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Posts posted by senjahome

  1. On 5 May 2017 at 0:41 PM, Kobelala said:

    Very nice carpentry and overall feel , u managed to achieve the effect for the theme of your home !!! Well done Bro !!!!! Very nice !!!! Do u mind pm me the round cost of your tv feature wall ? I'm working on my miserable Reno budget :wacko:

    Pm-Ed you..

  2. 3 minutes ago, senjahome said:

    Quite expensive to box up and lay with tiles. I don't like to see the big piping so have to spend this money lo. the box up cost me $850. Cover up all the horizontal and vertical pipings. 

    Forgot to mention.. Have to use calcium silicate board.. 

  3. 1 hour ago, daryl78 said:

    How much did it cost u for the bathrm box up with niche? Am tinking of doing similar too

    Quite expensive to box up and lay with tiles. I don't like to see the big piping so have to spend this money lo. the box up cost me $850. Cover up all the horizontal and vertical pipings. 

  4. Long time no updates.. 

    master bathroom flooring was damage. Quickly make a phone call to my ID. ID mention due to chemical washing, that's why lo. 

    Fast fast arrange today to hack and change new floor tiles. All these done at no charge. Glad that my ID is responsible and don't push things around. 

    These are the photo of the affected flooring.. 





  5. 13 hours ago, ProGoddess said:

    I can't help but to tell you how nice your home is. Though the renovation is not completed yet, I can visualise how beautiful it will become with the finished work. The workers are definitely doing a great job for you.


    Best wishes to you and your new home! :)


    Thanks for the compliments.. It's not my workers.. Haha.. 

  6. I think most owner will be bother about Aircon trunking on How to run the pipes. I came to know this Aircon guy thru recommendations. A Nice young chap.  

    Box up was nicely done by ID. It will look like part of the wall/beam now. 

    Before pics 






    After pics







  7. The false ceiling was done last week. I don't like track lights and just one ceiling light is too dim. I want my house to be bright. So going with downlights. 

    i made a trip to JB on one weekend to purchase my lighting. It's cheaper than local here. Never mind if any piece is not working, just buy extra few pieces. 

    Can't wait for carpentry to be here next. :D





  8. It's really a old unit. The walls are so uneven. It will become very obvious am when the new coat of paint goes up. I'm in a dilemma whether to plaster all the walls. Out of budget already. 

    Anyway I did the plastering lo. i was very impressed. The walls are so smooth now.. :)





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  9. The tiles was delivered on site right after hacking. It was a shock when I saw the living floor tiles. It's so dark (due to the variation in shades). Immediately called my ID and request to make a trip down to Hafary to choose again. 

    He drove me all the way down. Spend another 1-2 hours choosing. Couldn't made up my mind, let my ID decide. 









    • Like 1

  10. Hacking was done few days after permit was approved. Didn't take pictures of hacking works thought. 

    I gonna box up all the big pipes in my bathroom and my wc will be suspended. 

    The plumbers came in the next day to run the piping. ID advise to use stainless steel piping. Because pipes will be join by the crimping method, the leakage is almost 0.01%. 




    To be continued.....

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  11. Hi to all renotalk readers,

    I have started my make over weeks ago and finally I created an account here to share the process. So far, it's an enjoyable process. From amending the 3Ds design to choosing of tiles and laminates. I'm a cool person :P the tiles and laminates are all Matt finishing. Nothing is glossy. 

    My ID brought me to Hafary to select the tiles. 

    This is floor tiles option 1. 


    This is floor tiles option 2.


    Decided for option 1 as the other looks kind of boring. :D This will be for living and kitchen flooring. ID suggest to lay 300x600 for kitchen as the exposed floor area is not much. Look nicer in this way. I'm ok lo.. Trust him.

    Mention that I'm not into gloosy finishing. My bathroom tiles will be in Matt too. 

    This will be bathroom flooring.


    This will be bathroom wall.


    I always love the idea of having subway tiles for kitchen. So I shortlisted these few, will decide after 3D is out. 





    It's a tiring day choosing the tiles. Can't imagine when it come to choosing laminates. 

    To be continued.....

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