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Posts posted by masterchong33

  1. you know lah..... now they got website also...forgot the url...

    every major shopping mall also got 1 outlet.

    Haha... you are right; cause they also approach me and ask me to be one of their panel of masters as well.. They will do up an office cum FS shop for me & i just have to sit there and they will take care of the rest...

    I told them "No" thank you cause i have been working alone for the past 20 yrs and based fully on referrals only as i dun advertise; other than doing some seminars talks with agts agency or developers during some of their private previews.. :D

  2. as long as that pigeon fly high enough i believe it still can make it to the heavens - or else it should be somewhere in geylang kopitiam - roasted pigeon cum char siew rice.... :P

    Shhh..... !! Dun tell them, cause it's illegal to eat that in S'pore :)



  3. just to tompang....

    is the colour of the flag outside symbolic? got one hse nearby, ground level, has a black flag and the big banner outside. their altar looks like it occupies the living rm + kitchen area. my mum said not good to walk near it, becoz the flag means they worship the war god ("the scary one with the tongue!: she sezs). really ah?

    Aiyah.. !! no need to worry about all these flags or banners they hang outside cause most of them paid a 'heavy price' to 'biao 镖' back home to hang outside their door.. This is how temples make $$$ and donations on their celebration's day.. :P

    They dosen't harm people in general.. just like paid 保护费 to protect their home as they do a good deed by donations to that particular temple to exchange for good luck.. :)



  4. putting simi fengshui item will not give you the desired effect.

    it's making love at the right location of your house + at the right time+day

    Hehe :yamseng: ...want to share the secrets on this Mace? Many will benefits if you teach them the correct way.. :D



  5. So any fengshui master you can recommend? seems like you know alot in fengshui :D

    Haha.... of course look for Master Mace la... :yamseng: One of the best in our forum.. some say in Batam as well.. hehe



  6. Understand that sleeping position is very important but wat about sitting position? Based on my Gua number, I am a WEST person. So does it mean i must sleep in a position of my head pointing the WEST? How about sitting position? Is sitting position referring to sofa position too?

    Just like what Mace said earlier.. :yamseng:

    1) Most important is to understand that 'sitting' always is behind your back and 'facing' is always infront of you. Imagine you are sitting in a chair now.. You will understand better.. :lol:

    2) When sleeping - head point is taken into counting as your best direction, not the feet facing. Imagine you are lying down on a bed.. :D

    3) Be in the right sector (your best sector according to your Gua) and face your right direction to achieve the best results! :deal:

    4) East person best direction = E, SE, S, N. Gua No. 1, 3, 4, 9.

    5) West person best direction = W, SW, NW, NE. Gua No. 2, 6, 7, 8.

    6) Eight Mansion - 3 basic rules = Main door, kitchen location and stove facing, master bedroom door must be in auspicious best directions according to East or West person good directions. :deal:

    7) As long as you are in any of your 4 best directions would do the tricks, no need to be too paranoid over it.. :lol:



  7. newly wed or whole family moving.

    newly wed - NEW BED + STOVE is a must.

    whole family moving must bring old stove over. (fire)

    Yup.. Mace is right again.. :D

    Ooi.. Ever of thinking to be a Master or not? :deal: You very qualify leh..? :yamseng: If not.. very sayang..



  8. Mine is side by side and the gap is roughly 50cm apart. I also put a potted plant between the stove and sink bt funni thing is the plant wil "die" easily each time I replace the plant. so in the end I fed up and leave the

    pot empty and put my hand detergent inside.

    I guess tat area not "suitable" for putting plants ba...

    Best is min. 2 feet apart, and put a kife chopper board or those that keep knifes in (knifes slot holder) that serve as seperating the fire and water apart.. cheapest and best way to treat this problem.. :D

    Don't put plant there cause the heat from your fire will burn off your plant.. No wonder keep dying.. :yamseng:



  9. :yamseng:

    i find your case rather interesting..

    surgery : all 3 are ladies? or men? or mixed? or just siblings not parents.

    if mixed then not easy to trace liao - kitchen(surgery on digestive/stomach/appendix), livingroom and centre of the house.

    the only problem a hood can give is a rectangular type with one of it's sharp corner pointing directing at the kitchen entrance, cone hood all rounded leh. other than that i can think of is the way you place your knives in the kitchen > pointing towards entrance.

    then, some funny ornament/painting/scruptures in livingroom and centre of house?

    Wah....... Jialat liao.. :deal: All those who install hood will have accidents or mishaps with hospitals liao.. check with those houses or kopitiam where they always have hood to suck oil up.. Do they all went hospitals cause they have a hood? :deal:

    Maybe is something else causing the house FS in general.. not the hood. :D



  10. no mortal can change his bazi until he is buried and then reborn(recycled) into another mortal/animal. even then the bazi is not decided by mortal.

    if such a gimmick would work for just a few thousand dollars - everybody is a Bill Gates/Martha stewart.

    cos even for the poor, they dont mind borrowing from ah longs to pay for such ritual.

    Haha... like that also can?:deal: I better also ask my client go and bury their Bazi too. :yamseng:

    Mace, what kind of craps has Bazi been transform into nowadays? :deal: Sooner will see new tricks by sending Bazi to heaven by tieing it to a pigeon leg and let it fly. hehe :D



  11. Hi Everyone

    Good news – free name analysis for all ….

    If you email me your Chinese names, I can give you a free detailed report which provides an analysis of your name with regard to your 8 characters (bazhi).

