently goes to site to supervise.Afterall,its the foreigner workers that are doing the hands-on,IDs are the ones who has the call with regards to QC.. :)
