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Posts posted by enrisa

  1. Hi all

    As I spent money revamping on the house and none on the kitchen (because they're all very new) and I can't find a built-in oven to fit into my existing cabinet - I'm now resorting to a standalone oven.

    I've no experience in buying one. Prior to buying this place, when we rented in AMK, the landlord provided us a $80 Morries oven (from NTUC) which served me well when I needed to grill salmon, roast meat, baked lasagnas.

    Surprisingly, I also made cake pops, macarons, cookies, tart base with this oven although the outcome is not entirely perfect especially the macarons (but the hubby wasn't complaining).

    So I've been wandering around aimlessly at malls checking out ovens and I'm still very blur on what's out there. I don't want to get Morries again ... but I saw a few convection ovens and I'm not sure if anyone has tried making macarons, cakes, cookies with it?

    Anyone with some awesome standalone ovens, please recommend. thanks in advance. I'll make macarons in return!! :D

  2. yeah i'm staying near the MRT. Think this weekend will be really hectic with all the cleaning, unpacking and all. hopefully it'll be smooth and i wont tear my hear out ... haha

    Is there a supermarket nearby other than the redhill market. apparently there's a 24hr sensiong market or something like that?

  3. I miss AMK quite a bit but travelling to and from AMK to CBD everyday kinda wore me out :P

    I used to live in Blk 324 for 2 years (Rented) and loved it since I was surrounded by amenities and food. The hub became my favourite hangout place on weekends, Ichiban was almost my daily dinner meal ... haha.

    But alas, the owner wanted to sell the unit (and i think he has sold it) and we moved out and bought a place of our own.

  4. Can ask the exact location of this shop you were saying

    I am planning to go Joo Chiat 5B and buy heard it is quite cheap but think they do not have fancy stuff you are looking for that

    Prune - i think its 70 bendeemer road if i recall correctly. What about Joo Chiat 5B - do you have the exact address and what do they sell?

  5. I'm wondering the same thing. Has anyone bought anything from studio 1961-? Thoughts, reviews?

    i'm thinking of buying - they have an office in raffles place, read their testimonials, seem quite good

  6. Hi all

    just wanted to get a feel of where you all shop for your kitchenware/utensils etc. I know IKEA is one option but I find that their prices aren't that cheap all the time?

    Today I was in Kallang area and on Bendeemer road there is a shop called Luzerne or something like that, I popped in and saw many teacups, mugs, plates being sold at various prices. There's a huge range of cups/plates going for $2 each.

    Any other areas? I was also at ZONE yesterday (at Raffles City, think there's also another outlet in Great World) and I love some of their quirky stuff but the prices obviously puts me off from buying them. I Wanna Go Home has nice collection but again prices are steep.

    So do share! thanks in advance.

  7. Thanks guys. I hear that HDB normally would grant deferment on valid reasons - even auspicious dates are also taken into account I hear.

    My concern is really securing JP in such a short notice - from some forums I read, it seems almost impossible to solemnize your wedding in such a short notice. not to mention trying to get a venue and all ... stress.

    charemme - can you email me the list at snappybug@gmail.com? thanks in advance!!

  8. U can try buying this standalone oven from Panasonic...42L


    * Printopens new window

    o Advanced powerful heating

    o Enhanced heat circular system

    o Big capacity

    * Features

    * Advanced powerful heating

    o Additional new grill heater

    o 5 way versatile cooking

    o Convection, Grill, Microwave. 2 level convection and combination

    o Faster cooking by 30% against previous model

    * Enhanced heat circular system

    o Heat is distributed evenly to every corner of the large oven

    o Uniform 2 level cooking

    * Big capacity

    o 42 Litres

    Don't be depress...there is always a way on solving this issue.

    Hi Jaskel - do you use this to do your baking, roasting, grilling?

  9. Hi all

    We recently bought a flat under fiance/fiancee scheme and was given the keys in early Nov 2009. So the condition is for us to produce a marriage certificate 3 months after key date which is no later than 6th Feb 2010. We've been so stressed-up over the house reno and all that we completely forgotten to file.