    In addition, I can also provide you a list of suitable names that match your surname and your 8 characters. This is suitable for those who want to change their individual names or thinking of naming their new born babies.

    To make things easier for everyone (so that time would not be wasted when I emailed you back for missing information), you can drop me an email with the following details

    My email: decidename@gmail.com

    (1) Name in CHINESE (no need your English name)

    (2) Gender (Male or Female – would assume Male if this info is omitted)

    (3) Date of Birth (DD-MM-YYYY)

    (4) Time of Birth

    (5) Whether you want a free list of names that match your surname & your 8 characters (assume no by default)

    For (5), I’ll randomly pick 10-20 suitable names out of hundreds to thousands of those that match your surname & 8 characters in my database. Hence, nobody should get the same 10-20 names list even if they share the same surname and 8 characters.

    If you cannot find your desired name from that first list, always email me back so that I can provide a second, third, ….. xth list - this process can be repeated until you happy (but please don't abuse it so that my time can be better utlised)

    As for “payment” (what :yamseng:#%#^!, didn’t you see it’s free :D!), I would not ask a single cent from you to me – and you must IGNORE any email that ask you to send money to me or any particular account (in case my Gmail account is being hacked).

    But as there should be no free lunch in this world, you may do any one of the following in reciprocation:

    (1) donate $1 or $2 to any charity every month (you decide which charity organisation)


    (2) do a good deed at least once a week


    (3) smile to your love ones/family/friends/colleagues/bus or taxi drivers etc at least once a day


    (4) any other charitable or volunteer acts


    (5) ALL of the above

    I would trust you to do any one (or more than one) in return but be assured that it's not compulsory - I don't like to force anyone to do something out of his own free willing.

    I’ll try reply to those who email me ASAP, so you should have my reply pretty fast. If you still do not get a reply within a week, drop me a reminder in case either there are too many emails or I’m getting old and forgetful.

    If I’m on vacation (or to be on one soon), I’ll indicate in the email the estimated date for reply so that you would not keep waiting.

    Ultimately, all emails will be replied. That’s for sure.

    P/S: Even for those who prefer to have Fengshui masters to do the name analysis or choose baby name, you may still want to drop me an email to try out the service and see if there is ANY difference between mine and paid services. You can always use my list to countercheck with your preferred masters.

    From what I know, many masters of those paid services merely provide everyone with the SAME name list.

    Yup.. That's right! :deal: Keep up the good work.. Hope members of the forum benefits from your free services.. :deal:



  12. any remedy is actually not a remedy...it only cuts down the effect.

    hopefully both of you needs WATER, then it became a blessing instead of a "curse".

    always keep toilet clean and dry at all times. close the door when not in use...etc

    if you shift the bed, at least the door face your legs instead of your whole bed.

    Ya :D agrees on this one Mace.. Its better to shift the bed head to the cupboard side rather than leave it as it is, cause that will bring down to the min. effects from the toilet door, as directly facing the bed as it will affect the health in the long run.. :yamseng:



  13. Very troubled with getting the correct move-in date. When I use the online tong shu, it was stated that 11th Dec is a bad day for moving house.

    However, according to geomancy.net, it happens to be the best date for myself and my spouse (most auspicious date for both).

    So which one should I rely on? :deal:

    'Tong shu' is more for general selection, so mostly suitable for all but certain days got 'chiong 冲' certain people.. Not for personal date selection. :yamseng:

    Geomany.net is base on Bazi calculation which is base on 5 elements like what Mace has said and they dun really take into other considerations like 'san sha三杀', 'ri po日破', 'yue po月破', etc.. :deal:

    Best is to get a master to choose for you.. :D



  14. hi,

    can someone confirm with me, how to see the best sleeping positon?

    say if NW is best position, means the our bed head is at NW sector of the room is it?


    As long as not facing toilet door, no window behind (bedframe head side), bed head rest on a solid wall, not facing bedroom door directly would do.. If you can get you best suitable directions would be the best! :yamseng:



  15. irregardless of the yin/yang -

    1) as long as there is a factory below to support the element above is ONE BIG GOOD POINT already.

    2) water in summer is "confinement", "imprison". meaning no matter how good the bazi is - the person is restricted and prevented from great accomplishment. can forget about being a president/prime minister/successful bizmen/nobel prize winner.

    3) if there is earth element(mth or hour) directly beside day - this will add salt to the wound. water fears earth.

    4) still need to consider the overall bazi to determine whether good or average.

    As long as the Bazi elements is balance.. or else find out what is the 'yong sheng 用神' and try to balance it out then it serve the purpose of Bazi. No use knowing and cannot do anything :yamseng:



  16. right at the centre of the house?

    :D:deal: first time i heard of such cai wei....

    anyway, good luck and happy living(no quarrels hor) in your new house.

    fs is just 50% nia, the other 50% to have a healthy happy life depends on the human beings.

    Haha.. Me too. :lol: First time for me also to hear that cai wei in the middle of the house :yamseng: .. How can? The 'chi' come in and bang straight into the wall which 'collection of 'chi' is not possible.. so how to be the cai wei? Corner is always the best place to 'cang feng 藏风' whereby you always see dust or hair collected at corners.. :deal:



  17. thanks for support...too busy missing out a lot of threads...

    No problem.. Master Mace is always on the rescue and make sure that members of the forum don't get rip off by some FS masters.. hehe :deal:

    Come to think of it.. Recently really got a lots of masters suddenly sprung out of no where :yamseng: .. wonder where they came from??? :D


