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Posts posted by ranval9

  1. Hello ...

    Can we change the date to 10 Jul instead ??

    Coz Jeff has something on 11 JUL ..

    hello all,

    tried to find back this thread but seems this tblog chat is overflooded liao


    Just realised tml will be the beginning of a 3rd year with this forum, met wonderful friends and buddies here, especially in this thread of applefreak's

    They made our renovation journey so enjoyable and heart-warming, especially our trip to bangkok last year around this time =)

    In view of that, we will be hosting a open house / gathering

    Venue: Night Elves Lodge, Sembawang Wellington Circle

    Date: 11 July 09

    Time: 7pm

    Food: Pot luck (lemme know what u guys bringing, so that wont crash)

    Invitation is open to anyone we met and got to know thru this forum 2 years ago and also to sembawang residents


    1) Angelwrath & Archelon

    2) Valerie & Mr. Ran?

    3) Applefreak & Mr. Kitty

    4) Jeff & Irene

    5) Alberttcs & 2 terrors

    6) Candy Princess & baby Kristen

    7) MaCe?

    8) Adeline

    9) Mr. & Mrs. Greymouse

    10) Skywolf?

    11) Bluberi & Mr. Tiger

    12) Bun Bun

    13) Mr. & Mrs. Compassvale

    who else ar?

  2. hello!!! ages since i came in. :P logged in today coz im selling my place and looking for a new place so want to source for new reno ideas. time really flies, it's been 2+yrs...

    hey linda !!

    so fast u wanna move again ?? WOW

  3. yes it's on and it's in the evening

    shall we say 7pm at bliss?

    hey all,

    kelly got into serious injury recently, unable to join us for this sat gathering ..

    she is paisei that she unable to pass us whatever we want to get from her ..

    can i suggest that we all pay her a visit at her home n can also dognap her sasha n peanut ??

    let me know soon , so that i can let her know.. =)

  4. u mean bliss ar? it's nt bad.

    sengkang sports & recreation centre gt brewsbaker (under jack's place)... can chill out there too. :P

    huh how to get there ... which side of the centre ?

    *wink wink to compassvale kekeke

  5. or how about this place?

    nakhon kitchen at hougang st 21

    still not getting enough of thai food :dribble: :dribble:

    am game on any place ..

    can forget abt dieting ...

    yummy makan can make one happy

    will be free from Sat evening till thursday , coz Ran's Op has been reschduled to later due to the H1N1 scare ..

    but sun is Mother's Day .. you guys decide hor .. and let me know ..

    Me leaving for Japan later in 3hrs time .. Byeee :seeya:

  6. mm Ya it's the first case that caused a mini panic in my work place... mass smses sent out today. So I don't think I can go. BF is asking me to change to 3rd quarter of the year and he will make time to meet me there. so Possibly August/Sept. I'll see what happens. I think a small fee is involved. But it's better than wasting that ticket money. mmm

    dun b upset ger ...

    your BF so understanding n even offer to make time for you .. =)

    hugs .. do take care of yourself .. weather is not good lately ..

  7. ahhhhh that's such a shame :~ :~ :~

    time not an issue lah, most important is be there

    after that we can adjourn to airport to eat swensen ice cream :dribble:

    heehee .. i just concess onto the bed once after jeff saw me home .. mum said i totally smell of dogs ..

    haha i dun care .. too tired .. was very clean anyway , ninja n yuki licked me clean .. Wakaka :P

    oh okie dokie .. must remind me to bring along my staff pass .. hehee :D

    Makan gathering on 17April

    Apple Jie


    Mrs Compassvale

  8. wooo wow .. everyone saw that rainbow but me ...

    nvm ..

    lucky apple jie took pics =) =)

    yes yes everybody please try to keep 27 Mar free

    we are going golden mile for thai food :dribble: :dribble:

    if greycat joining us then we ajourn to mustaffa after dinner :dancingqueen:

    keeping my fingers n my boys' paws crossed that me ard ...

  9. This year we are planning for a Japan trip... Usual kaki any violence objection? :unsure:

    U are killing me !!!!

    how to save euff for wedding planning and go shopping at japan with you at the same time !! !!

    like mace mentioned, we all learned what is the meaning of BIGMOUTH :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

    we should do this again

    thinking of organising a dinner at golden mile for thai food

    maybe on a friday in march

    how about 20 or 27 Mar?