    ROM's website seem to indicate that earliest available date for ROM is only around first-second week of March 2010! So we're screwed :bangwall: Has anyone been in this situation before?

    The other alternative is to do our registration outside of ROM office - but that would mean trying to secure a JP/MP etc to solemnise our marriage, hotel/restaurant venue etc - so many things and we have no clue at all!

    please advise what to do? should i just do outside ROM - i'm also not approaching this alternative given there's cost involved in getting a hotel and etc. And I hear that getting a JP/MP to solemnise in such a short period is difficult.

  10. Are u intend to pay instalment fully by CPF? If CPF is used to pay instalment, u MUST buy HPS. If instalment by bankloan, then one can opt out this HPS.

    I personally do not understand the logic why there is such a rule exists(CPF HPS), time to abolish this. Whether to buy HPS ot not, should be a personally choice, regardless instalment methods. Right?

    In this case, u need to use cash to pay the instalment. Anyway, the $ in the cpf account is still your. You should approach yr MP for help - this is a policy matter.

    hi bepgof

    When i bought my place, I chosed the option to pay my housing loan instalment partially paid via CPF and cash from my own account (because CPF account was opened only recently so not enough cash inside to service the loan). Downpayment for the house was all paid fully in cash and not CPF.

    So am I still required to sign up with HPS? So does it mean that if my HPS Application is rejected - I have to pay my entire instalment in cash?! omg i'm **** sad now

  11. thanks all for your comments. I'm almost out of wits and apart from tearing my hair out, I don't think it's even possible for me to fit an oven in my existing cabinet whose depth is only 53cm. I keep asking myself who in the world would make a kitchen cabinet where the depth is non-standard!!!!! :~ I think I got angry at myself at one point for not spotting this but when you're so excited to find that one dream home of yours, i guess you tend to get caught up with the excitement and forget about these lil' things. I think its time I move on and find some other form of alternative and not drive everyone crazy over one oven :( My last alternative was to build a small island to fit it but it just makes the kitchen orientation look weird and i think ppl will think i'm crazy to blow say 2-5k for an island just to fit a 800-1k oven!

    elfettucine - may i ask which brand did you get in the end?

    Batman & Happy, thanks for the suggestion, I'll take a look.

  12. This is so depressing. We got our place recently and I've envisaged even b4 we bought a place, that I will (no matter what) have a built-in oven in my kitchen. I have even narrowed down to a model with Brandt (b4 we bought a place, i used a standalone oven which was ok but i didn't do much with it since it didn't have a lot of function). As my kitchen is fairly new, I wont be doing any reno to it.

    But I discovered the worst piece of news about 1.5 weeks ago and I'm still in denial and hoping that I will find a simple solution without further breaking my bank account. That piece of news is that no oven will fit the current space I have with my existing kitchen cabinets. :~

    I've explored other areas in my kitchen but the built in models wont fit. I think I'm giving a lot of stress to my fiance because I got so upset over the prospect of not having a built-in oven in the kitchen. I was asked casually the other day if I could work with a standalone oven unit - blasphemy! (drama right) I muttered under my own breath but ... sigh, tearing an area of the kitchen cabinet down to fit an oven seem very stupid but I love to bake and want to do my roasts, grills etc.

    Please please please tell me there's an oven out there (any brand also can lah, so desperate now) whose depth is not > 52.5cm? Most brands I've seen is 52.5cm and taking into account of the wiring and all, I think I may need a depth of 60cm or so?

    Alternatively, if anyone's using a standalone oven and does heavy baking, grills, roasts etc - let me know which brand and any comments?

  13. Hi all

    hopefully someone can help me. I'm not sure if it was this forum or another one but i remember seeing someone posting this 2 bathroom decal once which was very cute! 1 decal was stuck on the glass shower screen (with a cute cartoon of someone showering) and another on the front door (to denote toilet bowl) - i think it was along this lines - anyone know the link or where to order?
