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Posts posted by jusnel

  1. Hi,

    I guess nowadays a lot of contractors all under the IDs who act as the middleperson to give an overall package to customers.

    As for me, I had my own idea on how my new place will look like and partly to try saving some $$ so I source out my own contractor through "shopping" around my areas and by chance i met this current contractor who just finished the renovations work for one of my future neighbours! I look at the work and to make sure that he is reliable and good, I even met up with this neighbor and get comments from him! Haha..

    In the end, I engage him and now happily undergoing the renovation..so far he has been very positive and good attitude. You need me to recommend, just Pm me. Good luck! :jawdrop:


    can PM me yr contractor's contacts?

  2. Hi hi and welcome to Toa Payoh Blk 79 Kakis. Wow! I posted that comment in 2005! Old liao.

    I read till blur liao.so many comments.but very good,can learn alot of things from one another. Now looking around for ID. Mine low floor, how about you? !!

    i'm looking ard for contractor and i would like to see some of owners staying at blk 79 toa payoh, to see what kind of work had been done.

    anyone dun mind 'open house' for me to see?

    PM me..... thanks.... i'm staying at blk 153 toa payoh now......

  3. hi all,

    i happened to walk around in those toa payoh blk 79 new flats, looking at what contractors are doing to the units.

    and met this contractor; Stylish Design (SDR). their office in Kranji Road. Name of person is David Phua.

    i'm surprised that this contractor is doing 6 units together in blk 79D and 79E.

    anyone know this contractor?

    i'm looking ard in blk 79, coz i want to engage a contractor to do up my flat in Jan/Feb 08

    another thing, i know many of forumers here are staying in Blk 79 now..... would i be able to see yr units? and learn some stuff abt renovation experiences and probably get to know yr contractors also....

  4. Personally I would think its quite impossible and the agency WILL go all the way to small claim tribunal to claim against you for the remaining 1%; most big agencies have an operations manager (or something like that) who's main job is to go to small claim tribunal to make claims everyday.

    Legally you almost have no recourse and the only way is to speak to the agency for discount. However that would also be very difficult because why would they take out the piece of meat that is already inside their mouth? :sport-smiley-004:

    My suggestion is just to pay up and move on - concentrate on reno for your new flat lor, moving should be a happy affair, dun let such small money issues affect you lah...

    i think it's too late for me to add my advise on this.

    however, its still possible to pay lesser commission if the agent's service is not up to par.

    i had done it before once based on agent's lousy service.

    And another time was managed to bargain to pay less than 2% commission upon signing exclusive sale contract.

    basic rule is u are the customer and u are paying the $$. it all depends on how you talk to the agent or the company.

    if the agent really never do the paperwork for you, u have a strong case not to pay the full commission.

    of course dun say until u totally dun want to pay at all. this is bad.

    you are only want to pay lesser commission based on agent's service and other screw-ups caused by agent.

  5. Hi, interested in their bedroom set and dining table. has anyone bought from them recently? is their service and quality good? read that there are quite some bad comments, but dont' know whether recently anybody has bad experience. Please share both good and bad. Thanks!

    dun waste time buying from them.....

    one look at their items, you will see that their designs are very "cheena" and low quality materials

  6. hi

    any movers to recommend?

    i'm going to move boxes only.... no heavy appliances or machines.

    list of things to move:

    2 golf bags

    1 suitcase

    26' CRT TV

    Small TV console

    estimated 10 cardboard boxes

    1 normal iron board

    other small appliances such as floor fan, mrcowave oven etc

    no big appliances at all

    actually i only somone with a van or small pickup.... and also able to provide more empty boxes for me to use