    KIV for 27 March

  10. apple jie: this fri you go ahead .. me called up for tomolo London .. back only on 23feb , then 26 thurs back on stby .. 27 reportin for early wee morning flt to Moscow ..

    bluberi: i had fun swimming .. just that being sheltered , water is cold ... while my pal he had fun watching some hot babes sun tanning .. i simply refused to join him at open air pool .. haha till much later ...

    kelly: you also so onz ar .. bring peanut to school .. if only ran approve, donut n oreo can go school too ..

  11. den go swim la... the SK swimming pool haf one pool dat is fully sheltered.. gd for u.. no scared will have those tan lines when wearing WG. :notti:

    yeah i finally get to swim at SK pool ... thou it was ard 1040 ... way tired with back ache .. i still managed to

    swim abit .. damm shiok to be in the shade .. but but the water can be too cold for me .. heheee

    maybe i rather catch up with my pal then swimming .. haha

  12. HAPPY VALENTINES :dancingqueen: :dancingqueen:

    awww donut look so good in the third picture

    he just got back from grooming?

    miss him so much :wub:

    yesh .. that how they look like when just got back from grooming ..

    and they refuse to let me take a good pic .. somehow upset with me for not feedin them .. haha

    when donut saw his groomer , he simply ignore me totally while oreo wants to go home with me .. :notti:


    latest update as promised , my Ikea Shelves =)

  13. Val, have you settled for a BS that have those PS thrown inside? Or would you be gg ala-carte? :)

    Eh, Bunbun, you not bad leh. 2 hrs... i went over 2 Sats, spent 4 hrs each time, and only decided on PS for both of us niah. :bleah::bleah:

    heading for super ala-carte ...

    no PS for ranval .. lots of reason ..

    now have to look out for :deal: for WG here or overseas ...

    i did miss the boat .. US n London super sale just PASSED >

    Dieting is hard .. i will end up being more fat ... dun know why ... :dunno:

    Ranval, appointment is like that leh.. alot of brides will try on gowns and book them so there will not be much selection range for you to choose. You should ask whether there are newer and recent arrivals before you make appointment.

    For me, i just popped into the BS that time with my hubby suddenly and our co-ordinator was accomodating. I tried on like quite a number of gowns + evening gowns in close to 2 hours there. (total of 7 for the ps) That time not alot of choices. In the end when I went for my 2nd fitting just days before my AD, guess what? The wedding gown I choose, did NOT materialise. :furious: The BS claimed that the gown was damaged but I'm skeptical. I suspected that another bride must have taken the gown or something like that. So I insisted for a similar design if not the one of my own choice. The BS had no choice but to take 3 new WG designs from their new sister shop for me to try on. Though new, the design was not really exciting, only suited my frame. :rolleyes: No choice to take the alternative choice.

    My baby ger is doing ok, her last pup did not make it. Now up in doggy heaven.

    i realli wish that i just pop into one BS n get fall in love with a gown and settle ..

    dun like all the hassle .. like doing reno wor ..

    sorry to hear abt the little ones ...

    Hey ppl, anyone wan to fly kite n picnic @ SK ?? :notti::notti:

    This open big field is just beside my blk ... rather i meant near to the SK swimming pool ...

    if things just get too hot , we jump into the pool for a cooling swimming .. haha ~



  14. Skywolf: Don't worry, just try on the gowns see which you like and flatters you. I also had no idea how to choose even though I'd been flipping through bridal magazines. In the end I tried some gowns here and there till i found one that suited my frame. (Its alot harder finding gowns to suit petite frames)

    Not every design suits the frame so you need to see what works for you than visualising it.

    Ranval: Have u booked the MUA yet? Photographer / Video that stuff?

    I like sashay, so cute.

    skywolf: i can't even have the chance to try them on ...

    everywhere needs APPT !!! Which I dun have time to go ard n wait for APPT ....

    2 words plain lazy .. :notti::notti:

    waiting for the next wedding mags ... who knows something might just caught my attention :dancingqueen:

    bunbun: how's your ger doing n her only pup ??

    MUA needs to check out ... i like my gf's , might ask that MUA. photographer ( confirm but needs to sort out

    some details with him .. coz have to pay half of whatever ranval needs. ) photograher ( BIL's camp mate and he's really good , i like his style n his video on their NS stuff )

    last but not least .. sashay is sweetie yet super remind me of summer !! !! =D

    nope the next gathering havent plan yet.

    so how? when u guys want it?

    my next roster is not out yet .. unable to comment anything or confirm any date ..
